When the World Falls-Solangelo

By OfficialSolangelo

666 38 182

Luminescent, a hero beloved by the world. The Ghost King, a hated villain. The fight seemed never ending. ... More

Luminancent won't fuck off
I am deemed worthy of the holy McDonalds fry
I get clayed(with minimal dying too!)
An exorcist? Really?
Nico has really soft hands
That poor pillow pet
My Angel
The End

Idiotic-how you feel when a cute boy tells you he's possessed

69 5 10
By OfficialSolangelo


That meeting was one of most stressful ones. Ever. They were just going to kill him! How could they take one look at him and decide killing him is the only option?

Currently in my room, the Ghost King himself sat on my bed, his raven black hair in his chocolate brown eyes. Looking into them seemed to put me in some kind of... trance. His eyes were truly beautiful.

"For the last time. What are you staring at?!"

"Uh. You? I mean! Um... Your eyes. Why do they change color?" I frantically changed the topic.

"Oh. That's...personal"

"Ok sorry.

The Ghost King looked confused.

"Why are you apologizing to me?" Came his curious voice.

"Well I didn't want to seem like I was trying to invade your privacy. You'll share what you wanna share."

He looked stunned. I stepped cautiously over to see if he would react, and when he didn't, I went and sat next to him on the bed.

He really is adorable though. Ah, the others would hate me if they even thought I couldn't finish a job.

Snapping me from my thoughts, Death Boy spoke up.

"Are you ok?" He sounded genuinely concerned.

"Yeah of course!"

"If you don't mind me asking... what are you planning to do with me?"

Kiss you.

"You'll just stay in here until we decide what to do with you. The group kinda runs like how the Romans did it. We vote, and argue, although we don't have a leader."

"That's pretty cool. I've been by myself for a long time."

Well that was sad.

"Oh. Well you're not alone anymore!" I beamed at him. He raised his eyebrows in a questioning manner.

I realized how cheesy that sounded. I just wanted to offer him reassurence, even though I had no idea what the next meeting would bring. Everyone was against him. Especially Wise Girl. She'll want him dead.

"I just want to be able to give you a choice death boy." The name slipped out, but he didn't seem to notice.

"A choice? And what choices can your team possibly offer me? They want me dead."


"IT WASN'T MY FAULT!" He screamed back me.


We were both standing now, shouting at each other with all we had. His eyes were flashing between red and brown, faster by the second.

"BECAUSE" Came his broken voice. "I'M POSSESSED, IDIOT!"

He realized what he said and sat back down on the bed curled into a ball as far away from me as he could get.

Possessed? How did that happen?

"Who- why- how?"

He looked up at me, his eyes their beautiful brown again.

"I shouldn't have said that." his tone grim.

"Is that why your eyes-?"

"Get all flashy? Yeah."

"But how-?"

The door flung open. Wise Girl was standing there, arms crossed, posture stiff.

"I heard screaming. And it's meeting time."

I looked from her to Ghost King.

"Can he come with?" I say pointing at death boy. "He should be able to testify!"

"This isn't a court Lumin!"

"Well if your so wise you should realize that it needs to be!"

"Wait! I don't wanna go to your dumbass meeting!" Ghost King interjected.

I give him a withering look. He meets my gaze and goes a little red, although I'm not sure why.

I look back at Wise Girl who was tapping her foot with impatience.

"He comes with or I'm leaving the team."

The room was dead silent. Both Ghost King and Wise Girl looked shocked. I was shocked.

Why did I say that? Just because his hair is cute when it gets all ruffled and... Oh gods my thoughts.

Wise Girl voiced my own concerns.

"Will, is this murderer really worth you running away!?" she snapped.

"Wise Girl..."

She realized her mistake.

"shit shit shit!" she muttered under her breath. "Now we have to kill him!"

Death boy looked from me to her. And back again. When his eyes settled on mine, he said "Will? Will Solace?"

Well there went secrecy

I turn to him awkwardly and take a little bow.

"At your service Death Boy."

"HOLD ON! WE CAN'T JUST-" Wise Girl pulls out a bronze dagger from a sheath hidden in her clothes.

"Put the knife down Annabeth."

"Gods of Olympus Will! I'm not going to kill anyone right now!"

"Annabeth Jackson-Chase and William Solace" We both turn to Ghost King. He stood up from his spot on my bed, cloak fluttering like my heart, and mimicked my bow."Nico di Angelo, pleased to make your acquaintance."

"That can't be your real name." Annabeth said." You wouldn't give up information that easily."

"I wouldn't give up important information easily. Big difference if you ask me."

"Except I didn't ask."

I watched the two go back and forth about information types and I interjected.

"Why would your name be unimportant Nico?"

"Good question. Now we can find him in the mortal world." Wise Girl resolved.

"Because I don't have a life in the mortal world." His tone was emotionless, like he was observing a tragedy that had happened to a stranger.

No mortal life? Only fighting us every other day? What does he do to pass time? How has he not gone insane?

Maybe he has.

Annabeth looked from me to Nico, mouth slightly agape. Oh gods. I know what she's about to say.


"Is this important right now?!?"

"No. But we will be coming back to this later. In the meantime, I have a better question." She directed this at Ghost King. "How do you know our full names?"

Nico shrugged. "Research."

Dam. We are way behind him. How has he lost  battle when he's prepared for almost anything?

Consumed in my thoughts, I almost missed Wise Girl's words.

"-but we have to go to the meeting now! The others are waiting!"

"Aw shit! Let's go. And Nico is coming with us."

He looked like he was about to protest but decided against it. I grabbed his hand and led him out of my room with Annabeth in front of us. When I looked back, his checks were red. I felt mine with my free hand, to find them burning as well.

We followed Annabeth to the meeting room. She went in and I was about to as well, but a tug on my hand stopped me.

"If we go in there, they'll kill me." Nico said.

"I'll kill them first."

He mouth dropped a little when he heard that.

"No! Don't kill anyone Will! It'll...you won't be able to... it's permanent you know. Once one life is taken, you're a murderer and that can't be changed."

Well obviously. I kill someone, that's just how it happens.

"Please don't kill anyone. Promise me!" His eyes met mine. His brown irises had flecks of gold in them but his eyes were haunted.




"Nico di Angelo, I promise I won't kill anyone if you don't."

He let out a dark, humorless chuckle.

"That's a bad promise William Solace. But I'll take it."

And with that we turned to the door and stepped through.


Once upon a time there was an author, writing into the wee hours of night.
Nico's eyes gleamed and Will's hair glowed.
But unfortunately for the author, no sleep was bestowed.

Sleep is overrated.


There are no characters that wear a mask in this. I find masks as effective as just having your face out there. The heros aren't recognized because of Piper (who we will see soon) and her messing with this story's version of the mist.


Word count: 1228

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