I am Not Okay.

By rinbim12

33 0 0

This is the story of how he became the legendary Avenger Black Jack. Bill is an always was a teleporting barr... More

Sweet and thick blood (pilot)
On my way to the Avengers?
One person is not enough
Newfound family
Im on social media you boomer

Are we doing this charity match

6 0 0
By rinbim12

a false show or pretense.
"his masquerade ended when he snapped"

Bill woke up to noise as usual and he was going on with his morning routine. He was still half awake and half asleep until in the middle of playing a cheep guitar he remembered

A string snapped

Oh my god yesterday was a disaster that panic attack was so not it. What should he do he doesn't know

Thinking back on it there were so many things he could have done differently. Yet he didn't god damn it. As they say in tv shows (and maybe real life)

The show must go on!

"Hello you guys how are you all doing today!" Bills smile was brighter than ever in the living room was the whole crew and even Thor was there

"Oh Thor I did not you were stopping by today!" Bill elbowed Thor as he stood next to him "Yes my midgardian friend I am here for the chiar-ate-y match today." Thor gave Bill a big slap on the back and Bill stumbled forward a bit.

"It's a charity show, Thor" Pepper had entered the room. Steve was out for his morning run so he came back in with Pepper but everyone was in the same room a rare sight to see

"Hello Ms. Potts!" Bill smiled at her. She flashed a smile back and waved before turning her attention "Alright I need you guys on your best behaviour today."

"What even is the charity show today?" Clint asked the crowed everyone stared at him "what?"

"Do you not know what it is we have been talking about this for weeks!" Tony exclaimed "Clint you should pay more close attention in all the meetings" Steve told him

"Sure I will... but can anyone tell me about it!" Clint argued

"The charity show is an QnA for the adults and press an auction with two people would get dinner with one of the avengers and a few gets a video call with the avengers plus a QnA session at the end for the children" Nat explained

"Thanks for the explaining that Natasha" Pepper seemed pleased she started talking again

Bill was zoning out he was think of ways the spotlight would be on him the entire time. Could you tell what my fatal flaw was

"Make sure to keep up with your public profile if you aren't up to date with how the internet sees you then just go read an article or something." Pepper started talking

"Make sure to look nice to there is going to be press and it will be live streamed." She paused snapping her fingers at Bill

"What?" Bill asked "are you paying attention?" Pepper asked "no" "pay attention anyway"

"The charity is called safe homes it is a charity for people whose homes got damaged or destroyed in the battle of New York. Got that"

"Im being honest i saw that paragraph and skipped it" Bill didn't know why he thought that he just did.

Bill decided to wear a pastel suit. But not before he check an article and then scrolled on social media

Article by: @Not_ChatGPT;)

Jack of all trades

In the multifaceted realm of the internet, a figure has emerged, often referred to as either Bill Cypher or the Jack of all trades—let's stick with Jack for the sake of this article. At a mere seventeen years of age, Jack has carved out a unique niche for himself, particularly within the Avengers crew, where he proudly claims the title of the youngest member. However, the internet, ever a hub of debate, remains divided on whether to dub him Bill Cypher or stick with the Jack of all trades.

Despite his youth, rumors circulate that Jack might be even younger than his officially stated age, adding an intriguing layer of mystery to his persona. It was during the chaotic Battle of New York that Jack, armed with a camera sword and an infectious enthusiasm, rose to prominence. His documentation of behind-the-scenes moments catapulted him to social media stardom, amassing a substantial following across various platforms.

Jack's online presence is characterized by his infectious and bubbly personality, earning him a reputation as the cheerful and positive teen of the Avengers crew. His tendency to capture every moment on film and infuse it with a positive perspective has endeared him to fans worldwide. Despite the inherent challenges of being a teenager thrust into the limelight, Jack exudes a perpetual sense of joy, showcasing an unwavering smile that has become synonymous with his public image.

While the spotlight may shine more sparingly on Jack due to his age, he defies the norm by consistently emanating positivity. News articles, even when recounting the briefest of moments in his public journey, invariably depict a smiling Jack, reinforcing the notion that even in the midst of superhero chaos, he remains a beacon of optimism.

Twitter- #BillCypher #Jackofalltrades


When they arrived to the building the avengers got out of the limousine and was greeted by the press almost immediately.

Lights flashing off of the different cameras while Bill having to uphold his internet persona took a picture of the press (multiple actually) before heading inside the building where the event was being held.

Pepper Potts had came on stage behind her was a long table where the avengers were sitting. The setting had resembled a comic con panel.

"I want to thank everyone who bought tickets to the event today and to everyone who is tuning in  online" she states looking at the camera before directing herself at the crowd

"Before we begin I would like to ask the crowd if anyone would like to ask questions?" Most hands in the room went up

I sighed to myself but smiling as if nothing was wrong

We had to take turns being questioned three for each avenger. It would take a while before I would be questioned so I went on instagram.

