Rooming with Maddox

By BookishSerenity

255 33 83

As my first semester at college rolled on, things took an unexpected turn-I found myself homeless, tossed out... More

Character relationships/links:
Chapter One:
Chapter Two:
Chapter Three:
Chapter Four:
Chapter Five:
Chapter Seven:
Chapter Eight:
Chapter Nine:
Chapter Ten:
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve:
Chapter Thirteen:

Chapter Six:

17 3 2
By BookishSerenity

┏━━━✦❘༻༺❘✦.·:*¨ 🌹✘■□R■♚■W□♚■M□■✘☄❥¨*:·.✦❘༻༺❘✦━━━┓

Bestfriend. I never thought that someday it would be just a word. I had a bestfriend and now I don't know such a thing. I never had an actual real best friend. my trust, respect, and loyalty all diminished in mere seconds as Knox told me what she said.

"She said that you slept with the dean to get better grades," his words left me speechless and unable to move as I processed what he just said

Why would she say that?

My mind races, attempting to comprehend the enormity of her words. Why would she say something so damaging, something that could shatter someone's reputation and, even more devastatingly, lead to my expulsion from college? A rush of emotions floods through me-anger, betrayal, and a gnawing sense of disbelief.

She wasn't trying to hurt me; she was trying to damage me.

Everything I had ever worked for, everything I had ever done to get here would be ruined if word got around of her lies. I hardly knew anyone here, so I had practically no one to back me up if things escalated.

Why would she do something like this? Was it jealousy, revenge, or what?

I couldn't think of a single reason why she would want revenge or of why she would even be jealous, so why was she doing all of this?

This was despicable. I didn't even know she could go this low. If anyone was sleeping with anyone, it was her. She may have presented herself as a little innocent in that aspect, but she certainly was not; it was quite the contrary, she was well-versed in the subject.

"Are you okay?" he asks, sitting across from me.

I shake my head, trying to hold back tears. "I will be," I reassure him.

Right now, I just wanted to go home. I craved the comfort of my parents' house, snuggling up in my bed. I wished to spend the rest of the day holed up in there, with my stuffed animals surrounding me, just like when I was a kid. I never got rid of them; they would always make me feel better.

The worst thing I could do is stay in my head about this; I would end up dragging this out and getting paranoid, and those things were never great. I just wished I had something to distract me.

It was like Knox could read my mind when he spoke again, "What do you say we get out of here and go somewhere?" he asked me, trying to cheer me up.

I look over at him and give him my best smile while he puts his hand over mine, trying to comfort me. "Thank you," I say gratefully.

He nods, "Of course. Don't let this bother you. If she lets this get out of hand and starts telling the wrong people, I will always be there for you. I know this isn't true. I just want you to know that you don't need to worry about me believing her, okay?" he tells me.

I nod, happy to know that I still had him in my corner.

"So... do you want to go somewhere?" he asks again.

I nod, excited to get away and out of my head for at least a little while. "Where are you thinking?" I ask him, curious.

"It wouldn't be fun if you knew beforehand. Leave a little mystery to this, and it will help keep you from focusing on something else," he playfully remarks.

He lets my hand go and goes to get up, holding his hand out to help me up.

Why was he acting like this right now? I couldn't help but wonder as I thought back to all the other times we had hung out, and it was never like this.

As I mentioned earlier, we practically grew up side by side, always hanging out together. We had our fair share of playful moments, pulling pranks here and there, but nothing too over the top.

We'd often find ourselves cracking up over the silliest things, our shared antics becoming the stuff of legend in our little world. Our connection was all about that easy camaraderie, and even when life threw us different curveballs, those memories of our mischievous adventures never faded. It's like our own secret language, you know?

Ever had that ride-or-die friend who just gets your vibe, even when life is doing its crazy dance? That's us, living in a world of inside jokes and shared mischief that's basically our own secret handshake.

Through the wild ride of life, we've had each other's backs, celebrating wins and navigating the storms like a dynamic duo. Our friendship isn't just a connection; it's a collage of moments, a mixtape of laughter, pranks, and a silent understanding that words can't quite express.

