Itadaki no Hecate Second

By JohnPeacekeeper

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The story continues as Hecate continues to grow from an empty Priestess to a tender-hearted girl. As she deve... More

Night Before Dawn Breaks
The Other Priestess
The Scar of the First Encounter
The Difficulty of Adjusting
Personal Development
All the Same Creature
The Measure of a Whim
The Second, Who Tricked Time
A Hindered Return
The Beginning of Final Days
Day of Festivity
Gears Set in Motion
The Heart's Swelling
Something Lost
Unfettered Walk
For the Sake of Those Apart

In the Eyes of a Flickering Flame

209 5 0
By JohnPeacekeeper

The sun shone behind a single solitary figure, masking his front in his own shadow. He stood over a great, dry plain. It was a land of light brown soil and sand-like dust, once bountiful with glittering gold in old times, yet it was now just a harsh and unforgiving wasteland.

The entity tossed away what appeared to be a folder of papers, and spoke to himself; his form was small for his kind, and his voice was nowhere near deep, but it was menacing in its own right.

"So, a human brat and a sheltered Crimson Lord bitch faced off against a Crimson God and won?" As he spoke, white teeth shone from the face of the silhouette as he grinned with excitement. "I've been waiting so long for a sign, to get back at them all. It's high time a real god played his hand in the grand scheme of things."

As he turned, his front now bathing in the bright sunlight and his back covered in darkness, he felt a powerful gust of wind rush past him and flutter his poncho. Holding onto his hat so that it would not fly away, he noted that the winds were headed towards the Eastern side of the world.

Episode 1: In the Eyes of a Flickering Flame

In Misaki City lies an apartment room, with but a single inhabitant. And that inhabitant is me, Yukari Hirai.

It's weird, having no memory of your own family, or if you even had one. I can't even remember how I was raised. But I'm here now, and I know I'm me, and no one can take that away.

I won't mope about it, or look too deeply into it. All that matters is I know I'm here. And I'm going to go out, learn, and have fun with all my new friends!

It's those two again, Ike-kun and Sakai-kun, talking about guy stuff probably, or how they both managed to get into the same school. Well, there's no doubt Ike-kun would make it into any place he wanted to, he's so smart after all. I wonder if he has a girlfriend.

It's our first year as high schoolers, pretty exciting for most of us—well, probably. That bored looking guy in the corner of the classroom doesn't look too thrilled. Satou-san I think his name was. Oh, wait, he just cheered up, I guess that squinty eyed guy and Ogata-chan are close friends of his.

Oh, our first real class is about to start, lemme just take my stuff out.


What the? Did that girl sitting two desks across my left just spill all her books out all over the floor? She must be nervous. Wait, has she been here since the first day? I don't think anyone's noticed her until now. Weird, you'd think someone with the rare natural dark green would attract some attention.

If I remember right, I think her name was Fumina Konoe. She's been pretty quiet ever since we had to introduce ourselves. I guess until now she's just blended it like a piece of furniture. Poor girl, she's probably really shy. Maybe I should—

Oh, Sakai-kun's already helping her. Actually, looks like he went ahead to pick up the mess the moment it happened. Wow, Yukari, quite the attention span.

And speaking of attention, Yoshida-chan, I think I know what that look in your eyes means~

During lunchtime, while she's out getting water for her tea, I catch her in the corridor.

"So, you like Sakai-kun huh?"

Aww, she's blushing, that's so cute. Of course, we're both whispering though.

"Y-You can tell?"

"Of course, us girls have a natural sense for these things." And that's a fact!

"P-Please don't tell him or anything?"

"Of course I won't, but I have a little something else in mind." Since Sakai-kun and Ike-kun are so close, it won't be as difficult as I think if we team up. She and I know each other a little already, and she's such a nice person from what I've seen. "I was thinking, how about we help each other out? See, I..." Oh dear, am I the one blushing now? "...want to get close to Ike-kun too."

"Uhm... really? Well that sounds fair."

