Unlikely Friends: Volume One

By TheStrangeCreature

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A group of unlikely friends go on depraved adventures. More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty One
Chapter Sixty Two

Chapter Twenty One

16 7 5
By TheStrangeCreature

The strange group of homosexual men tumbled through the water. The surrounding liquid blurred their vision as the current pulled them towards the other side. Lua floated and twirled above Mike Tyson and he reached his arms out towards his still annoyingly short boyfriend. "He looks like a beautifffful pigeon flying above me," Mike Tyson thought to himself, admiring Lua as he reached up and pulled him into his super buff arms.

The men soon reached the surface and swam to shore. They took in their surroundings in awe and confusion; the other world was pretty empty. "The blood witch teleported us to a desert," Lua cried, falling dramatically to his knees. There was nothing for miles but sand and more sand. The only thing that stood out in the neverending desert was the oasis they had just crawled out of. Mike Tyson bent down on one knee to comfort his sobbing boyfriend.

The dainty boy abruptly stopped crying once he noticed two unsettling men on the other side of the oasis. "Can people stop being freaks everywhere we go?" he screamed in disgusted frustration as he pointed a finger towards a man ripping another man's pubes out as he feebly punched in retaliation.

The other three looked towards where Lua pointed, all of them seemingly unaffected by the Oasis spell. Moon had paid her debt for the delicious Stinky feast by being gracious enough to grant them protection. The dainty boy clenched his fists, officially fed up with the insane situations he kept finding himself in ever since stepping foot off that plane. He stomped towards the weird pube play, determined to separate them and drown each and every person in this stupid desert. Lua stopped when he heard a nearby rumbling and his attention fell on the now shaking Oasis. He watched as the Oasis waves shifted and transformed, creating the shape of a woman.

"Are you taking away my toys?" The Oasis asked, stepping between Lua and the Pube Duo. Lua looked towards the men endlessly ripping out their pubes and noticed one had a turtle crawling in his tiny shorts. The boy gasped in horror before redirecting his gaze to the woman. "Do you not see what they're doing?" He questioned, gesturing towards the repetitive men. The Oasis stared at Lua, titling her head slightly. "You and your friends are unaffected by my powers," she revealed.

"Another witch sent us," Lua stated, wondering how much he should be sharing with this wet stranger. She obviously tried putting them under some sort of spell already and now it was clear the weirdos weren't actually weirdos, they were just trapped. "You know, I'm really starting to develop trust issues." Lua dully stated before raising his voice. "Mikeypoo!" he called, "go help those men.""Yeth Daddy," Mike Tyson lisply obeyed.

He charged towards the two men and effortlessly pulled them apart, breaking them free of the illusion. "What the fuck?" Potato blinked as memories from both reality and the illusion flooded through his mind. He looked at the big oaf in absolute disgust and hatred, his desire to murder the creep even stronger. BranChan paid no attention as he was too distracted by the movement deep within his shorts, reaching a hand inside the fabric.

The sudden intrusion woke Turtles and he screamed in horror as the memories came rushing back, desperately trying to escape BranChan's soiled shorts. Stinky and Sleepy approached the once trapped trio and Potato noticed all the people nearby, becoming overwhelmed by the new crowd. His attention landed on the strong arm holding him away from Branchan. Potato felt his schlong twitch as he took in the sexy man meat securely restraining him.

Meanwhile Lua was interrogating The Oasis, demanding to know where they were, why they were there, who was she, and if she was capable of making his boyfriend taller. The Oasis responded by introducing herself, sucking her water into her eyes and revealing herself.

"My name is Yeet."

"What kind of name is that?" Lua  mocked. Yeet chuckled at Lua's attempt to insult her, knowing she could easily drown this dainty boy in her water. "What are you trying to achieve?" Yeet questioned.

"We jutht need a pothion or thomething to make me taller," Mike Tyson spoke up, unable to mask the pleading tone in his voice. "And get rid of that awful lisp," Lua added with an eyeroll.

BranChan, now aware of the Oasis and her possible flowers, clumsily ran towards the others. "I need flowers! Pink flowers!"

"And teach us magic!" Stinky yelled, pulling Sleepy along to feeling included and meet the Oasis. "I'd like to learn as well," Potato perked up at the mention of magic.

"Do you think you can use your water to wash me?" The traumatized turtle weakly begged. Yeet looked at all the desperate men begging for help and found amusement in their weakness. "I'm not capable of what you're asking," she told them before shooting a wave of water over Turtles, washing him clean. "Except you."

Potato pushed his way ahead of everyone and stood towering over Yeet. The watery goddess noticed the dark, intense look in his eye and felt pity course through her. "Then who is capable?" Potato demanded, looking down on her.

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