Behind the Lens (the owl hous...

By Creator798

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Behind the lens, there is a world you can't see - one with curated smiles and picture-perfect faces. But when... More

Ch 1. The Audition
Ch 2. The Callback
Ch. 3~ Trying Again
Ch. 4 ~ Table reading pt. 1
Ch. 5 ~ Table Reading pt. 2
Ch. 6 ~ The First Day
Ch. 7 ~ The First Day pt. 2
Ch 8. ~ School
Ch 10 ~ I Was a Teenage Abomination pt. 2
Ch. 11 ~ The Time I Met the Owl Beast
Ch. 12 ~ Time For a Witches Duel
Ch. 13 ~ Eda's Fright Night
Ch. 14 ~ Directing Struggles
Ch. 15 ~ I Have a Solution!
Ch. 16 ~ Lost in Language
Ch. 17 ~ Witches and Frogs?
Ch. 18 ~ Alaska
Ch. 19 ~ Conflict
Ch. 20 ~ Happy Holidays!
Ch. 21 ~ Panic!
Ch. 22 ~ Friends or Foes?
Ch. 23~ Dance Practice
Ch. 24~ Grom
Ch. 25 ~ Accidents

Ch. 9 ~ I Was a Teenage Abomination

45 4 1
By Creator798

As the new week dawned, Luz found herself once again on the way to the set for filming "I Was a Teenage Abomination." Camila drove her, the car enveloped in a tense silence that mirrored the lingering disappointment from the recent school incident. Luz stared out the window, the weight of her own disappointment in herself pressing down on her.

The car pulled up to the familiar Hollywood studio, and Luz stepped out, her mind still preoccupied with the events of the past week. The set, bustling with activity. She hesitated for a moment before entering, bracing herself for the challenges of the day.

On set, crew members rushed around, preparing for the day's shoot. Dana, the director, greeted Luz with a smile, seemingly unaware of the turmoil within the young actor. The makeup and wardrobe teams set to work, transforming Luz into her character for the day's scenes.

Camila, having accompanied Luz to set, lingered in the background, unsure of how to breach the strained silence that had settled between them. The unspoken tension weighed on both mother and daughter, each grappling with their own disappointment and frustration.

As Luz stood on the set, waiting for her scene to begin, she couldn't shake the feeling of letting everyone down – not just at school but also in the eyes of her mother. The realization that her actions had consequences beyond the immediate moment echoed in her mind.

Luz stepped into the dressing room, her mind clouded. The atmosphere felt heavy, the mirrors reflecting a version of herself that carried the weight of self-doubt.

Bianca observed Luz's demeanor and decided to approach the situation delicately. "Hey, Luz. Tough morning?"

Luz sighed, running a hand through her hair, "Yeah, you could say that. Everything just feels off."

Bianca nodded sympathetically, "We all have those days. But you know what they say – the show must go on."

As Bianca started working on Luz's makeup, the room remained in a somewhat somber silence. The usual banter and light-hearted chatter were noticeably absent. Bianca, sensing Luz's need for space, focused on her job, subtly hoping to lift her spirits through the transformation.

"Sometimes a new look can help change your perspective," Bianca remarked.

Luz looked at herself in the mirror she was a different version than the girl she was at home. Luz managed a small smile, appreciating the effort. "Maybe you're right. A little change might be what I need."

As the makeup application continued, the wardrobe team entered the room, offering  silent support. Jed, Led, and Ned went about their tasks with precision, aware that today was not the usual upbeat and lively atmosphere.

Teddy approached Luz with a gentle smile. "I know today might be a bit tough, but remember, the team is here for you."

Luz nodded. With the makeup and wardrobe process complete, Luz looked at her reflection in the mirror. She was in her costume she wasn't Luz anymore she was Luz the human from the Owl House

Luz formed her lips into a smile "Thanks guys" As Luz prepared to leave for the set, the dressing room team exchanged supportive glances

Luz stared down at the pavement before her lost in her mind her feet moving mindlessly one after the other Luz thought she was getting better she was changing maybe she could have made friends but no one wants to be friends with the queen of chaos.

