Totally Not Cliche

By Ariadiannne

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"Where's the fun in rules if you can't break them?" **** More

CHAPTER 1/Prologue
The Deal
The Plan
The Meeting
The Encounter
Early Issues
It's Not The End of the World
The Date
No Questions
Tell me you're lying
I Am Running Crazy
Abandoning the Job Now Are We
We Sound Like All Those Couples on TV Don't We?
Oh I'm Such a Good Friend.
You Really Want To Know?
Are You Nervous?
Are You Quoting Harry Styles Now?
Cool Right?
Only For You
Let's Gossip
Mr. Random
My love...
Shall We?

Pretty Obvious

4 0 0
By Ariadiannne

"We got our champagne dreams
In an endless drought"


I just made one little comment about being thirsty, and this guy takes me out instead of just handing me water from the fridge he was literally standing at. We were in his house just chilling with his brother one second ago, but here we are now. He took me away to a cafe nearby instead, but he was lucky that there were available seats outside, because that took my mind off everything.

I love eating outside.

I took a moment to look around at the beautiful scene in front of me, as I let the refreshing taste quench my thirst. The sky was a beautiful shade of blue that reminded me of Xavier's eyes, the clouds were forming their usual weird but beautiful forms, and I could feel the gentle breeze that always soothed me.

I enjoyed the silence, the only sound being the bustle of people going about their business, and the trees as they swayed against each other. That was, before Xavier spoke up.

"How was your gift shopping with Vanessa?" He asked, my gaze shifting to his beautiful face.

"Fun. Well, minus the part she basically forgot about us." I replied with a smile on my lips.

"How about Jason?"

"Well...we hung out after." I put it simply, biting back a grin. But his grin faltered as his gaze fell from mine to the table, taking a sip from his drink.

"Cool." He mumbled, his lips still on his straw. His simple response caused me to roll my eyes.

"This is why I don't like telling you about Jason." I huffed. "If I do, there's a problem. If I don't, there's still a problem."

"I'm sorry, I don't want you to feel like you can't talk to me but it's just...I don't know, I don't trust him yet." He looked at me apologetically.

"But I'm starting to." I admitted in an instant. "He even said he wouldn't bring up our relationship like that anymore, he's acting civil and he's moving on."

He just nodded, only staring back at me. I noticed his eyes narrowing in the slightest as his lips rolled into his mouth. Apparently, he was still unconvinced. Finally, he shrugged.

"How about we all hangout?" He asked, a tiny smile pulling on his lips.

"You, me, and Jason?" I giggled. "Not anytime soon."

"Yeah yeah, whatever." He chuckled.

Then from nowhere, he stretched out his hand to the middle of the table with his palm facing up, and I grinned before I placed my hand in his. I watched as he gave it a gentle squeeze, before lacing our fingers together.

"Are you done with your drink?" My gaze snapped from our hands to him.

"Huh?" He smirked at my response.

"Are you done with your drink?" He repeated, much more slowly this time. I just rolled my eyes.

"Uh.." I looked down at my cup. I didn't even notice when I finished it. "Yeah."

"I'll just drop you at home, ok?" He said as he used our interlocked hands to help me up. I nodded in response, before we walked to his car, throwing our cups in the trash as we did so.

And the closer we got to my home, the more tired I got.

A knock on the door, for some reason, had me on the floor. I didn't even bother opening my eyes, cause I was still wide asleep. And yes, I know being wide asleep isn't a thing, but you get the point. Also, when the door opened and closed, I already knew who it was. Only one person would render knocking completely useless. There's only one person who would knock 'just because'.

I finally opened my eyes to see Andrew smirking down at me, but all my extremely helpful brother could do was stretch one leg over me to get to my bed.

"Hey!" I said as loud as I could, but only managed a grumble. So to emphasize my point, I pinched his leg, and that finally got him to help me up.

But he was just laughing.

"Hey sis." He chuckled again as he ruffled my hair around. I slapped his hand away, scoffing.

"Stop it!"

"What? It was already messed up anyway."

"Are you insulting my bed hair?!" I gasped, lightly shoving him on his chest. That only made him laugh louder.

"Ok ok I'm sorry." He put his hands up in surrender. As his hands fell to his lap, he gave me a once over, his eyes seemed to be examining me. "Let me guess, you were sleeping?"

"Pretty obvious." I shrugged.

"What's with you? You've been very tired these last few days."

"Oh that? I just don't eat as much anymore." I shrugged, and immediately a look of concern was evident on his face.

"Why have you not been eating?" His voice seemed to be demanding and strict, but maybe it's just me overthinking it.

"I've been... busy." I looked away from him.

"Yeah. Busy making out with Xavier huh?"

"No!" I yelled at him, a blanket of red coating my cheeks.

"Oh ok." He said flatly. "I'm serious."

"It's because I have a job." I said proudly, earning me a look that said 'are you serious right now?'

"Yeah sure, and I'm best friends with Abraham Lincoln and Beyonce is my long lost mom." He grumbled loud enough for me to hear, folding his arms.

"I'm not joking." I gave him my best serious face.

"What's your job then?"

"Well, you see, I supervise the shorts on YouTube." I folded my arms too. "I'll have you know that it's a very important job." He just stared at me, one eyebrow raised and his lips in a thin line. We stared at each other for a while before he sighed.