As we navigate the maze of grown-up stuff, our friendship remains a solid anchor. The jokes might have evolved, and the pranks might be a tad less frequent, but the core of our bond is like an everlasting flame.

He is my twin flame, my soulmate, my ride-or-die, but most importantly, my best friend - well, besides Kalea, and I guess now he was my only best friend. We had a little friend group, but it had always felt more like Kalea's show, and I was just in the passenger seat, along for the rollercoaster ride.

Of course, I had my own things to worry about, my own rollercoaster rides, but I was more the kind to steer away from the drama. I preferred to stay positive and weather the storm than bring rain on a cloudy day.

I had missed Knox's company; I hardly got time to hang around my friends since I was usually scheduled to work or had classes waiting for me. I was glad to have the day off today and some time to play catch up.

We left the restaurant, and since we didn't order anything, we didn't have to pay. I didn't think anyone cared about it. Well, I knew the waitress certainly didn't since she seemed to have quite the eye for Knox.

I would certainly use that to my advantage later and mess with him.

Once we got into his car, I decided to mess with him a little bit and playfully push his shoulder as he got in the driver's seat. "Ow! What was that for?" he questions, shocked.

"You had that girl staring at you, and you didn't even ask for her number," I state, teasingly.

He rolls his eyes, "If you like her so much, you go ask her."

I laugh, "Not my style," I say, making him laugh.

"Yeah, I know. You prefer solitude," he jokes.

"Don't say it like you don't prefer it too," I reply.

He shrugs, "Maybe I do, maybe I don't," he quips, keeping the banter light between us.

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"A bookstore?" I ask Knox, surprised as he pulls into the lot of a bookstore I frequented.

I look over at him just in time to catch him nodding. "Yep. Come on!" he opens his door and gets out of the car.

I am surprised but confused, too much so to follow after him. I am startled when my door opens, and he stands beside it. "Ready?" he asks.

I nod and reach for his outstretched hand.

Once in the store, he led me to the back, to a door I had never noticed before.

Upon stepping through the door, describing my reaction as mere surprise would be a significant understatement. The space was surrounded by arcade games in every direction.

As I crossed the threshold, the room unfolded before me in a symphony of colors and flashing lights. It was a captivating space filled with the energetic hum of arcade machines lining the walls. The air was charged with the nostalgic scent of aged electronics, and the lively chatter of buttons being pressed and joysticks maneuvered created a lively soundtrack. The room seemed to be frozen in a perpetual state of excitement, an immersive playground where the vibrant glow of screens painted the atmosphere with a sense of playful anticipation.

My gaze shifted towards Knox, and I caught him observing my response with a subtle grin. Returning the look, I couldn't help but break into a smile of pure enthusiasm, feeling nothing but excitement coursing through my veins in response to this thoughtful gesture.

How did he even find this place?

The question lingered in my mind as I continued to take in the ambiance of the arcade. The mystery only added to the thrill of the moment. Knox, still wearing that enigmatic grin, motioned toward a row of pinball machines.

"Thought you could use a little adventure," he remarked, his eyes gleaming with shared anticipation.

As we delved into the array of games, I couldn't help but marvel at Knox's knack for turning the ordinary into extraordinary. The room, now alive with the clatter of tokens and the joyous shouts of fellow gamers, became a haven of shared escapades, etching another chapter in the tale of our friendship.

As we immersed ourselves in the sea of games, Knox suggested a friendly competition - a clash of skills on some classic arcade favorites. The atmosphere buzzed with friendly banter and laughter as we challenged each other, reliving the carefree spirit of our childhood in a way.

The room became a canvas of memories, painted with vivid strokes of victories and defeats. Amidst the flashing lights and animated sounds, our friendly rivalry deepened our connection, creating a shared experience that would linger in the tapestry of our friendship.

As the night unfolded, we discovered hidden gems among the arcade treasures, each game revealing a new layer of our personalities and sparking conversations that transcended the digital realm. The camaraderie between us strengthened, fueled by the shared joy of rediscovering the simple pleasures of gaming.

In this vibrant haven, time seemed to stretch and bend, allowing us to savor every moment. As the arcade adventure drew to a close, we left the room with hearts full of laughter and a strengthened bond, knowing that this impromptu escapade would be etched into our memories.

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