"Great!" Hope I didn't clap my hands on hers too hard. "I have a feeling we'll get along just fine."

"Aaah, Y-Yukari-chan? D-Do we really have to do this?"

"Come on Kazumi-chan, we won't make much progress if we don't put some of your fears to rest." Please don't make me have to drag you all the way to him.

Ah, he's right there.

He's right there.

Oh God he's right there! Oh man, oh man, is my hair okay? Cute pigtails, check. Just hope my face isn't too red. Come on Yukari, you're the one who made us do this in the first place. It's simple, just walk up to him and ask. It should be simple right? Right?!

"Uhm, I-Ike-kun?"

"Hm? Oh, what is it, Yoshida-san?"

Huh? Oh, well what do you know, she went ahead and did it. Attagirl! And smart move on your part chatting him up first with normal stuff too, wouldn't want to ask an awkward question so soon.

Oh, there's Sakai-kun just passing by the door. I wonder where he's going. Well, at least that'll relieve Kazumi-chan clamming up.

"Yeah, I heard about that too Yoshida-san. Hopefully by the time we start having our PE classes, they'll fix the lock for the girls' shower room. So, why are you two really here? As my father said, when someone approaches you, it's always with a purpose. Not that I don't like your company."

He's so nice, but so serious too~.

"U-uhm..." Kazumi-chan's face is getting red again. "Does Sakai-kun have a girlfriend?"

"Sakai?" He looks a little surprised, and a little contemplative, but I don't think he'll refuse to answer. I'm a little embarrassed to look at him straight in the eye though. Oh, d-did he just glance at me just after her?! Stare at the window... stare at the window...

Out of the corner of my eye I can see Ike-kun smile. "Not that I know of."

"I see. Could you please tell me what he likes?"

"Well, he likes good food for one thing, so that's a good place to start. But he doesn't really have a favorite kind of girl he really fancies as far as I can tell." Well that's good. At least Kazumi-chan has a chance. But I wonder what kind of girl Ike-kun would like.

He wasn't finished. "If you want my advice, though, I'd say just be yourself and put your best foot forward."

I really need to calm down and clear my head. Why in the world did I just freeze up back there? Maybe listening to some music will help.

Mami Kawada's new album SEED is out. Cool. Lemme just sample one of the tracks with this headset right here...

soshite kono sora akaku somete
mata kuru toki kono mi de susumu dake

Hehe. It really sounds thrilling. "Scarlet-colored sky", hm, wonder if I should buy it along with a few others here.

"Hey Hirai-san." Huh, I know that voice.

"Oh, hello Sakai-kun. Checking out the CDs too?"

Just a nod for an answer, then randomly picks one of those VCDs off the racks. Sakai-kun, you're a horrible actor, but it'll be fun to tease him a little.

"I didn't know you were that way Sakai-kun." Pfft, he still has no idea. "That's Brokeback Mountain."

Oh man, it's so hard to keep from laughing when he's suddenly fumbling with that thing in a panic. He even put it back face down and backwards. He's so silly, it's kinda cute.

"So, why are you really here?"

"To be honest, I was curious. I wanted to know what you were talking about with Ike earlier."

Well, it was Kazumi-chan who did all the talking. I just stood there blushing like an idiot.

"You should have told me in the first place. What I would have told you would have been the same even if you tried to catch me off guard."

"So, what did you talk about then?"

But there's no way I can just tell him what we were up to, that should be up to Kazumi-chan. I stick my tongue out at him. Cutely of course.

"It's a secret."

Aaaaaaand strategic retreat~!

"H-Hey, Hirai-san, wait up."

He chases me down the street for a while, but the next thing I know, when I look back to see if he's still after me, all of a sudden Fumina Konoe-san's by his side. Where on earth did she come from? And what's she doing here? Well, he did pick up her books for her the other day, so maybe they're friends now. She doesn't seem the type to have much of them. I guess I'll let them be for today.

