Lilies for a Lifetime

By howboutnoxoxo

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What do you know about Vincent Russell? Well...most people don't know anything, considering he is an absolute... More

Intro and Notes
Chapter 1 // Bitchin' Beginnings
Chapter 2 // Football? Football.
Chapter 3 // Popularity and Pressure
Chapter 4 // Bottoms Up
Chapter 5 // Girls, Girls, Girls
Chapter 6 // What a Shitshow
Chapter 7 // A Night to Remember
Chapter 8 // Sharing is Caring
Chapter 9 // The Double Breakup
Chaper 9.5 // Practice Makes Perfect, Right?
Chapter 10 // Cheerleader
Chapter 11 // Tears and Tension
Chapter 12 // Some Healthy Communication
Chapter 13 // Blossoming
Chapter 14 // The Christmas Crew
Chapter 15 // Welcome Back...Hottie
Chapter 16 // It Was Just a Joke
Chapter 17 // Burning Desire
Chapter 18 // Wedding Bells
Chapter 19 // Show and Tell
Chapter 20 // Breakup and Make Up
Chapter 22 // Epiphany
Chapter 23 // He's Definitely Not Drowning...I Hope
Chapter 24 // Surprise, Surprise
Chapter 25 // Another Bitchin' Beginning

Chapter 21 // Someone is Getting Killed Today

616 25 24
By howboutnoxoxo

Age 27...

"Crap," Hayden huffs as he stumbles around the house and hastily gets ready for work, which he is already late for.

He should've never promised Vincent that he would wake up after his snooze alarm went off this morning.

"Hayden," Vincent whispers.

Hayden blinks one eye open to find the blurry silhouette of his boyfriend leaning over him. Hayden softens at the gentle hand he feels in his hair and on his cheek.

"You gotta get up," Vincent explains. "Didn't you say you had a new client today?"

"Mhm," Hayden grumbles.

Silence persists for a few moments, and it's just enough time for Hayden to almost slip back into his sleep.

"Hay," Vincent prodds, rubbing his back. "You're going to be late if you don't get up now."

"Just a couple more minutes, Vinny," Hayden pouts. "I promise."

"Okay, I'm trusting you," Vincent says, and Hayden can hear the little smile in his tone. "I really gotta get going, but please don't forget to eat. I got you a bagel this morning and it's sitting on the counter. Oh, also, I'm taking you out to dinner tonight so work hard for me today, yeah?"

"Mhm," Hayden tiredly nods before puckering his lips.

"You're funny if you think I'm kissing you with your stanky-ass morning breath," Vincent chuckles, planting a long kiss just under his boyfriend's eye. "Love you."

"Love you too, hot stuff," Hayden whispers before rolling over to Vincent's side of the bed and snuggling deeper into the sheets.

"Ow, shit!" Hayden exclaims when he collapses to the ground as a result of trying to wrestle on some gym shorts. He rushes to the closet and grabs the closest dry-fit shirt possible, which happens to be Vincent's. He kneels and rummages around on the shoe rack to find his tennis shoes. He easily spots one but doesn't get so lucky on the second. Before he gets a chance to panic, he spots a sticky note planted on the shoe rack.

The other one is under the bed, you forgetful fucker.

Hayden grins before rushing back into the bedroom and, as promised, his other tennis shoe is easy to find. He quickly eases it on before scooping up his duffel bag and heading into the kitchen quickly.

Just as he is about to sit at the table and scarf down the bagel that his boyfriend sweetly bought for him, his phone starts ringing. He doesn't even look at the caller before answering.

"Hey, sorry I'm running super late so if I could call you back later, that—"

There is a sniffle on the other side of the line.

Hayden quickly pulls the phone away from his ear to check who it is, and instantly softens at the name.

"What's wrong, love?" Hayden says in a soothing voice, much different than his hurried actions.

"S-Sorry," Valerie sniffles. "I-It's not a big deal. I can just—"

"Nonsense, Valley girl," Hayden smiles, speedily grabbing his keys off the counter and striding to the door with all his necessities. "What's up?"

"Um, I-I know that Vincent would already be teaching by now and Vance has tutoring lessons, b-but I just really didn't know who else to call—"

"Hey, you know I'm here for you anytime you need me," Hayden interjects, pausing when he sees that there is another sticky note on the door.