Luz stepped onto the set, greeted kindly by the crew and production team Eda and King were already present, Eda was playing with the child tossing him in the air and making him feel like he was an airplane 

King began to squirm when he saw Luz he rushed over to his favorite person ever and clung to her leg "Hey King" Luz giggled bending down to pick him up "Ready for some adventure today?"

"He's not gonna like it when he figures out he will be with me for the most of his scenes today" Eda retorted as hair dressers and makeup artists fixed her appearance once again "King will be a good widdle guy" the cuddled up to him Luz eyed him "You better be a good widdle guy" she warned

Luz put King down and  made her way further onto the set, she spotted Gus and Willow engaged in a lively conversation. Despite the lingering weight in her heart, she forced a smile.

"Hey, Luz! Gus and I were just talking about this awesome game we found," Willow said, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.

Gus chimed in, "Yeah, it's a blast. You should join us sometime, Luz."

Luz nodded appreciatively, "Sure, sounds like a plan. I could use a good distraction."

"Okay so you start off as the prince or princess of a troll kingdom and then the kingdom gets attacked your parents die and you get kidnapped by a rival nation and are held there for years the goal of the game is to take over your kingdom again"

Luz lifted her eyebrows with intrigue "this sounds like my kind of game"

"Wait until you see the customization options they're so cute" Willow added

"Luz!" The voice echoed through the set, cutting through the various sounds of preparation. Dana called out for Luz, Eda, and King to gather for their scene.

Luz, Eda, and King quickly assembled near the set, ready to begin filming

"Alright, everyone, we're setting up for the next scene," Dana announced, "In this scene Luz discovers there is a magic school and Eda you are digging for trash King do what we did in our training class and do not bug Luz or Eda just go lay down on your blanket" 

Luz King and Eda readied in their places as Dana shouted "Camera's rolling and action"

"Well, Luz!" Eda exclaimed, elbowing Luz playfully as they stood amidst the surreal set. The towering creation of a trash slug, crafted by the crew, loomed over them. It was a grotesque masterpiece surrounded by piles of trash and muck. "I don't like this" Luz cowered

"Yes, it doesn't get much more inspiring than the trash slug. It makes a home, a life from what others have thrown by the wayside." Eda's voice carried a strange admiration for the grotesque creation. She reached into the trash slug's mouth, pulling out a rubber chicken as if it were a prized possession.

"Until, blam, it gets blasted by a wave one day and croaks from all the salt." Eda continued her narrative, taking a pickaxe given to her by a crew member in a green body suit. "And then we get to sell the stuff it ate." She seemed to revel in the absurdity of it all, embracing the chaotic charm of the mystical trash slug.

Luz almost believed her act was real Eda's performance was so breath taking. Luz, acting uncomfortable with the prospect, implored, "Please don't make me."

King, unfurling a towel and walking away, Alex cut in, "Aw, come on, Luz. It's not every day you get to go to the dump and pick apart a garbage carcass."

Eda dismissed them both with a wave of her hand, declaring, "Ah, nuts to you both." She swung the pick at the trash slug, accidentally breaking one of the prop items

As Luz attempted to broach a different topic, the clattering of objects and crashes continued around them. "So, Eda... What if we tried some new lessons for my apprenticeship?" Luz suggested, her voice drowned out by the ongoing commotion.

"Like... read ancient scrolls or mix together potions or..." Luz listed off staring at the woman knees deep into the trash pile. Eda, tossing items from the trash slug's mouth, expressed her disdain for conventional magic education. "Ugh. That sounds like a bunch of magic school stuff."

Undeterred, Luz persisted, "Wait. Is there a magic school here? Like, winding towers, cute uniforms, dark plots that threaten your life kind of magic school?"

Eda confirmed with a nonchalant "Mm-hmm,"

 "What's worse, they force you to learn magic the 'proper' way. But magic isn't proper. It's wild and unpredictable. And that's why it's so beautiful. I didn't finish school, and look at me! Who wouldn't envy where I am right now?"

