Grace Meets Willy Wonka and t...

By PrincessRose97

4.7K 51 14

Grace was watching the movie "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory" until she was magically appeared in it a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 6

395 4 0
By PrincessRose97

The next day, A large crowd is gathered in front of the gates, including reporters and a band

"Hey, Mom, we're on TV!" Mike said "hi, everybody in Marble Falls! Hi, Billy! Hi, Maggie! Hi, Fishface! How do I look?"

"You guys ready?" The local reporter asked

"Yeah, you're on" the cameraman said

"Well, this is it folks. This is the big day, the historic day on which Willy Wonka has promised to open his gates and shower gifts on the six lucky winners. From all over the globe, people have gathered here waiting for the hour to strike, waiting to catch a glimpse of that legendary magician Mr. Willy Wonka" the local reporter said

"Hi, friends. Sam Beauregarde here" Mr. Beauregarde said "the next time you're in Miles City, Montana, don't forget to visit Beauregarde's AutoMart..."

"Cut it out, Dad; for heaven's sake, this is my show! Hi, Cornelia sweetie, I've still got it. And how's this for a stretch?" Violet said, then she stretches her gum down and lets go

"I want to go in first before anybody else" Veruca said to her dad

"Anything you say, sweetheart" Mr. Salt said

"Save some room for later, Augustus liebling" Mrs. Gloop said as she takes food away from Augustus

"Grandpa? Grace?" Charlie said

"Mmm?" Grandpa Joe and Grace said

"I don't believe it. We did it; we're actually going in" Charlie said

"We're going to see the greatest of them all: Mr. Willy Wonka!" Grandpa Joe said

The clock strikes 10. There was few seconds of silence, the door was open, Willy Wonka comes out; the crowd cheers until they see he is limping with a cane. At the end of the red carpet, he sticks the cane in the stones and performs an acrobatic somersault. The crowd applauds

"Thank you. Thank you. Welcome, my friends. Welcome to my chocolate factory" Willy said and to the ticket holders "would you come forward please?"

The ticket holders started coming to him while the crowds were cheering

"Veruca first! Get back, you! Come on, Veruca sweetheart!" Mr. Salt said

Slugworth gives the thumbs up to Charlie and Grace

"That's Slugworth! That's the one we've told you about!" Charlie said to Grandpa Joe

"Welcome. It's nice to have you here. I'm so glad you could come. This is going to be such an exciting day. I hope you enjoy it. I think you will" Willy said "and now would you please show me your Golden Tickets?"

"I'm Veruca Salt" Veruca said

"My dear Veruca, what a pleasure" Willy said as she hands her the ticket and he shook her hand "and how pretty you look in that lovely mink coat"

"I've got three others at home" Veruca said

"And Mr. Salt, overjoyed to see you, sir" Willy said to Mr. Salt as he shook his hand"would you just step over there for a minute?"

"Augustus Gloop" Augustus said as he hands him the ticket

"Augustus, my dear boy, how good to see you--and in such fine shape" Willy said as he shook his hand and Mrs. Gloop's hand "and this must be the radiant Mrs. Gloop. Just over there, dear lady"

"Violet Beauregarde" Violet said as she hands him the ticket

"Darling child, welcome to Wonka's" Willy said

"What kind of gum you got here?" Violet asked

"Charming, charming!" Willy said

"Sam Beauregarde here, Mr. Wonka" Mr. Beauregarde as he shook his hand

"My dear sir, what a genuine pleasure" Willy said

"If ever you need anything in the automotive line, just call on Sam B, phone number's on the card" Mr. Beauregarde said as he hands him his business card "with Sam B, it's a guarantee"

"I'm Mike Teavee" Mike said

"Mike" Willy said

"Wham!" Mike said he hands him the ticket and pulls his gun "you're dead!"

"Wonderful to meet you, Mike" Willy said as he shook his hand and Mrs. Teavee's hand "and Mrs. Teavee, how do you do? What an adorable little boy you have"

"Thank you" Mrs. Teavee said

"Just over there" Willy said

"Charlie Bucket" Charlie said he hands him the ticket

"Well, well, Charlie Bucket, I read all about you in the papers. I'm so happy for you" Willy said "and who is this gentleman?"

"My grandfather, Grandpa Joe" Charlie said

"Delighted to meet you, sir." Willy said as he shook Grandpa Joe's hand and sees Grace "and you must be Grace"

"Yes I am" Grace said as she hands him the ticket

"Well aren't you adorable?" Willy said as he puts his hand on her chin "overjoyed, enraptured, entranced; are we ready? Yes! Good! In we go!"

They all entered the factory and they were in the entrance hallway

"Now, hats, coats, galoshes, over here. But hurry please, we have so much time and so little to see" Willy said "wait a minute! Strike that. Reverse it. Thank you"

"When do I get my chocolate?" Violet asked

"First take off your coat, Violet" Mr. Beauregarde said

"Boy, what weird looking coat hangers" Mike said

The hand coat hangers grab the coats; the group gasps, screams and startled

"Little surprises around every corner but nothing dangerous. Don't be alarmed. And as soon as your outer vestments are in hand, we'll begin" Willy said "now. Will the children kindly step up here"

As the children were on the little stairs, he pulls back a curtain to reveal a contract

Mr. Beauregarde mutters while reading the contract

"Floods, fire, frost, or frippery?" Mr. Salt mutters through his teeth

"Accidents? What kind of accidents?" Mike asked

"I didn't know we had to sign anything for this tour" Mrs. Teavee said

"I can't see what it says in the bottom" Grace said

"Violet? You first. Sign here" Willy said

"Hold it! Lemme through here, you kids. Violet, baby, don't you sign anything there" Mr. Beauregarde stops Violet and turns to Willy "what's this all about?"