I swear to god, you better leave the house with a jacket

Hayden playfully rolls his eyes before dropping everything at the front door and strolling into the bedroom to grab one more article of clothing.

"Oh, o-okay," Valerie sighs in relief. "I've been having a bad couple of weeks, and I just...wanted someone to talk to about it."

"What's upsetting you?" Hayden asks sweetly as he finally walks out of the door.

"My mom," Valerie scoffs half-heartedly, "but you already know that. I also... fell out with one of my best friends and it really fucking sucks. I just feel like the world is resting on my shoulders and it's crushing me.

"Aw, I'm sorry, babe," Hayden replies sympathetically, climbing into his car as he holds the phone between his cheek and shoulder.

"Also..." Valerie says, almost hesitantly. "Please don't tell anyone about this, but I, um...I..."

"Valerie, I'm not going to judge you, sweetheart," Hayden coos.

He spots another sticky note on the outside of his windshield, almost getting carried away by the wind. He squints to read the message from Vincent.

I just knew your ass was going to be late:)
Have a good day.

"I, uh...started smoking," Valerie admits shamefully before she begins to ramble. "A-And I know how bad it is, but I just feel so stressed all the time, and nobody else understands me, and I know that Vincent would hate me, a-and—"

"Vincent wouldn't hate you," Hayden confesses. "He might beat your ass, but he won't hate you."

"Wow, Hayden, that makes me feel sooooooo much better," Valerie says sarcastically.

Hayden laughs before saying, "It's okay, though, Valerie. We are human. We can only take so much. That's why everyone needs a method to cope. I'm sad that it got to this point for you, but I could never be mad or judge you or look at you any differently. For me...when I start going to dark places or when bad things happen, I tend to blame myself and continually attack myself for things that are out of my control. That's why I'm so happy that I found your brother because he always pulls me out of that funk. He never lets my insecure thoughts take over, and it's so insanely comforting to know that he is there for me to fall back on."

"You're so sappy," Valerie teases.

"I know," Hayden rolls his eyes, smiling to himself because no matter how much people tease him for his continuous displays of affection and mushy words, he isn't going to change for someone else, and Vincent taught him that best. "Vinny would say the same thing. But Valerie, just do you. Don't worry about what anyone else would say."

"Okay," Valerie sighs before quietly saying, "Thank you so much, Hayden."

"Of course. Tell you what," Hayden begins as he drives down the road. "I'm going to meet you for lunch today. I'll take you off campus, we can talk about whatever you want, but I just want to give you a little break. You can relax around me, darling."

Valerie lets out a small sound of emotion before whispering, "I love you so much, Hayden."

"I love you more, Valley girl," Hayden beams. "Hang in there."

"Okay," Valerie answers, and Hayden loves that there is now a hint of a smile in her tone.

The phone call ends just in time for Hayden to pull into the parking lot of his workplace: the gym.

After years and years of searching, Hayden finally knows where he belongs. He never thought he'd find himself thriving as a personal trainer, but truthfully there is nothing he loves more than helping other people love themselves. Not only that, but getting to yell at people certainly is a plus for the high-energy man.

He is also now highly respected in his career. He always has a plethora of clients each week and loves that his job relies on social interaction because the ball of sunshine is always down for meeting new people. Not only that, but more and more people are waiting to get their chance at a training session with the Hayden Williams.

When Hayden finally walks into the energetic atmosphere, the usual reception worker is there. A smile lights up her face as she spots Hayden.

"Good morning, Hayden," Alicia beams.

"Good morning," Hayden winks. "Oh, did you get a haircut? It looks lovely."

"Oh, thank you," she says shyly, ducking her head.

Hayden can't help but think that it's so nice to have a profession where he is finally appreciated.

"Just to let you know," Alicia begins quietly. "Your client showed up a couple minutes ago. I told her to wait over by the racks."

"Okay, thank you," Hayden nods before making his way deeper into the gym.

He waves hello and fist-bumps the select few women and men who have taken a liking to the animated brunette.

