Blind In Love (Jensoo)

By NainaZara

34.4K 2.4K 942

Inspired by an Indian movie: Jennie is an eye doctor living in South Korea who grew up in Jeju Island. She do... More

Life Gave me Bullets, But I Picked You
Save My Number?
Hahaha....I'm Just Whipped
Get Ready To Say...
I Do
I'm Married But Not Tame
I'm Here For You
At The Drop Of A Hat
Short and Sweet
I Know You
Trust Fall
My Weird Feeling
A Jealousy Battle
A Distraction
My Perfect Life Isn't Complete Without You Pt. 1
My Perfect Life Isn't Complete Without You Pt. 2
Sweet & Sexy
I'm Sorry
My Shattered Life Without You
My Partner
Without You
The Tragic Reveal
A Crack Splinters
My Anchor

My Priority & True Feelings

1K 72 42
By NainaZara

Trigger Warning: Sexual Assault
I put a start and stop on the mention of it.

Also it's a long chapter because these were 2 separate ones but I thought fuck it and put everything together.


"I love you."

I stare at Jisoo who looks pale suddenly.

Did I hear her correctly?

I swallow. "What....what did you say?"

Jisoo says, "I said I love this!" She holds up the mug. "I love your hot chocolate! It was to die for! Yum!"

I nod slowly. "But I could've sworn—"

"I love your hot chocolate! I didn't finish!" She says with a small laugh.

Then there's just silence. I stare at her because I can't figure out what's going through her head or how I'm supposed to take this conversation.

She stands up abruptly. "I'm going to bed. I've had a long and hard day."

I give a small smile. "Goodnight then."

She gives me a small smile back and walks from the dining table.

I hear her door close and then something hit a wall.

I shout worriedly, "Is everything okay?!"

I hear her bedroom door open. "Perfect Jennie! You get some sleep! Bye! Goodnight!"

It closes again and I frown.


When I get to work the next day, I'm still smacking myself for what I said.

Thankfully, I managed to cover it up well!

But still smacking myself nonetheless because what the fuck was that Jisoo?!

You just decide to confess the feelings you've been holding in until now?!

Ugh! This is absolutely ridiculous!

"Ma'am are you free now?" Someone asks.

I pull my hand from my forehead with a smile. "Nayeon sit down. Thank you."

She sits across from me and hands me the file filled with her proofs. I nod. "Okay. Good. There's camera footage of you entering your house at 2:30 from a store across the street. And not coming out until the next day for work. Good. I take this as proof. Have a good day! I hope the day off on Saturday helped."

She nods and gives a grateful smile. "It did! Thank you! Have a good day!" She bows and walks out.

Next comes Seulgi and hands me her file. I open it and I see footage from the restaurant at 6:28pm that managed to capture Seulgi doing a double take of Irene sitting at the restaurant alone. "This looks good Seulgi. I'll speak to Irene. Don't worry but I did hear that you both are close. Any reason why she would be alone like that and then fake the timing?"

She shakes her head. "As far as I know, she broke off her engagement recently. I think on Sunday."

"Any unusual behavior?" I ask.

Seulgi sighs. "I have always thought Irene has acted strange since the moment she started dating her now ex-fiancé. She was always strong and confident and now she's demure and quiet."

"That sounds suspiciously like domestic abuse," I say softly.

Seulgi immediately turns angry. "You think he was hurting her?"

I shake my head. "We don't know for sure but let me speak with Irene again and I'll talk to you again."

She nods and doesn't get up.

I frown. "What?"

She closes her eyes for a few moments and opens them but doesn't look at me. "I've been in love with Irene for as long as I can remember. If someone had hurt her...." She clenches her fist tightly.

I smile and place my hand on her fist and open it. "I understand how you feel. I feel the same way about my wife. But they don't need you to fight for them. They need you to support them and comfort them. Right now, I'm sure, Irene needs that."

Seulgi nods and bows before leaving.

Irene comes in next and I to try not to be too critical but curious.

She hands me a file that shows her nowhere at the restaurant from 8 to 9pm.

I nod and pull out Seulgi's proof in, which makes her sit down.

I take a deep breath. "Why did you lie to me Irene?"

