Broken Bonds aren't So Easily...

By greenielove04

42 0 0

In a world where trust is fragile and relationships hang by a thread, Viggo must prove himself to an old frie... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two

Chapter Three

3 0 0
By greenielove04

The sounds of clanking metal and the roars of dragons filled the cave creating an atmosphere of fear and pain. The young leader of the dragon hunters leaned over her desk reanalyzing the maps and notes. Finding nothing new she let out a scream of frustration startling the commander that had come to relay his report.

Clearing his throat he earned the attention of the brunette. "Kelda, our scouts have returned and have confirmed that Viggo is indeed on Drakeholm Isal."

Kelda's eyes narrowed, a mix of anger and determination flashing across her face. "You were right again Chief Haldor. I'll make sure that snake pays for what he's done." A sinister smile made its way onto her face as she continued quietly talking to herself.

The commander hesitated for a moment before continuing, "They seem to be preparing for something. Our scouts couldn't gather much information, but it appears they're aware of our presence."

Kelda slammed her hand on the table, her frustration boiling over. "No more games. Gather the troops. We strike at dawn. I want Viggo captured, and I want that island under our control. We'll crush any resistance and secure the dragons for our operation!"

The commander saluted and quickly left the tent to carry out Kelda's orders. Alone in her makeshift command center, Kelda took a deep breath, her mind racing with thoughts of revenge and conquest.

Meanwhile, the infiltration team led by Viggo and Brynhildr carefully approached the eastern entrance of the enemy base. The cover of darkness and the natural terrain allowed them to remain undetected so far. Stormwalker, with his sleek scales and silent movements, blended seamlessly with the shadows, making their approach even more covert.

As they neared the entrance, Brynhildr signaled for the team to halt. She crouched down, surveying the area for any signs of guards or patrols. With a series of hand signals, she communicated the plan to the team members. Stealth was their ally, and they moved with the precision of a well-trained unit.

Viggo's heart raced as they reached the entrance. The memories of his past deeds threatened to resurface, but he pushed them aside, focusing on the task at hand. The team infiltrated the base silently, avoiding any unnecessary confrontation.

Inside the cave, the sounds of clashing metal and the distant roars of captive dragons echoed. Viggo guided the team through the twisting passages, relying on his knowledge of the layout. The goal was to reach the leader's tent and gather crucial information before the enemy struck at dawn.

They approached the darker corner where the tent stood, and Viggo motioned for the team to take positions. Stormwalker, perched on a ledge overlooking the area, maintained a vigilant watch. Brynhildr, with her hand on the hilt of her sword, nodded to Viggo, indicating that it was time to proceed.

As Viggo cautiously opened the flap of the tent, he caught a glimpse of Kelda immersed in her maps and plans. The room was dimly lit by a single lantern, casting eerie shadows on the walls. Looking around he tried to map out a way to gather the information needed without being spotted by the young women.

Viggo silently moved through the tent, avoiding creaky floorboards and staying in the shadows. His eyes darted between Kelda and the scattered papers on the table, it would be impossible to get a hold of the parchments while Kelda was still inside the tent, and if she was anything like how he remembered her she wouldn't be leaving anytime soon.

"Ah, Viggo. How nice of you to turn yourself in," Kelda said, her eyes never leaving the maps. Viggo froze, his hand still gripping the flap of the tent. He hadn't expected Kelda to sense his presence so quickly. The tension in the air was palpable as he considered his next move.

"Kelda," he began, trying to keep his voice steady, "I think we can come to an arrangement. There's no need for unnecessary bloodshed."

Kelda slowly looked up from her maps, her eyes locking onto Viggo. A resentful frown was the only sign of emotion she showed. "An arrangement? After all you've done? You're in no position to negotiate, Viggo."

Brynhildr tensed beside him, her grip on her sword tightening. The other members of the infiltration team shifted, ready for any sudden movements. Viggo raised his hands in a placating gesture, choosing his words carefully. "I understand your anger, Kelda. But understand that I have no intention of bringing you any harm."

"That's rich coming from you. Is that how you felt about Ryker when you let the dragon riders kill him? He was our brother Viggo and you betrayed him!"

Viggo sighed, a hint of remorse flickering in his eyes. "Ryker made choices that led to his own downfall. Just as I'm making choices now. There are forces at play beyond your understanding, Kelda."

