Devotion In Ink - JJK

Por digistarr

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"C'mon, a few kisses won't ruin anything." "That's against the rules, though." "Rules are meant to be broken... Mais

Devotion In Ink: Prologue
1. Not So Warm Welcome
2. Shades of Colour
3. A Proposition
4. Terms and Conditions
5. Night To Remember?
6. Empty Glasses
7. Here Comes The Ex
8. Blurred Lines
9. Elbow Grease N' Love
10. Parallel Lines - Meeting?
11. The Long Game
12. Feeling The Burn
14. Psychoanalyse, Much?
15. Air It Out
16. Total Eclipse Of The Brain
17. How To Pretend 101
18. A Decree From The Stars
19. Closing The Distance
20. Dreams *Come* True
21. New Rules
22. Ruse Of A Broken Lollystick
23. Misery Loves Company

13. The Little Things

1.5K 88 38
Por digistarr


Muscles yearning for some sort of relaxation, you work a lazy shift. With your office being fully ventilated after mild reconstruction, your day's filled with prodecure templates, printing new flyers and looking over client agreement forms. Time seems to trudge forwards with no sign of accelerating, and as bored as you are, you're glad you don't have to do much legwork. Jungkook really did a number on you.

You actually wonder what he's doing right now, if he's just as worn out as you are. Doubt it, this man practically lives with weights. Pushes himself to reckless limits, always giving that extra hundred percent. Always. His whole life, fate has dealt him cards that bare the heftiness of a million boulders, yet everytime he thinks it's too much, he proves himself wrong. He's the strongest person you know.

Jimin waltzing into your space crashes your train of thought, his dirty blonde hair bouncing as he walks.
"What's goin' on?" He greets you.
He leans against your desk as you arch a brow, asking where Jia is. He scoffs, asks you how he would know, that they're not two peas in a pod.

The way you laugh when said woman walks into the room at the mention of her name is more than enough to get Jimins eyes rolling. She halts in her tracks, confused as you throw your head back, Jimin telling you to shut up.

She dismisses it, shakes her head. "Who's excited for tomorrow?" She sings, wiggling her shoulders.

Watching as she stands besides the blondie, you purse your lips with a shrug, "I barely know anyone there."

"You know us, so who cares." Jimin retorts, you lean back in your chair and eye the two. You already know once you step foot in the place they'll skulk away somewhere to eat each others faces right off. Then you remember what Jungkook told you.

'If it sucks, we can just leave. Get drunk together.'

Just 'cause of that, you kinda hope it sucks.

"Plus, you'll have your motorcycle man." Jias words pierce through your thought bubble, letting it dissolve into white snow atop your head.

"Yeah, if he doesn't ditch me." You swing your legs round your chair, leaning your back against the wall.

You know he would never do that, as much as you want him to have fun at this party, you know he wouldn't leave your side. Not saying he won't have fun with you, but it's nice to expand once in a while. Have some boyish fun of his own. The thought of walking in on him making out with some random girl is nauseating, yet hilarious. However, he only has fun when he's with you.

"We both know he wouldn't do that, but alright." Jia replies, telling you how you're both joint at the hip.

Some part of you feels anxious, as you always are before any sort of event. Logically mapping out the situation, this can either be terribly stressful or terrifically fun. Either way, it's going to be a memory you'll recall in future hang outs.

It feels like Friday greets you abruptly. A minute ago, you were complaining about the hands of your clock ticking by at a painfully slow pace, suddenly it slapped you in the face, told you 'fine, here's Friday, impatient ass.'

You finish work later than your coworkers, Jia on her day off while Jimin and Yoongi worked until midday, leaving you to work alone until late afternoon. Now, you scurry home, like a mouse finding shelter in rainy Paris, mentally giving yourself time slots for each step in which you get ready.

Yoongi told you this was a pool party. Not once are you stepping foot even remotely close to the water. Then again, you can't exactly speak for drunk you.

A few roads away, Jungkook filters through his own wardrobe, unsure of what to even wear. He knows he won't both getting in the pool either, but grabbing a pair of trunks wont hurt. He stops himself from asking you what he should wear, he's reminded of what he did to himself with you in mind the last time you both discussed outfit choices. Fingers crossed he remembers this party for all the right reasons. Doesn't forget to make his room all neat and tidy, figures you'll be crashing there as usual.

In the end, he keeps it casual. Settles for a graphic tee, a white skeleton spray painted onto the khaki green material, along with some oversized trousers as usual. Chunky shoes. Accessories. Your favourite scent. The usual.

You ignore your phone when he texts you, not intentionally of course. Perfecting your craft, you sit in front of your vanity mirror, not knowing who you'll see staring back at you by the time you're finished.

Water and makeup is obviously a no, however this is a party you're going to, and even though it's the last thing on your mind, you're not completely closed off to the idea of attracting cute guys— or girls. So, you continue your makeup routine as usual, (and you add a little effort, it's a party for fuck sake).

This won't be like Triptych, you don't have to pre-drink to get yourself buzzed enough to enjoy your time there. Nonetheless, a half empty bottle of soju bids you good tidings whilst you doll yourself up. The whole process is suddenly rushed, and you regret not switching with Jimin for an earlier shift.

Freshly showered, the smell of vanilla and coconut envelopes your body in a warm embrace, and you put your playlist on to get you in the party mood. Bopping your head to City Girls, you moisturise your skin as prep. While you do, your mind can't help but wander.

It's hard not to remember the deal. This party will in fact get you out of your comfort zone, but the last thing you need is to attach the feeling of confidence to an alcohol bottle. You need to learn without it, alone too.