As flies buzzed around the pile of trash where Eda stood, Luz's initial excitement faded. Eda, undeterred, imparted a lesson in her unorthodox style. "Uh... Hey, here's a lesson." Eda grabbed Luz's hand, plunging it into cold water. "A great witch is resourceful, like this." She demonstrated by dragging Luz's hand back and forth through the pretend filth.

Luz continued digging until she pulled out a greasy slime ball. "Oh, hey. Greasy slime ball."

Eda, closing Luz's hands around the slime ball, declared, "Use your slime ball wisely, young witch." She stood and headed back for the trash slug, rallying them with enthusiasm. "Back at it! We'll hit the stink nodes first."

Luz backed away "Actually if its okay I think I'll head home and look at pictures of animals that are still alive" Luz going off script bent down to the adorable baby King laying on his blanket "Love you King you little beach peach" he giggled as Luz tickled him before walking off set "More for me then"

"There we go okay this is awesome" Eda yelled in excitement.

As the director, Dana, shouted "Cut!" signaling the end of the scene, Eda made a swift exit, declaring her return to the trailer. Luz, feeling a sense of inadequacy in her performance, ambled off the set with a pensive expression, thoughts of self-doubt swirling in her mind.

 Willow approached Luz, her face beaming with enthusiasm. "Luz! Can you believe it? We're doing our next scene together! Isn't that awesome?"

Luz, attempting to conceal her pain, mustered a smile and replied, "Yeah, totally! Super excited about it." Despite her efforts to feign enthusiasm, her feelings of subpar acting lingered beneath the surface.

Willow, oblivious to Luz's internal struggle, continued to share her excitement. "I've been looking forward to this. This is my first scene I'm so nervous and excited."

While the crew efficiently set up for the next scene, Willow and Luz engaged in a conversation about their characters and the upcoming scene.  her attention wavered as she spotted Amity making her way onto the set.

As Amity walked with an air of confidence, Luz found herself captivated, her focus shifting away from the conversation with Willow. She zoned out, her gaze fixed on Amity. Willow, noticing Luz's distraction, followed her gaze and remarked, "Luz, Earth to Luz! What's got you so mesmerized?"

Luz blinked, snapping out of her daze, and attempted to recover. "Oh, nothing. Just, um, spacing out for a moment. What were you saying about the scene?" Willow raised an eyebrow, sensing there might be more to Luz's distraction than she let on, but decided not to press further.

They all move into their places and Dana calls for action.  "Ugh! If magic's all about digging for slime balls, maybe I don't have the stomach for it." Luz pocketed the slime ball, muttering, "Mysterious voice of encouragement?"

A girl's voice echoed, "You can do it! You can!"

Luz looked around, realizing the voice was self-encouragement from the little witch girl.

The girl stood, pacing around and cheering herself on, "You can do it. Even if you get a bad grade, it's not a reflection of you as a witch. And my parents are right." She stopped, noticing she had stepped on a flower. "There are better opportunities on this track. Now, get to school!" The girl stepped forward, pointing confidently, but her joy turned to sorrow when she saw the crushed flower. "Oh, no! Oh, little friend! I'm sorry!"

Kneeling down, the girl traced a spell circle repeatedly. Miraculously, the flower perked up and fully bloomed. Luz gasped at the girl pretending to be using magic. "Okay now bring in Amity"  

Luz couldn't help but be entertained by the unfolding drama on set. The little witch girl, her ear wiggling with excitement, turned to the commotion of a wagon being wheeled in by two men in green screen suits. The wagon held a pot with a girl deeply engrossed in a book.

"Willow! Wow. You're so unnoticeable I almost rolled into ya," Amity remarked with a chuckle, her eyes fixed on Willow.

Willow greeted Amity with a simple "Hi," her demeanor unassuming and humble.

"Uh, shouldn't you get to class early to prep your..." Amity's comment trailed off as a sudden rattling interrupted her words. Both witches turned their attention to Willow's pot, now spilling its contents – a purple goo

"Oh, Willow. You don't have anything to show, do you?" Amity inquired, a note of condescension in her voice. Luz couldn't resist injecting her own commentary. "Witch drama!" Caught off guard, Willow pulled up her hood, a blush coloring her cheeks in embarrassment.