"I hope it really isn't anything serious that's causing this. And if it is, or you're just busy, you can tell me. I can help... You're all I have." He spoke calmly.

Though my heart tugged at his words, my brain couldn't stop thinking about how it is not be a big deal. it's not bad, right? Maybe he's just being too sentimental here. Right...

"I'm ok, Andrew, really. Don't worry about me." I placed a hand on his shoulder, watching as he finally smiled at me.

"How am I supposed to do that? It's not possible."

"True." I giggled. I was about to add more, when I saw the sudden look of determination on his face. That was enough to shut me up and forget what I originally wanted to say. "What are you thinking?"

He didn't answer me, instead he shot up, and in a second, he was out the door. I stared at it, confused, but I just brushed it off as Andrew being Andrew. He has done this before anyway. I laid back down on my bed, snuggling up and getting comfortable under the covers. I was this close to sleeping, this close, but of course, I was interrupted. Again.

My door suddenly burst open, and once again I was on the floor. This time though, I didn't take so long to get up, because I was determined to give my lovely brother a punch or two. Once I stood up to do just that, I noticed the bowl of fried rice in his hands. I slowly looked back up at him to see him grinning at me.

"Food delivery for miss Amy." He said as he stretched it out to me.

"Where did you get that from?"

"What type of question is that? We have a fridge. Remember? That rec-"

"Oh shush." I interrupted, gladly accepting the bowl of food with the fork in it. "Thank you."

"No problem." His grin widened. "Anyways, I have to go do something, but I'll be back." He slowly took one step back.

"Yeah yeah get out of here." He chuckled before turning around and leaving.

Fifteen minutes and a hundred YouTube shorts later and I'm done with the delicious food, the bowl chilling on my bedside table. I was about to abandon the shorts and watch any random interesting video, when a message from Xavier popped up on my screen. I abandoned YouTube completely.


You're interrupting my YouTube time sir🗿

Well sorry if I wanted to talk to my girlfriend😉

You're probably just bored

If I'm bored I'd talk to my friends

What if they're too busy for you so I was the next best thing

Is that nonsense gibberish I hear 😑

Definitely not

The usual three dots showed up on the screen, before it dissapeared and got replaced by my phone vibrating in my hand. I smiled as I pressed the green button.

"Hello 911, what's your emergency?" I spoke lightly and quickly, and the laugh I heard pretty much made my day. I made him laugh.

"Help, I think my heart has been stolen." He replied.

"Xavier... what?" I laughed, and it took a few seconds before he laughed along with me.

"I'm not..." He paused, like he decided against completing the sentence. "Uh, what was it you were saying again? Over text?"

"I was joking, ok? Maybe I did it intentionally knowing you'd call me."

"I thought you hate calls." My smile widened.

"I do." I confirmed. "But not so much anymore when it's you."

"You admit you love my voice?" Even though I couldn't see him, I already knew he was smirking.

"Now I never said that." I giggled.

"Sure you didn't." He remarked lowly.

I was about to reply, but then my door burst open AGAIN. I was so startled that I dropped my phone, and for the third time today it fell on the floor. Luckily I didn't, but still, my phone!

"Andrew, I will punch you!" I threatened, snatching the phone from his hands. I looked down to be sure the call was still on. It was. All Xavier was doing was laughing his head off. With Andrew. "Guys, seriously?" I bit back a smile despite my annoyance.

"Sorry, you two are just so chaotic." Xavier was the one to speak first once he was finally done.

"I'll take that as a compliment." I rolled my eyes.

"What else?" He asked.

"Xavier?" My brother called as he sat beside me on the bed. I could feel it shift from the extra weight.

"Yeah?" Xavier answered.

Then my brother hung up. Have I mentioned how lovely my brother is?

Completely, wonderfully, and utterly lovely.

"Andrew!" I yelled his name.

"What? Is he going to get mad at you?" He teased with a smirk. I just glared at him.

"For that, you're washing my bowl for me."

"Yes princess." He chuckled, and I couldn't help but finally smile back. "How was the gift shopping?"

"It was more of Nessa ditching us." I grinned as I thought back to it. "And...I actually went out with Jason again after." I admitted lowly. His eyebrows rose as his smile morphed into a grin matching mine.

"Really? It's good you aren't sulking on your bed like an over dramatic girl."

"Whatever." I giggled. "Who did you hear it from anyway?" I asked, looking expectantly at him. His eyebrows rose again for a second before he wiped the grin off his face and stood up.

"You know what? I actually have to go out with Aimee today. Look, I'm all dressed up." He didn't face me, but I knew he was biting back the grin he just wiped off.

"What? Andrew!" I stood up too, and immediately, he actually started running out my room. Of course he was faster, and in a second he was out my door with a slam and a shout of goodbye.

I just stood there confused, staring at my door for a while. By the time I finally marched back out to his room, it was empty and he was probably gone. He didn't even take my bowl to wash it! What a lazy pig.

Brothers these days.

Hey again guysssssss.

How is the story so far? Any thoughts?

ALSO, this chapter is meant to come before the last one, but there was a mix up somehow. So sorry! This chapter is a DAY AFTER the gift shopping, and the LAST chapter (meeting Xavier's friends) is TWO days after this one. Still with me? :P

Anyways, I hope you enjoy reading the story as much as I enjoy writing them. Happy reading!

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