Maybe you depend on Jungkook too much, it's like training yourself with a clicker. Jungkook equals confidence. What would you do if he wasn't there? Would you even go to this party without him? Absolutely not, you wouldn't even consider it.

Well, it's normal for friends to only go somewhere if certain friendly faces will be there. Quit deprecating your attachment to him, it's not hurting anybody at the end of the day. A swig of peachy goodness washes away your doubtfulness. Doesn't obliterate it, though. It stays in the back of your mind, roots itself deep within the crevices of your brain, ready to spread itself like a virus.

Shine and shimmer coating your eyelids, you think back to how you were before all this started. Your insecurities, like insidious vines, entwine themselves around your psyche, weaving doubts that tighten with each passing moment. They're still there, you're just isolating the weeds now, letting them die out. Somewhere in your brain, a little Jungkook hacks at them with a weed whacker, getting the job done.

These toxic tendrils he tries so hard to rid you of, akin to a relentless storm, erode the sturdy cliffs of self-confidence, leaving behind a crumbling sense of identity.

God, you're supposed to be excited for this, what are you so fucking depressed for?

Your phone buzzes, you know who it is. Jungkook's quick to bombard you with messages, letting you know he's bored, ready and on his way to you. As he parks his bike, he takes a breath. You're looking at yourself in your mirror, bikini black and dazzling on your skin, you pull olive green cargos over the curves of your hips, the bowed strings of your bikini bottoms popping out over the waist.

Unlike the photo you sent to Jungkook, you ponder on whether you should wear a crop top over the satin bra, or just call it a day and throw on a dark motorcycle jacket over it. Fuck it, confidence right? Toss the crop top, you're there for a good time.

"Knock knock." Jungkook's muffled voice calls to you through the door. He has his own key, but he waits for you regardless, it's just respectful. You double take at the shimmer on your nose and eyes, dreading the mess you'll appear in by the end of the night.

The door opens and he keeps his eyes on yours. Your eyes immediately dart to the way he's gelled his hair, different than usual. It's slicked back, a few strands falling over his eyes which search your face. You notice how his shirt compliments your fit, too.

"You wanna let me in?" He cocks a brow, part of you would slam the door in his face, just cause. But you decide to step aside. Roll your eyes a little.

Immediately, he's raiding your liquor cabinet. You tell him to pass you a bottle of soju from the fridge, and he lets you know he already bought you some on the way over. Just peachy.

He makes casual small talk, asks you about your shift, about where you're crashing, even though it's not much of a question. You both know where you're going to end up, whether you like it or not. You will always wake up in his bed.

You're not used to showing skin like this, so you keep your jacket over your shoulders. Jungkook gets himself a small bottle of Wrays & Nephews, you truly don't understand how he drinks such a potent mix. Gets him drunk faster, he argues.

You hold yourself up against the wall with one hand whilst you awkwardly hop on one foot to get your shoes on. Twisting his face at the taste, he leans against the counter, eyes on yours.

"You look pretty."


"Mhm." He drags out, bottle in hand. Wipes his lips with the back of his inked hand.

"Thank you." A smile plays on your lips and he raises his brows, shocked. You have no idea what he's surprised about until he rounds the counter, coming over to you.

"You said thank you?"

The noise of his shoes clunking against the floor stop as he halts his movement, "About time you accepted one of my compliments, huh?"

You roll your eyes as he jokes with you, standing with a hand in his pocket, "Your little plan works wonders."

You stand up straight, moving a few strands of hair behind your ear, the silver hoops you wear catch his eye. He hums, with a 'told you so', knocking back more of his venom juice.

Holding the small bottle to your lips, he makes a face as he offers you some. Wants you to share the grossness with him, he can't be the only one putting himself through downing this liquor just to feel a tad buzzed.

"Don't make me go through this alone." He pouts once you screw your face up at his request, nonetheless, you cave. You're kinda thankful, because if you didn't have any of his alcohol, you would've looked for something stronger, therefore, more disgusting and vomit inducing.

He grins boyishly, watching as you tip your head back and take a sharp sip, taking in more than he expects you to. Clumsy and stupid, your eyes squint and your lips pucker as you try to get the taste off your tongue immediately. He pats your back when you cough.

"That shit is rancid, Jesus." You exhale, the warmth settling in your chest. Dabbing at your lips, you ignore how he wipes the little liquor that dribbled down your chin. Ignore how he sucks it off his thumb.

He hides from the gaze that burns him, turning away to grab your bottle of soju he bought for you.
"Compensation, for that rancid shit." You're sulky, but your expression eases as the peachy liquid soothes your tongue, the toxicity that lay before it meets its demise.

Safe to say, it gets you buzzed fairly quickly, and you're giggling your ass off in less that thirty minutes.

The little gym session you had days ago has you sick of physical activity, so you beg Jungkook to book you both a taxi. As soon as a single drop of alcohol hits his lips, he's not driving you two anywhere— even though he's not even drunk, it's better to be safe than sorry.

Happily obliging, he sits on your sofa with his legs apart, brows furrowed in his natural expression as he scrolls through his phone, eventually ordering an Uber.

In the meantime you touch up your face, pumping yourself up to see a shit ton of people you don't know. Anxiety bubbles in the pit of your stomach, you're glad you didn't drink anymore than you already have, cause you probably would've shat your pants out of nervousness.

The girl that stares back at you is unknown, underdeveloped. She looks at you with bewilderment in her eyes, a hint of something you can't quite place yet. Like she's playing dress up. Just as a persistent shadow, you watch her worries obscure the radiant light of her true potential, casting a perpetual gloom over the landscape of personal growth.

