Amphibia: Darcy's Revenge 2.0

By GabeSchmitt

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Hey Readers! You guys are probably wondering why I'm making another Darcy's Revenge? Well, it's because there... More

The Final Blow
Marcanne Confession
Marcanne Flashback
Sasha and Sprig

Darcy and Core Anne

32 0 0
By GabeSchmitt

After the next day arrived, the sun rose over the horizon on Amphibia, the skies are blue and clean. Anne and Marcy were still laying in bed together, holding each other in the other's arms. The two held each other close to another and got comfortable.

Marcy then woke up, she rubbed her eyes and turned her head, she saw the sun rising and it's rays hitting her skin. Marcy turns her head and looked down upon her sleeping girlfriend. Anne's arm was around Marcy's waist.

Marcy smiles, she strokes her hair back and placed a soft kiss on Anne's forehead. Marcy is happy she has Anne as a girlfriend, she cannot believe that the first childhood friend she made is her soulmate, she and Anne will live happy lives together.

Marcy then laid back down and cupped Anne's cheeks, she strokes it gently as she placed a soft kiss on Anne's lips. Marcy felt her heart flutter, she then parted the kiss with a blush on her face. She gently shakes Anne to wake her up.

"Wakey, Wakey, Anne." Marcy said softly. Anne groans awake, she opened her eyes to see Marcy staring at her. Anne sits up as she stretch out. "Good morning, Marcy." Anne said. Marcy sits up and kissed Anne's cheek and holds her hand.

"Good morning, Anne." Marcy said. Anne smiles, she was just staring at the beautiful girl in front of her. "You're so beautiful, Mar-Mar." Anne said with a blush on her face. Marcy's eyes widen, a blush appeared on her face as a small giggle escaped her mouth.

"Y-You're beautiful too, Anne." Marcy said. Marcy then went on top of Anne and wrapped her arms around her. "Anne... I Love You... I Love You So Much... Your my everything... Your everything I could have hoped for..." Marcy said while hugging Anne.

She tightened her hug and buried her face in Anne's hair, embracing the softest and warmth of Anne's hair. "Anne... You're hair is so soft, so warm and so comfy." Marcy said while snuggling in Anne's soft and warm and comfy and cozy hair.

Anne blushes, she then smiles and chuckled, she hugged Marcy tightly while rubbing her back. The two break the hug and get dressed, Marcy dons her old Amphibia outfits with her cape, chest plate and shirt fixed after she was stabbed.

Anne dons her outfit and chest plate while donning her extra set of shoes, good thing her parents packed her extra shoes. The two exited the bathroom, they held hands and exited Marcy's bedroom and walked down the hallway of the castle.

As they were walking, they see the wires and tentacles be token down as the castle looks to be under reconstruction after the invasion. "Wow, Anne! Their really fixing everything after what happened... With... The Core..." Marcy said while recalling her memories within The Core.

Anne then tuned her head, she looked at Marcy and saw her expression, she smiles, she cupped Marcy's cheeks and stroked it. "Marcy... You don't have to be scared anymore. The Core is gone, it will no longer hurt you... I'm here." Anne said.

Marcy smiles, she then hugged Anne tightly and let's the tears out, they streamed down her face onto Anne's shoulder. "Anne... I'm so happy that I have you as a friend... You're honestly the best thing that has ever happened to a person like me... I Love You..." Marcy said tearfully.

Anne blushed at the response, a smile appeared on Anne's face, she hugged back and embraced Marcy. "I Love You Too, Marcy... I'm always here for you when you need me." Anne said. Marcy smiles, she tightened her hug with Anne.

The two broke the hug and continued their way down the hall...

Meanwhile... In The Core's hivemind...

The Minds of The Core were planning their next move, they managed to escape into Marcy's mind without her knowledge, they were unsure of what to do with Marcy. The Minds of The Core sat at their roundtable with Amphibia lettering around the table in orange with orange lins going through with an orange eye in the center.

They all had ideas in mind of what to do next, the idea of turning Anne against her friends and family would be useful in their multiversal conquest. While their ideas can work, they need to think of a way to cause Anne's embedment with The Core's darkness possible.