Speaking of brunettes, Hayden sees the backside of what he thinks is his new client. He swiftly puts his bag in a locker before pulling up the workout plan on his phone that he fixed up a few nights ago when he was sent her information. For whatever reason, though, he can't remember the woman's name for the life of him.

He approaches her from behind and says, "Hi, I'm Hayden Williams, and from my understanding, I'm going to be your—ohmyfuckinggod."

The woman's eyes are comically wide as she stares back at him.

Hayden is unable to pick his jaw up off the ground. He can't believe that he is staring back at Sabrina—as in Vincent's ex-girlfriend.

"Uh, I mean," Hayden laughs awkwardly, "hey, how are you?" He then mutters under his breath, "Goddammit, why are you still absolutely gorgeous?"

Hayden's playful comment seems to break up the tension because Sabrina bursts out laughing. Hayden joins her laughter, but he doesn't know where they stand so it's more like awkward chuckles while she is busy losing a lung.

"Gosh, what a small world we live in, huh?" Sabrina finally manages. "How long has it been since we've actually seen each other?"

"I have no clue," Hayden smiles. "Nearly a decade?"

"Wow," Sabrina breathes, her eyes wide. "You haven't changed at all."

"Uh...thank you?" Hayden says uneasily.

"No, no, no, I didn't mean it in a bad way," Sabrina clarifies. "It's just when we were in high school, you had the power to light up a room and it's nice to see that that hasn't faded one bit."

"O-Oh," Hayden stammers, not even realizing that the comment is causing him to blush. "Thank you."

"You're welcome," she chirps before breaking eye contact. "Are, um, you and Vincent..."

Hayden cracks a smile and sighs dreamily. "Yeah, we're together."

"Oh, good," Sabrina replies, and Hayden tries to search the girl's face for any trace of insincerity, but he finds none. "It took you two long enough."

Hayden laughs half-heartedly before saying, "I'm really sorry about how it all went down. I never meant for you to get hurt."

Sabrina's eyes soften. "I know you didn't. I don't think it's anyone's fault. I mean...yeah, I did hate Vincent for a while, but I'm over it. Truly, I'm happy now. I think, if anything, that experience taught me to work on myself for a while and know my worth."

"I love that," Hayden smiles. "Are you seeing anyone now?"

"Nope, but I'm enjoying the single life. I think it's good for me to just do whatever I want in my twenties because I was never one who wanted to be tied down too early."

"Ah, I get it," Hayden nods.

"But enough about me," Sabrina giggles. "How long have you and Vincent been together?"

"Hmmm, about eight years?"

"Holy crap, I didn't know that it's been that long," Sabrina laughs. Her eyes then fixate on Hayden's hands, and the man can't help but raise an eyebrow in question. She soon snaps out of her trance when she doesn't seem to find what she is looking for. "Anyways, shall we begin?"

"Right," Hayden chuckles. "To start—"

"Wait, wait, wait," she interjects. "I just want to let you know that I hate exercising more than anything. I'm trying to better myself but I can't promise I'll be compliant."

Hayden lets out a loud laugh, "Don't worry, I'll make you love it."

"I don't have very much faith in you," Sabrina admits with a sly smile.

"Wow, rude," Hayden huffs. "I don't think you are supposed to insult your teacher on the first day."

"You'll survive," she says lightheartedly.

"Just for that, we will start with twenty push-ups," Hayden grins.

"Seriously?" Sabrina huffs but gets into position.

"Come on, do you want to sculpt those arms or not?"

Sabrina looks up innocently at Hayden. "Do them with me?"

Hayden rolls his eyes but drops down beside her. "I'll count them out. Just know that I'm keeping an eye out on your form, so when that starts to fail, I'll have you drop to your knees and do push-ups that way. No shame in that. After a few weeks, I can bet that you will be able to do them easily. You trust me?"

"I guess," she grumbles.

"That's the spirit!" Hayden chirps, causing the woman to give him the side-eye. "Ready?"


"Too bad," Hayden grins. "Let's begin."


Vincent checks his watch for the umpteenth time.

His eyes pan all around the expanse of the refined restaurant, but he doesn't see anything out of the ordinary, a.k.a. Hayden causing a huge scene or making some grand entrance like the prince he thinks he is.