"You ready, beautiful?" Jungkook comes into view behind you, and it's like a warm glow radiates from his body.

You catch his eyes in the mirror and you nod, "Nervous." He watches you chew on your bottom lip and he shakes his head at you, "No need."

He turns away, grabbing your bag from the edge of the bed and holding it out for you, "First of all, I'm gonna be with you," You take the bag, "And second, you're too cute to stress. So quit worrying your pretty little head about what people think about you and let's go get fucked, 'kay?"

How does confidence come so easy to him? It seems as easy as breathing, so why won't the air pass through your lungs as easily as it does for him? Seems unfair. Unfair, yet the only stopping you from inhaling is you. You drown underwater, but you fail to realise that the water is shallow and you can stand up.

Jungkook pokes your cheek, "C'mon." His silver chain glints in the light as he takes his phone out of his pocket, telling you the car's here.

The party was quite a trek from both of your houses, but at least it gave you both time to drink in the car. You apologise to the driver in advance, Jungkook finishing his bottle of muck beside you.

You share the rest of your own bottle — as always, and share a special opera rendition of Sexyy Reds' SkeeYee, and Jungkook, giddy as a kipper, holds onto you. Uses the bottle as a microphone and sings into your ear, playfully off pitch. Your heart bubbles with alcohol and you hit his thigh as you laugh, barely able to keep up the act and get the lyrics out.

"You're supposed to sing! This is a duet." He pokes at your sides, watching with wide eyes as you laugh, taking another slug at your drink.

Although your driver rolls his eyes, he can't help but find the humour in it as well. Jungkook lets you finish the rest, and you're more than a bit buzzed, the familiar warmth and airiness coats your skin and you're thankful you don't have to endure the first twenty minutes of this party stone cold sober.

Jungkook takes the liberty to be the DJ of the car, using his phone to blast another banger. Your phone alerts you and you tell him it's Yoongi, but he's too busy headbanging to Usher to notice.

"Yo, you nearly here?"

You giggle, leaning away from Jungkook yelling the lyrics with a finger in your ear. On the end of the line, Yoongi stands with a cup in his hand, face screwed up as he tries to make out your words.

"Yes! Yes we're in the—"
"Hey Yoongi ~ !!" You push Jungkooks face away and you lean towards the window, "We're in the car,"

"Who's driving?" Yoongi voices his concern, holding a hand over his ear because the bass of the music is just so loud. It's no better your end either, he can hear Jungkook screaming the words 'Shorty got down low and said come get me!'

"Huh? Oh, Uber. Be there soon! Ok, bye!" You drag out with an exaggerated 'ee', hanging up afterwards.
Jungkook doesn't let up, swaying you both side to side to the beat. Clearly Wrays and Nephews is his kryptonite.

Few songs later, the car comes to a slow and your driver tells you two to have a good night, you reciprocate the kindness and wish him a good night too.

Soon as Jungkook steps out before you, holding your hand to pull you up next to him, the air hits your skin and you're awfully aware of how exposed you are now. The area you find yourselves in is certainly the more affluent sector of the city. Flashy cars are parked in the driveway of every house, neatly lined with freshly trimmed hedges and rose bushes. Your shoes step against cobblestone, zero cracks in the pavement. Definitely richer ends.

"Number eleven is it?" Jungkook nudges you, urging you to get out your directions. You double check the address and nod.

Should've asked the driver to park in front of the house, but you were too busy rapping. One of the larger house by the end of the road seemed to be your destination.

It dazzles you once you walk up to it, you hear booming music by someone you can't remember right now. The exterior is gorgeous — assortments of chrysanthemums are protected by small fern hedges, and grand facade of the house stood like a regal monarch, adorned in a cloak of opulence.

"Shit, who lives here?" Jungkook gawks at the grandness, looking at the walls, draped in ivy like a verdant tapestry.

He holds you close to him, stepping up to the front door and ringing the bell. The door swings open, a giggly girl mindlessly swinging a cup of whatever in her hand grins at you. She looks at you, then at Jungkook. Frowns.

"Hi! Sorry uh," someone calls her name and she holds up a finger, "Can you give me a minute?! Fucking hell!" She turns back with a confused smile.

"Friends of Yoongis?" Jungkook gestures, she still frowns.

"You're here! Thank God." Speak of the devil, Yoongi puts her hands on the girls shoulders and gives you two a smile, "They're with me, remember?" He murmurs in her ear and she shrugs, smiles at you for a moment.

"Oh! Ok, well.. welcome." She holds the door open and stumbles to the side, her drink spilling over her hand. She tells you both you can leave your things in her bedroom upstairs, disappears into the music.

The front of the house is completely empty, pristine. The marble floor shines up at you, and a royal staircase is to the left, its silver wiring leading up to the rest of the house.

"Kinda weird" Jungkook whispers, hooking an arm round your shoulders.
You hum in agreement, and he guides you to where the music is loudest, "Let's go."

A screen door seperates you from the chaos as you walk through the kitchen, it's more than daunting. You can see the mob of partygoers in the garden, which looks more like a yard. Silver bikinis, mojitos and pool noodles are askew, and you look down at your outfit.

Looking past the drunk pack of misfits, Jia catches your eye as she dances by the turntable, and you elbow Jungkook to look at the way she has Jimins' arms round her waist, guiding her hips to the beat.

