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็”ฑ f4iryneoo

39.7K 1K 141

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author's note
twenty one
twenty two
twenty three


1.3K 40 3
็”ฑ f4iryneoo

the next few weeks had fast of the first-years practicing on the gauntlet.

amelia had taken bodhi's advice on the chimney and shared it with violet because she was also having trouble with it as well.

rhiannon and amelia had just finished with the gauntlet and were waiting for violet to also finish. it amazed everyone just how smart she was to use her knife to help her.

garrick, xaden, and bodhi were watching the first-years but bodhi mainly had his eyes on amelia who was cheering on violet as she finished.

" you did it! " rhiannon exclaimed and hugged violet as she finished the chimney.

" i'm so proud of you " amelia said joining in on the hug.

" luck " violet said finally feeling like she could breath properly. " and adrenaline "

rhiannon and amelia smiled at each other before letting violet go. amelia was happy that no one else in her squad ended up dying, okay maybe she wanted luca and tynan to fall.

" cheating! "

amelia looked around for whoever said that and noticed it belonged to amber mavis the wingleader from third wing and dain's ex girlfriend.

" back the hell up, mavis " garrick threatens, his sword flashing in the sunlight.

xaden and bodhi had stepped foward as well, they weren't to kneen with people calling their squad members cheaters and especially with violet being amelia's friend.

" the cheater clearly used foreign materials not once but twice! " amber yells. " it's not to be tolerated! we live by rules or we die by them! "

amelia rolled her eyes, she thought amber was annoying as hell with all the rule following. no wonder why her and dain used to go out.

" i don't take kindly to calling anyone in my section a cheater " garrick warns, blocking amelia and violet's view. he knew it was only a matter of time before amelia would say something sassy.

amelia was already glaring at amber, xaden looked at amelia and motioned to the girl. almost saying he was wanting her to say some sassy remarks towards amber.

" and my wingleader will handle any rule-breaking in his own wing " garrick said moving out of the way so xaden could speak.

" sorrengail? " xaden said looking at violet.

" i expect a third-second penalty for using the rope " violet answered.

amber was pissed off at this point, " and the knife? " amber's eyes narrowed. " she's disqualified " when xaden doesn't answer, she turns that glare on him. " surely she's out! you can't tolerate lawlessness within your own wing, riorson! "

" you're just pissed off because she was smart enough to think of using the rope and knife. no need show how jealous you are " amelia said rolling her eyes.

amber glared at amelia, " you have no say in his business, this is between us leaders so stay out of it " she barked at amelia.

" actually, this is my business because you are calling my squad member a cheater and last time i checked you aren't my squad leader or wingleader so i don't have to listen to you. unless your name changes to xaden, garrick, or dain then don't take that tone with me " amelia said.

as of now amber and amelia were in each others faces, " also, your ex boyfriend liked me better "

" at least i can get a boyfriend "

" at least i can keep one, unlike you and your shit personality. it's okay to admit that you are miserable human to be around and with, there is no need to take it out on violet " amelia titled her head.

amber huffed, " oh please, who would date someone like you? "

" i could ask you the same question and if you want me to answer then you can just talk to dain. he knows a lot about dating me " amelia winked at her.

amber was pissed when amelia said that, " at least dain is better looking then whatever poor guy ends up dating you now "

" i don't know, you would be eating those words when you see him "

garrick pulled amelia way, if they let them continue then it would never end. " that's enough, mavis "

violet had realized what amelia said and looked at her, bodhi at the same time was shocked that she said it. he shot her a look, which basically said, that's my girl.

" a rider may only bring to the quadrant the items they can carry- " violet started to say while standing next to amelia.

" are you quoting the codex to me!? " amber shouts.

" -and they shall not be separated from those items no matter what they may be," she continues. " for once carried across the parapet, they are considered part of their person. article three, section six, addendum b "

her eyes flare wide. " that addendum was written to make thievery an executional offense "

" correct " violet nods. " but in doing so, it gave any item carried across the parapet the status of being a part of the rider " she continued. " this isn't a challenge blade. it's one i carried across and therefore considered part of myself "

xaden, garrick, and bodhi looked at each other amused, violet was right it was all thanks to being a scribe for years.

" she has you, amber " xaden finally says.

" on a technicality! "

" she still has you "

amber was hella pissed that violet had won, " you think like a scribe " she barked at violet.

" i know "

amelia smiled as amber was starting to walk off, " maybe you can find a better personality while you're at it  " she said one last time.

" screw you, elsher "

amelia and violet laughed at amber's pissed off face, " sorrengail " xaden says looking at violet. " you're leaking " his eyes looked towards her hand.

blood was dripping from her fingertips, " fix it " xaden ordered.

violet had made her way towards rhiannon to help her patch it up, which left amelia with the boys.

" so are you finally going to listen to me as wingleader, troublemaker " xaden said looking at amelia. he was thinking about what she said earlier to amber.

" you can keep dreaming, not going to happen " amelia said teasingly and smiled at him before walking away.

xaden just shook his head, " don't be causing trouble " he said to her. " no promises " she said back.


rhiannon and violet were interrogating amelia, it wasn't forgotten what she said to amber.