"This is why people call you 'Half‐a‐Witch Willow,'" Amity sighed, her disappointment evident.

The rattling persisted, drawing their attention back to the pot. A man in a mocap suit emerged poking Willow's forehead and tracing a star.

"You're a... star," the abomination declared. Amity, adjusting her own star-shaped badge that proclaimed her "Top Student," couldn't resist a teasing remark. "Aw. It's like mine. But much smaller and meaningless. As top student, it's my duty to tell you to keep at it. Even you could get a passing grade someday. Abomination, cower." 

With a groan, the abomination melted back into the pot, and Amity, satisfied with her performance, took hold of the cart.

"See you in class, superstar," Amity quipped as she walked away. Willow, now relieved of the act, removed her hood. Luz, still in character, couldn't resist sticking her tongue out at the departing Amity.

"Cut" the crew rushed over to Luz and put on her harness and wires Luz whispered a quick "thanks" as they finished up their work and the scenes started up again. Luz noticed Amity sitting in her chair watching Dana roll the camera's

 a fan began to blow in her face and the crew fed leaves into it sending them flying Willow wiped the star off her forehead, clearly irritated by Amity's parting gesture.

"Oh, see you in class, superstar!" she exclaimed, frustration evident in her voice. Luz flinched, caught up in the whirlwind of emotions that Willow was unleashing. 

"I hate making abominations. I hate getting bad grades. Ugh! I can't stand this anymore!" Willow shouted in frustration. Luz's wires yanked forth, dragging her by the ankle 

Luz screamed as she was dropped a bit behind Willow. the wire still wrapped around Luz's legs,  Willow turned and glared at her, her eyes still glowing.

"Oh, no, no, no, no, no! I'm so sorry!" Willow panicked, the wires slowly dropped Luz so she could make her landing. Luz, recovering from the scare, reassured her, "It's okay. The thorns only went through a few layers of skin."

Willow got very close to Luz, causing her to lean back. "So... circly," she remarked, making Luz squeal and cover her ears.

Willow gasped, realizing something astounding. "You're human! This is astounding!" she exclaimed, grabbing Luz's face in amazement. She then helped Luz stand and walked around her. "A human on the Boiling Isles! How'd you get here? What are you doing here?"

Bells started tolling, and Willow flinched. "Uh, I'm sorry. I can't stay. I have to go disappoint my teacher. It was nice to meet you, human," Willow said, half-waving as she walked away.

Luz, not willing to let the opportunity slip away, rushed after her. "Wait! I'm Luz. And you're Willow, right? What you did with that flower and those plants, it was... wow."

Willow, appreciating the compliment "Thanks, but... I'm not even supposed to be doing plant magic. My parents put me in the abomination track at school."

Luz, intrigued, squealed and grabbed Willow. "Like, magic school?"

Willow nodded, prompting Luz to gush, "That's so cool! I'm so jealous. I have a teacher, but her lessons are a bit... untraditional. I bet she wouldn't even let me enroll. But I wish I could spend one day there."

Willow, with a hint of sadness, admitted, "I wish I could get a passing grade for once. Then people would stop calling me 'Half‐a‐Witch Willow.'" 

Luz stared at the goo the crew quickly rushed in and took off Luz's harness "Luz you gotta get in the goo" Dana informed her "Do I have to" she whined glaring at the sticky goo in disgust she noticed off to the side rolling her eyes "Alright you're right... Ill do it" 

Luz wasn't going to let Amity think less of her she was better than that the camera rolled again and Luz gathered her courage. 

Luz proposed an idea to Willow. "Hey, wait. I know how we can both get what we want," she exclaimed, picking up abomination goo in both hands and splashing it on her hoodie. "Make me your abomination. I'll get you a good grade, and you can get me into magic school. It's fiendishly clever." she lifted her eyebrow up and down giving Willow a grin

Willow, taken aback, questioned, "What?"

"I saw that girl's thing. It's just chunks of stuff that talks weird. I'm chunks of stuff, and I talk weird!" Luz explained, laying out her plan.