"No way." He deadpans, grabbing you by the hand and taking you straight to them. Jia's eyes brighten once they fall on your face, and she holds her arms out and screams your name way too loudly that gets people staring. Jimin and Jungkook greet each other whilst Jia takes her time hugging you.

"I missed you so much, why— what are you here so late for?" Her words are slurred as she yells into your ear, you hold her up so she doesn't fall.

"At least we're here!" You yell back, taking a step away to look at her fit. Jungkook makes conversation with Jimin, overhearing you and Jia compliment each other to no avail.

The music is defeaning and the floor lights around the turntable illuminates your skin, and you feel Jungkooks hands on your arms.
"Want me to take this?" He pats your jacket, you nod, the alcohol warming your skin up enough.

Jia whoops, holding onto Jimin as your outfit is fully exposed, and it actually turns a few heads. Eyes burn into you at every angle, and Jungkook pokes your cheek. Tells you he'll be back.

It feels like an eternity before he returns, so Jia hands you a cup of magic for while you wait it out. You knock it back in one go, Jimin cheering you on and it burns your throat. Jia takes you by the hand and dances with you, her diamonte bikini bra glistening in the light.

Jimin joins you two, slinging his arms round the both of you and screaming lyrics to the song along with everybody else. You spend the next fifteen minutes giggling, dancing and drinking the night away, not that anyone's keeping count but you've had more than three cups by now.

Few girls came up to you, letting you know you're oh so pretty, pulling you in for spontaneous hugs, spinning you round silly. It's euphoric, almost, the world is blue and bright as you watch boys wrestle by the pool, pushing each other in, girls sitting by the poolside, dipping their toes in— only to be pushed by a bashful drunk.

"You getting in the pool?" You hadn't even noticed Yoongi appear beside you, you jump a little and he laughs.
"Not tonight, you?" Your cup is empty and you purse your lips, he mirrors you and does the same, shaking his head. He takes a sip of his own drink before pouring the rest into yours with a cheeky grin. Tells you to be responsible and he'll see you later.

Jungkook makes his way through the spacious kitchen, rounding the corner only to end up bumping into someone walking his way.

"Sorry— Oh, I know you, right?" A guy his height points, and Jungkook notices a girl trailing behind him. He's unsure if it's the Wrays but he squints at first, tilts his head because he has no idea who the fuck this is. Then it clicks. He remembers meeting him at orientation along with Jimin. Yeah, didn't like the guy very much.

"Yeah, we went to the same uni right? You were the trophy husband to that rude girl weren't you?" He laughs, it's condescending and Jungkook tries stopping the pulse in his jaw, "How's that going for ya?"

He takes the girl by the hand, rounding the staircase and walking up to one of the unoccupied bedrooms.
"Asshole." Jungkook mutters. He would've responded, but what exactly was he going to say?

Yeah, she broke up with me and now she's getting married. Oh, and I'm going to the wedding.

Absolutely not.

Is that how people saw his relationship with her? He was some sort of prize that she showed off to everyone? He wonders how he didn't see it, love is truly blind.

Still a little bitter from an unnecessary interaction, a smile graces his lips once he catches you dancing with a group of girls neither of you know.

"Kook!" You point, leaning onto one of the girls with a giggle, you're definitely more than tipsy now. You wave a pizza slice in one hand, snaking your other round his neck and pull him into a hug, "Missed you," you murmur, covering your mouth as you swallow, "You should get in the pool."

He frowns in confusion, trying not to smile, "Why?"


He laughs abruptly, you both know you love his scent right now, it's your favourite. The eyes of the ladies pry and he smiles awkwardly as you introduce all of them to him, as girls you met, like, two seconds ago.

You pat his shoulder, nodding matter-of-factly as you hear the splash of someone diving into the pool behind you.

"Where'd you get that from?" He nods towards the slice you shove into your mouth. Unflattering, but who cares, you're hungry.

He waits, amused at the way you hurry yourself to finish chewing.
"Kitchen." You offer him a bite, only to curve him and take another bite for yourself.

He kisses his teeth. "Dickhead."

"Literally go get your own!" You stick out your tongue and he mirrors you, his tongue piercing glinting.

Continuing your jibber-jabber with folks whose names you won't remember, you enjoy your time. Jungkook went off and got himself a few slices, and a drink, and when he gets back, he stays close to you, gritting his teeth everytime he knocks back his drink. Pouts a little when you don't pay attention to him.

Nevertheless, he makes small talk with your new friends quite easily, some of them obviously flirty which he stays stupidly oblivious to.

Eventually they bugger off somewhere else, and Jungkook keeps you to himself while you both dance. He pulls you in by your hands, spins you and wraps his arms round your shoulders.

You both scream gibberish to whatever song, and you eventually ask if he wants a drink. His answer is fuck yeah. He walks with you to the liquor table, there are cups discarded under the table, on the floor around it, seemingly everywhere but in the black bin bag tied to the edge of the table.

You haphazardly pour him a cup of Captain Morgan along with some Coke to even it out — even though the ratio was pretty much seventy-thirty, rum to soda.

Your hips move the beat as you walk him back to wherever you were before, passing by randoms making out by the water. Awkward.

"There you are!" Jimins out of breath when he finds you, a few people are already heading to the other side of the yard, and you ask what's going on.

"Spin the bottle! Come." Jimin takes you and Jungkook by the wrists, stumbling over to a small circle of people sitting by lounge chairs.

"We really about to do this?" Alcohol can only boost your confidence for so long, but maybe this is a way for you to learn how to function without it.

"I'm in if you are." Jungkook shrugs and he ignores the eyes he feels on him as he enters the space. Fine.