She shakes her head. "It was nothing personal. I just remembered it wrong. Yes, I went at 6 and then went home. End of story."

I nod. "But I don't think it is."

Irene's face goes hard. "Then put me down as a suspect. I don't care."

"Irene," I say gently. "This is a serious matter and I'm not going to put you as a suspect. If you have a problem, you can tell me. I'll be there for you."

⚠️ (Trigger Warning) ⚠️

Finally I see something break in her facade. "I was at the restaurant at 6:30pm on Friday."

I nod encouragingly.

She clasps her hands together and puts them in her lap. "I went home to my dog and I was about to invite Seul to hang out when my finacé appeared." She swallows.

"Should I call Seulgi in for some support?" I ask quietly.

She shakes her head. "She'll just go and kill him," she says with a laugh and I see a tear fall down her cheek.

She swallows again and wipes it away quickly. "He wanted to sleep with me. I told him no like I always did. I was only supposed to marry him because he wanted that from me. He pushed me into the wall by my throat and choked me. I....I thought I was going to die. He ripped open my clothes and....and...." She shakes her head. "He touched me. All over my chest and body. He left after he got his fill, realizing that I wasn't worth it. I finally broke my engagement with him the next day."

⚠️ End of Trigger ⚠️

I tighten my jaw and ask softly, "Were you...."

She shakes her head and sniffles. "He didn't go that far."

I nod and start pulling out paperwork. "Has he done this before?"

"What are you doing?" She asks worriedly.

"I'm filing a case on him," I say simply.

"N-No!" She shouts. "You can't!"

I look at her with a frown. "Why?"

She swallows. "He's the General's son."

As in my boss's son?

I stand up. "Come with me."

She shakes her head. "Jisoo! I can't! H-He could do something to me! Or-Or—"

I hold her shoulders. "No. Don't be afraid. I'm here for you. Always. Now come. We're going to the General's office. I'm going to call Seulgi." I grab her hand and reach for my door.

She tugs against my pull. "Jisoo! I'll go with you but I won't involve Seulgi! She'll kill him!"

I turn to her with a smile. "I don't see the problem."


I arrive at the General's office with Seulgi wrapping an arm around Irene and following behind my fast strides.

I barge into the General's office and he looks up with irritation. "Jisoo. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Probably what your son did to one of my employees," I say angrily.

He looks behind me to Irene. "Oh Irene....what happened?"

She doesn't meet his eyes.

He looks at me. "I don't see the problem."

I grit my teeth. "My employee was a****lted by your son and she gave me a summary of why she broke off the engagement with him. It's fucking terrifying. I was going to arrest him but I thought I would give you the chance to bring him in and apologize to her."

He shakes his head. "My son told me that she was being arrogant and selfish. And that's not what she told me. She told me that her and my son don't have anything in common and—"

"This isn't the first time," Irene replies quietly and I watch her walk forward with a small amount of confidence and stand next to me.

⚠️ Trigger Warning ⚠️

"Your son has hit me on rare instances. And I tried breaking off the engagement the first time he did it but he manipulated me into staying with him. On Friday, he touched me intimately without my permission and nearly choked me to death. I lied to you so that I could break off the engagement."

⚠️ End of Trigger ⚠️

I look from her to the General and see him stunned.

"I didn't....I guess I didn't notice anything," he says. "I'm sorry for what he did to you. I'll be sure to speak to him about the apology."

I look at Irene with a smile and she looks a bit more sure of herself. I pat her shoulder. "Let's go."

She bows to the General and goes back to hug Seulgi while I bow deeply to him.

"Thank you sir," I say and stand up straight.

He nods and all three of us leave with smiles.

Seulgi has an arm around Irene's waist and I walk alongside them.

"I'm going to—" Seulgi starts to say and I catch her gaze above Irene's head. I give her a small shake of my head.

Irene lifts her head to Seulgi and asks, "You're going to what?"

Seulgi shakes her head with a smile. "I'm going to take you for ice cream and then we can go back to work. We'll talk for some time okay?"

Irene nods and places her head on her shoulder.

I smile and look forward.

As soon as I get to the office, I shout, "EVERYONE! LOOK HERE!"

They all stand up from their chairs and I see Irene discreetly go back to your desk.