"Standard form of contract" Willy said

"Don't talk to me about contracts, Wonka" Mr. Beauregarde said "I use 'em myself. They're strictly for suckers"

"Yes, but you wouldn't begrudge me a little protection" Willy said "a drop"

"I don't sign anything without my lawyer" Mr. Beauregarde said

"My Veruca don't sign anything either" Mr. Salt said

"Then she don't go in" Willy said "I'm sorry, rules of the house"

"I want to go in. Don't you dare stop me" Veruca said to her dad

"I'm only trying to help you, sweetheart" Mr. Salt said and she pushes him to the ground

"Gimme that pen" Veruca takes the pen from Violet and turns to her dad "you're always making things difficult"

"Nicely handled, Veruca. She's a girl who knows where she's going" Willy said "Violet?"

"Wait a minute, what's all that small print there at the bottom?" Mr. Beauregarde asked

"Oh, if you have any problems, dial information, thank you for calling" Willy said "Mike? Augustus?"

"I assume there's an accident indemnity clause" Mrs. Teavee said

"Never between friends" Willy said

"Saw this in a movie once. Guy signed his wife's insurance policy" Mike said when he signed it and gives the pen to Grace "then he bumped her off"

"Clever" Willy said

"What about me, Grandpa?" Charlie asked when Augustus gave the pen to him

"Sign away, Charlie; we got nothing to lose" Grandpa Joe said and Charlie and Grace were signing

"Let's go in; come on!" Veruca whines

"Patience, patience, little dear. Everything has to be in order" Willy said and Charlie and Grace puts the pen back "everyone's signed? Yes. Good. On we go!"

"99...44...100% pure." Willy said and he pushes open the door "just through the other door please"

They rush in and then chaos came while everyone was squished

"Uh, Wonka, there's some mistake here" Mr. Salt said

"There is no other door" Mike said

"There's no way out!" Veruca said

"Well I know there's a door here someplace" Willy said as he bangs the wall to find the other door

"I don't like this, Wonka; I don't like it at all!" Mr. Beauregarde said

"Is this a trick or something, Wonka?" Mr. Salt said

"Help! Mr. Wonka, help!" Mrs. Gloop begged "I'm getting squashed! Save me!"

"Is it my soul that calls upon my name?" Willy said

"Let me out or I'll scream!" Veruca shouted

"Somebody's touching me" Mrs. Teavee said

"Now look here, Wonka" Mr. Salt

"Excuse me, question time will come at the end of the session. We must press on. Come along, come along" Willy said as he bangs the wall and found the door "ah, here we are"

"Oh, don't be a darn fool, Wonka; that's the way we came in" Mr. Beauregarde said

"It is?" Willy asked "are you sure?"

"We've just come through there" Mr. Salt said

"Huh. How do you like that?" Willy leans against the door; it opens and it was a Skewed Perspective Room

"It's all different" Grace said

"Here we are" Willy said

"What is this, Wonka? Some kind of fun house?" Mr. Salt mocked

"Why, having fun?" Willy asked

"I've had enough. I'm not going in there" Mrs. Teavee said

"Come on, Violet, we're getting out of here" Mr. Beauregarde said as everyone except Charlie, Grace and Grandpa Joe were moving back

"Oh, you can't get out backwards" Willy explains "you've gotta go forwards to go back. Better press on"

Willy walks down the hall which gets shorter as it goes on

"Hey, the room is getting smaller!" Grace said

"No, it's not; he's getting bigger" Mrs. Teavee said

"He's at it again" Mr. Salt said

"Where's the chocolate?" Mike asked

"I doubt if there is any" Mr. Beauregarde said

"I doubt if any of us will get out of here alive" Mr. Salt said

"Oh, you should never, never doubt what nobody is sure about' Willy said

"You're not squeezing me through that tiny door" Mrs. Gloop said

"You're off your bleeding nut, Wonka, no one can get through there" Mr. Salt said before he points at Grace "well except for the little girl"

"My dear friends, you are now about to enter the nerve center of the entire Wonka Factory" Willy explains "inside this room, all of my dreams become realities. And some of my realities become dreams. And almost everything you will see is eatible. Edible. I mean, you can eat almost everything"

"Let me in, I'm starving!" Augustus being impatient

"Now, don't get overexcited! Don't lose your head, Augustus! We wouldn't want anyone to lose that!" Willy said as he opened the part of the door that has a little piano "yet. Now, the combination . . . This is a musical lock"

He plays the opening to Mozart's "Marriage of Figaro"

"Rachmaninoff" Mrs. Teavee said

"Ladies and gentlemen... boys and girls..." Willy said when he shuts the little door and as the door opens "the chocolate room"

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