You slump on the grass besides an occupied lawn chair, Jungkook sits beside you, nervous as ever. Last thing he needs is his lips on yours by the end of the night, after everything he's thought about, everything he's done. No.

Jia sits opposite Jimin, closer to you, and Yoongi is perched on a lounge chair next to her. They each catch your gaze and acknowledge your prescence. So did many others.

Nervous giggles and sidelong glances fill the air as an empty bottle stands in the center, a whimsical compass ready to dictate the evening's twists and turns. The girl you recognize from earlier, who opened the door, welcomes you both down and she claps, a little more sober than she was when she first saw you.

"Okay we all know how this goes, kiss or take a shot." A boy passes her a full bottle of vodka and the circle oohs.

"Just give me the bottle at this point." Jungkook whispers into your ear and you giggle, elbowing his side.

"Let's fucking go." A guy calls out, murmurs of agreement getting your heart racing.

As the bottle spins, time seems to slow, and the crickets hold their breaths in collective suspense. The bottle became a whimsical arbiter of fate, pointing with unpredictable certainty toward the next participant destined for a little smooch.

You let out a breath as it lands on a random duo you don't know. Laughter bubbles up as the chosen pair share a mix of playful anxiety and the unspoken promise of fleeting connections.

Whoops and whistles emit from the circle as they both lean over, sharing a sloppy kiss, its dirty and gets you all squirmy and giggly. Jungkook whoops, clapping his hands.

"Spin the bottle without me?" A guy takes a seat near you, and you can feel Jungkook tense. If Jungkook wasn't here, he would definitely be the most good looking in the circle. His friend pats his back, making a joke that he rolls his eyes at. He looks round the circle, and one of the girls gets ready to spin the bottle.

"You good?" You notice the stone on Jungkooks features, it breaks once he looks at you. Just hums and nods yes.

The bottle points to Yoongi. You watch in awe, cheering as he gestures the coy girl over, cheering as he snakes his hand under her jaw, pressing his lips to hers. Her friends cheer and she giggles once they depart, the bows in her hair bouncing as she sits back down.

"Ok damn, Yoongi!" Jimin yells, the circle laughs. The guy that had joined a tad late gets up to spin his turn, "Here we go." The bottle twirls, pointing its nozzle at all the expecting players.

"Imagine if it—" You're halfway through your sentence when Jia screams your name.

You and Jungkook look back at the bottle, it seems it has chosen you. The eyes of the circle shift to you, and you're suddenly aware of your attire, fuck you for taking off your jacket.

Jungkook watches on, the raven haired man beckons you forward with two fingers, a devilish grin on his lips "C'mere, gorgeous." His words earn cheers and shocked giggles from other players.

Something lights a match in your heart, and you tilt your head, shrugging off Jungkooks hand as you stand to your feet.

"You come here." He obliges, raising his brows. His friends make a sound of surprise, and your heart races as he crosses the circle to you. Grabs your waist. His eyes are dead set on your lips, and he smirks before bringing his mouth to yours. It's wet, drunk and messy, his tongue swipes at your bottom lip, and you lift your arms to wrap around his neck, as the warmth of his lips glazes over yours.

You can taste the alcohol on his tongue, and he hums into the kiss, you can hear the shocked screams and cheers of everyone around you, he leans into you as if he could swallow you up. Feel a little surprise as he takes your bottom lip between his teeth and tugs. Finally, he pulls away. Pecks your lips one last time.

You're immediately sat, surprised at yourself, this was the last thing you expected to happen. You're so engrossed in your own thoughts you don't notice how the man looks over at Jungkook, gives him a shiteating grin, and shrugs before sitting back down in his place. Your face is hot and your lips are definitely swollen, there was no point in you spending a good amount of time on your lip combo today. What a rush though. Made you feel brave. Desired.

"So much for being nervous, huh?" You nudge Jungkook. His face is still as he looks around the circle, watching the game go on. He doesn't look at you, just hums.

"You had your turn yet?" He doesn't answer verbally. Just shakes his head.
"Are you—"
"I'll be back in a minute, yeah?" He's quick to stand to his feet, leaving you alone with your own thoughts so he can go and confront his. Jimin looks over at you, concern on his face, you just shrug. Jimin and Jia share a look of worry, the game being the least of their worries.

Jungkook isn't jealous. He never got jealous with Iseul, and he isn't with you. He doesn't care who you kiss, in fact he encourages it, he would've just preferred if it was anyone but him.

The way he looked at him, so smug, as if he was better than him, as if he has something Jungkook doesn't. You don't understand that right now, though.

Right now you only have half of the puzzle pieces, and you're more confused than ever. It's funny how you joked about Jungkook ditching you, and that's exactly what he did. Spoke it into existence, oops. Accident.

For the rest of the game, you don't want to kiss anyone else. You don't want to step on any toes but you relentlessly take shot after shot whenever the bottle of fate landed on you. Except for when it landed on you and Jia, gave each other a cute little peck on the lips. Giggled like schoolgirls afterwards, even though you both openly like women — neither of you know it. Yoongi takes Jungkooks place beside you, holding you up as you giggle gibberish into his ear. Silly jokes, dumb hypotheticals. What type of crystal would you be? If you were a bird, and I were a worm, would you eat me?

"Lets get you up," He murmurs, holding you by the forearms. More and more people dispersed, more interested in the people they swapped spit with, than drowning themselves in Smirnoff.