"YES MA'AM!" I hear a chorus back to me.

And I release a statement to the public:

"Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault are some the worst and most common crimes in South Korea. It is absolutely disgusting and unacceptable and completely shameful! If you think you are experiencing anything that you feel is harming you without any cause, talk. Speak up! Stand up for yourself! If you are a victim, you did nothing wrong. The person harming you is to blame. And if anyone you know is getting harmed, stand up for them. Don't turn a blind eye. I beg of you. I know it's hard but there's always a way out. There's going to be a light at the end of that tunnel. I promise you. Thank you and have a good rest of your day!"


I get back to my desk and an hour later, Lisa storms in.

"Why are you leaving the bombing case?" She asks urgently.

I shake my head. "It's messing with my head too much Lisa. I feel too much responsibility for everything. It's....I can't do it anymore. I yelled at Jennie and I just got back on good terms with her. As much as I would like to chase this case down till it's the death of me, I can't do that anymore. I have Jennie to take care of. And before I acted as if tomorrow is going to be my last day...." I smile and lean back in my chair, looking up at her. "But I want tomorrow to be there. So...." I sigh. "Soojoo is taking over."

"But she was under suspicion!" Lisa exclaims. "And you're leaving the case with no suspects!"

"And she has proven herself truthful and honest. She has done the most research. I expect nothing but the best result with her on the case," I say confidently. "And there is a suspect! Someone obviously faked our ID somehow. A woman! And she's somehow connected to the three bombers from a decade ago. She's probably the dead daughter or the missing sister."

"That's what I'm talking about Jisoo!" Lisa protests. "No one thinks like you!" Lisa sits down across from me. "Jisoo. Please don't give up this case. We're so close! I can feel it!"

I shake my head. "Lisa," I say and then smile. "I'm not giving up. I never quit. And I never lose. I'm just....putting this aside. It will bring me mental peace to do something that....that doesn't cause me constant stress and anxiety. I-I can't lose what I could have with Jennie by staying."

She stares at me for a few moments, judging my decision deeply. Finally she sighs. "Well....As long as you'll feel better getting off the case....I'm happy."

I grin. "I will be. I can focus on making Jennie fall for me now." I wiggle my eyebrows mischievously. "I finally get to go home early today."

She asks, "What?"

I nod. "Yeah. I'm going early. I'm not on the case. Can't I go early?"

She shakes her head. "No! I have....I'll get off early with you!"

I raise an eyebrow. "Is there something going on that I should know about?"

She shakes her head. "No. I just don't want you to leave early and get in trouble."

"Uh huh. Sure. But I'm fine. Thank you for your concern," I say but I'm still suspicious.

Lisa shakes her head. "Then how about we hang out after work?"

I stare at her. "What would we do?"

She shrugs. "Whatever you want."

I purse my lips and then smile widely. "I want to ride your motorcycle."

Her jaw drops. "No! It's my baby! You can't touch it!"

I lean forward and smile. "You said I can do whatever I want right?"

She turns grumpy and starts cursing under her breath and looks away.



When we get to the penthouse, it's completely dark.

I frown and shout, "Jennie!"

Lisa walks in and closes the door behind her. We both take off our shoes.

I look at her. "What's going on?"

She smiles and then suddenly I hear a loud, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY JISOO!" as people jump out.

Confetti falls down on top of me and I smile as people start laughing and clapping.

I laugh. I can't believe I forgot my fucking birthday!

My mom comes forward and gives me a big hug. "Happy Birthday my daughter!"

I laugh and kiss her forehead. "Thank you my mother."

She punches me lightly and I hug my dad who pulls me into a big hug that practically suffocates me.

I hug my mother-in-law and father-in-law. Then Rosie comes forward and gives me a tight hug and kisses my cheek and I turn to Lisa.

"You knew? That's why you wouldn't let me come home early."

She smirks and pulls me into a hug. "Happy Birthday oldie."

I scoff. "Who are you calling oldie? You're older by a month."

Then I look behind everyone and my breath catches.

Jennie is dressed beautifully in a blue sun dress that has straps that go around her neck. She has a jewelry bracelet and a small necklace. Her dark wavy brown hair falls down her back and shoulders. Her face is illuminated by the light from the candles on the cake as she lights them.