They all had some ideas about how to do so, but they didn't go exactly on how they are thinking. The Minds of The Core continue to think about a plan in mind, one of them spoke on a plan they can use, the minds then turned their attention to King Aldrich Leviathan.

Aldrich then spoke about his plan to corrupt Anne. "We have Anne right were we want her... We should do exactly what we did to Marcy... But a touch more... Different..." Aldrich said. The Minds were confused what Aldrich is talking about, but they were about to find out.

He tells them they can lure Anne into the chamber and trap her, they use their old mechanical shell to trap Anne in the tentacles and show her darker self. The Minds smiled at the idea and the final part was something they couldn't pass.

Aldrich says they can transfer Core Anne into Anne's body as she will be the host of the evil mind they created. The Minds of The Core agreed to Aldrich's plan, it was a little simple, but it might work in their favor.

The Minds of The Core stand as they all exited the meeting room of the hivemind and put their plan in motion...


Anne and Marcy were hanging out in the city of Newtopia, everything was back to how it was before, The Castle was back in it's normal position and everything was being rebuilt after everything was over. Anne and Marcy were just wandering the city having fun.

Anne and Marcy roamed the city, they stopped at a nice grassy hill and sat down on it, the two laid down upon it and looked at the nice sunset. Marcy then cuddles Anne, she rolled over and snuggled up to her, she wrapped her arms around Anne's body and placed her knee on Anne's crotch.

Anne wrapped her arm around Marcy and held her close, Anne placed a soft kiss on Marcy's forehead. "Marcy... You're so cute..." Anne said. Marcy blushed at Anne's response, her face was heated up like The Third Temple.

"Uh. Well, Uh... Uh... You're cute too, Anne." Marcy said with a blush on her face. Anne smiles and placed another kiss on Marcy's forehead, the two saw it was getting late and headed back to the castle. They entered Marcy's bedroom and got into their pajamas, they laid down on the bed and cuddled.

Anne and Marcy held each other close, Marcy wrapped her arms around Anne's neck and Anne wrapped her arms around Marcy's waist. "Goodnight, Marcy. I Love You." Anne said while placing a kiss on Marcy's forehead.

Marcy smiles and blushes. "Goodnight, Anne. I Love You Too." Marcy said while placing a kiss on Anne's cheek. The two fell asleep together and get ready for tomorrow. The Core saw this as their time to strike, they then repossess Marcy in order for Anne to follow them... And soon... She'll be theirs...

The Next Day...

As the next day arrived, the sun rose over the horizon, it shined in Anne and Marcy's room. The rays hitting the room like it's nothing, Marcy was the first to wake up, she rubbed her eyes and felt the sun's rays against her skin.

Marcy looked down at Anne, who has her arm wrapped around her waist, Marcy smiles and placed a kiss on Anne's forehead. "I Love You, Anne." Marcy said quietly. Marcy laid back down and snuggled up to her, she wraps her arms around Anne's neck and placed another kiss on Anne's cheek.

Marcy embraced her new girlfriend, she buried her face in Anne's chest, she was so soft, so warm and so comfy. Anne smiles, she felt the softness of Marcy's silky black hair. She buried her face in her hair and nuzzled her.

The two just stayed in bed and cuddled each other, Anne and Marcy wanted to get up, but they felt to comfortable in each other's arms. "Anne... Cane we just lay here for the day? I feel so comfy..." Marcy said while groaning and moaning.

"Yeah... I want to just be with you..." Anne said. Anne and Marcy got closer, they snuggled and cuddled, nothing can ruin their comfiness. They then hear someone knock on the door. "Anne! Marcy! Wake up!" Sasha shouted.

Sasha then opened the door, she wasn't wearing her cloak, shoulder pad or heron tiara. "Anne! Marcy! Wake up, you two lovebirds!" Sasha said. Anne and Marcy groaned, they were too comfy to get up. "Go away!" Anne groaned.