You stagger to your feet, giving Yoongi a cheeky grin.
"I'm gonna get you some soda, yeah?"
"Got my soda right here, gronkle." You hold up the nearly empty vodka bottle you managed to snag from the centre of the circle.

Yoongi tuts, waving Jia over, "What I'm gonna get you is much tastier, trust me."

Nodding, you approve and watch him murmur something to Jia, who nods and holds your hand. As you slip through the mess of sweaty and damp bodies, she walks with you to the poolside, encouraging you to sit with her.

Your brain blows raspberries, and you lean yourself backwards as you sit cross legged, watching the people swim, dive and cannonball.

The water splashes against your skin and you get slightly wet, but you don't mind, gets you a little sober. You hadn't been swimming in forever, last time you went was with Jungkook. Jungkook. Still hasn't come back. Jia sees your brows furrow as you sit up and look around.

"Where's Jungkook?"
She shrugs, then looks up at Yoongi who crouches by your side, hands you a cup.

"Have a little bit of this before you have anymore to drink." He waits for you to take more then a sip, before nodding and standing back up. Figures all you've had is alcohol, so it's wise to balance it out with a little Sprite. You can decide for yourself whether you want to ease up on the alcohol and get some water afterwards, or if you want to go all out until your skull splits in two by the morning.

"Yoongi do you know where Koo is?"

He shakes his head, and your shoulders slump. You don't know whether you're more upset at him leaving you, or for not telling you what's bothering him. Maybe you're the one he's upset at? But for what reason? You didn't even do anything. You could be reading too much into it, but maybe he's jealous you kissed someone. It's not completely out of the question but you pray it isn't the reason. Pray, because you're scared of what it could mean if he is.

"I'll go look for him, alright babe?" Jia taps your leg, and tells Yoongi to wait with you while she does. You don't have much choice, before you know it, she's gone and Yoongis in her place, again.

The muffled music makes your head nod, but you don't really feel like dancing. You both sit in the quiet noise of people laughing, singing and splashing around. Your eyes catch more couples teasing each other, girls taking photos, it hasn't even been that long here so the nights not over yet. You can still turn it around. For now, you sit.

"Sorry." You rather bashfully, and Yoongi frowns at you as if to say 'for what?'

"I mean, I know you'd rather be having fun right now."

He scratches the back of his head and shrugs, "All my funs been had, if I'm being honest." He scrunches his nose and his stud winks at you, "Social battery isn't really cut out for this. But, I'm glad you guys came." He smiles at you sweetly, you return it, water running over the alcohol in your system.
You're still a bit hazy, but you can still make rational decisions.

A song later and Jia still hasn't come back. You groan, you really don't want to explore this house by yourself, you don't know what you'll find. Even if you discover what you're looking for, you aren't quite sure what you'll say. Yoongi tells you he'll be there if you need him, letting you venture off into the marble forest alone. Three 'excuse me's' in and you only manage to get to the kitchen when you're stopped.

"Hey, gorgeous." Your hand is brushed against by another, and your eyes meet a familiar pair. Now, in this light you can actually see him properly, and man, his eye contact is enough to get a girls' knees weakening.

The beauty spot on his nose is what gets you first, his skin is damp, water droplets sticking to his skin as if he's just been in the pool. His build isn't as buff as the others that proudly roam shirtless, but that really doesn't matter. He flashes a smile at you, and you notice tattoos on his shoulder peeking out under his shirt, sticking against his tan skin.

"Hey, you." You reply, all too distracted.

Sensing this, he laughs, "Don't worry, I'm not looking for round two."

"Thank God, wouldn't wanna go through that again." Your flirting sucks, clearly.

He holds a hand to his chest, "Ouch, here I was thinking you're the best kisser ever."

This, you laugh at. You stand next to the doorway, you really should be looking for Jungkook, but when a guy this cute speaks to you, you have to hear him out.

"I can tell you're busy, so I'll tell you what," he starts, leaning into your ear so you can hear him properly, "I get your number, and we can hang out when one of us isn't completely soaked, how's that sound?"

The way he looks at your eyes is so intense you have to look away to laugh for a second, yet he still follows your eyes, "Hm? What do you think?"

"Sounds good, parties aren't my scene anyway." You smile up at him. He hands you his phone, and you give him yours in return. You both stand idly, inputting your details into each others phones before swapping back.

'Jey' the contact reads. He tells you it's nice to see you here, that your name is pretty. Tells you he'll let you get back to whatever you were doing and that he'll catch you later. With a smile, watches you begin to walk away, "Bye, gorgeous."

You're like a little girl, giggly and light on your feet until you remember what you're looking for. Lead balloons initialled J tie themselves to your ankles with barbed wire, and pulls you back down to a grey, Jungkookless earth. Gets you storming. Gets you serious. Find your Jungkook. Your feet carry you quickly through the house, you have no time to acknowledge the under floor heating or the high ceilings as you skip up the stairs two steps at a time.

It's a fucking labyrinth up here, you knock on different doors, hoping one of them holds your best friend. You knock on another door, no response.

Maybe this is it. Please, let this be it. Although it's only been about ten minutes, you don't want to be away from him for another second. He's like a lucky charm. Twisting the handle, you shriek as you stumble upon Jia ontop of Jimin, thankfully clothed but sinfully positioned. They don't bother to stop their little makeout session even as you stutter an apology, shutting the door. So much for looking for Jungkook, Jia.

Groaning, you take the time to put your phone away in the bedroom converted into a cloakroom, finding your bag among a pile of others, you don't want it to get wet. Leaving, you head down the hall to the furthest room, and you truly don't know what you'll do if he isn't in there.

