This Love

By Love-Ink

1.9K 125 122

Extra one-shots, cut scenes, and snippets of from the main story "She Will be Loved" & "It Was Always You". A... More

Redwood Table
Wisdom Teeth
Christmas Eve Eve
NYC Birthday
Best Friends Forever
Something to Lose
Lights Out
Thanksgiving Day Parade
Favorite Day, Part II
Champagne & Chlorine
Easter Sunday

Favorite Day

84 10 10
By Love-Ink

This one is for @Hopelessangelxxx
who wanted to read about Happy and Angela's mission trip! Happy's about 22 in this one, Angela is 9! :)

Love writing little Ang and big brother Hap!


Happy stared up at the big church, already dreading going inside of it. His nine year old cousin was standing beside him, her eyes slightly wide as she took in the architecture of the Mission Dolores Basilica. It was beautiful, intricate with its arches and glass windows. The bright white building beside it was why they were actually there, though. Her class was studying the California Missions, and she had to write a whole ass report about them. She got extra credit if she visited and took pictures while she was there, too. Angela, knowing they didn't have the money to go very far just for a class project, had selected the mission in San Francisco. Initially, his Ma was supposed to take her, but she'd gotten called into work for an overtime shift, and the cash she'd make was too good to pass up, so she'd asked him to take her. He tried to get out of it, but his mother was stubborn, and he caved; it was rare he didn't cave when his Ma asked him to do something.

"Did you know the mission was made in 1776, Hap? It's the oldest building in San Francisco!" Angela exclaimed, pointing at the smaller building with the red roof.

"Cool, kid. Get your picture and let's bounce," he said, nodding to the disposable camera in her hand.

Angela snapped a quick picture. He went to head towards his truck, but she stood firm. "We gotta go inside, Hap," she said, nodding to the door. "That's what my teacher said. I need a flyer thingy or something to prove I was here."

"Can get one at the gift shop," he said nodding towards the corner. Much to his mother's dismay, he hadn't stepped foot in a church in years. His Ma, Graci, and most of the time Angela went on a weekly basis, though. He figured the only reason Angela went was because afterwards, it usually meant she got to hang out with Rosa and Lino. Lino and Angela usually sat together with Rosa sitting with her family and the rest of the Mayan families that went to church. Once church was done, they usually went to get doughnuts all together or to play at Rosa's house.

"We hafta go inside," she insisted stubbornly. "Please, Hap."

He narrowed his eyes at her; there was something more to it that she wasn't telling him. Squatting down so he was her height, he realized she wouldn't look at him. "What's goin' on, kid?"

"Tia said this was a special Church, and we should go light velitas for Papi and Tio. She said they would know we were thinkin' of them, and it would make them happy." (Little candles.)

Velitas. She wanted to go inside to light prayer candles. It didn't surprise him how staunch her resolve was to light the candles for her dad and Chico; his kid was very much into thinking her dead family members were still around in spirit. She often said she talked to them, sometimes even that she felt their presence. With a sigh, he stood up straight and nodded. "Gonna make it fast. Not prayin' 'n' shit."

Angela nodded solemnly. "I just need help lightin' the candles, Hap. Then you can go, but I want to say a prayer."

"All right, kid," he murmured, pulling open the heavy door and letting her walk in first. He watched her dip her fingers in the holy water and do a sign of the cross. She looked up at him, and he begrudgingly did the same. He knew the church traditions; his Ma had forced him to go to church on Sunday for as long as she possibly could.

The inside of the small church was actually kind of beautiful. He took it all in, an unsettling feeling in his gut; he didn't belong there. There were a few people in the church, and he could feel their eyes on him as he walked inside. Another reason he hated churches was the glares he got for the tattoos that littered his arms and head. If Angela noticed it, she didn't say anything. She went straight to the candles, digging in her little purse and taking out the two dollars she'd earned doing simple chores around the house. She put the cash into the little slot before glancing up at him.

Without a word, he lit one of the long matches and handed it to her, watching as her eyes surveyed the many candles there before she picked two in the back and carefully lit them. She turned away and blew out the match before throwing it away. "You can go outside if you want, Hap. I'll be right there," she told him, looking much older than her nine years. He watched her kneel on the little kneeler in front of one of the statues. She made another sign of the cross, folding her hands together, and squeezing her eyes shut in silent prayer.

Happy sighed; he didn't have the heart to leave her there. He stood behind her, hands clasped in front of him, marveling at Angela's patience. She was usually a ball of energy, unable to sit still, but here she was totally at peace, zen almost. He wondered if she actually liked going to church. With a little nod of her head, she stood again and turned to him with a big grin. "You stayed," she said in surprise.

"Promised your Dad I'd watch out for ya. Not leavin' ya alone," he said, rubbing a hand over her braided hair and tugging on the end of it.