Well what do you know? Sakai-kun's home is between my place and school. But what's Konoe-san doing here of all places? Is she fetching him or something? Weird.

"Good morning."

"Oh, good morning Hirai-san."

And Konoe-san just stares at me without a word. She looks kind of bored, or is that how she's like all the time? I wonder if she's mute.

"You two seem awfully close this morning. Are the two of you going out?"

Hehehe, his face just burst into so much red and he's tripping over his own speech. But for Kazumi-chan's sake, I hope not.

"No." So, Konoe-san isn't a mute after all, but maybe she's a robot. Her expression didn't change in the slightest and that was completely deadpan. Poor Sakai-kun, I think I can hear that one syllable stabbing right into him.

"I see. If you were, it would have made my choice much easier." But it'll also make it harder on Kazumi-chan. But maybe I should focus on helping her out first before she actually gets some competition. After all, when a girl has only one friend, and he's a boy, chances are it won't stay that way.

"What was that?"

Oops, did I say that out loud? Oh well, he didn't seem to get it anyway, so just like yesterday, I stick my tongue out at him.

"It's nothing. Oop! Look at the time, we're going to be late. I'll see you there!"

Hmm, besides what I thought about her earlier, I wonder if Konoe-san's as lonely as I think. She and Sakai-kun seem to know each other pretty well, but I don't think one would be enough.

She's been so quiet the whole time we've been here by ourselves at the shoe lockers. Actually, she looks like her head's somewhere else, is she thinking about something? Uuu, this is getting awkward.

"So, Konoe-san, I saw you with Sakai-kun yesterday by the CD store. I take it you were looking for something?" Put on your cheeriest smile Yukari.


She's just staring.

"Well, do you like movies? Or maybe music? I for one like the things Love Planet Five comes out with."


"Hey, how about you come hang out with Kazumi-chan and I after school?"


"Maybe we can even find that thing you might be looking for."


"...are you even alive?"

Her head just turned this way. Finally, a response! Still a little on the expressionless side but... why do I get this vibe of... sadness from her?

Wait, where are you going? Don't tell me I hit home there. Sigh. Well, looks like she does need to make some more friends.

Sakai-kun and Ike-kun are still talking together, and it looks like Kazumi-chan just joined them. I wonder what they were talking about. And it looks like as soon as we saw them, Konoe-san stuck herself by Sakai-kun again. Her eyes look somewhat deep in thought though, while her expression's the same. Is she really reflecting so much about what I said?

And if she's not willing to even talk to anyone besides him apparently, I wonder just how close she is to Sakai-kun.

Yep, pretty close, it seems.

The whole day it looks like those two have been wrestling in public. Either Sakai-kun's kind of an impulsive pervert, or he's trying to stop Konoe-san from doing something stupid. Either way it's hilarious to watch. Who knew Konoe-san had any kind of temper?

But now that I look at her eyes, Konoe-san seems a little different from yesterday. They're so... cold, chilly, and dead. More dead than yesterday. It's a little creepy.

Kazumi-chan doesn't look like she's enjoying the scene. For her sake, I hope Konoe-san doesn't actually have feelings for him and starts monopolizing his affections.

Yaaaawn. After such a fun game of volleyball, suddenly we get this dropped on us. Well, not suddenly really, but still. Hummm... why does it feel as if something's missing?

Huh? Is Sakai-kun looking at me, oh he's gesturing to look over at Kazumi-chan's desk. She's not there. I shrug at Sakai-kun, letting him know I have no idea where she is.

Didn't she follow us on the way back here? Now that I think about it, even if it were just a bathroom break it wouldn't take this long, and she'd usually tell me if she had to take a detour.

Sakai-kun suddenly stood up! He... actually looks worried. "Sensei, may I please be excused, something urgent just came up. I think Yoshida-san's missing."

"Yoshida?" Oh come on, you don't have to think about it so deliberately. "Very well, you may go look for her. But this better not be an attempt to escape classes."

Tempting as that sounds, I'm more worried about Kazumi-chan too.