Kelda stood up, her gaze piercing through Viggo. "Save your excuses for someone who cares. You betrayed your own kind, and now you're here to manipulate and deceive again. Asgeir lock up our prisoner. The rest of you don't let the others escape, I don't care if you have to kill them!"

Asgeir, one of Kelda's trusted lieutenants, moved forward with shackles in hand. The tension in the tent escalated as Viggo reluctantly allowed himself to be restrained. Outside the tent, Brynhildr and the rest of the team were struggling to hold off the hunters.

Viggo maintained his composure, his mind working quickly to assess the options. "Kelda, I'm not your enemy here. If you just listen to me I can help you get rid of Haldor."

Kelda let out a bone-chilling laugh, grabbing Viggo by his face. "You never have been able to outsmart father, have you? These symbols," gesturing to the banners in the tent, a devious smile played on Kelda's lips. "This was all a ploy to get you closer. I have never stopped working with our father because unlike some people I stay loyal to my family."

Viggo's eyes widened in realization as Kelda's words sank in. The sense of betrayal cut deep, and he struggled against the restraints, his mind racing to comprehend the extent of the deception. "You... you were playing me all along?"

Kelda smirked, releasing Viggo's face and stepping back. "Oh, Viggo, you were always the arrogant one. Thinking you could outwit everyone. But you underestimated the power of family loyalty. Father knew you'd come, and he knew how to use your weaknesses against you."

Asgeir secured the shackles around Viggo's wrists, rendering him powerless. The infiltration team outside the tent fought fiercely, realizing the gravity of the situation. Brynhildr, surrounded by enemies, glanced towards the tent, her eyes reflecting a mix of concern and determination.

Kelda circled Viggo, her tone dripping with disdain. "You thought you could manipulate me into turning against my father? No, Viggo. I am my father's daughter through and through. And now, you'll face the consequences of your betrayal."

Viggo remained defiant, his gaze unwavering. "You may think you've won, Kelda, but you've only deepened the divide. Haldor's thirst for power will consume everything, including you. You may be loyal now, but you'll see the truth eventually."

Kelda chuckled, dismissing Viggo's words with a wave of her hand. "Save your speeches for someone who cares, traitor. The executioner awaits, and soon Drakeholm Isal will be under the rule of Chief Haldor."

As Kelda gloated, the atmosphere in the tent grew heavier. Viggo's mind raced, considering every possible escape plan. The sound of clashing outside intensified as Brynhildr and the infiltration team fought desperately against overwhelming odds.

The tent flap opened abruptly, and Chief Haldor entered, his imposing figure casting a shadow across the room. His eyes locked onto Viggo with a mix of triumph and contempt. "Well, well, Viggo. It seems you've fallen right into my hands. Did you really think you could outsmart me, your own father?"

Viggo's jaw clenched, but he remained silent. The revelations about Kelda's betrayal stung, but he refused to show weakness. Brynhildr, restrained and outnumbered outside, exchanged glances with her comrades, silently urging them to continue the fight.

Haldor circled Viggo, his voice dripping with condescension. "You always were a disappointment, my son. Betraying your own kind for what? Power? Greed? It matters not. You will pay for your treachery."

Asgeir, under Haldor's command, prepared to escort Viggo out of the tent. The situation seemed dire, but Viggo's mind worked feverishly, seeking a way to turn the tables. He needed a distraction, a moment of chaos to seize an opportunity.

In that tense moment, a sudden roar echoed through the cave, cutting through the heated exchange between Viggo and Haldor. The ground trembled as if responding to the roar of a powerful dragon. Everyone in the tent, including Kelda and Haldor, turned toward the source of the disturbance.

The roar was accompanied by the clatter of metal and the distinct sounds of a battle escalating outside the cave. The dragon hunters, who were moments away from taking Viggo away, hesitated, their attention diverted by the unexpected chaos.

Brynhildr, seizing the opportunity, broke free from her captors and swiftly moved towards the tent. The infiltration team, emboldened by the distraction, fought with renewed vigor against the hunters. The cave echoed with the clash of weapons, roars of dragons, and the chaos of battle.

Viggo, taking advantage of the confusion, used his agility to slip out of Asgeir's grip. He ducked and weaved through the chaos, making his way toward the tent's exit. Kelda, realizing the situation spiraling out of control, drew her sword and rushed into the fray to restore order.

