Broken Bonds aren't So Easily...

By greenielove04

43 0 0

In a world where trust is fragile and relationships hang by a thread, Viggo must prove himself to an old frie... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three

Chapter One

25 0 0
By greenielove04

The sounds of the cave and the occasional growl from the skrill were the only things distracting Viggo from the searing pain in his back. As he stumbled out of the cave, using the wall as support. Viggo gritted his teeth, determined to escape the cave despite the pain. The skrill's growls echoed, heightening the tension as they entered the unknown. He had to think of somewhere to go, somewhere that was safe for not only him but also the skrill. He definitely wasn't going anywhere near Hiccup and the other dragon riders, there was no reason for them to know he was still alive. He couldn't go back to his home island, no doubt they would have heard about everything he did to help the riders and would not welcome him back, plus he would be leading the skrill right to his death. There was only one place he could think of and he wasn't certain they would even take him.

Viggo was broken from his thoughts when the skrill nudged his free hand. Viggo rubbed the skrill on the head giving him a reassuring smile. Despite the pain, he pressed on, contemplating his limited options for refuge. The bond with the skrill offered a momentary reprieve, a connection amid uncertainty.

As the two exited the cave the harsh light from the sun temporarily obscured Viggo's sight making him feel even more vulnerable. If it weren't for the fact that he wanted to get the skrill to safety he probably would have just lied down and let the sweet relief of death take him.

Climbing on top of the skrill, Viggo held tight and led him to a secluded island few even knew existed. During the flight, he could feel himself slipping in and out of consciousness and wasn't sure if he would make it.

As the skrill landed on Drakeholm Isle Viggo collapsed into the dirt, the last thing he saw before blacking out was the flow of elegant robes as someone ran towards him.

As Viggo awoke he was greeted by the sounds of hushed discussion. Wincing in pain, he sat up looking around at the room he was in. It was clearly an infirmary, but what caught his attention was the group of people who stood in the corner clearing talking about him. As he tried to move he let out a groan catching the attention of the other three.

Turning to address him, the elderly lady gently laid Viggo back down. "Don't move too much, you might reopen your wounds."

Viggo winced but nodded in acknowledgment, grateful for the care. The elderly lady's eyes softened as she continued, "You've been through quite a lot, my dear. We found you and your magnificent companion on our shores. The skrill seems to trust you, and that speaks volumes."

Viggo managed a weak smile, still processing his surroundings. The others in the room exchanged glances, and he could sense a mix of concern and wariness in their eyes. The elderly lady introduced herself as Elder Amelia, the healer of the village. "You're very lucky we found you. If it had been a minute later you might have died."

"He's lucky Elinor found him, I would have left him there," One of the others scoffed, his voice laced with venom.

"Ragnar I understand why you feel that way. Trust me no one was more hurt than I was, but I was not just going to let him die." Viggo looked over at Elinor, a wave of guilt washing over him upon hearing her mention the past.

"Why not? He knew about our devotion to dragons and yet he still tried to continue business with us after he and Ryker used that gronkle for their own profit." Ragnar was now steaming with anger, pointing an accusatory finger at Viggo and yelling in his face.

Viggo winced not only from the physical pain but also from the verbal assault. He took a deep breath before responding, "I understand your anger, Ragnar. What I did in the past was wrong, and I can't change that. But I genuinely want to make amends, not just for myself but for the skrill as well. I've realized the error of my ways, and I want to help protect dragons rather than exploit them."

Ragnar's expression remained fierce, but Elder Amelia intervened, her voice calm but firm. "Ragnar, everyone deserves a chance for redemption. We cannot deny that the skrill chose to trust him, and that means something. Viggo, if you truly wish to change and contribute positively, you'll have to earn the trust of our community. Actions speak louder than words."

Viggo nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "I'm willing to prove myself. I know I've caused pain, but I want to make things right. Not just for me, but for the dragons and those who care about them."

The room fell into a tense silence, the weight of Viggo's past actions hanging in the air. After a moment, Elinor stepped forward, her expression more composed than before. "I'll keep an eye on him, Elder Amelia. If he tries anything, he won't get far."

The elderly lady gave a slight nod of approval. "Very well, Elinor. But let's give him a chance. We are a community that believes in redemption and forgiveness. Viggo, you have a long road ahead of you, but if you're sincere, you may find a place here."

As Viggo closed his eyes trying to get some rest he could feel the tentative stare of Elinor. "What are you thinking?" Viggo didn't even open his eyes, as Elinor struggled to get the words out. And then without warning her hand was gently placed on his scare.

"What happened?" Viggo hesitated, she sounded so concerned when she asked. She didn't need to be concerned though because even if they were still on good terms it was his own stupid desire for power that had caused his face to be disfigured.

Viggo took a deep breath, deciding to be honest with Elinor. "It's a reminder of my past mistakes. I paid the price for my greed and ambition. If I hadn't gone into that volcano after the Dragon Eye..." Viggo trailed off his thoughts replaced with the memories of the pain caused by lava spuing onto the left side of his face.

Elinor's gaze softened, and she withdrew her hand gently. "You made some terrible choices, Viggo. But I suppose we all have our scars, some just more visible than others."

Viggo nodded in agreement, feeling a mixture of regret and acceptance. "I've come to realize the true cost of my actions. I'm not seeking sympathy; I just want a chance to make amends and prove that I can change."

Elinor sighed, her demeanor softening further. "You'll have to earn trust, Viggo. It won't be easy, and I won't forget what you've done. But if Elder Amelia believes in your potential for redemption, I suppose I can try to keep an open mind."

Viggo acknowledged her reservations with a nod. "I understand. I don't expect forgiveness overnight. Actions, not words, will determine where I stand in this community."

As he closed his eyes to rest, Elinor hesitated before speaking softly, "Just don't betray our trust again. Dragons mean everything to us, and we won't let anyone harm them."

Viggo opened his eyes to meet hers, a sincerity in his gaze. "I won't. I've learned the hard way what happens when you exploit dragons. I want to ensure their safety now."

"Right, well I will let you rest now," Elinor said, and for a moment Viggo could have sworn he saw a glimpse of longing in her eyes. She had always been one to hold onto the past and her emotions.

The room fell silent once more as Elinor retreated, leaving Viggo alone with his thoughts. He looked over to the corner where the skrill was curled up, finally relaxed knowing that Viggo was safe. "You should give him a name, I don't think he will be leaving your side anytime soon." Viggo turned to Elder Amelia who was busy mixing up various plants.

Viggo considered her suggestion, realizing that the skrill deserved a name after the loyalty he had shown. "Stromwalker seems like a fitting name for such a magnificent creature." The older women simply hummed in amusement before forcing a cup of green liquid down Viggo's throat.

Stromwalker. The name resonated in the hut, a connection formed between dragon and human, a bond that transcended the turbulent history Viggo carried. As he drifted into a healing sleep, Viggo couldn't help but feel a sliver of hope. The challenges ahead were immense, but the opportunity for redemption lay before him.

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