Vincent can see others in the restaurant glancing at him with expressions full of pity for being supposedly stood up by his date, but Vincent is heavily amused. Despite loving Hayden so much, Vincent still greatly enjoys independence, especially since he gets to have an entire plate full of chips and queso to himself.

Still, Vincent is starting to get a tad bit worried.

Knowing the history of his boyfriend's lateness, Vincent told Hayden to meet him for dinner an hour early, hoping that they would arrive at the same time, but it's been almost thirty minutes since their planned arrival time.

The velvet box in Vincent's pocket is beginning to feel heavy. He's not really the nervous type, but man is he freaking out about asking Hayden to marry him within the next hour.

There have been too many questions of when Vincent was finally going to tie the knot with Hayden, but he is guilty to admit that his mom is part of the reason why it has taken him so long. He constantly tried to prove to himself that he didn't want her approval or blessing but it didn't change the fact that he so desperately needed it for Hayden's sake.

However, Vincent can't wait around forever, especially since he sees the dimness in Hayden's eyes every time someone mistakenly calls them husbands or asks if they are married and Hayden quickly explains they are only boyfriends with a melancholic expression that he tries to hide.

Vincent refuses to keep hurting Hayden this way. He can see how much it means to him, and although Vincent has never really found marriage all that fascinating with only his parents as a model, he is absolutely willing to make Hayden happy in this aspect. After all, it's honestly long due for the couple and Vincent can only thank Hayden for wanting to stay with him for so long without going in the direction he envisioned. However, after tonight, Hayden's vision will finally come to fruition, and god, Vincent can't wait to see a beautiful expression of elation painted upon his lover's face.

...that is if Hayden ever gets his ass to this damn dinner.

Vincent pulls out his phone and shoots Hayden a quick text.

Hay, are you on your way? If you forgot about dinner, I'm going to have to knock some sense into that head of yours.

Vincent sets his phone on the table and contemplates what he is going to say to Hayden when he drops down on one knee.

...Or is dinner and a romantic walk too little? Is it too predictable? Not up to the ridiculous standards of the sparkling Hayden Williams?

Jesus Christ, the longer that Hayden doesn't show up, the more Vincent begins to doubt if his tame proposal plan is special enough for the special (and insanely extra) person who has his heart.

Luckily, Vincent is pulled from his thoughts when his phone vibrates. He is surprised to find a text from Hayden so quickly.


Vincent raises an eyebrow and laughs at Hayden's unusual message.

He'd like to think that his boyfriend's spelling isn't that tragic but he also wouldn't put it past him. Not only that, but Vincent is hoping the man isn't drunk because then he might have to postpone the proposal and lose hair over it for another twenty-four hours.

All of a sudden, the doors to the restaurant fly open so harshly that it startles the hostesses ready to seat incoming families. Since everyone's eyes are latched onto the entrance, their curiosity is further piqued when a man comes running through the establishment.

Vincent sighs and slouches in his seat, knowing that for whatever reason Hayden can't go without drawing attention wherever he is. Vincent seriously has no idea how they work out.

"Excuse me!" Hayden says hastily as he swerves through waiters and other guests in the restaurant. "Coming through!" When he accidentally knocks over an empty stand that usually houses platters of food—"Shit"—he swiftly picks it up and carefully fixes it again before smiling awkwardly at the surrounding staff.

Without warning, the restaurant doors burst open again and rushing through comes three cops, all sporting angry, downturned brows.

Vincent's eyes widen because he doesn't know what his boyfriend possibly could've done this time.

"Oh, crap," Hayden whines before dashing deeper down the aisles of booths and tables. He finally sees Vincent huddled in the corner stall and nearly cries with relief.

Hayden sprints faster toward his boyfriend, and just when Vincent thinks Hayden is going to approach him in a calm and collected way and explain everything, the man throws himself across his lap. Vincent almost has a heart attack as Hayden's foot kicks his beverage off the table and the glass shatters on the ground. Vincent and Hayden nearly have a wrestling match as Hayden tries to situate himself in the seat but only ends up elbowing Vincent where the sun doesn't shine. Hayden briskly apologizes as he finally fits his legs under the table and tosses his arms around his boyfriend's shoulder with a nervous smile.

