Hot for the Nanny

By authornicoleknight

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A single father firefighter falls for his younger, free-spirit nanny, who is also his boss's daughter. Season... More

Season List for Station 22
Chapter One: Crash and Burn
Chapter Two: The Interview
Chapter Three: The Offer
Chapter Four: Desperation
Chapter Five: Can You Start Tomorrow?
Chapter Six: Welcome Home
Chapter Seven: Trial by Fire
Chapter Eight: A Truce
Chapter Nine: Dads and Daughters
Chapter Ten: A Good Team
Chapter Eleven: Unexpected Visitor
Chapter Twelve: Fire is My Thing
Chapter Thirteen: The Wrong Idea
Chapter Fourteen: Running From the Past
Chapter Fifteen: Bad to Worse
Chapter Sixteen: Famous Last Words
Chapter Seventeen: A Turning Point
Chapter Eighteen: Admission
Chapter Nineteen: Giving In
Chapter Twenty: Would You Stop Me?
Chapter Twenty One: Cat and Mouse
Chapter Twenty Three: Karma
Chapter Twenty Four: A Distraction
Chapter Twenty Five: Playing Games
Chapter Twenty Six: Mistakes
Chapter Twenty Seven: Crisis Averted
Chapter Twenty Eight: Breakthrough
Chapter Twenty Nine: Breakup to Makeup
Chapter Thirty: Lagasse and Lies
Chapter Thirty One: Better or Worse
Chapter Thirty Two: Opportunities
Chapter Thirty Three: Courtroom Showdown
Chapter Thirty Four: He Knows
Chapter Thirty Five: Boom
Chapter Thirty Six: Chaos

Chapter Twenty Two: Complications

3.3K 118 12
By authornicoleknight


This has to be some kind of sick joke. Did Tanner and the guys find out what happened between Lila and me? Get her and Morgan in on some elaborate prank? I glance around the room, and when I realize no one is laughing, I start to panic.

There is no way. No possible way that Lila is related to Morgan. Boring, by the book, no sense of humor Morgan. She's sweet and carefree and she hates...firefighters.

Oh, Jesus.

Morgan is the workaholic, absent father she's resented for so many years.

I hate how much sense this is making.

"Riggs, this is Lila. Lila, this is Riggs. He's one of my best guys." Morgan introduces us as if we've never met, and as far as he is concerned we haven't.

Haven't met. Haven't touched. Haven't kissed. Haven't fucked.

I can't even find the composure to respond at the moment, but thankfully, Lila speaks up.

"Uh, actually..."

Wait. What the hell is she doing? Is she about to tell her dad...

Before she can finish, I jump in. "Hey, Lila. It's nice to meet you."

Her face twists as I stick my hand out, but eventually, she falls in line and plays along.

"It's nice to meet you, too." She plasters on a fake smile as she reaches for my hand.

I clench my jaw, desperate to keep my cool. Desperate to pretend this woman wasn't just naked in my bed a few hours ago. That I'm not absolutely infatuated with her. That I haven't been daydreaming about her all goddamn day.

Lila isn't thrilled with my little fib, but what does she expect? We were blind sided and we've at least got to be on the same page before she announces anything to Morgan.

"Riggs is about to become a lieutenant here." Morgan grins proudly. Somehow, in light of what I've just found out, his words sound ominous. No way in hell would he make me lieutenant after finding out what I'd done to his daughter.

"Lila was visiting for lunch and is just heading out. Actually, do you mind walking her out? I have a quick call to make," Morgan asks. If I didn't know any better, I'd think he knew and was just trying to make this as awkward as possible.

He doesn't know, Riggs. Get a hold of yourself.

"Uh, sure. No problem." I stammer. If there wasn't already enough stacked against Lila and me, this seals the deal.

Morgan hugs her and they say their goodbyes before he disappears into his office without waiting for much response, and Lila and I are alone.

For a minute, we both stand there, too stunned and confused to speak. I mean, Jesus Christ. What are the chances? We finally take the plunge only to find out there's even another layer of forbidden between us.

She's my boss's daughter. A daughter who already hates him. A daughter who is ten years younger than me. If he even gets an inkling of what's gone on between us... Somehow I don't think that would bode well for me in the whole promotion scheme of things.

Hell, it might not even bode well for my future here at 22.

The middle of the crowded great room isn't the most ideal spot for privacy and we've already caught the eye of Tanner and Brooks across the room, so I usher Lila outside as inconspicuous as possible.

"Your dad is Chief Morgan?!" I blurt out, the door clanking shut behind me. "Why did you never mention that?"

Lila rolls her eyes. "Me? Why didn't you ever mention that you worked for him?"

"I thought you said he used to be a firefighter? Like in the past."

"He was a firefighter, and now he's a battalion chief." She quips, crossing her arms over her chest. She isn't happy with me insinuating this is her fault.

And she's right.

It isn't. There really is no way either of us could have known, but now we're in a tough spot and I can feel myself spiraling. "You're right. I'm sorry. I just... If he..."