I slowly walk through everyone and stand next to her.

She lights the last candle and puts the lighter on the side. Jennie looks at me with a smile. "Happy Birthday Jisoo."

I look at her with my heart racing and butterflies in my stomach. "How long did you plan this?"

She shakes her head. "I found out two weeks ago."

We only had a fight 3 days ago and she's been planning this for 2 weeks?

My heart flutters and warmth goes through me.

She gives a small smile. "I didn't know who else to invite so I just invited Lisa and Rosie and your parents and my parents. I hope this is enough."

I smile. "This is more than enough."

She nods turns her head. I lean down to kiss her cheek but she suddenly turns to say something and my lips land on hers.


Jisoo is kissing me!

Oh my god! I'm kissing Jisoo!

But....I want to kiss her.

I close my eyes and press my lips back against hers and I feel her melt into me as her hand holds my face and our lips don't move against each other. Maybe we're both afraid.

I slowly pull away and our eyes lock and she smiles but it looks a bit pained.

Shit! I shouldn't have kissed her back! It was an accident! She didn't actually mean to!

I turn forward and I see Rosie with her hands covering her mouth and Lisa smirking because they know the truth. Our parents however look so happy that we seem to be in love.

I move aside and say to Jisoo, "Blow out your candles."

She nods and we all sing happy birthday as she blows out her candles.

Then they take the cake away to go cut it and start digging into the food I ordered.

I turn to Jisoo and I whisper, "I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have done that! I know it probably made you uncomfortable! Don't worry about it and please enjoy your birthday!"

Jisoo stares at me and swallows. "Okay. Yeah."

I sigh in relief. "Oh thank goodness! I didn't want to ruin your birthday!"

She stares at me. "How would kissing you ruin my birthday?"

I blink at her. "Because you don't like me like that."

She smiles. "Is that what you think? You're not a very good eye doctor."

I stare at her. That's the second time someone has said that to me. "What do you mean?"

She steps closer to me and my breath hitches at the close proximity. She bends her head down and traces a strand of hair behind my ear. "I mean that you kissed me back. So does that mean you like me that way?"


I look away from her as I stupidly start blushing.

I hear her say in a low voice, "That's the best birthday present I could have asked for."

I look at her again. "What did you say?" My heart is beating out of my chest and I can't hear anything besides her voice.

She bends her head and whispers in my ear. "Maybe you should get your ears checked." Her hands hold my hips and pull me closer to her. Her warm breath ghosts over my ear. "I said that you liking me is the best present I could've asked for."

I swallow and say quietly. "Then how do you feel about me?"

I can hear the smile in her voice as she says, "I already told you."

I blink. "You never told me."

"Then I'll tell you again later," she says simply.

She pulls away and I stare at her. "I....Jisoo...."

She presses her forehead against mine. "You look very beautiful today."

I chuckle. "Why are you changing the topic?"

She laughs. "Because if I'm going to tell you my feelings. It shouldn't be random. It should be....beautiful."

I grin. "So you do have feelings for me?"

She pulls away completely with her hands behind her back and a mischievous smile. She glances at me once and winks. "No comment."

She turns away and walks to everyone, picking up a plate to start eating.

I....I think I like her more than I actually do.


Jennie likes me.

She likes me.


I stare blankly at the ground and Lisa sits across from me.

"Is everything okay birthday girl?" She asks with a smile.

I look at her and I can't help the smile on my face. "She likes me Lisa," I say quietly.

She grins and pats my shoulder. "I knew you could do it bro."

I smirk and eat a bite of cake. "You did NOT."

"Uhhhh. Yes I did. I'm the one that told her you didn't have feelings for her. Really got everything pushing."

I raise my eyes at her and swallow. "You did what?"

She widens her eyes and gets up slowly. She holds her hands out. "Hey....Jisoo....when she asked me....I didn't want to snitch on you. You....deserve the chance to tell her your feelings."

I let my guard down. "You're right."

She grins and carefully sits back down. "Good."

Then she asks, "So how do you plan on surprising her for her birthday next week? You just told us to come."

I grin. "Don't worry. I have an idea. I've been working on it for 2 months actually. Every single night." I take a happy bite of cake.

To be continued 😉

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