Sasha then laughed. "You two have been together for a whole day! We need to go home soon!" Sasha said. Anne and Marcy groaned more. "No! We don't want too... We want to stay in bed!" Anne and Marcy both said.

Sasha sighed and spoke. "Anne! Marcy! Wake up... Now!" Sasha said. Anne and Marcy both groaned. "Fine..." Anne said. Anne and Marcy got up and got dressed in their clothes, they exited the bathroom and headed down the hall.

Anne and Marcy hold hands as they and Sasha went down the hallway. While walking down the hall, The Core saw an opportunity to repossess their host, they have to get Sasha to leave her friends so that they can trap Anne and corrupt her with her dark reflection.

The Core then comes up with a plan, they then take control of Marcy while staying undetected. "Hey, Sasha?" Marcy said. Sasha stops and looks at her. "Yeah, Mar-Mar?" Sasha said. Anne stops and hears everything. "Um, can you leave me and Anne alone for awhile, I want to spend a little time with her before we go home." Marcy said.

"Okay! That's fine." Sasha said with a smile. Sasha walked away, leaving Anne and Marcy alone in the hall. The Core now knows their plan is in motion. "Now... It's time..." The Core said. Anne then stared at Marcy and wondered.

"Marcy? What do you want to do today before we head home?" Anne asked. The Core knows it's their time, Marcy then spoke. "There's something that I want to show you, Anne." Marcy said. "Okay!" Anne said. The two walk down the hall.

The two make their way to two double doors, they entered the room and saw it was a giant room that looked like The Core's chamber underneath the castle. "What the? What is this place?" Anne asked herself as she examines the room their in.

The Core then retook control of Marcy, her eyes flicker from brown to yellow irises with red pupils and a orange hue around the eyes. Marcy smiles as she then closes and locked the doors, Anne turns her head in confusion.

"Marcy? Are you... Okay?" Anne asked. Marcy smiles and spoke. "Oh, Anne... Did you really think WE were defeated that easily?" Darcy/The Core asked. Anne's eyes widen, Marcy then showed her eyes, they are glowing the exact same color as The Core's eyes.

Marcy then gets her Amphibia outfits removed by the mechanical tentacles and being placed in Darcy's armor with Darcy's black and red cape being placed on her back. Anne then steps back as the truth hits her like a zooming truck.

The Core survived, it's still in Marcy... Even after the helmet was removed, Anne was sure that the helmet was the thing keeping The Core connected to Marcy. Anne then gets her ankles tided up in mechanical tentacles, she is then pulled to the ground as her wrists are tied with mechanical tentacles.

Anne kneels to Darcy as the sinister hivemind approached Anne and kneeled down. "Oh, Anne... You were so naive... You really thought we were removed from your precious Mar-Mar... You were wrong." Darcy said. Anne was now horrified, her girlfriend is possessed again.

Darcy smiles, she turns her attention to their old mechanical shell. Darcy approached the machine and pressed a button to reactivate it, the eye reactivated, their glowing orange color glowed, they look down upon Darcy/The Core and Anne.

Anne becomes horrified at The Core's mechanical shell, her heart rate increased with fear and horror. Darcy smiles at the beast. "Hello, My Pet! Glad to see you awake!" Darcy said with a smile. The tentacles then released Anne as she tried to crawl away.

"Don't! Don't let that thing anywhere near me!" Anne said while crawling away. Darcy turns her head towards Anne. "Oh, Anne! He's not going to eat you, but we're going to have fun with you." Darcy said. She walked towards Anne.

Anne backed into a wall as the hivemind approached her. "Please... Just give me back my Marcy." Anne begged. Darcy smiles as she kneels down and got closer to Anne's face. "We are your Marcy." Darcy said. Anne was horrified, looking into those eyes will give her nightmares.

Anne was almost about to cry and she sighed and lowered her head down in deep depression and sadness, Darcy smile turns into a frown as her anger came out. "Look at us!" Darcy shouted as she grabs Anne's neck and pulled her up to look at her.

Anne looked at Darcy, with fear in her eyes. Darcy spoke, tightening her grip around Anne's neck like she's going to break it. "We are strong, intelligent, and we'll protect you... Like you protected Marcy from harm... It is what you wanted... Isn't it?" Darcy asked with an evil grin.

