Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorpora...

By WeaselSnipes

156K 3K 1.7K

When Y/N was young he and his siblings lost their parents. To find out how it happened Y/N started to become... More

Love Interest
Beware The Beast From Below
The Creeping Creatures
The Secret of the Ghost Rig
Revenge of The Man Crab
The Song of Mystery
The Legend of Alice May
In Fear of the Phantom
The Grasp of the Gnome
Battle of the Humungonauts
Howl of the Fright Hound
The Secret Serum
The Shrieking Madness
When The Cicada Calls
The Wild Brood
Where Walks Aphrodite
Escape From Mystery Manor
The Dragon's Secret
The Siren's Song
Menace of The Manticore
Attack of The Headless Horror
A Haunting In Crystal Cove
Dead Justice
Pawns of Shadows
All Fear The Freak
The Night the Clown Cried
The House of the Nightmare Witch
The Night the Clown Cried II: Tears of Doom!
Web of the Dreamweaver
The Hodag of Horror
Art of Darkness
The Gathering Gloom
Grim Judgement
Night Terrors
The Midnight Zone
Wrath of the Krampus
Theater of the Doomed
Aliens Among Us
The Horrible Herd
Dance of The Undead
The Devouring
Stand and Deliver
The Man in the Mirror
Nightmare in Red
Dark Night of the Hunters
Gates of Gloom
Through the Curtain
Come Undone
15 Years Later...

The Night on Haunted Mountain

1.5K 32 13
By WeaselSnipes

Gary and Ethan climbed Mount Diabla.

Gary: Mountain climbing rules, brah! I'm getting an unbelievable calf workout!

Ethan: Righteous. Only one question. Why are you dressed up like Baron Von Dorkenstein?

Gary: Ignorant Ethan say what?

Ethan: What? Uhh! You're the ignoramus one, Gary. Give me the team's lucky soccer ball. It's my turn to bond with it.

Gary: I thought you bonded in the car. Sure, sounded like it.

That's when somethin flies over them.

Ethan: Uh, what was that?

Gary: Probably just your mom out here to tell you you're late for being a bonehead.

Ethan: No, you're late for being a bonehead. So's your mom, and your mom's mom, and her mom's-

That's when the figure flies back at them revealing Lilith. Lilith flies around as Gary and Ethan run. Lilith causes them to fall off a cliff, and as a result they lose the soccer ball.

Gary and Ethan: Not the ball!

They then fall down the cliff and get injured.

Lilith: Away! Stay away! As far as the wicked eye can see, this wicked mountain belongs to me!

The next day, the gang visited Ethan and Gary in the hospital.

Fred: Guys! We heard what happened and rushed right over!

Gary: Why?

Velma: Because what happened to you is a mystery. Isn't it?

Ethan: The only mystery is how captain Fumblethumbs McMountaindork lost the team's lucky soccer ball.

Gary: It wasn't my fault! The bag ripped! It hurts my feelings that you think I did that on purpose, Ethan.

Ethan: I-I'm sorry.

Gary: Psych! Ow. My feelings are completely intact.

Ethan growls.

Ethan: I hate you.

Fred: Guys, don't worry. Good ol' Freddy's here. I'll get the ball back. What are friends for?

Ethan: Dude, we've never been your friend.

Gary: I'd pay someone to make you leave you town again, if my allowance was bigger.

Fred: You two, such kidders. Come on. Come here.

Fred hugs them and it hurts Gary and Ethan and soon after the gang drives to where Gary and Ethan were attacked.

Daphne: For attacking Ethan and Gary, we should find this monster and give her a medal.

Y/N: I agree.

Fred: Hey, Ethan and Gary aren't that bad.

All (Expect Fred and Velma): Yes, they are.

Fred: They mean well.

All (Expect Fred and Velma): No, they don't.

Fred: You're with me, right, Velma? It's a mystery, right?

Velma: I sure hope so, because there isn't any other reason to go to a place called Scorpion Wells.

They then drove to a town with RVs as the gang looked around.

Shaggy: Like, are you sure this is a town? It looks more like a place where old trailers come to die.

A sandstorm passes by as multiple people wearing masks appear and approaches.

Fred: Huh?

The gang begins to back up as another person comes out of a building and approaches the gang. The person took off her mask revealing an old lady.

Snaggletooth: Well, howdy there, folks! Welcome to Scorpion Wells!

Everyone took off their masks.

Snaggletooth: Hey, how are you doing? Name's Granny Snaggletooth. This here's lobster man, bucket head Brenda, and, uh, the hideous Ugly Jimmy. He don't quite fit around here, what with him being. So deformed and all.

