Death's Successor Completed.

By DanniParry

119 13 2

After the great calamity, Aerilon became split off from the rest of the magical world of Andreal. As a young... More

Chapter one The duel
Chapter two The welcoming ritual
Chapter Three Soul hunt
Chapter Four Chosen
Chapter Five Framed
Chapter Six Reunion
Chapter Seven The warlord's residence
Chapter Eight Eclipse
Chapter Nine The corrupted Market
Chapter Ten Showdown
Chapter Eleven: Contract Bound
Chapter Twelve The Leacher
Chapter Thirteen The Ambush
Chapter Fourteen Collective Nightmares
The Queen's return End of part one
Chapter sixteen Parting ways
Chapter Seventeen The Monastery
Chapter Eighteen Infiltration Shane pov
Chapter Nineteen Returning to Druantia Shane Pov
Chapter Twenty The thief's guild Racheal's pov
Chapter Twenty-One The master's secession Racheal's pov
Chapter twenty-two Enemies Gathered Shane's Pov
Chapter Twenty-Three Powers Awakened Racheal's POV
Chapter Twenty-Five Time Travel
Chapter Twenty-six The trial of the unknown
Chapter Twenty-Seven Logan's POV The traitor exposed.
Part three The tournament Chapter twenty-eight Choices
Chapter Twenty-Nine The Tournament of lore begins.
Chapter Thirty Hide and seek
Chapter Thirty-One Death match
Chapter thirty-two Becoming Death

Chapter Twenty-Four Change Three months later...

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By DanniParry

Winter vanished into nothing, the air around the Tundra Planes turned warm, ice enough to still wear snow jackets, but the subtle signs of plants and cherry blossoms emerging told the monks and Maiden Spring arrived. The fruits and vegetables flourished in the Monastery. The monks tended to their greenhouses, immersing themselves in training or prayer according to Kaiden's instruction. He wore the golden robes of the master. Having accepted the position, he oversaw Luna's training personally; she hadn't heard from Racheal or the others in a while; her link never pinned except for news reports flooding with information about the rampaging Lurkers. She checked her massages, interrupting her meditation. She tied her hair in a long braid. Since it had grown out at an unusual rate, Logan left the safety of the monastery a month ago, determined to uncover the identity of the murder. She hadn't heard anything in a while.

Luna asked Morgine to keep him safe, wondering if her payers had gone unanswered. Her heart ached for the company of Racheal and Shane. She missed them three months apart has been the longest time separated since she agreed to inhabit the tower.
The days they spent together seemed like a lifetime ago. Luna's trembling hands, which she clasped together, while she meditated near the frozen lake. She stood, approaching the thinning ice. She asked into the middle of the lake, closing her ocean blue eyes.

It coated the bare branches of the winter trees in a thin layer of glistening snow, which made them look frozen in time. It filled the distant trees with the sounds of the local wildlife as birds chirped and sang their songs. The air was crisp and cold, and Luna could smell the freshness of the snow. She heard the crunching of snow under the paws of a wolf, which caught her attention. She could feel the chill in the air, which made her shiver slightly, but it didn't detract from the beauty of the winter wonderland around her.

The icy snow melted, dripping droplets of water. Another Sign spring had arrived. The cold hardly bothered her, neither did the heat. She could bathe in the fire's warmth, but never burn her hands by the licking flames. Kaiden insisted during his lessons. He insisted on training her using one of the four basic elements.
She'd been late this morning, Kaiden suggested, outdoor training. When she meditated in order to expose her body to the harsh weather to build her resistance, Luna placed her hand against the cold ice. Branches of lightning flared out from her body, resembling wings sending her 'information about the surrounding environment. Grave, the gifted wolf given to her 'by the goddess laid by the shore, his ears alert for intruders.

The thin ice melted under her warmth; beads of sweat lined her forehead. The screaming of a cluster of Lurkers disrupted the chaotic thoughts swirling withing her mind as the serine wonderland brought a sense of calm before, they invaded. She inhaled deeply, touching the halt of the sliver dagger beneath her cloak in case they approached her. They headed east toward a settlement, which appeared two months ago.
She flicked out the sliver dagger detecting movement, goose fresh appeared on her bare arms, but she crouched, balancing herself.

The warmth spread around Luna, enveloping her in a bright orange aura that resembled puffs of white smoke. As Matthew hugged her from behind with his arms tight with tension, she felt the heat emanating from him. She flicked the dagger around the sharp blade, meeting his neck with a metallic clang. She swiftly slid out of his hold, despite taking comfort in his constant warmth.