Anne was starting to get scared, Darcy wasn't getting it clear to her, she did protect Marcy for all those years, but she never imagined that Marcy wanted to do the same for her. "Join us, Anne... You can be with her, just like you always wanted." Darcy said.

Anne was struggling to breathe, Darcy tightened her grip on Anne's neck harder. "Join us! We will rule together... If you join us!" Darcy said. "Our gift will finally be yours." Darcy said as she uses mechanical tentacles to restrain Anne and bring her up to The Core's former body.

The beasts center eye was staring at her, she then saw her reflection, but... It didn't look like her. Anne saw her reflection was wearing a black outfit with matching low-heeled boots. Black leggings that ran up the side of her upper outer thighs while covering the entire leg starting above her knees down.

Black lower leg plates similar to Darcy's that connected to her boots; black arm sleeves that covered her arms down to the back of both of her hands; a halter top that covered her upper body; a black cutout that covered her belly that flowed into the cape of the outfit that hugged her hips, and a black choker around her neck.

Finally, on her head was a crown like Darcy's helmet with a single muted orange eye in the middle with two protruding horns on both sides of the crown. The teen's hair was tied into a high ponytail as her eyes shined the color of Darcy's, Anne became terrified as her darker half had a sinister smile on her face.

"Hello, Anne! It's nice to meet you after all this time." Core Anne spoke as she greeted Anne. Anne was shocked and horrified to see that's her future self, a dark and corrupt psychopath. "What the? What are you?" Anne asked in a terrified tone.

"I am you... And you... Are me... I am Core Anne... The new you... The future you... The you that shall reign for all eternity..." Core Anne introduced herself. Anne was left in a state of horror. "Please, don't... I wanna go home... Please..." Anne cried.

Darcy smiles and spoke. "You are home..." Darcy said. Anne looks at Darcy, fear entered her eyes, she turns back at Core Anne. As the two were faced to face, Anne growled as her eyes met with her dark reflection who deviously grinned.

"Wow, Anne! You look like you've seen a ghost. Not to worry, we'll become acquainted real soon!" Core Anne said with a devious grin. Anne growls at her darker half. "I swear, when I get out of this... You two are dead!" Anne said in a deep tone.

Core Anne wasn't threaten by her threats, it was time for her assimilation. "Well, Anne... It's time for your assimilation..." Core Anne said. Anne's eyes widen in shock, she was then removed form her normal clothes and placed in the same clothes Core Anne has on.

Anne is then placed in the same chair Marcy was placed in when she was possessed. "What the? What is this?" Anne asked as she tried to gain free. Anne tried to use her powers to break the cuffs, but it was no use. Darcy smiles as she giggled.

"There is no escape, Anne... It's time for you to join us." Darcy said. Anne quivered in fear, she saw a helmet coming down on Anne, she tried to escape from her restraints. Anne looks up as the helmet lowers closer to her, knowing she might not come back, she looked at Darcy and spoke her last words.

"I Love You, Marcy Wu." Anne said. The helmet placed itself on Anne, Core Anne transferred her mind into Anne's body. Anne screamed in agony, Core Anne transferred herself into Anne's body as her body then falls to the ground.

Darcy then placed her helmet back on as she approached Anne's body, she kneeled and checked Anne's right eye noticing that her eyes changed from dark brown to yellow with an orange hue and red. Closing her eye, Darcy picked up Core Anne's head and cradled it in her lap.

"Welcome home, Anne." Darcy softly spoke as she placed a soft kiss to Core Anne's lips. Core Anne felt the softest of Darcy's lips and cupped her cheek with her left hand, embracing her loved in response. The two good turned evil girlfriend are now ready to rule The Multiverse together.

Later that day...

Core Anne went into her and Darcy's new bedroom, she took her clothes and put her tiara down, headed into the shower and began washing up and scrubs her hair. Due to Core Anne having Anne's quirks just like The Core had Marcy's quirks, Core Anne was acting like Anne but evil.