Willow, finding the proposal amusing, giggled and agreed, "That's true. Okay. It's a deal. Luz." They shook hands, sealing their agreement.

Confident in their plan, Luz remarked, "This is a great plan." the goo on Luz's hand and Willow's hand left them stuck together.

Willow laughed, realizing the predicament. "Oops. Abomination goo." Luz, ever the optimist, tried to free their hands with her foot, but the force sent her splashing into the goo on the ground. "Great plan," Luz commented.

As Dana announced the shift to the next scene inside the school, Gus joined the set, ready to film. Luz and Willow couldn't contain their excitement about working together for the first time. Gus heard their conversation and joined in. "What's got you two buzzing with excitement?"

Luz grinned, "We're finally diving into some Hexside High scenes, and were all in it together!"

Gus grinned at Luz and Willow, adjusting his cloak. "This is going to be so cool, filming at Hexside for the first time! I can't wait to see how it looks on screen."

Willow nodded in agreement. "And the sets they've built are amazing. I heard they even created the cafeteria with those weird food options."

Luz, still feeling a bit jittery from her accident the previous week, forced a smile. "Yeah, and who knows? Maybe I'll accidentally set something on fire or turn someone into a plant. Classic me."

Gus chuckled. "Well, you've got the 'accidental mischief' part down, Luz."

As they chatted about their expectations and excitement for the new scenes, Dana's voice echoed through the set. "Alright, everyone! Places for the Hexside scenes. Let's bring some magic to this school!"

Luz took a deep breathe stepping back into the cold pot of goo

Dana called for the next scene to be filmed inside Hexside High. As the set transformed to the halls of the magical school, Willow tickled a locker, making it open its mouth to reveal her books. Meanwhile, Gus, excitedly showing a magazine to Willow, bumped into her.

"Willow, you would not believe humans," Gus remarked, intrigued.

"Humans? Psh. I haven't seen any. What?" Willow replied.

Gus showed her the magazine, displaying bizarre human practices. "Did you know that humans nail barbed wire to their kids' teeth? But why? Maybe to make them magnetic."

Luz, overhearing their conversation, couldn't resist chiming in. "Actually, it's for storing treats."

Gus, looking confused, tried to process the information. "No. No, it, it couldn't be."

Willow, with a mischievous smile, decided to spill the secret. "Okay, Augustus. I'm gonna tell you something. But you have to be cool."

Gus, trying to play it cool, stammered, "I can be spool. I mean, cool."

Willow declared, "Okay. Abomination, rise."

Luz, eager to join in, emerged from a pot, proudly announcing, "Ta‐da! I'm an abomination."

Willow, amused by Luz's commitment, teased her, "Luz, that's not how abominations act."

Gus, suddenly realizing the significance of Luz's presence, was taken aback. "No. No, it, it couldn't be."

Willow explained, "He's the president of the Human Appreciation Society. Most witches wouldn't be able to recognize a human right away. But Augustus is an expert."

Gus, in disbelief, asked Luz, "Where are your gills?"

Luz, playing along, replied, "I knew an Augustus back in the human world. We called him Gus."

Gus, thrilled by the revelation, exclaimed, "Gus? Nickname? Human nickname? Gus? Call me it. Wow. Gus. This is the best day of my life."

As a bell rang in the background, Gus hurriedly prepared to leave for his spelling class. "I've gotta get to spelling class. See you guys at lunch!"

Willow waved at Gus, saying, "All right. Into the darkness you go."

Luz, maintaining her abomination act, hissed and sank down dramatically.

As the scene inside the halls Hexside High concluded, the crew hustled to transform the set for the upcoming scenes. Amidst the bustling activity, Luz, Willow, and Gus found a moment to chat about the day's shoot. However, Gus eventually excused himself, expressing the need to retreat to his trailer for some focused line practice.

"Hey, I've got to nail those lines for my upcoming scenes," Gus explained, determination in his voice.

Willow nodded in understanding. "Sure thing, Gus. Knock 'em dead!"

Luz chimed in, offering some encouragement. "You'll rock it, Gus. Take your time and own those lines!" With a grateful smile, Gus headed back to his trailer, ready to immerse himself in the script.

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