As Viggo reached the entrance, he spotted Stormwalker, who had sensed the commotion and was ready for action. With a swift movement, Viggo turned towards one of the hunters lifting up his arms so that the enemy's weapon broke the chains around his wrists. Moving away from the swipe of another hunter Viggo mounted the dragon's back. The unexpected arrival of a dragon during the battle added another layer of chaos, causing panic among the dragon hunters.

Viggo, now atop Stormwalker, surveyed the battleground. The dragon's powerful wings unfolded, creating a gust of wind that sent loose papers and maps flying in all directions. Kelda, furious and determined, fought her way through the skirmish to confront Viggo.

"Viggo, you won't escape this time!" Kelda shouted, her sword drawn. Viggo met her gaze with a steely resolve, the sword gifted to him by Elinor now unsheathed. Stormwalker, sensing his rider's determination, roared defiantly, challenging the chaos around them.

The battleground was a whirlwind of clashes, screams, and the roars of dragons. Brynhildr and the infiltration team fought fiercely to gain control of the situation, facing off against Kelda's forces. Viggo, atop Stormwalker, locked eyes with Kelda, both aware that this moment could determine the course of the conflict.

Kelda charged towards Viggo, her sword slashing through the air. Viggo deftly parried her attacks, his movements fueled by a combination of skill and desperation. Stormwalker unleashed a burst of lighting, creating a temporary sense of unease in Kelda.

"Kelda let him go. The tide of battle is not in our favor today," Haldor called to his daughter calmly walking onto the headship of the hunters' armada.

Kelda glared at her father, torn between her loyalty to him and her desire for revenge against Viggo. The chaos around them intensified as the battle raged on, with both sides fiercely locked in combat. The dragons in the cave roared, their cries echoing through the chamber.

Viggo seized the opportunity presented by the distraction caused by Stormwalker's lightning. With a swift motion, he maneuvered the dragon, avoiding Kelda's relentless attacks. The infiltration team continued to push back the dragon hunters, gaining ground in the tumultuous fight.

Haldor watched the unfolding conflict with a calculating gaze. "Kelda, we need to retreat. The dragons are turning against us. We'll regroup and plan our next move. Viggo will not escape our grasp."

Kelda hesitated, torn between her desire for vengeance and the reality of the situation. The once-unified front of the dragon hunters was crumbling under the unexpected turn of events. The cave, once a stronghold, became a battleground where the roar of dragons and the clash of swords intertwined in a chaotic symphony.

Viggo, still atop Stormwalker, assessed the situation. The distraction provided by the chaos allowed him to gauge the weaknesses in the enemy's defenses. The dragon hunters, disoriented and struggling to maintain control, were vulnerable.

Sensing an opportunity, Viggo directed Stormwalker to unleash another burst of lightning, creating further confusion among the dragon hunters. Brynhildr and the infiltration team exploited the moment, pushing forward with determination. The tide of the battle shifted, and the dragon hunters found themselves on the defensive.

Kelda, realizing the precarious position of her forces, reluctantly signaled a retreat. The remaining dragon hunters, including Haldor, fought their way out of the cave, leaving behind the chaotic battleground. Stormwalker's presence and the determination of the infiltration team had turned the tables, securing a temporary victory for Viggo.

"Hey, they must not be that smart because they accidentally left behind King Ragnar," one of Brynhildr's men shouted as the team searched the cave for any possible trace of plans that may have been forgotten.

Viggo, still atop Stormwalker, looked out at the horizon where the hunters' ships had fled. "No, Haldor does not do anything on accident, he wanted us to think we won. Brynhildr, escort Ragnar home, I'm going to see if I can find any more information."

"With all due respect, Princess Elinor instructed me to ensure the safe return of everyone, and that includes you Grimborn," Brynhildr said matter-of-factly, making clear she was not going to take no for an answer.

Viggo nodded, acknowledging Brynhildr's commitment to her mission. "Very well, Brynhildr. Let's regroup and assess what information we have. There's more to this than meets the eye, and we need to stay one step ahead of Haldor's schemes."

As the team returned to Drakeholm Isal Elinor ran to embrace Ragnar with tears in her eyes, Catching sight of Viggo she mouthed her thanks to him. The atmosphere in the village was a mix of relief and tension. The battle against the dragon hunters had taken its toll, but the unexpected assistance of Stormwalker and the other dragons had turned the tide in their favor. Elinor embraced Ragnar, grateful for his safe return, but her eyes conveyed concern for the challenges that lay ahead. Only the gods could say what would happen next.

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