Cote Oneshots.

By PyroManiac8765

6.4K 198 127

Everyone has one, So I decided to have one aswell. Classroom of the elite is written by Syougo Kinugasa. More

Vs. Koro Sensei
A curse to this horrible world!
Reaction Start-
Reaction to Konosuba!
A curse to this horrible world! 2
My deer friend.
Reaction-Konosuba 2
A curse to this horrible world! 3

Champion Ayanokoji

1.4K 31 4
By PyroManiac8765

As } walked to the champion room, preparing to face my final match.

I thought back to all the obstacles you faced in your way.

Me and gardevoir have gone through many things together.

And we will make it out of this one too.

"Hey Horikita" You hear a famillar voice.

"Didn't expect me here huh?" Ayanokoji-kun says.

"Why... Are you here?" I asked him.

"Shouldn't it be obvious by now?" He said.

I knew what he meant.
But I didn't want to accept it.

"I am the champion. I am your final obstacle."
He told me.
"You have improved quite a lot since we first met. But what will you do when you are fightin against an unbeatable opponent?"
He continued.
"I won't hold back this time alright?"
He said.

"Now... Pray for the best, and prepare for the worst."

[Champion Ayanokoji Kiyotaka blocks your path].

"Go, Gardevoir!" I threw a pokemon from which Gardevoir came out.

"Gardevoir huh? Interesting."
Ayanokoji-Kun said as he threw out an ultra ball from which Annihilape came out.

Isn't Annihilape weak to fairy?

What is he thinking right now...

"Annihilape, use final gambit." Ayanokoji-kun said.

Wait... Final gambit!

An energy ball comes from Annihilape and launches at Gardevoir.

Annihilape faints but not before leaving Gardevoir at very low HP.

"Tch. Come back Gardevoir." I said in annoyance.

"Oh? Retreating so early?" He taunted me.

"Shut up and use your next pokemon." I answered him.

"Well, go Gengar." He said.

Gengar came out of an ultra ball.

"Go! Arcanine!" I yelled as an Arcanine came out of an ultra ball.

"A kanto match huh?" He muttered.

"Arcanine use flare blitz!" I commanded and Arcanine did as he was told.

"Gengar, dodge." Ayanokoji-kun commanded as well.

The Gengar did as it was told and jumped away before Arcanine could hit it.

"Gengar, shadow ball."

"Arcanine dodge!"

"Go behind Arcanine and land a thunder punch."


Arcanine took a few steps back startled from the attack.

"Looks like your Arcanine is paralyzed. What will you do now?" He asked me with curiosity being evident on his face.

'Why am I the only one who can tell what he is thinking?' I wondered.

"Arcanine, dig!"

Arcanine dug underground.

"Whats your plan here now..." Ayanokoji-kun muttered.

"Now flareblitz!" I commanded.

The ground became due to the heat.

"What a surprise." Ayanokoji-kun said with a tone that said: ' I am impressed.'

Flames came out of the ground and hit Gengar rendering him unconscious.

"Good work Arcanine!" I complimented Arcanine who came out of the ground injured from the flareblitz.

"Go Mimikyu." Ayanokoji-kun said as he threw out an ultra ball from which Mimikyu came out.

'Alright, I can win this. Its 6-4 on my favor.' I thought.

"Arcanine! Use flamethrower!" I commanded Arcanine.

"Mimikyu jump and dodge it."

"Aim the flamethrower higher!"

"Block it with shadow ball."

"Arcanine use extreme speed!"

"Throw him away using shadow claw."

"Use flamethrower!"

'He won't be able to dodge at this close range!' I thought.

The flamethrower hit Mimikyu...

And did no damage.

I was taken aback by this but that was my mistake.

"Mimikyu use Play rough."

The Mimikyu attacked Arcanine from every angle and threw him away.

"Arcanine! Flareblitz!"

Arcanine stood up and rushed at Mimikyu.

"Mimikyu stop him with thunder bolt."

The thunderbolt hit Arcanine before Arcanine could hit Mimikyu and Arcanine fell.

"TMs are quite useful." He stated calmly.

Its alright... Its just one Pokémon. I can beat him.

" Go Milotic!"

"Milotic huh, an ancient Pokémon."
he said to himself.

"Milotic use ice beam!"