"Please be in here, please be in here, please, please." You've seen too much bumpin' and grinding for one night, all you really want now is to be in your solitude with Jungkook.

He looks towards the door as it opens. He's in the biggest room in the building it seems, the balcony overlooking the front of the house.

"Koo? What are you doing here? Why did you leave me like that?" Your tone can't help but come across a tad pissed, but at the end of the day, you just want to know what's going on with him.

"Just needed some air." He doesn't face you as he shrugs, he plays with his fingers, nervous as he feels the bed dip next to him.

The air is thick, alcohol makes you more emotional and your heart weighs heavier in your chest than usual. There are so many things he wants to say, wants to yell. But he knows there's really no point getting up in arms over this. You look down at your hands, glancing over at his for a minute.

"Are you mad at me?"


"Tell me the truth." His eyes won't meet yours, he bites back a snarky response and takes a deep breath.

"A little."

Hearing you sigh, he runs a hand over his face. This was supposed to be a fun night, emotions always fuck everything up. You ask him why.

"It's just— Why'd you have to kiss him, T?"

"Woah, woah, since when were you concerned with who I make out with?"

"Since—" He stops himself. Makes the mistake of looking at your pretty eyes. "I just don't like him, alright?"

"No, Jungkook. That's not fair." You feel the heat rise in you, frowning as he turns away from you. He could at least confront you face to face.

"Not fair how?" He knows how, doesn't want to hear it, though.

"Because! I never told you how I felt about a certain someone, did I?" You don't have to mention her name but you both know who you're talking about, "Plus this is a random kiss at a party, it doesn't matter."

"Whatever," he says your name, you hate when he does that. "Do what you want with him, you're right. None of my business." He turns to you, eyes on the door.

"I don't wanna argue with you." You walk over to him, "Hey," you follow his eyes, he finally look at you and his gaze softens. "If it makes you feel better, he's not that good of a kisser. Not like I'm gonna marry him." He forces a smile and you lean into his chest, hear his heart beating against your ear.

"I'm kinda relieved you don't like him, actually." You mumble, his chest vibrates as he hums in curiosity, "I was worried you were jealous or something." You chuckle, and he does too.

"No way." His hand pats your head. Yeah, no way. Jungkooks' heart beats faster and for the first time, he's the one in need of some confidence.

You both spend awhile out on the balcony, talking about everything and anything else apart from the issue at hand.

Jungkook toys with your fingers as he speaks about how he's working on his car, his eyes light up as tells you about all the knickknacks and doodads it comes with. How happy he is when he works on it, and how you need to come and help him with it soon. You agree, tell him you'll do your best. He tells you you'll somehow damage the car trying to fix it.

As much as he knows you hate the mention of your birthday, he tells you how Eunji was thrilled with you liking her gift. Tells you how much she misses you, and you promise to come by the house more often.

The moment is interrupted when a ruffled Jimin finds you both, "There you two are!" He kisses his teeth, tells you to come downstairs.

"Yes, Mum." Jungkook mocks, tsking as he grabs your hand and stands you up. It feels light and cheery between you two again, natural, as it should be. You tell him how you you stumbled upon him and Jia getting down and dirty in one of the rooms, he pretends to throw up, and finally you have something to tease Jia about at work. Nudging each other as you walk down the hall, you gasp as you hear skin slapping and high pitched moans from one of the rooms. Fucking in someone else's house? No decorum, clearly. Thank God it's not Jia and Jimin, though.

Unfortunately, you make the mistake of letting Jungkook piggyback you down the stairs, and it's all fun and games at first. Just an innocent little ride, and you're giggling until he picks up speed. His footsteps thud against the marble floor, the screen door leading to outside is open, and you know exactly what he's about to do.


He picks up jogging speed, "You know, this is a pool party."
"Jungkook so help me God," You hit his shoulder.

"Let's go for a swim."

This man is unstoppable at his fastest, and fortunately nobody is in the way. The daring soul, which is Jungkook, sprints at full throttle and leaps into the air. Suspended for a heartbeat, gravity's grip relinquishes its hold, and the exhilarating descent begins.

You can feel your heart create ripples across your body, your screams pierce the air as he cannonballs the both of you into the pool, and barely make out murmurs and surprised shrieks before you're plunged into a blue abyss.

Your body unfurls, limbs splaying wide like the petals of a blooming flower, creating a spectacular explosion of water upon touchdown. You feel Jungkooks arms around your waist as he pulls the both of you up for air, laughter bubbling from his buoyant lungs.

His playful rebellion against the calm of the pool left in its wake a momentary tempest— a testament to the carefree spirit he truly is.

"I fucking—" You breathe, gripping onto his shoulders, "I fucking hate you for that."
"Love you too." He uses his other hand to wipe his hair out of his eyes. Rakes it back so he can look in your eyes.

His shirts completely soaked, as are your trousers — don't go there. But you don't really mind. Pulling the two of you out, he holds you close, tells you that you're both going to do what you came here for. Grabs you more than enough to drink.

"You love this song!" He yells over the music, it's a Destiny's Child song, and when you realise which one it is, you cheer. He hands you a cup of whatever the fuck, with a cute little lime slice on the side. You both mindlessly sing the lyrics to each other, bumping into others who dance with you, but nobody cares.

In the dim glow of party lights, bodies move in a euphoric dance, fueled by the intoxicating embrace of laughter and spirits. Beyoncés vocals pulse through the air like a rhythmic heartbeat, setting the tempo for a dance floor where inhibitions waltzed away in a haze of jubilation.