"Glad you're safe. Your instincts never fail you, Luna. Clearly, you're in the mood for a fight? The monks were too peaceful?" Matt taunted, drawing his favoured green fluorite sword from his collection.

"The Lurkers have overtaken the capital, Azula, the outlets state they have complete control over the castle. The king, however, escaped." He blocked Luna's swift strike with her dagger. Digging his boots into the ice, he heard it breaking underneath him. He slid to a safe distance o water appeared between them.

Luna smirked, admiring his emerald eyes gleaming in the morning light. She felt a fluttering sensation in her stomach whenever their eyes met, but she whiffed her head, remembering Kaiden's words. "Family friends panthers mean nothing. When in battle, the fight is the focus."

Luna hardened her gaze, her eyes flashing orange, giving in to her true nature. She dodged the flames lashing her way; the lake melted under the intense heat, wearing away and leaving them with icicle stepping stones.

Luna jumped, avoiding the flying fireballs, and landed in the icy water. The flames singed the end of her outgrown hair, releasing a pungent smell of burnt hair. "What about the other parts of Aerion?" Luna asked.

Luna slashed at Matthew's exposed side, drawing blood that had a metallic smell. She vanished before he could swing his sword, leaving him hissing in pain, his eyes watering. The blood flowed, dripping and turning pink on the pure ice.

"This is more than a sparring match," he snarled, his voice echoing in the icy surroundings. He vanished in a cloud of steam, the sound of his disappearance like a loud hiss.

The cloud floated above the water, and he appeared behind Luna. Their weapons clashed, their blades at each other's necks as they circled one another. "Lurkers and abyss hounds are targeting cities, towns, and are spreading throughout the kingdom like a plague, stealing the magic from abundant areas. Leaving animals to decay and die, leaving them with no food sources," Matt said, his voice strained with the effort of the fight. "Estonia echoes a ghost town." he licked his lips, shoving her with his blade. Luna leaped backwards, using her enhanced agility to land on a melting sphere. "Those who survived took shelter with the mercenaries at the Warlords' residence. Or fled when the Lurkers swarmed into the village.

"Fucking hell, nothing is safe these days." Luna remarked.
She slid her boots forward, moving like the wind, swinging the dagger towards Matthew's chest' slashing his heal wound open, he screeched at the stinging pain, Luna reappeared on the shore grinning, a smile wicked and intentional.
"I gained new abilities since Kaiden's training, Luna replied proudly. "I think our fight ends in a tie, lord Drake." Luna announced. Matthew caught his breath, the icy wind leaching the warmth despite the heavy weather jacket he wore.
He reached the shore. His sizzling runes flared, providing extra warmth, but signalled he would return to the underworld in five minutes.
"Matt, remove your shirt. I need to give you another treatment. Matthew obeyed, wondering if she could control lightning without her scythe. Luna rubbed her hands together, gathering a blue spark.
She applied the raw power against the runes. His screams spooked the nesting birds, who set up nearby. They were far enough from the monastery none of the monks heard them. The white marking reappeared.
"Matthew's eyes widen. Been awhile since I experienced the shock." The runes turned onyx deactivating.
"Thanks for indulging our sparring session,"
"You're welcome. Matthew leaned against a towering oak tree, relishing the warmth emanating from the blazing fire Luna had kindled. The flickering flames cast dancing shadows on the surrounding trees, and the smell of wood smoke wafted through the air. Luna's face flushed a deep shade of pink as she thought back to the stacks of letters from the Delmora lord, each one chronicling their adventures together. She absently ran her fingers over the cool surface of the diamond ring hanging on the chain around her neck. Even though she tried to banish the despair that clung to her since she parted ways with her friends, it lingered like a thick fog. Kaiden's training could not unlock her lost memories, leaving her feeling frustrated.

Matthew cradled her in a protective embrace, returning her scythes. "As promised, safe and sound." Matthew quipped.
Luna smiled. "How far can you teleport?" She asked. Her curiosity lingered. She wanted to know more about Matt, everything about him.
He rose an eyebrow, sceptical, as he chewed on the beef jerky she offered, the snack being his least favoured thing in the world. "A vast distance. Why? What's the plan?" Matthew questioned, tilting his head.
"Visiting The Reaper Shop, a place very few living people have visited, somewhere in the Iron Swamplands. Travelling there is difficult. "Luna frowned. Matthew considered his options. He hated the blistering cold of the Tundra Planes. They stood. Mathew whistled, Grave trotted over, his warm fur ignoring the wintery winds.