Fred: Uh, thank you, strange and kindly desert folk. We're investigating a mystery. We'd like to ask a few questions, if you don't mind.

Snaggletooth smiles and pulls Shaggy close.

Snaggletooth: Don't mind at all, long as this tall drink of water's doing the asking. What's your name, handsome?

Shaggy: Like, Shaggy?

Jimmy: What would you all like to know?

Velma: Ms. Snaggletooth, we're here because a couple of fellow students recently fell off your mountain, Mount Diabla.

Snaggletooth pushes Shaggy to the ground.

Snaggletooth: What you want to go messing around on that mountain for?

Y/N: Beg your pardon?

Snaggletooth: Tell you what, we having ourselves a barbecue tonight. Stay and eat, and we'll tell you all about Mount Diabla, and why you should just forget you ever heard of it.

Night came and they started a fire and began to cook a flaming tire-roasted lizard on a stick and soon after Snaggletooth licked it.

Daphne: Gee, Granny Snaggletooth, this is a lovely Tire fire.

Snaggletooth: Yep! Smoke gets the skin all nice and oily, don't it? Flaming tire-roasted lizard on a stick?

All: Uh, no, thank you.

Snaggletooth: Suit yourselves.

Snaggletooth then eats it whole as Y/N at the gang.

Y/N: You sure this is not Shaggy's long-lost sister?

Velma: So now that we're all friends, what's the deal with Mount Diabla?

Snaggletooth: It's an evil, horrible place. Now, don't you move.

Snaggletooth grabs a shotgun.

Snaggletooth: I'm going to get me some more meat.

She runs off.

Jimmy: Dark Lilith protects Mount Diabla from all trespassers. Nobody goes up there.

They then hear Lilith screeching as everyone sees Lilith.

Shaggy: Like, what is that?

Jimmy: Dark Lilith!

Lilith flies in destroying the RV's, trucks, and an electrical pole. After destroying an RV, and the campfire, she looks at the gang and the citizens.

Lilith: Seek not this mountain, for if you do, I will prove my threats are true, forever in pain shall ye be as I feast upon your life for all eternity.

She then flies away after destroying a water tower. Snaggletooth then returns angry.

Snaggletooth: You brought the wrath of dark Lilith upon us with all your fancy talk of climbing that forbidden mountain! Now, leave, t'fore things get ugly.

All the townspeople agree and the gang leaves but Snaggletooth grabs Shaggy's arm.

Snaggletooth: You could still swing by my trailer a little later on, Shaggy the man. I'll show you how I can open dog food cans with my fancy can opener tooth.

She pulled out a tooth.

Shaggy: Like, eww.

The gang were in the van driving off.

Daphne: Those poor people!

Jimmy: They can't help it. Their fear is very reasonable.

Fred stops the van and sees Ugly Jimmy.

All: Ugly Jimmy?

Y/N: Why are you here?

Jimmy: I want to help you kids solve the mystery of the dark Lilith and get your lucky soccer ball back. I'll guide you up Mount Diabla.

Velma: But why?

Jimmy: I'm so tired! Tired of living in fear of that horrible hag!

Scooby: Granny Snaggletooth likes you, too?

Jimmy: No, Lilith. She needs to go away. There's already enough fear in town, thanks to my hideously ugly and tragically deformed face!

Y/N: Look, Jimmy? About the whole ugly thing. I don't think-

Fred: We're happy to accept your help.

They arrive at Mount Diabla and Jimmy leads the way as Velma finds a tooth.

Velma: Interesting.

Shaggy grabs a branch, and it snaps making Shaggy and Scooby fall past Velma.

Scooby: Mountain climbing hurts.

They continue to hike and climb until they see the summit.

Jimmy: There's the summit.

Jimmy walks only for the ground to give away and Jimmy and the gang to fall into a hole.

Y/N: Is everyone alright?

Fred: Boy, it sure is dark in here.

Jimmy: Hang on. I have a lantern.

Jimmy lights up the lantern only for a woman to grab Jimmy and pull him away. The gang runs in to save Jimmy as Velma picks up the lantern and sees Scooby and Shaggy fighting, Daphne has Jimmy by the neck, as Fred and Y/N capture the women.

Boron: All right! All right. You got, you got me. II-I give up.

Fred: Who are you?

Y/N: And why did you attack us for?

