Something to Lose

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This one takes place when Angela's seven and Hap's about 20 years old.
This one's for @hopelessangelxxx who wanted a look into Angela and Happy when they were younger...and there's some Kozik too just because...
Also, big change from "Hands All Over" in that Angela meets Koz when she is a lot younger than the other story...

Happy pulled up to the curb in front of his Ma's house with Kozik close behind him, foregoing the driveway where his seven year old cousin was riding her little purple bike with the glittery tassels and plastic training wheels up and down the sloped pavement. Sidewalk chalk was littered on the ground with hearts, stars, and other figures covering the driveway. Angela's little legs were working fast as she sped towards them, helmetless, her braided hair a complete mess, colored chalk on her cheeks. She stopped just before them, throwing down her bike and racing towards him. "Hap!" she exclaimed, running at him.

He just barely managed to dismount his motorcycle when she jumped on him, throwing her arms around his neck. Normally, he would've told her not to jump on him, but they'd just lost their Uncle Chico, and he knew the affection she sought out was part of her grieving process. She was much more touchy-feely since Chico died, and he was trying to help her through it in anyway he could. If a big hug was gonna help, he could forego his own annoyance to give her the love she needed. He hugged her tightly, aware of his brother's curious eyes on him. He didn't really give a shit. Not in front of Kozik. He'd see the blonde asshole on his hands and knees covered in puke as he detoxed. If he gave him shit for loving his family, he was going to give him shit for being a junkie dick head. Kissing her temple, he gently pushed her away and set her down on her feet. "Where's your helmet, kid?" he asked, passing his hand over her messy hair.

"Dunno," she replied on a shrug. " 'm fine. I don't need it. Look how good I am!"

Happy knew she was trying to be tough, but he wasn't going to let it go. He stopped her from getting on the bike. "I wear mine, you gotta wear yours, or 'm throwin' the bike away."

She rolled her eyes at him, setting his hands on her hips in a posture that was way too old for her. "You're riding a motorcycle. This is a stupid bike with training wheels. It can't even fall over no matter how fast I go!"

He heard Kozik chuckle behind him at her sass and turned to glare at him. "She ain't wrong," the blonde said with a shit eating grin.

Angela glanced over at him as if finally noticing he was there. "Who's he?" she asked, craning her head all the way back to look up at him.

"This is my pal, Kozik," he said, gesturing to his club brother. "Came over for dinner. Koz, this is my cousin, Angela."

He caught the way her nose wrinkled at her own name; it was rare he ever said it, and she clearly wasn't used to it. Kozik squatted down so he was even with her. "Nice to meet you, Angie-pie," he said, offering her his hand to shake.

She looked at his hand than at Happy as if she were surprised by the adult-like greeting. "Nice to meet you, Kozi," she replied, shaking his hand. She glanced up at her cousin. "Hap, can you take off my training wheels?"

He inwardly groaned at the idea of taking off the training wheels and having to teach her how to use it with Kozik there. "Kid..."

"Please Hap! Rosa and Lino got 'em off, and I'm the only baby that has 'em on! Tia won't do it because she says she can't teach me how 'cause she can't run fast! You can run fast! Please!" she pleaded, her dark eyes wide, little hands pressed together for effect. "You don't even have to teach me! I can figure it out, but I can't get them off! I tried everything! And Tia won't let me touch Papi's tools!"

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