"Thanks sensei." Damn, Sakai-kun's surprisingly fast.

But I'm not going to sit by while my friend's in trouble. "Wait Sakai-kun, I'll search with you."

"Yukari-chan, I was so scared, it was so dark and I didn't think... I didn't think anyone would find me..."

I hug her as close I would a sister. Not that I really ever had one... I think. "There, there, it's all fine now, Kazumi-chan."

Thank goodness she's alright. Good thing you had your knight in shining armor coming to save you from your dungeon, huh?

Still, he noticed she was gone even before I did. Pretty perceptive, and I guess he does care for her at least. That's plenty of comfort, don't you think, Kazumi-chan?

There's Kazumi-chan and Ike-kun. It looks like they got here ahead of Sakai-kun and me.

"Well, speak of the devil," says Ike-kun while looking at Sakai-kun. Apparently they were just talking about him.

"Pardon me?" Well, Sakai-kun probably didn't expect that. Let the boys talk for a bit.

"So, you got anything planned after school?"

"Nothing in particular."

Oh, are those a couple of tickets in Kazum-chan's hands? I see what's going on here~.

And without Konoe-san around too, looks like you got lucky Kazumi-chan. But we all know boys are dense, so he'll probably need a little convincing.

"Oh! That's right, sorry I had to cancel with you today Kazumi-chan."

"What?" Come on, just play along Kazumi-chan.

Just a little push in the right direction helps too, just hope I didn't slap Sakai-kun on the back too hard. "How about you go with Sakai-kun instead?"

Aww, her face went red again. Well, don't back out now. You can do it Kazumi-chan.

"Well, I have two tickets for the art exhibition today. And I was wondering, if you weren't going to do anything after school..."

"With me?" What do you know, I think Sakai-kun's finally starting to get it.

Now they're staring at each other with such flushed faces. It's so cute.

"You should go with her," I prod Sakai-kun one more time. "I'm sure you'll both have a great time together."

Hehe, and now you two look a little surprised. Got lost in your own little world for two did you? Well, looks like Ike-kun's got the right idea to leave them alone now, I better do the same. V!

You're welcome Kazumi-chan. Just hope you little date goes well.

"I couldn't have handled that better myself Hirai-san."

Ike-kun just complimented me! Yukari, do yourself a favor and try not to freak out. No matter how awkward this is gonna feel, now that you're all alone... together... with him...

"W-well, I have stuff to ask someone, so I'm gonna go ahead!"

Sigh...great, you just blew it you shrinking violet.

"So he just left you there?"

Sakai-kun, here I thought you would care for Kazumi-chan enough to at least see her home until the end of the day. What could have been so urgent?

"He said he was sorry for it. And well, the old man who was there said that he had to go do something only he could do. So, it must have been really important to him."

"But wasn't that date important to you too?"

"It was, but, I could always try something with Sakai-kun again. Yukari-chan, please don't be mad at him."

You're really a kind girl Kazumi-chan. Fine, since you asked, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. Still, I hope things'll still go smooth for the both of you.

Now that I think about it...

"So... why do you like him anyway?"

She went red in the face of course. "W-well, I don't know..."

"Oh come on, I won't tell, promise."

"N-No, I mean, I don't really know, or, at least it's not easy to explain..."

"Really? So it's not just because he's nice or determined, like the time he saved you from that dark place."

She shook her head. Well, I didn't expect that reply. "That time, just confirmed my feelings for him. But it actually started on the first day of school. Before the school entrance ceremony, I got lost finding the classroom. I was too timid to ask anyone for directions, and all I could do was wander around aimlessly. And while the crowd around me slowly vanished, I soon found myself alone with no idea what to do. But then he came up to me, and smiled. He said we were in the same class, and showed me the way. And that was it."

The whole time, her face was still red. But at the same time, she's so confident. She really is so sure she loves Sakai-kun, it leaves me in awe. And she looks so happy just remembering it.

"So even before the incident, he was already your shining knight?"