"Why do you care?" She cuts me off, a sharp glare set on her face. "You don't even know who I am."

"Lila, I just..." I glance back toward the station and take a step back. "This isn't the place for this conversation. I'll be home at nine and we can talk. Okay?"

Lila nods, biting onto her lip. For a moment, I think she's about to cry. She's angry and confused and just as caught off guard as I am. I want to hash it all out with her, but not here. Not with an audience.

"Hey..." I want to reach for her. I want to assure her everything's going to be fine and that this is just a little hiccup, but how can I do that when I'm not even sure of it myself? We've got a big mess on our hands.

"I'll see you later." Lila collects herself, gripping her purse on her shoulder as she walks away.

I stand next to the garage door, watching until she gets into her car and drives out of the parking lot. I have no fucking clue where this leaves us, and that scares me more than I want to admit.

For the first time, I wonder if we got carried away. If we let all that sexual tension get the best of us. If we'd been stupid to ignore all the glaring red flags. She's so young. She works for me. She lives in my house. My daughter thinks she walks on water and would be devastated if she left.

And her father is my battalion chief. The man who can decide my entire future with the department.

Even for a casual fling, this is complicated.

And maybe finding out that she's the chief's daughter is the reality check I need.

I'm so lost in my own thoughts that I don't even notice when Brooks and Tanner walk up.

"Uh, was that who I think it was?" Tanner asks, slapping my shoulder.

"That depends..." Brooks smirks. "Do you think that was Chief Morgan's darling daughter? Or do you think that was the sweet little thing Riggs' keeps trying to convince us is just a nanny?"

The last thing I'm in the mood for is their antics.

"Well, you'd be right on both accounts." I rub my forehead. "Except she's not just the nanny anymore."

Brooks eyes widen in excitement as he swings his arm around my shoulder and jerks me into him. "Riggsy! My man! I am seriously impressed. Even I'm not ballsy enough to fuck the chief's daughter."

Tanner's reaction is more careful. Restrained. Wary. "Well, that definitely complicates things, doesn't it?"

"Riggs--" Morgan's voice booms off of the empty bay walls. "Got a minute?"


"Well, good luck with that!" Brooks cackles, squeezing my shoulder and then darting away. he wants no part of this, and I don't blame him. I don't either.

"Don't look at me." Tanner shakes his head, a disapproving half smile on his face. "I can help you out with a lot of things, but you made this bed..."

Every rational part of me knows that there isn't anyway that Morgan found out about Lila and I. It only happened mere hours ago, and it's not like either one of us was chomping at the bit to tell him. It doesn't stop my heart from pounding out of my chest as I head up the stairs to his office. Does the beating sound like a death march or am I imagining things?

I kick, opening the door slowly. "How's it going, Chief?"

"Come on in, Riggs." Morgan sits behind the desk with his hands folded neatly. He's always official, but something about his demeanor today makes me realize just how intimidating and imposing the man is. His torso towers above the desk. He may not be in the field as often, but he keeps up the fitness routine and I'm sure the man could beat the shit out of me if he knew the positions I had his daughter in last night.

I sit down in the chair, wiping at the sweat that beads on my brow. My fists are balled to stop them from trembling, and I swallow. The man is going to see right through me, I'm sure of it.

"Big test coming up next week, huh?"

"Yeah," I let out a breath. "I go in on Friday."

"How are you feeling about it? Ready?" He asks, clicking his pen against the wood of the desk.

"It's all good, sir." Hopefully, the smile on my face doesn't look as fake as it feels. Honestly, the thought of the lieutenants exam makes me nauseous right now. I haven't studied like I should have and, if Morgan finds out about Lila and I, it's not like passing score will matter much. I'll be out on my ass faster than the ink dries. "It's going to be a cake walk."

"I'm glad to hear that, Riggs." He grins. "Of course, it's just a formality at this point. The department's been really impressed with your work the last few months. I know it hasn't been easy on you with all you've got going on at home, but the long hours will be worth it once you've got those stripes on your shoulder."

When I know he isn't about to unleash his rage about Lila onto me, I settle a bit. My breath evening out and my heart slowing down just enough that I don't turn into a sloppy, sweaty mess.

"I know balancing family and work can be tough." Morgan's expression turns thoughtful as his eyes fall to a picture at the corner of his desk. It's of Lila, and I'm positive it hasn't been there before today--I definitely would have noticed. "Seems like you've got a good handle on it, though. Let me know if there is anything that you need before the test, and keep up the good work. I'm looking forward to handing your new shield over in a few weeks."

"Thank you, sir." I stand, shaking his hand before leaving.

My stomach is in knots as I close the door behind me.

Morgan might not have his priorities straight, but he's a good man. And he's done wonders for my career here with the department.

It doesn't feel good to lie to him, and it feels even worse knowing that I have to go home and face Lila. She deserves better than I've got to give her right now. Or maybe ever.

She's not going to like the conversation we have to have, and neither am I, but this just can't happen. Not this way.

This fucking sucks. 

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