"Hayden, what the actual fuc—what the hell is going on?" Vincent whispers harshly, his eyes wide as he glances around the area and finds the group of cops stomping toward them. "Are you getting arrested? We already talked about not doing illegal shit. Hayd—"

"Shh, Shh," Hayden says panicked, quickly planting a peck on Vincent's lips because he always makes a point to greet him with a little kiss, even if he is possibly about to get in trouble with law enforcement. "I'll explain everything later but for right now I just need you to act natural and play along."


Vincent is extremely confused and wants to question Hayden more, but he doesn't get a chance to as suddenly the men in uniform are towering over him, basking the couple in their shadow.

"Good day, sir," the first of them says. Vincent gives them a quick nod of his head as a wordless greeting. "We don't mean to bother you but we would just like to have a word with your...uh..."

Hayden buries his face in Vincent's neck, wrapping an arm around his waist.

"Boyfriend," Vincent finishes easily.

"Ah, yes. Your boyfriend," the officer says with a tight-lipped smile. "We just need to have a quick cha—"

Suddenly, Hayden starts fake weeping into Vincent's chest. Vincent just barely manages to cover his shock before realizing that he is supposed to play along.

He wraps his arms around Hayden and gently pats his back. Vincent then awkwardly says, "There, there...honey."

Hayden is unable to stop himself from briefly laughing into Vincent's chest at his boyfriend's tone and unusual words. For someone who usually puts up a heartless front in public, Hayden literally just couldn't keep in his laughter. Thankfully, he expertly disguises his amusement as a pitiful cough.

"I demand to know what is going on right now," Vincent says haughtily, glaring at the cops as he pats Hayden's head.

Yeah, Vincent is having a hard time not dying of laughter as well.

"Um, sir, we didn't do anything," a different cop explains to Vincent, flustered by the situation. "We only wanted—"

"Oh, the trauma!" Hayden practically wails. "I can't stand to look at you!"

Vincent has no idea what Hayden's plan is, but his boyfriend's thankfully decent acting skills usually gets them out of a ton of questionable situations.

"Oh, Vinny, the memories. The memories!" Hayden cries. "When I was four years old, you and your little police entourage ran over my two pet hamsters!"

The cops blink slowly at the seemingly mental man.

"Poor Freddy and Sharkiesha didn't stand a chance," Hayden continues pathetically. "And you didn't care! None of you cared when the thing I loved most was ripped away from me!"

"We stumbled upon a looney one," one of them whispers and Vincent can't help but think, You sure did.

"Why were your hamsters outside?"

"Wait...your hamster's name was Sharkiesha?" the last of the officers questions, concern plaguing his features.

"Ugh, and now you continue to nag and follow me wherever I go! Why can't you just let me properly grieve for my dead rodents?! Oh, I can't take it anymore!"

Hayden grabs Vincent's shirt with two fists and smashes his head into his chest dramatically, pretending to be overcome with emotion and tears.

Vincent looks up at the small team of policemen and gives them an uneasy smile.

"Um, how old exactly is your boyfriend?" An officer asks Vincent.

Vincent opens his mouth but Hayden beats him to the punch.

"God, old enough to screw you and your mother!" Hayden exclaims. "You can't put a timeline on grief! You've already ruined enough of my life by murdering my hamsters in cold blood! What more do you want from me?!"

The cops exchange anxious glances as Hayden continues to cause a huge scene in the middle of the restaurant.

"What?! Do you want to run over my boyfriend too? And then you want to arrest me for having valid feelings? Oh, and I guess you think people with life-altering scars are ugly too, don't you?! You probably kick puppies on the weekend! And I bet—"

"We are so sorry for all of this." A cop cuts him off. "Hope you have a good rest of your day, you two...uh, please don't tell our superiors about this."

Before either Hayden or Vincent gets a chance to respond, three pairs of heated footsteps are retreating from the table. Hayden continues to desperately clutch Vincent's shirt as false tears slip down his cheeks.

When Hayden knows that the coast is clear by the sound of the front doors shutting, he pops up from his boyfriend's chest. He swiftly wipes his tears and happens to notice literally everyone in the restaurant staring at him.

"Annnnnnnd scene," Hayden claps, showing a beaming smile. "You guys can go back to your regularly scheduled programming now."

Everybody continues to stare.

