New found love and Bloodlust

By Creepypastatea84

6K 159 284

Rody had always had his suspensions of Vince, but they were never confirmed until he stole his spare freezer... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 2

1.1K 27 77
By Creepypastatea84

After Vince helped Rody up, he led him upstairs to his apartment so he could fix his stab wound up.

When they walked into the apartment, Rody took notice of how clean and well keep it was. Unlike his own messy one.
He sort of envied how put together Vince's life was, he had everything under control. Even with the whole 'killing people' thing.

Which Rody was still trying to process.

He watched as Vince walked away into the bathroom, assuming he was going to grab a med kit or something to help bandage Rody's poor shoulder up.

Considering how deep it was, it probably needed more than just bandages.

As he waited, he thought back to Vince killing that woman in the freezer. Thinking about how the noise of her neck being sliced open, the way her blood poured out, and how the sound of her muffled screams and gagging, were like music to his ears.

He couldn't believe he enjoyed it so much, but he wondered, did Vince enjoy it as well?

Vince was a bit cold and bitter, sure. But to think, he'd been so messed up in the head, for only god knows how long. How long had he been like this?

Maybe Rody was just so bad at picking up social cues, that he never noticed all the red flags and horrible behavior Vince showed.

Those deadly grey eyes that could practically pierce right through your soul, the cold and underlying way he spoke.

If Rody was going to be honest, it sometimes turned him on.

Wait… no…ew. Why would he even think that? That was insane, Rody was crazy, yeah sure. But no way in hell was he THAT crazy.

Why would he even find that attractive? Why would he even find Vince attractive! Why was he-

Vince snapped his fingers in front of Rody's face, an annoyed look on his face as he held a med kit for Rody in his hand. "Snap out of it." He said, his voice cold as always.

“Huh?” Rody looked at Vince, confused and dazed as he slowly realized he'd come back to bandage him up.

He almost forgot he was injured, the pain was just- there. It didn't bother him.

“How long have you been trying to get my attention?” He asked, a bit worried that he might have pissed Vince off.

“Probably the last 30 seconds or so, give or take." Vince said, shrugging slightly as he sat down.

"Take your shirt off, I need to see the wound." He said, opening the med kit up. Knowing himself and how deep he'd just stabbed Rody, he was definitely going to need stitches.

Rody blushed slightly, and awkwardly took his blood soaked shirt off. He was definitely going to need stitches.

Vince sighed and opened the med kit, grabbing a needle and thread. He pulled his lighter out of his pocket, knowing heating the needle would make this easier on both of them.
"I'm going to have to stitch you up, want something to bite onto?" He asked, threading the needle and heating it up with his lighter.

"Nah, I'll be fine." Rody said, turning slightly so Vince had a better look at his wound.

Vince didn't question it, and just got to work stitching it up.

Rody winced at the contact, but eased into it pretty quickly. He kind of liked the burning sensation, and the sting of pain that came from his wound. It wasn't that bad.

He liked the attention, being cared for, and all that. Even if it had nothing to do with anything loving, and was just basic and  much-needed wound care.

It was still nice.

Vince finished up the stitching, and cleaned the blood off of Rody's skin and wound, then he started to bandage it up.

He thought about how Rody was lost in space, and couldn't help but be curious. Why was he so distracted earlier? Was he thinking about what Vince had done? Was he planning to run after this? What was he thinking.

“So, why are you so distracted?"  he asked, his trying to sound a bit softer so he didn't startle Rody. He couldn't have him running off.
"Did it have something to do with.. earlier?" He added, really trying to pick Rody’s brain apart so he could understand him.

“Yeah I guess.. I just- I wasn't scared.. I was- intrigued." Rody said, immediately regretting his words.

 Shit. He didn't mean to say that last part, it just rushed out, like word vomit.

Vince's stone cold expression turned into a more complexed one, and he finished bandaging Rody's shoulder.

He put everything away and grabbed the med kit, standing up and heading back to the bathroom so he could put it away.

He didn't expect that to come from anyone's mouth, let alone Rody’s.

How was he intrigued? Was he confused or something? Or was he, actually interested in what Vince had done?

The thought made Vince smrik. Could there really be a possibility that Rody, sweet, caring Rody, was as crazy as he was.

He'd have to think about it more later.

Vince put the med kit away, and walked back into the living where Rody was sitting. The redhead was buttoning his shirt back up, even when it was soaked with blood.
Vince would have to go grab him another one in a second, for now, he wanted to cook. And he was sure Rody had lost quite a bit of energy from his blood loss.

"Would you like something to eat, Rody?" He asked, his arms crossed over his chest as he waited for an answer.

The Gesture surprised Rody, he didn't expect Vince to offer him food or anything else. He just thought he'd fix his wound up, then kick him out.

“I umm.. y-yeah sure!” He said, his voice breaking slightly. He was flattered by the gesture, and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly as he watched Vince walk off to the kitchen.
Was he always this easy to flatter? Or was it because it was Vince?

Last time he checked, the only person who could make him feel this mushy and flattered, was Manon.

But she wasn't in his life anymore, she hadn't been for over three months now.

She broke up with him because she was convinced Rody needed to "work on himself", because he was neglecting his needs for her.
He never quite understood what she was talking about.

He had a place of his own, and at the time was working a decent job, and he literally gave her everything she could have desired.
Who could ever want more than that? He thought that doing things for her, was the same as doing things for himself.

But yet, his time with her came to an end. Like most things in his life do.

He has some semblance of happiness in his life for a little bit, and then, life decides to fail him. Or rather, he failed life.
He always fails one way or another. He didn't know what he was doing wrong.

He found himself sitting there, stirring up a storm of negative thoughts In his head, when he heard Vince call out to him.

“Rody, food!" Vince called, and Rody got up.

He went to the kitchen, and sat down near the kitchen counter, where Vince had placed down a plate for him. 

It was a medium-well steak, lightly salted with pepper and lemon salt, garnished with parsley, with a small baked potato on the side, and a few cooked lemons on the side to add extra flavor.

Rody inhaled the aroma, taking in all of the yummy smells of the food.

He glanced up at Vince, who was leaning against the fridge eating his own food. Vince didn't pay Rody much mind, just glanced at him before he continued eating.

Rody took that as his cue to start eating, and grabbed a fork and knife Vince had left next to the plate.

Rody took a bite out of the steak, and was completely amazed at the flavor and texture of it.

Damn Could Vince cook.

Well, no shit he could cook. He wasn't a renowned chef and restaurant owner for nothing. The Famous, Vincent Charbonneau.

 Rody always liked the name Vincent.

Maybe it was because he had a thing for V names, or just because the name Vincent in itself, was just a flattering name to him. He blushed to himself, catching himself thinking about Vince again.
He didn't know why Vince kept popping up in his mind, but then again, he did watch him end the life of someone barely thirty minutes ago.

Rody sighed, and continued eating, hoping the food would distract his mind from everything.

He wasn't sure if he was ready to believe he enjoyed watching someone die, not yet anyway.

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