Boron: Who am I? That's a good question. I-I call myself boron. Yeah. Because I'm a, Uh, yeah. I remember. I'm a boron miner. Yeah! Don't think I don't know you're up here to steal my man.

They then see Gary's and Ethan's lucky soccer ball.

Boron: Stay where you are, honey. I got these punks covered.

Fred: The lucky soccer ball!

Boron: You can't take him. He's the only man who ever loved me. He feels my pain!

Daphne: Don't worry. Nobody's taking anything.

Fred tries to take the soccer ball.

Y/N: Fred.

Fred stops and goes back to the other.

Daphne: Now, Ms. Boron-

Boron: Oh, please, call me boron. Why did you attack Scorpion Wells?

Scooby: And where's your crazy flying demon woman costume?

Boron: Demon woman? That's not me. That is the dark Lilith. She's evil!

Lilith arrives from the hole.

Boron: It's her! Evil girl lives on his boat! The mountain boat.

Lilith: Quiet, old woman. Since my warnings went unheeded, now, your lives shall be deleted.

She flies in as everyone runs. Lilith grabs a pillar and hits another pillar as the mine begins to fall. Everyone makes it out as Boron trips and drops the soccer ball and it goes down the hill.

Boron: Honey!

Lilith flies out as Jimmy tackles Lilith who is approaching Shaggy and Scooby.

Jimmy: You aren't hurting my friends!

He tackles her off the cliff, but Lilith drops him down the cliff. She turned and the gang and Boron were gone. She then flies away.

Daphne: Poor Jimmy. He saved us.

Y/N: His sacrifice will be remembered.

Velma: Weird. There's a smell up here that reminds me of... I don't know about you guys, but I don't think Ugly Jimmy's bravery should go to waste. Could you lead us to where dark Lilith lives?

Daphne: We have to find her and stop her.

Boron: Follow me. Yonder she lives, in this boat.

They see an abandoned boat on a cliff.

Fred: Wow. Now, that is a mystery.

Daphne: Gang, is that-

Y/N: An old Spanish galleon.

Shaggy: Like, what's it's doing on top of a mountain?

Daphne: Boron, do you know why? Boron?

They looked and Boron was gone.

Fred: Come on, gang. Let's check it out.

They go over to the ship as Lilith sees the ship as well. The gang are on the ship.

Daphne: How in the world did a ship get all the way up here?

Velma: Maybe this can tell us. It's the ship's manifest. The writings in Español, but I aced honor's Spanish. I can translate. "I fear I may have doomed us all. After months of filling our hold...

Velma's voice is overtaken by Fernando's.

Fernando: With treasure, we were about to set sail when word was delivered of an even greater prize. A sarcophagus of the purest crystal, filled to the brim with black pearls of immense value. A king's ransom! The men and I were overtaken with a desire to find this great treasure. And after several months of searching, find it we did. What we didn't realize was that the entity that dwelled inside that crystal sarcophagus had been searching for us as well. In our thirst for power and wealth, we had discovered a terrible evil. It preyed upon our fears, driving us to commit horrible acts. Finally, in an act of desperation to stop what we had become, I set the ship ashore on the mission coast, in a cove we named after what we would soon bring there. Crystal Cove.

Shaggy: Zoinks! Like, that means-

Fred: These are the conquistadors that founded our town.

Daphne: The ones that disappeared!

Fernando: I used the arcanical disc, the planisferico, to map our location, and we buried the evil treasure deep, deep underground. Then, we broke the disc into 6 pieces and went our separate ways. I concealed my piece aboard the ship and artfully protected it by a large number of lethal mechanical devices. I brought the ship here, to the top of this mountain, to stay hidden forever.

Velma: It's signed Fernando El Aguirre, captain of the "Santa Lucia" of Spain.

Daphne: Jeepers! You know what this means? The fifth piece of the planospheric disc is right here on this ship!

Shaggy: Then let's find it and get out of here before that crazy chick shows up again!

Scooby: Yeah!

Fred: Hold on. My trappy sense is tingling.

He drops a dime down a hole and a trap activates.

Fred: Just as I thought! This place is booby-trapped out the wazoo.

Scooby: How do we know where to look?

Fred: Easy, Scoob. The traps themselves will lead us right to it. Don't worry. I was born for this.

Fred begins to guide the gang through the traps until they find a golden cabinet.

Daphne: The piece must be in there!

Fred: As far as I can tell, it's clean.

Lilith then attacks and breaks open the cabinet and sees the fifth piece of the planospheric disk.

Lilith: Many thanks for all of your time, but I take this now, as it is mine!