Hayden gives a quick flick of his wrist, telling everyone to get back to their own conversations, and after taking one last glance at the brunette who had actions comparable to a six-year-old throwing a tantrum, slow conversation and chatter start up once again.

"Hi, Vinny," Hayden grins brightly, kissing his cheek before snatching a chip off the appetizer plate. "How was your day?"

"Um, how about we start over?" Vincent chuckles. "What on earth did you do to piss off the cops?"

"Well," Hayden responds, scooting the tiniest bit closer to Vincent, placing his hand on his boyfriend's thigh. "You see, I told a really bad joke and clearly it didn't go over well. And you know how I do that thing when I keep rambling after I know I've said something wrong? Yeah, it just kept getting worse and worse and the only solution looked like literally running away from my problems right then."

"I can't stand your ass sometimes," Vincent snorts. "What was the joke?"

"I said 'Why are policemen such great volleyball players?'"


"And the answer was, 'Because they know how to serve and protect,'" Hayden finishes.

"That's not that ba—"

"And then I followed it up with their butts would be hanging so far out of their spandex because they are always covering each other's asses instead of their own."

"Hayden," Vincent replies, his mouth hanging wide open in shock. "I don't know where you get the courage sometimes."

"I don't know either," Hayden shrugs. "It just slipped out. And then, Viola. I ended up here." Hayden places his chin on Vincent's shoulder. "I'm sorry for being late, though. I really tried to be on time."

"Don't sweat it, Hay," Vincent assures. "I knew what I was getting into when I started dating you."

"Kay-kay," Hayden mutters softly, sliding his hand up Vincent's neck as he wordlessly asks for his boyfriend's attention so he can kiss him.

Vincent easily complies, connecting their lips in a tender caress. Just as Hayden is about to get lost in that wonderful and warm familiar touch, Vincent is maneuvering Hayden's hand off his neck and breaking the kiss.

Hayden blinks his eyes open in surprise, but Vincent only quietly explains, "Not here, Hayden. You know how much I love you, but—"

"No, I know. You don't like PDA," Hayden interjects, the corner of his lips upturned in a way that says he isn't the tiniest bit butthurt. "I'm sorry. I just didn't get to talk to you that much today."

Vincent smiles and slides his arm around Hayden's waist in a way that is concealed.

Don't misunderstand—Vincent isn't against PDA because he is scared of the backlash he will face doing affectionate actions with a guy; he doesn't like PDA simply because he loves in private and likes to keep to himself. Maybe it's because of how he grew up or maybe it's just because of personal preference, but that doesn't make him love Hayden any less, and his boyfriend knows that.

"Did you already order?" Hayden asks curiously.

"Nope," Vincent answers, picking up the menu and holding it in front of their faces. "You should know by now that I don't do it without you."

"I know," Hayden chuckles. "I just like hearing you say that."

Vincent rolls his eyes playfully before saying, "Get whatever you want."

"Okay," Hayden responds softly, his eyes picking apart the text in front of him.

"How was your day, though?" Vincent begins, letting his hand carefully wander across Hayden's back and side.

"Oh my god, you'll never guess who I ran into today!" Hayden gasps.

Vincent raises an eyebrow.

" know, like, as in your ex-girlfriend," Hayden clarifies.

"Yeah. Yeah, I got that," Vincent chuckles. "What about her?"

"She was my new client today. Which, by the way, it's not fair that she's still beautiful as fuck. I'm supposed to be the hottest out of everyone you have dated, and I fear that I'm losing the battle."

"You worry about silly things."

"See, I know that was your own Vincent-way of calling me smoking hot, but that's not the point. We caught up a bit and it was actually really nice talking to her. I just...wanted to run something by you because I would never want to do anything that makes you uncomfortable. I offered to get lunch with her next week. Is that okay?"

"Of course, Hay," Vincent replies. "What's in the past is in the past. Besides, from what I remember, Sabrina is a pretty cool person, so I really don't mind at all."

"Wow, Vinny, I expected you to be a little less understanding with your only ex."

"Well, every other person I run into on the street is your ex so it would be kind of hypocritical if I went against it."

"Vinny!" Hayden exclaims, slapping Vincent's chest.