She nodded again. "When I first met him, I knew that he's the one, that's all."

I couldn't help but smile. "So it was love at first sight, or maybe even deeper?" I'm almost jealous. She makes it sound like such a grand and warm experience, I never felt anything like that before, not even with the Ike-kun I admire.

And when I reflect on that... I'm not sure if I can respond in the same way about Ike-kun. But she makes it look so... simple.

"Good morning Yoshida-san, Hirai-san."

Kazumi-chan reacted before I could. "It's Sakai-kun."

"Hey Sakai-kun. Did something happen yesterday?" Like I promised, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt, but I still want to know what was so important he'd abandon Kazumi-chan.

"Yeah." He looks like he's trying to come up with an explanation. "Sorry for leaving you yesterday Yoshida-san. I promise I'll make it up to you."

Well, he certainly looks like he's sorry. And I already know he's a terrible liar and actor, so he must mean it.

Suddenly, Fumina Konoe comes up and pinches his sleeve. Oh dear. She looks like she's not about to let him out of her sight, Kazumi-chan looks like she's gotten herself a vicious rival, and Sakai-kun looks like he has no idea what to do. Hold up, could the urgent matter he had to run off for involved Konoe-san?

"Hm? Ah! N-no! Don't misunderstand." Sakai-kun's panicking. Well, that should be a good sign, sort of, right?

"O-oh no, it's fine Sakai-kun, I understand." Kazumi-chan, that forced smile of yours... I can feel your pain right now. "We'd better get going now, or we'll be late." Wait Kazumi-chan! Don't run!

"No, you're wrong, we're not like that! Yoshida-san!" Sakai-kun freed himself of Konoe-san and chased after Kazumi-chan faster than I could turn around. I guess he does still care about her.

So I guess that just leaves me with Konoe-san. Uuu, her stare feels like icicles going through my heart.

No! I won't be intimidated. For Kazumi-chan's sake, I have to hold her up long enough for them to make up.

"U-um, I think it's a better idea to leave them be, you know?" Give her your most peaceful smile. "It would be a bother for Kazumi-chan and Sakai-kun if you were with them now."

At the same time, it might be for the best too. Like I told myself before, she needs more friends than just Sakai-kun. Now then...

"So, how'd you and Sakai-kun become friends?"


And she'd stay mute the whole way.

But it didn't stay like that for long. In the days that followed, such as that time we all had at Misaki Waterland, I couldn't help but notice her starting to become a little more expressive, and even talk a little, especially around Sakai-kun. To my surprise, she even played along with us, and didn't mind as much when I would draw her attention away from Sakai-kun to me.

Even though her face was as blank as always, she seemed like she was having fun being with us. It's a really nice thing to see when you remember just how eerie she used to be. There was also the time she and Sakai-kun had a big fight, but they were all right the next day.

She still didn't talk as much, but it was an improvement. That glare as sharp as knives have been getting less frequent too, like she's softening up, or rather, it's like seeing an ice queen defrosting. And lately, while she's done it to the others, she seems to have stopped pulling it on me. Perhaps my efforts are starting to pay off. Hopefully, she'll see us as her friends and open up a little more too.

She even tried to play dodgeball with us... emphasis on tried. She looked a little clueless about how to play.

As for Kazumi-chan, little by little she's been gradually coming closer to Sakai-kun. Everyday she's been making him delicious bentos and other good food, and sometimes shares something with us. She's been talking with him more, and doesn't blush as often as she used to as the time goes by. She's certainly becoming braver. She's been making some real progress.

Unlike me, who honestly still couldn't bring herself to even say a word to Ike-kun.

That same day as the dodgeball match, I find myself alone in the corridor after school. Our classes ended a lot earlier than usual since Konoe-san overdid it and answered the entire math formula for the whole class, so not many people would be out yet. Something tells me she didn't do it accidentally though, like she was in a hurry, but oh well.

And then... what happened after that? Did I just talk to someone while I was spaced out, or something?