She surprised him again by wrapping her arms around him in a quick hug. "Thanks, Hap."

He dropped a kiss to the top of her head before glancing around again. He'd about had his limit of church shit. "We good to go? Got a place to show you."


Angela stared up at the beautiful brown pagoda that fronted the intricate gates in front of her. It was stunning; she'd never seen anything like it. She glanced up at her cousin, who had the smallest smile on his face. "What is it?"

"Japanese Tea Garden," he explained, nudging her gently towards the entrance. She walked with him, mouth agape as they entered the garden. The greenery was lush, vibrant against the foggy overcast day as were some of the brilliant red pagodas.

"This place is cool," she murmured, walking beside him. They walked together in a comfortable, peaceful quiet way. She was used to the quiet with Hap. It never felt weird or awkward. Happy didn't waste time with words. When he spoke, it meant something.

Happy nodded slowly in response. He pointed to a huge bridge that was arched into a big half circle, so much so that the mirror image of it in the water below made it appear to be a full circle. " 's the Drum Bridge. Looks like a drum with the reflection and shit. Also makes it hard to climb, so you gotta be slow, patient," he explained, nodding towards it. "Can climb it if you want. Take a picture of ya up there. Just go slow."

Angela handed him the camera and headed towards the bridge that seemed to go straight up. She inhaled deeply, using the railing to climb the first rung and really making sure she was secure in every step she took until she got to the top. She stood at the top, surveying the beautiful view. She glanced at Happy who took a quick picture of her before making the climb himself. With his long legs, it was a lot easier for him. Once he got there, he set a hand on her shoulder and squeezed. She looked up at him with a little smile. Angela could feel the connection between them and the peaceful spot around him. Happy had always been her safe place, the person she found the most peace with.

After a few minutes, some other patrons stopped at the base of the bridge. Happy climbed down first, turning to and holding out his arms to help her. She leaned forward, trusting him enough to catch her as she wrapped her arms around his neck. He caught her easily, hugging her close for a minute before setting her down on her feet.

They continued walking together, stopping in front of a gorgeous waterfall flowing into a pond that was filled with brilliant orange and white fishes. Angela went as close as she possible could to the pond to see the fish. Happy squatted down beside her, and she moved in closer to him, leaning against his side and draping her arm over his shoulders. "Koi fish," he stated, pointing to them. "Stories say that every year, thousands of 'em swim upstream and meet at a waterfall. The ones that make it there, turn into dragons."

"Woah," she murmured, picturing the stone dragon statues she'd seen in the garden turning into real golden animals. "Is that real?"

"Dunno. Never seen it," he answered on a shrug.

Angela had a feeling he knew they weren't real but was being nice about it. It wasn't a lie, thought; Happy never lied to her. "That's one strong fish."

He chuckled, rubbing a large hand over her hair as he nodded. "Yeah, kid," he agreed, standing slowly. "Want some tea?"

She perked up at the idea of having a treat. "Yeah!" she exclaimed, skipping to keep up with his long strides.

They found a quiet little corner of the tea house with a few of the gardens below. Angela kept sitting up to see the koi fish in the pond below, entranced by the way their colorful scales glittered underneath the water. Happy's chuckle made her smile as she sat back down. "Can we come back here again, Hap?" she asked, swinging her feet.

"Sure," he agreed on a nod. He thanked the waitress that set the tea and some Japanese crackers in front of them. He picked one out and showed it to her before popping it into his mouth. "This shit is spicy. 's got wasabi. Don't eat 'em."

Angela took a sip of her tea, enjoying the way it spread warmth through her whole body. She reached for the same little cracker Happy had showed her; if he could eat them, she could too. "I can do spicy," she stated confidently as she put it in her mouth. The taste was intense and spicy in a different way than anything else she'd tried; she swore she could feel it in her nose.

Happy laughed, shaking his head at her. "Told you."

" 's fine," she said, eyes watering. She couldn't help but smile at having made her cousin laugh. That was hard to do. She swallowed hard before taking a long sip of tea. " 's not that spicy."

"Your face don't say that," he said, smirking at her. "Want another?"

"No, thanks," she said quickly, grabbing a pretty flower shaped cracker that tasted much better. She grabbed the tea pot, carefully serving herself and Happy more tea. There was pride in his eyes as she took a seat and sipped at her tea. She loved this place, loved being there with Happy. It felt nice to slow things down a little bit. Everyone always seemed so busy around her with all their working. She was alone at their house a lot, or she would stay at Lino's house or Rosa's. It was rare she got an entire day with any of her family member's full attention. She sighed in content, picking up another cracker. "Hap?" she said, waiting until his eyes met hers. "This is my favorite day."

His mouth quirked into a little smile. "Me too, kid. Me too."

There's a second part of this coming soon too... ;)
Let me know what you think, or if there's any prompts you'd like to read!!

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