"Block it with thunderbolt."

"Go behind Mimikyu and hit it with an aqua tail!"

"Block it with shadow claw."

"Use Hydro pump!"

The Hydro pump hit Mimikyu directly and threw him to the wall.

"You alright?"


"Alright, use shadow ball."

"Block it with ice beam!"

"Go to the face of Milotic and hit it there with shadow claw."

Mimikyu stopped the ice beam using shadow claw and the shadow ball hit Milotic straight to the face.

"Now finish her with a thunderbolt."

The thunderbolt hit Milotic and rendered it Unconscious.

'To think he managed to turn a 6-4 to an equal match up with just one pokemon... Looks like I underestimated him.' I thought.

No matter.

I will still win.

"Go Espeon!"

"Use power gem!"

"Block it with shadow ball."

"Use magical leaf!"

The leaves hit Mimikyu and left him vulnerable.

"Hit him with another power gem!"

This time he didn't have time to react and got hit with the power gem.

But the Mimikyu still got back up.

"Mimikyu use thunderbolt."

"Block it with Psybeam!"

the two beams clash and then exploded.

the arena was filled with smoke.

Once the smoke cleared, Mimikyu and Espeon were both laying on the ground unconscious.

'Seriously!?! It beat my Espeon in one hit!?! This thing was powerful...'

"Congratulations. You are one of the few people who managed to beat Mimikyu." He told me.

"Go Lucario!" I yelled as I threw out Lucario from its Pokeball.

"Go Metagross." He said.

"Lucario use close combat!"

"Tank it and throw it away using psychic."

Lucario was thrown away into the wall.

"Use Flash cannon."

A flash cannon hit Lucario who didn't manage to dodge in time.

Lucario was in a pretty bad state.

"So what are you gonna do now?" Ayanokoji-kun asked me.

"Lucario used final gambit!"

This seems to surprise Ayanokoji-kun as Metagross into a pretty bad shape.

"Now go Tsareena!"

Tsareena comes out of her Pokeball ready to battle.

"Tsareena use trop kick!"

"Tank it and use Psychic."

Somehow the trop kick didn't defeat Metagross as it hung onto its last health to throw Tsareena away using Psychic.

"Tsareena use magical leaf!"

The leaves hit Metagross and it fell in defeat.

"You really are strong. Go Absol."

He brought out Absol from his ultra ball.

"Tsareena use trop kick!"

"Absol block it with nightslash."

"Use triple axel!"

"Stop it with sucker punch."

"Go behind and hit it with triple axel!"

"Tank it and use psycho cut."

Both the Pokémon take a few steps back.

both of them are injured.

"Tsareena finish it with a Trop kick!"

"Absol use feint."

Absol dodges Trop kick and gets critical hit on Tsareena rendering it unable to battle.

'Only 1 Pokémon left against his two... I can't believe he manged to turn this around...' I wondered in disbelief.

"Go Gardevoir!"

Gardevoir came out of its Pokeball, at around half its health.

My mega ring began glowing.

"So this is it huh?" Ayanokoji-kun muttered.

Gardevoir transformed into Mega Gardevoir.

"I am not losing this fight, Ayanokoji-kun."

"Use moonblast."

The moonblast hit absol and defeated him.

"Congratulations, Horikita.

You have proven yourself to be a worthy opponent.

You are worthy to see the pinnacle of humanity.

The mark of how far this world of the special creatures known as Pokémon have come.


You shall bear witness to the the evidence of the power of Humanity.

Go... Mewtwo."

He threw a masterball from which...

A... Pokémon came out?

I have never heard of this one before...

The closest that comes is mew...

"This is an artificial clone of mew. Made by humanity. I have been chosen to be the wielder of this power."

He explained to me what this thing is.

I was flabbergasted.

how am I supposed to win against this thing!?!?!

I guess I will have to try...

"Gardevoir use Moon blast!"

The moon blast did no damage.

"Mewtwo, use shadow ball."

Shadow ball, a move that should have been neutral, defeated Gardevoir in one blow.

"Huh. So not even you can beat Mewtwo huh? Looks like it really is above every other pokemon." He said.

I was in a state of shock.

I knew Ayanokoji-kun was holding back, but to this extend?

I felt like I have seen a whole new side to Ayanokoji-kun.

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