I get the feeling time just passed without me knowing. And there's another feeling in me. That's right, why didn't I think about it until now? Just like Kazumi-chan might have a threat in Konoe-san, someone might go after Ike-kun while I'm so focused on them.

I haven't made any progress at all on my side. And Kazumi-chan, I thought you'd help me, after what I've been doing for you. No, I have to take the matter into my own hands. And I have to do it now.

Strange... where did all these thoughts come from...? No, they don't matter now. I have to find Ike-kun.

Found him, right here in the corridor upstairs corridor near the student council. Come on Yukari-chan, just push on. If you can't do it with the same courage Kazumi-chan's been showing, then at least be fueled by the fear that Ike-kun might end up with someone else. That's right, don't ever let that happen! You can't! You can't let anyone else have him!

And Kazumi-chan, she's becoming closer and closer to Sakai-kun while I've been stagnant. Not anymore! I'm sick of her striding ahead of me while I push her on, yet with her not pulling me along too. I want my own happiness, I want it so desperately. I'll make it happen with Ike-kun today! I won't let you get ahead of me for so long Kazumi-chan!

Before I even knew it, I take his hand and bring him into an empty classroom. He seems so surprised, he probably thinks I'm acting weird, but I won't run away, not this time.

"Ike-kun, I can't take it anymore!" I think I screamed it out. But what do I do now? It all happened so fast. Should I apologize, or explain? Should I confess to him suddenly? But what if he rejects me? No, you can't let him reject you Yukari. Say something!

He just turned his eyes away. What's with that guilty look on his face?

"I'm sorry. I didn't realize it until today, but it turns out... I like Yoshida-san."

...What? "W-Why?"

KAZUMI-CHAN?! I feel like the ground is collapsing just beneath me. Why? WHY?! After everything I've done for her sake, after everything Ike's done too. Why? He's not even looking at me.

"I'm sorry." No! Wait, don't go!

"Of all people, why her? She's already after Sakai-kun, she's already going to find her happiness with him! She can't be yours! But... But I can be your happiness too!"

That's right, she and Sakai-kun are becoming close now, there won't be room for Ike-kun, and he can be with me instead. Ow! He... he pulled away so forcefully...

"Can't be mine? Sakai's so indifferent about it anyway! I'll be there for Yoshida-san."

I haven't seen him so angry before. It's scary. Scarier than Konoe-san's most vicious glare.

How? How did things end up like this? It hurts. It hurts so much. The tears... they're flowing out, but I can't stop them. I probably look so hideous right now.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that." His voice... it's more gentle now... but it's already over. Nothing more needs to be said. "Hey Hirai-san, tomorrow... let's act like nothing happened between us."

So our friends won't be worried. I don't think it will be that easy.

He's leaving me alone now. All alone. Everyone's going somewhere and leaving me behind now. I just wish I could disappear.

We're all gathered together at lunchtime again. There's Kazumi-chan offering Sakai-kun another bento, and of course he accepts it. Konoe-san doesn't seem to react as clingy to Sakai-kun while she's doing it too, unlike before when just her talking to him made her glare. They're still changing, even by the hour. Why did I feel so happy for them before, when I myself am going nowhere? They seem so content.

But when I turn to Ike-kun, he won't even look at me. Of course, after what happened yesterday, why would he?

Being surrounded by my so-called friends being happy ahead of me right in my face, and the one I like avoiding me, I don't know how much longer I can take this.

"It's not fair..."

"Yukari-chan?" Kazumi-chan?! Why... why are you looking at me with such concerned eyes?

...What was I thinking? What kind of a friend am I? I should be cheering them on, I should be happy for them. So why am I thinking such horrible thoughts about them? Why am I so jealous? I'm such a horrible friend. I'm the worst. My life should just break and let everyone forget about me!

"It doesn't matter anymore!" I shouldn't matter anymore. I don't know what to do, so I run, and run, and keep running. I don't know where to, or when I'll stop, but I just want to get away from them.