Jungkook sways you, holding your hands as you dance together, and he even cheers you on, admiring the confidence that takes over your body. The atmosphere is a kaleidoscope of colours, a vibrant blur of neon hues and shadowy silhouettes as the night gets darker.

You're drunk, so far gone. You barely make out his features as he brings his face closer to you, humming the melody against your hair. Faces, adorning smiles that mirror the gleam of disco balls, spin in and out of focus like fleeting memories.

He turns you, enjoys being behind you, trying to ignore how you move your hips against him. Wraps an arm round your shoulder, singing the words with you again. Each step on the dance floor becomes a dance with the blurring lines between reality and the intoxicating elixir coursing through everyones veins. Suddenly, you whoop, hearing Brazilian phonk thump in your chest.

Before you know it, the air is terribly crowded, there are people to the left and the right of you. Jungkook holds you tighter to him.

"Shots!" He hears someone yell, looking back to see if you heard it too. Judging by your wicked smile, you definitely did. A man squeezes through the jumping crowd, he's holding a platter of shots above his head and offers some to you when he catches your eye.
Jungkook's arm still around you, you thank him and take two. One for him, one for you. Jungkook knocks it back in a second, gets his body moving against you as the chorus picks up. You both get back to dancing as the magic shot man disappears to find more takers, and you hold a cup in one hand, your shot in the other.

"Let me do this real quick." It barely registers as Jungkook whips you round, "Give it here." He takes the lime from your cup, sucks it between his lips.

"You wanna — ?" He arches a brow, mischief playing behind his drunk dazed eyes. You already know what he's offering, fuck yes. As suggestive as it seems, you both think nothing of what you're about to do. You're here for a good time, and you wouldn't do this with a stranger. If you're comfy enough to do it with him, then his confidence building operation is obviously working.

He holds you by your waist and a few heads turn as your spill your shot down your neck, the juice sticky and messy against your chest. As it traces an intoxicating trail down your body, Jungkooks lips are hot and quick on your skin. A collective cheer erupts as his tongue darts out against your chest, licking his way up your neck. He closes his eyes, and you don't know if it's the liquor or if you could feel the vibration of his lips humming its way up to your jaw. Thank God he can control himself, because fuck does he love the taste of you. You tilt your head back, giggling and drunk as the wetness of his lips tickle. You hold him by the back of his neck, as he goes for seconds, he's being thorough, making sure he gets every last drop.

The laughter that follows is a chorus of joy, a celebration of the unexpected and the delightfully unconventional. He holds you by your waist, still.

"Taste good?" You mutter, drunk and high on life.
"Alright, I guess." You have no fucking idea how good you taste, is what he actually wanted to say. But he can leave that for his dreamland.

Not many girls can say they've done body shots with their best friend of the opposing sex without things getting weird, but you're not many girls. You're grateful you get to be so comfortable with him, kind of worries you for any future endeavours, whether you'll be able to feel as comfortable with them as you are with him.

Rest of the night, you're glued to his side, and he's happy about it. Even once he calls a taxi home at fuck all hours of the morning, you rest your head on his shoulder, doing your best to sober up.
It's that part of the night where people beg to crash here, people are upstairs blacked out, having sex or gathering their things to get home.

Jungkook lets you nap in the car once it arrives. Thinks your little snores are funny as you do so. He runs his thumb over your knuckles whilst you sleep, wondering how the night ended so slow yet so quickly.

You're grumpy when he pokes your cheek, telling you to wake up and you don't know where you are, don't care, as long as you get into a bed. Him taking off your makeup is seeming to become a routine, he's getting better at it too. He's additionally tired as well, but he takes the time to wipe away whats left of your pretty makeup, revealing your adorable bare face. He watches you lie back down with a thud, your hair a tad damp, but he doesn't mind. You groan out incoherent nonsense, and he takes it as a 'goodnight'. Tells you the same.

While you catch up on beauty sleep, he thinks about what bothered him so much before. That arrogant prick from earlier, complacent, and self absorbed as ever, got to kiss you? Of all people, him? Fucking unbelievable, as you would say. You deserve someone better, anyone better. Your confidence isn't being built for someone like him.

He's more so angry at himself for being mad at you, he can't tell you how to build a house just because he helped you make the foundation. He gave you the tools, what you do with it is up to you. This is your journey. What you do with what you earn out of this down to you. But, God does he despise that dickhead. Hopefully you choose anyone else, in the end, long as it isn't him. He doesn't get to have you.

He waves it off, the stars in the sky begin to fade as daylight creeps through. They chatter amongst themselves.

'Well he never gotten jealous with you-know-who.'
'But he isn't jealous.'
'Just because he says he isn't, doesn't mean it's true.'
'Understandable, then what does this mean?'
'I don't know.'
'We know how it's going to end, but let's just watch and see what paths he takes to get there.'

Jungkook, tired, takes his usual place on the couch, silencing his thoughts as sleep floats him away.
When you both wake in the afternoon, new messages await your attention. One for each of you. One from Jey, asking you what's up. The other from you know who. A message Jungkook will grimace at when he wakes up to read it. A reminder. Iseul.

See you next week :)

Authors' note:
Honestly, I have been dreading about writing this chapter, hehe. It's the longest one yet and writing about parties is difficult. Nonetheless, I hope you guys enjoyed it, any thoughts about the characters so far? You guys know who Jey is? Let me know, I love reading your comments.

And please, don't forget to vote — !! 2K reads is more than I'd ever imagine, so thank you again for all the support! As always, thank you for reading :)

— DS

[WORD COUNT: 9265]

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