"Kidding, kidding," Vincent grins. "But not really. Anyways, know what you want?"

"Yeah," Hayden admits. "I want whatever you're having."

"Of course you do."

Hayden chuckles and says, "Shut up. You know you love me."

"Unfortunately," Vincent says with a sly grin, and just in time for the waiter to approach their table.

"Are you ready to order?"


Vincent and Hayden are walking hand and hand under the sunset. Hayden, as always, is talking Vincent's ear off while he quietly observes his surroundings and somewhat listens. The flowing water of the crystal blue lake next to them adds to the magical atmosphere as they advance further and further down the dock.

"—cent. Vincent."

"Hm? Yeah?" the ravenette responds.

"What are you thinking about?" Hayden asks sweetly.

"Oh, nothing."

"Is it actually nothing or are you saying it's nothing because it's something so huge that it's rotting your brain?" Hayden smiles.

"Really, Hay. I'm fine," Vincent assures.

"Ugh," Hayden groans, linking their arms together as he steps closer. "Why don't you ever let me worry about you?" He pouts for extra measure.

"Because you don't need to," Vincent laughs lightheartedly. "Besides, I got enough on my hands with worrying about you making it home in one piece every day."

"But you promise you're okay?"

"I promise," Vincent answers easily, connecting their lips shortly. He then tugs on Hayden's arm, making the almost-skipping man stop. "Your shoe's untied."

Vincent quickly kneels in front of Hayden, but Hayden is too distracted to even notice that his shoe is already tied.

Vincent hastily snatches the box from his pocket and unveils the glinting ring. He presents it to Hayden but the upbeat man isn't even paying attention.

Hayden begins quietly humming to himself when suddenly, he gasps. Vincent thinks it's because he finally notices the ring but that isn't even close to being the case.

"Oh my god, Vinny!" he exclaims excitedly. "Look how pretty the sunset is! I have to get a picture."

Vincent chuckles as he endearingly watches Hayden snap photos of the sky and continues to patiently hold up the ring, waiting for Hayden to notice.


"Yeah, Vin?" Hayden questions before something else quickly distracts him. "It's so cute! Vinny, we have to go ask if we can pet that woman's dog! Can we get a dog? Why don't we have a dog yet?"

"Hay, you haven't proved that I can trust you at home with another living and breathing organism."

"I'll get there one day," he huffs, his eyes panning around once again to find something new to attract his interest. Vincent has gotten used to Hayden's inability to concentrate on one thing at a time, and he finds it really cute. Somehow, Hayden is soothing Vincent's mind by just being his unfiltered self.

Hayden gasps again, "Look, there's a turtle in the water as well. Remember that one time I almost crashed the car because a little army of turtles were crossing the street?"

"Yeah, I remember it well," Vincent chuckles. "My life flashed before my eyes."

"I love that we have so many memories together," Hayden confesses, his tone soft and displaying his reminiscent attitude.

"Me too," Vincent whispers, fiddling with the box since Hayden still hasn't looked down. "It's nice always having someone to adventure with."

"Mhm! Especially someone as gorgeous and spontaneous as moi," Hayden says smugly. "You are always in for a wonderful surprise."

"I don't know if wonderful is the word for it, considering the last time you said you had a surprise for me, I ended up in a professional boxing match because you don't know how to keep your mouth shut."

"Ugh, that was one time, Vinny," Hayden laughs.

"Yeah, but I think the point I was trying to make is that you are crazy as hell," Vincent smiles, staring up wistfully at his other half. "You have a fuck-ton of dumb moments. I've learned time and time again that you can't be controlled because no matter what anyone says, you are unfortunately always going to do you. You are probably the most childish person I know. Not only that but we clearly know how impulsive and vocal you are since you got chased by the cops today. And don't think I forgot about the time that I had to bail you out of jail."

"What's your point, Vinny?" Hayden chuckles. "I don't remember saying you can shamelessly insult me, especially not without compensation. I will take it in the form of either chocolate, kisses, or shots. And wait...are you done down there? You are taking an awfully long ti—"

Hayden's eyes nearly bulge out of their sockets when he finally sees his boyfriend kneeling before him with a bright engagement ring in hand. Tears instantly prick the corner of Hayden's eyes because he has been waiting for so long that he feared it would never happen. The only thing the brunette can manage is completely freezing in his spot with his mouth hanging wide open.