I don't know how long I've been fleeing, or where I've been, but I can feel my legs giving in. I have to rest, maybe under that tree.

It's over. It's all over. I just ruined my friendship with Kazumi-chan... Even if she hasn't helped me, I shouldn't be complaining. Friends aren't friends to exchange favors, we should be there for each other regardless of our own selfishness. And I've been selfish. And because of my jealousy, of her happiness with Sakai-kun and advancing, I've destroyed whatever bond we've had.

And Ike-kun, he probably hates me. In the first place, why did I hold so much admiration for him? Just because he was cool, smart, and sensitive... most of the time. Well, that's probably all it has been from the beginning: admiration, nothing more. Nothing like the strong feelings of love Kazumi-chan has for Sakai-kun. I've been fooling myself...

"Hirai-san?" I know that voice, that gentle tone. Sakai-kun? What's he doing here, right beside me when we're all better off if I was gone?

"I feel so stupid. The past few days, I've been so envious of her. She's been moving forward on her own, while I was too timid to do anything. And when I've finally mustered the courage to talk to him, I find out that all this time, he's loved Kazumi-chan."

I said it without even hesitating. How could I just open up to him like that? It doesn't matter. He would know better than to be involved in this more than he should be.

"You were in love with Ike, weren't you?" I nod at his words. I can't deny it. There's nothing left for me to lose anyway.

"Are you afraid that things can't go back to how they were then?" Of course I am. I don't want to lose my friendship with Kazumi-chan, or with you and even with Konoe-san if it exists.

"Yeah, I don't know what to think now. I don't know what to do."

Huh? What's this warm feeling on my head? It's... comforting in a way, even on top of all my hair. Is this Sakai-kun's hand? It feels so big, and strong... and it... I feel less cold inside.

"I don't think it's impossible to fix." He says that with such a kind, reassuring smile. And... I feel I can believe him. Why?

"You two are pretty close," he keeps going in such a soothing tone. "Even if she found out, I doubt she'd hate you for it. As for Ike, I'll have a talk with him sometime."

That smile of his, it was so bright and warm, like the sun before an icy moon. I feel so safe and comfortable with him. Is that why I've always found it so easy to open up to him, even now? He makes me feel, like I'll never be alone, like he'll always be there for me, and won't judge me. No, not just me, it's for everyone he cares about.

In my eyes right now, he's shining, like a bright flame. The more I look at him like this, the more I finally understand why Kazumi-chan loves him so much. He isn't just smart, kind, and reliable - all those things Ike-kun could be too, if not more—I admit that even after what happened. But what's flowing through me right now, this warmth, this comfort, this sense of security, this feeling of hope he brings, I've never felt this with anyone else.

"Thank you." And I feel I can smile again. "I feel better now."

I think... I've actually always loved Sakai-kun too.

Gasp. I... I love Sakai-kun? Kazumi-chan... I'm sorry. I'm sorry to have betrayed your own love for him, when I said I would support you.

But this feeling really is different. It doesn't feel like the admiration I once had for Ike-kun. And this time, it doesn't seem like a delusion. I feel genuinely happy, like I want to run in a field of flowers. For now, I'll just enjoy the moment, and bask in this warmth.

Here she is, not too early, not too late. Looks like there's no one around who can see or hear us at the back of the school building.

"Are you feeling better?" Looks like my fears weren't well founded, she does still care about me.

"Yeah." And I prove it by showing that same smile. And it's not forced either, I'm truly much happier than the past couple of days.

"That's good."

She wouldn't call me here if there wasn't a purpose deeper than that. It seems like she's thinking about what to say to me. But, it doesn't look like she could bring herself to say something, so I'd better take the first step.

For once.

"Did you want to talk about something?"

She looks at me in the eye, but it's a determined look, and yet, has that same soft aura she usually shows. "Yukari-chan, are you beginning to have feelings for Sakai-kun?"