" i'm not seeing anyone " amelia said for the hundredth time that night.

all three girls were in the gym, in a couple of days they would be starting challenges again so they were helping violet get ready.

" i know what you said to amber, you are seeing someone " violet said.

" yeah and where do you go every night when its curfew? " rhiannon said.

that's when an idea popped into rhiannon's head, " oh my, are you fucking liam?! " she shouted.

amelia slapped her forehead, " no! " amelia shouted back.

" you have to be fucking someone, maybe it's xaden " violet said.

" oh no " amelia said grossed out that she would say that. it wasn't gross in the sense of amelia thought he was ugly but more so he reminded her of her older brother at home.

rhiannon stopped to think, " wait, is it garrick? " she said because amelia had starred at garrick a couple of times in the past.

" not him either " amelia said fixing her boot.

the door opened and a couple of the marked kids had entered the gym, they were probably also practicing.

one of them was maeve, who was really the only marked kid who didn't give amelia and violet glares. she walked up to the girls who was practicing their skills.

" h-hi, i was hoping if you could help me. i'm nervous about the challenges soon " maeve said shyly.

amelia, violet, and rhiannon looked at each other and nodded, she had red hair and was super soft spoken. she kind of reminded them of sawyer because of her freckles that were all over her face.

" sure, we can help you " amelia smiled at her.

the door opened again and more marked kids along walked in. among them was imogen. it was perfectly legal for them to be in the gym at the same time because amelia, rhiannon, and violet were there and it wasn't considered a meeting.

" maeve, come train with us " a marked kid said, she was shooting glares at the three girls.

" no, thank you. i'm going to train with them " maeve said quietly.

sawyer and ridoc also joined the girls, " okay, maeve the best way to make someone tap out is finding their weak spot " amelia said.

she was using sawyer as an example and kicked the back of his knee, " ouch " rhiannon said wincing at sawyer on the floor.

" don't break anyone's bones please " violet said to amelia who patted sawyer's head.

" sorry " she said.

imogen approached the group, her facial expression was still the same until she was in front of amelia.

" i heard about what happened in the room " imogen whispered to her. bodhi had only told imogen apart of what happened with charlie.

amelia smiled, " and what do you think? "

" good, it was about time that she learns not every guy is going to go crawling to her when she calls them " imogen said. " have you told the others? "

imogen was mentioning her friends, who were still teaching maeve. amelia shook her head, she honestly didn't know why she was so scared to tell them.

" you should, someone probably by the name of charlie is going to leak it "

amelia nodded as imogen walked back to the marked kids, she felt bad about not telling them especially when she had the chance to tell rhiannon and violet when they were asking about it.

after a few more minutes of teaching maeve, the group decided to leave as the young marked girl went back with the others.

they all walked out of the gym when amelia noticed a lot of people were starring at her as they walked towards the courtyard.

" why is everyone starring at me? do i have something on my face? " amelia said to rhiannon.

she shook her head, that's when amelia realized what might be happening.

" hey amelia, what's it like sleeping around with bodhi to get protection? " luca said coming up to her in the hallway.

just like imogen had said earlier, charlie had leaked to everyone about amelia and bodhi's relationship.

" screw you " amelia said rolling her eyes and walking away.

" is that who you are spending nights with? " violet said looking at her friend.

amelia nodded, " but we aren't sleeping together and it's not for protection each other "

" why didn't you tell us? " rhiannon said, none of them were mad just confused as to why she kept it hidden.

" honestly, because it's very new and wasn't sure of it " amelia said.

sawyer tilted his head, " how did charlie know of it? "

" on the first night, she came to his room to get laid by him and i just happened to be there then i pissed her off. she wanted to get back together again with him "

ridoc looked at her, " well girl, teach the bitch a lesson "

sawyer, violet, and rhiannon nodded in agreement, charlie was most likely in the dining hall. all of them marched towards the hall which was crowded with first, second, and third years.

xaden, bodhi, liam, and garrick were also there eating when amelia marched in with her friends behind her. the hall got quiet as soon as she walked in and by the look in her eye they knew she was pissed.

by now liam, xaden, and garrick had already heard the news and looked at bodhi as amelia walked up to charlie. " hey, what can i help you with "

amelia looked around and cussed to herself, she couldn't do anything physical because it would get her in trouble but she could threaten her.

" if you ever leak info about my life again and on top of that make up lies, i will fucking kill you " amelia said getting into charlie's face.

she turned around, her blonde hair following her movements and then the jackass was going to approach her when all she did was give him a glare.

this wasn't her normal glare, but one that said if he approached her then she would lose her shit. not to mention bodhi was also giving him a glare that scared him shitless.

" i can't believe you kept the relationship hidden for so long " liam said.

" we knew this would happen which why we didn't want it to get out " bodhi said, he was now worried about amelia.

he was worried that people would make up more lies, worried that she would get sick of it and dump him for someone who wasn't high in ranks. worried that people would target her because of who he is.


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