Scooby trips her as Lilith loses the piece. Velma tackles her.

Velma: Get the piece!

Y/N grabs it as a massive light overtakes him. The light fades as he was in the Darrow Family and he sees the five family members, Cletus, Mrs. Darrow, the daughter, Darrow, and Steve fighting over the disc piece. After Danny gained the piece, the house sank underground. They all survived; however, they were trapped underground. Eventually, Danny's father, mother, older brother, and older sister died, leaving him as a crazy old hermit living in the ruins of his mansion. He is then overtaken by another light as he sees the Original Mystery Incorporated and sees how they solved mysteries, and another light overtakes him as he is back on the ship as he sees Velma on Lilith and Y/N runs. Lilith throws Velma off and chases Y/N as she grabs Y/N's leg. Lilith throws Y/N into a pillar as she takes the piece and Velma grabs a rope.

Velma: Oh, no, you don't.

She makes a lasso and throws it on Lilith as her and Y/N tie it to the pillar and because of that the ship begins to slide down the cliff and the gang all hangs onto the boat.

Fred: Hold on, gang!

Shaggy: Like, Scooby-Doo, grab the wheel!

Scooby grabs the wheel as they approach a massive rock in the way.

Shaggy: Go left!

Scooby: Left?

Shaggy: Right.

Scooby: Right? You said go left!

Shaggy: I said right, go left!

Scooby: Right? Right.

Shaggy grabs the wheel.

Shaggy: No, left! Go left!

Shaggy turns right as the boat approaches the town. The townspeople see the ship heading towards them.

Fred: Oh, no! Everybody, brace for impact!

They all brace for impact as they crash into City Hall while hitting a few propane tanks and they explode as the ship approaches a sign which rips through the ship and cuts it in half. Lilith and Velma fall beside each other.

Velma: Oy. That's a pain that's going to linger. There's that smell again. Of course. Hot Dog Water.

Lilith was about to run but Velma chased her.

Velma: Marcie! Wait!

Lilith stops and takes off her mask revealing Hot Dog Water.

Hot Dog Water: Hello, Velma.

Velma: Why would you- wait. Of course. Mr. E. You're still working for him. But you couldn't outwit the captain's traps without Fred.

Hot Dog Water: That's right. So, humiliating to have to rely on a guy. I repurposed my old manticore outfit and super helium technology to create the dark Lilith disguise. Then, I lured Gary and Ethan here by falsely telling them professional soccer players worked their calf muscles on Mount Diabla. I knew Fred would talk you guys into investigating what happened to them. Then, Fred could spring the traps, and I could get the piece. But you're a hard girl to fool, V. I'm glad you recognized me.

Velma: Me, too. So, how's this going to end?

Hot Dog Water offers the piece of planospheric disk to Velma.

Hot Dog Water: Here. Friendship should always come first, and well, you're the only friend I've ever had.

Velma: What about Mr. E? He'll hunt you down and destroy you.

Hot Dog Water: He'll have to catch me first. See you around, Velma Dinkley.

She walks away as the gang comes out and sees Velma and goes up to her.

Fred: Way to go, Velma! I thought dark Lilith was going to end up with the fifth piece for sure.

Scooby: Where'd the evil lady go?

Velma smiles.

Velma: No idea. Flew away, I guess.

Velma takes the piece and puts it in the case with the other two. Velma looks at Y/N.

Velma: Do you still have the other piece that your siblings had?

Y/N shows it.

Y/N: Never leave home without it.

Y/N puts it in his pocket to keep it close to him. Snaggletooth approaches Shaggy.

Snaggletooth: How about a little smooch for the road, Shaggity man?

Shaggy: Zoinks! Like, how about not?

Jimmy: Hello, my friends.

Daphne: Ugly Jimmy?

Jimmy: Not anymore, thanks to the fall, they're calling me Handsome Jimmy now.

Jimmy showed himself and he was deformed.

Jimmy: What do you think, Daphne?

Daphne: I think I'm going to hork.

Fred: Don't mind her, Jimmy. I think you look great!

Jimmy: Thanks, Fred! And look what I found falling down the mountain.

Jimmy gives them the soccer ball.

Fred: The lucky soccer ball!

Soon after the gang gets in the van.

Fred: Well, gang, with the four pieces we have, the two pieces Pericles stole, that means-

Y/N: Pericles has the other two.

The gang drives off. Unbeknownst to the group they're being watched by the ghost of a Conquistador.

Fernando: Nibiru.

He laughs ominously as he fades away while the gang return to town. 

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