Oh no. So she does know somehow. Has she been watching us since yesterday? I'm so sorry Kazumi-chan. I'm so sorry I betrayed you. I don't know what to say. I can't justify my own feelings, or explain myself. I can't deny it either.

"I guess this means our alliance is broken."

"I'm sorry. It's just, now I know what you see in him. It really is something special."

Here it comes. Just take the slap and accept what's coming to you.

Huh? Did... did she just hug me? After all that's happened because of my feelings... she hugs me? But... why?

"I'm glad you see it too. Better you than someone else. Right now, I love him more than you do, but if you really have fallen in love with him too, I wouldn't mind if I lost to you." Kazumi-chan, do you really mean that? Does that mean, we're still friends even if we're against each other now?

She's let go of me, but... she's smiling such a sincere smile. "But that doesn't mean I intend to lose to you, nor to Konoe-san. Even if we're friends, may the best girl win."

She's really serious. That look on her face, it shows just how determined she is to keep us together, even while we fight for a love we share right now.

I take her hand and accept her challenge with a smile too. "Alright."

Ever since, Kazumi-chan and I have been vying for Sakai-kun's affections in our own way. At the same time, we respected each other not to get in our way. While she continued to cook for Sakai-kun, I made it a point to hang out and have fun with him as much as possible, whether Konoe-san tagged along with us or not.

Speaking of which, ever since that day that Kazumi-chan and I broke our alliance, Konoe-san's started to interact with us a lot more, besides Sakai-kun. Her glaring at us seems to have stopped entirely, she's started to show even more emotions than before, and she even talks to us now. And even before that school trip of ours, she's actually approached to play with me, sometimes even with the others in our little circle of friends.

Before we knew it, the Misago Festival rolled around.

And Kazumi-chan you're really prone to fantasizing yourself and Sakai-kun about this. Since you're so serious about it, I guess it's just right that you went with him.

In the end, her invitation was a success, and I reconciled with Ike-kun. I still remember what I've told him.

"I've decided to keep moving forward. I won't let one little rejection stop me, or even if more follow. I'll find a way to happiness somehow, someday."

Hehe, that's all thanks to Sakai-kun. Maybe next time, I'll finally get to go on a date with him. But you better confess this time Kazumi-chan, or I'll be one step ahead of you when my turn comes around~.

Dressed in my Yukata, I look back at my empty room. It feels so devoid of life without me, but where I'm going, there's going to be plenty of what this place lacks. I'm going to go enjoy myself at the Misago Festival.

Or so I thought I would.

Since I left for the Festival, no one would even notice that I'm there, even if they ran right into my face, which happens surprisingly often. I don't understand why. And besides that, I don't even feel like myself, like something's missing—like a lot of me is missing, as if a huge chunk of who I am had just been sucked away.

Sometimes... I don't even remember who I am. And that's becoming more often too, as if I were disappearing.

If that kept going, if people stopped acknowledging that I was there, I would have wanted to just vanish, fade away, since I apparently don't exist anymore to them. But for some reason, it's different for Kazumi-chan, Sakai-kun and Konoe-san, even for Tanaka-san and Satou-san. Not only do they see me, and they kept being with me like I could go out at any minute. Wouldn't that be silly?

Why would they remember a nobody who can barely even remember her own name?

Even when I'm so dull and a lot less cheery than I usually am, they're always here for me. It really means something to me, and it makes me smile knowing I won't be forgotten.

And so ended the story of a once spirited girl who lost herself, an existence known as Yukari Hirai.

One day, on her way to school, the young Torch halted in her tracks as another girl with long dark hair stood before her. Her eyes revealed a sense of strong will, and they studied Yukari Hirai intently.

"Hm, it appears as if this one is from the same academic institution as the Supreme Throne and the Mystes of the Reiji Maigo, if their uniform is anything to go by. And she's already starting to disappear. It's a wonder she's been around this long."

A deep voice spoke, when there was no one else present. The girl with long, dark hair replied to it, her tone indifferent.

"She'll do ... Anyway, she's just a Torch"

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