Matthew envied the dire wolf. He secured Luna with a safe embrace. A tower of flames surrounded them. They appeared in the Iron swamplands. The humid air made them removed their snow jackets. "At least Kaiden is a man of his word." Matthew muttered. Slapping a mosquito trying to slurp at his neck.
Luna used her scythe, changing into her usual clothes. She missed the hood, which hid her identity. She clipped the scythe onto her belt. Luna grinned. "Your impressed with my training with an assassin?" Luna asked.

"Luna, the abyss queen has her Lurkers hunting you. For unknown reasons, be careful. However, the syndicate is aware she is travelling across Aerion right now." Blacksail has yet to release her whereabouts." Matthew warned as she clasped his hand.
"So, David, and now this immortal queen is hunting me. What else is new?" She rolled her eyes, brushing back the overgrown plants. She inhaled the humid air. Grave brushed past their legs. Leading them into the heart of the Swamplands, the area held an eerie tone. The animals were silent, feeling into the safely of the vegetation, Luna examined the prints left by an unknown dragon left in the mud.

"A dragon should be here, but the creature seems distracted or something." Luna shrugged her shoulders at Matthew. They climbed the tree roots. Grave sniffed the air. His ears prickled, sensing danger. Grave bounded ahead. They reached the mother tee, covered in waterfalls, and became the source of the tree roots.
The rainbow mists fluttered. And covered entrances to the trees, people and dryads would use the organic moment towering over Matthew's and Luna's heads as gateways to enter the faire realms, while reapers relied on portals. Even the mystical Whisper Grove had a hidden entrance in the swamplands.

Luna gaped in awe at the soft golden leaves and winged dragonflies carrying the dragon's blood fruit.
She nearly stumbled over a sitting Grave, who sat staring at the surrounding activity. He painted finding Shade recovering from the humid climate. The black frame appeared, sinking into the moss-covered bark of the tree. Two red garnet doors beckoned the travellers. Luna backed into Matthew her steadied her trembling body, she held her scythe, the sparkling transparent doors became solid.
They opened on her touch; she entered the gap, extending her hand to a puzzled Delmora Lord, who grasped it. They walked beside one another.

A golden passageway flared into existence. "This place is impossible," Matt's voice echoed, vanishing into the void.
"That is one expression for this place. A vibrant rainbow orb flowed past Luna, illuminating the dark passageway with a shimmering glow. The transparent souls that followed it whispered remnants of broken voices, their presence sending shivers down the spines of the visitors. Through a violet portal attached to an ancient browning archway, they entered an oval room. Matthew inspected the faded paintings lining the walls and roof while Luna approached the dark reception desk. She rang the silver bell impatiently, the sound echoing throughout the room.

They filled the reaper shop with healing and poisonous plants, their scents mingling together in the air. Matthew's interest was piqued by the nightshade, its deep purple leaves beckoning to him. Luna gathered the equipment she needed while he plucked a few leaves from the plant.

A mysterious guardian appeared, wearing a full set of silver armour. His blue fiery eyes squinted at the visitors, his helmet long and square with inhumane ears at the top. Luna presented her scythe, sending a spark of white lightning into a glass jaw. The guardian bowed, inspecting the weapon before returning it.

"The payment is accepted. Follow me," he said.

He led them through a silver doorway, hidden by an aging tapestry painted with the Queen of Phantoms. Golden and scarlet birds fluttered around them, spraying orbs of magical power from their tail feathers. By perching on the archway, the birds contributed to the mystical atmosphere.

He led them to the centre of the dome, where he manipulated the crystals, altering the light and exposing dilapidated stone staircases. The neglect of years had allowed vines and exotic flowers to grow over the paintings within the dome. Their petals opened when exposed to the crystal light, filling the air with a sweet fragrance. "Lord Drake, I task you with guiding Luna Cater through the three trials, with aid from the goddess Morgine. Are the terms agreeable?" the guardian asked.
"Yes, I accept."

The guardian wings fluttered, making a gentle humming sound like that of a dragonfly. Tiny green shards appeared on their wrists, the shards shimmering as they licked the lurid liquid that dripped out, splashing on the cold, rough stones. The flowers surrounding them unleashed their sickly sweet scents, spreading a dense black smoke that made it hard to breathe. The crystals scattered around them emitted a soft, guiding light that illuminated their path. An object hovered above their heads, emanating a calming warmth that bathed the dome in a harsh orange sunset. They shielded their eyes from the blinding brightness, feeling the heat on their skin. Suddenly, the ground beneath their feet crumbled, and they plummeted into the swallowing darkness, feeling the rush of air and the weightlessness of their bodies.

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