In her mind, she was Core Anne, but outside, she's like normal Anne, just with an evil motives. Sasha came in and Core Anne jump into the air, Sasha then closed the door. "Hey Anne! Are you good?" Sasha asked. Core Anne had to come up with something, she thought of something. "Yeah! I'm fine!" Core Anne said.

"Okay! We're going to be staying here for a few days now!" Sasha said. "Okay!" Core Anne said. Sasha closes the door and leaves the bedroom. Core Anne sighed in relief and slides on the bathroom floor. Anne thinks about rulling The Multiverse with her beloved and her one true love, Marcy.

Core Anne gets out of the shower and dried up, she gets out of the bathroom and disrobed herself, her robe fell to the ground, Core Anne climbed into bed and hugs the pillow and started falling asleep, the big purple blankets were so soft and comfy, she then fell asleep.

Darcy came into the bedroom in her nice comfy purple robe and saw Anne asleep, She approached the bed and saw Anne asleep. Her heart melted, She smiles "In bed already?" Darcy spoke. Core Anne woke up. She smiles and sees her beloved. "Oh, hey Mar-Mar." Core Anne said. "Hey Love." Darcy said.

"Anne... Why are you going to bed this early?" Darcy asked. Core Anne smiles and laid back down. "You need a good sleep to feel energized." Core Anne said. "Let me sleep." Core Anne said as she tried to go back to sleep.

Darcy smiles, The hivemind then went over to the light switch and flipped the foyer light on, illuminating the area she were standing. Core Anne opened her eyes and squinted as she sat up to face Darcy. The thai grunted in annoyance.

"Really Marcy?" Core Anne said as whined as she laid back down. "I told you I was tired. Please turn the light out." Core Anne groaned. Darcy smiles and spoke. "C'mon Anne, we have the whole castle to ourselves tonight, I was thinking we can have a little fun." Darcy suggested as she walked closer to the bed.

"Oh? Fun like what?" Core Anne asked. Core Anne then smiled as she sat up while wrapping herself in the covers. "What did you have in mind exactly?" Core Anne asked. "Oh, anything I guess." Darcy said as flirted with Core Anne as she approached the bed and kneeled down. "I've been so impressed with your plans of how we are going to be rulers of the universe that I'm going to let you pick. Happy girlfriend, happy life right?" Darcy asked.

"Right." Core Anne replied in a flirt as she climbed to her knees and approached Darcy. Darcy then landed a kiss to Core Anne's lips. "I think I may have an idea." Core Anne said as she smiled and placed her finger under Darcy's chin and scratch it. "I really want to rule The Multiverse with a pretty girl like you, Mar-Mar." Core Anne said while flirting with Darcy.

"Good." Darcy whispered as she kissed the thai's lips once more. "Tonight, I submit to you, my lovely queen." Darcy said with a smile and a slight blush. Core Anne planted another kiss to Darcy's lips as Darcy grabbed the edges of the covers to begin unwrapping her gift.

Core Anne followed suit and began disrobing the hivemind, Core Anne felt Darcy entangle her right hand in her hair, keeping her locked into the kiss that was quickly heating up. Giving Darcy what she wanted, Core Anne wraps her right arm around Darcy's head as she throws the blanket off her, she then takes Darcy's robe sleeve and pull her robe off.

"So... You want us exposed then, I'm fine with that." Darcy said as she depends the kiss and they lay down. Darcy lays next to Core Anne and pulls her closer to her. She rests Core Anne's head in her chest, she kisses Core Anne's forehead. "Goodnight Anne. I Love You." Darcy closes her eyes.

"Goodnight Marcy. I Love You Too." Anne said. The two eventually fell asleep in each other's arms. Darcy realizes that her Revenge will be successful and everything will belong to her and Core Anne forever. Anne and Marcy watch from within their bodies.

Anne and Marcy were wearing their Amphibia outfits while holding hands... they really hope that soon they'll gain free... Only time will tell... But now they know... The Core has gained vengeance on them... And next... Amphibia and Earth... The Core's reign shall begin...

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