"All your flaws are my favorite thing about you, though," Vincent confesses, his smile so wide that it's almost unrecognizable. "Your selflessness outshines your selfishness. Your optimism overshadows my own pessimism. Your empathy and heart are something I so desperately wish I could possess as my own. God, you're beautiful inside and out, and there's—"

"Yes," Hayden grins, a single tear slipping down his cheek. "Holy sweet mother of Jesus! Yes, I'll marry you!"

Hayden reaches out to grasp the ring, but Vincent swiftly pulls the box back.

"Just a second, Hay," Vincent snickers. "Let me finish my speech. I didn't even ask the question yet."

"Oh, who cares about that?!" he exclaims tearfully. "I want my ring."

"Hayden, wait," Vincent objects once again, but his impatient boyfriend lashes forward and gets a hold of the diamond.

"Vinny," Hayden huffs. "I've waited long enough! Just put the damn thing on my finger!"

"Hayden, I've thought for hours about what I should say to you, so just let me fucking say it."

The couple begins to fight over the box, each one trying to wrestle the ring closer to their chests.

"Hayden, I'm going to beat your ass."

"Vinny, please."

"Just let me fucking redo it!"

Hayden lets go, causing Vincent to almost fall backward. Hayden crosses his arms with a huff as Vincent tosses his boyfriend an annoyed look and fixes his collar.

Vincent takes a deep breath and says, "Hayden Williams—"

"—will you marry me?" Hayden finishes impatiently. He then claps excitedly before saying, "Yes, Vinny. A million times yes."

Hayden lunges for the ring yet again and gets a hold of the lid of the velvet box.

"Hayden, that's not what—"

"Vinny, I just—"

"For once in your life, can you just—"

"Why can't you let me—"

Hayden and Vincent continue to grapple with the article that costs a couple months of Vincent's salary. Both men are getting genuinely annoyed by the other not letting up, and they are unknowingly enticing a crowd.

"You motherfucking—"

"Dammit, just—"

"Son of a bitch, if you don't—"

"Vincent Arden Russell, quit being—"

Without warning, the lid breaks off the base of the box, sending Vincent and Hayden flying backward in opposite directions. They both land harshly on their asses, and too late do they realize that the ring is soaring through the air from their little scuffle.

The next few seconds seem to roll by in slow motion.

Vincent's mouth hangs open helplessly and Hayden begins to shout dramatically. Judging by the trajectory of the flying silver, the couple knows that something horrible is bound to happen but they are paralyzed in their spots.

...And when the ring finally plops into the lake with a rippling splash, complete silence ensues.

Neither Hayden nor Vincent says a word for what feels like an hour.

Suddenly, Vincent takes a deep breath and closes his eyes.

"Remember, Vincent," he says, trying to remain calm. "This is who you want to marry."

Hayden grimaces, not knowing what else to say or do.


"Nope," Vincent objects. "Don't say a word if you don't want to die."

Hayden nods guiltily.

Vincent rises to his feet and dusts himself off. Hayden doesn't move a single muscle, scared that steam is literally going to come out of Vincent's ears. Hell, Hayden wouldn't be surprised if lasers started shooting out of his eyes.

Vincent doesn't hesitate before walking away.

"You better say at least ten feet behind me until we get home," Vincent announces, and Hayden scrambles after him but keeps his distance, shuffling his feet like a punished child. "You aren't allowed to say anything until tomorrow morning. You aren't allowed to look at me and don't even think about having a movie night."

Hayden frowns and rubs his arm self-consciously, but he also knows he is a hundred percent in the wrong.

"C-Can we..."

Vincent looks over his shoulder and glares at Hayden as a warning to shut up.

"...still cuddle in bed?" Hayden finishes timidly.

Vincent observes Hayden's sheepish expression and eases up a bit, even though the brunette definitely doesn't deserve it. Vincent doesn't need to reprimand his boyfri—fiancé because the man knows exactly where he went wrong.

"Fine," he sighs. "But if you want another ring, you can buy yourself a goddamn ring pop."

Hayden huffs dejectedly but ultimately says, "Okay..."

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