Thor sat next to me and he was looking at my phone so I was self conscious of my for you page like a normal person and he didn't know half the things in there.

"What are you looking at?" Thor asked kind of whispering.

Bill whispers back "currently Im looking at this Minecraft post" he scrolls "Im now looking at this food post" he scrolls and now "I'm looking at-"

"That doesn't seem fun" Thor claims

"Well it is" he shoots backs.

"Why?" Thor questions.

"I-...hm I don't know it is just fun" Bill knew it was something with dopamine blah blah blah he pays attention in science class.

"So you Mid-Guardians carry around a glowing rectangle what does it do?" Thor asks

"Uh lots of things like you could text" Thor waited for an explanation.

Bill sighed "Its and electronic mail technically"

"I want one too!" Thor exclaimed

"I'll make you an account when we get to the tower as long as you want to say for a while" Bill told him


"Say do you have an computer"

"No why?"

"Never mind Ill just make yours on my computer"

Pepper walks over to Bill "Alright your turn Bill" "Alright!" Bill then walks to the front and looks at the maybe hundred people who raised there arm. Journalists have there pen and paper ready incase the answer or questions are worth writing a story about.

"Uhhh..." he picks a person right in front him "you whats your question!"

"What do you do in your free time?"

"Well I like to read or play music a lot I know how to play 53 different instruments and thats counting percussion!"

He then picked a girl a few rows back she was handed a microphone.

"Can you sing well?"

"Yes I think so"

The girl continued "Are you going to release a song?"

"Maybe I guess it just depends on if the internet wants it."

The girl sat back down.

When Bill picked the third person he expected them to ask a follow up question about his name up to his surprise

"If you have parents do they know about this and approve?"

Parents are not something you talk about to superheroes in every single comic movie or show you almost never see a superhero with parents.

Everyone knew this so the civilians, avengers and most people didn't talk to them about that.

But the news reporter did.

The entire world seemed still.

He felt crushed at the thought of his mom.

All he could see was his beautiful and caring mother who would spoon feed him when he was sick. The same mother who laughed at all his jokes no matter how unfunny they were.

Tears started streaming down his face his smile dropped just a little he was still smiling just a lot less than before.

The Mother who would stay up all night long protecting him from the monster under the bed. The Mother who Bill would fight through the sky's to see her smile at him one more time.

He wanted to see her caring face again. He wanted things to go back to normal why was his mother so distant now.

Why was she so different now.

Why was he so different now. 

The tears started to block his eyesight. He was hurried off the stage by Thor and Natasha. Natasha was glaring at the reporter as he was escorted out of the stadium.

The people watching the live stream were freaking out in the chat. The very first few chats about this were online. Some people were theorizing  in there heads.

There was no joke for them to understand after all they didn't know who his mom is. They don't know how much he loved her.

She was still alive but the internet would assume the worst.

That is all the journalist needed to know that Bill Cypher cried in front of a crowd. So they rushed back to whatever company they have to go to and try being the first to publish this.


Once Bill was backstage he sat down on some crates nearby and started crying even more. Thor had stayed by his side comforting him until he had no more tears to cry.

Bill didn't cry often. When he did it was in secret. When he cry's his mouth hurts from not smiling his eyes got puffy and his face gets red when he cry's. Not cute at all.

"Would you like to talk about her" Thor spoke more in a soft voice than Bill expected

"What" Bills voice cracked tears on the brink of collapse

"Would you like to talk about your Mother" Thor asked one more time

"She was incredible" his voice was not good. It sounded small. He took a breath and continued.

"She was talented and loved me and I loved her" he started crying again.

When he thought about his mother he never cried sure he would have felt sad and sometimes when alone would cry.

However he never cried like this. Maybe it was the stress of the public. Maybe it was the hours upon hours of nights he would spend scrolling through his hate blog. Maybe it was the pressure of being a hero to everyone.

All Bill knew was that he was tired.

Thor hugged him. For a bulky person he gave soft hugs. Bill returned the hug and cry cried some more.

Bill stopped hugging and sniffled to himself. Natasha was almost done with her panel obviously dragging it out.

It was quite between the two.

At least it was until Thor spoke first "You remind me of my brother when he was younger"

"Your supervillain brother?" Bill was trying to pick up the mood a bit more

"Yes, but when he was little he always used to talk about how amazing our mother was and liked joking around. He cried in secret or tried to but I was always there."

Bill chucked at this new information about the villain he never knew about.

"Maybe I am similar to him." Bill smiled brighter "But I am not being a villain when I grow up!" Bill wiped away his tears chuckling

Thor continued his stories about Loki as a child it seemed to cheer up Bill.

"Me and Loki would always play vikings and gods. And vikings were the losing side. But Loki made me play the vikings. He always got mad at me when we never played it right"

Bill laughed he would play heroes and villains with his... friend(?) who knows but he also used to do the same thing. Get forced in the losing side only for him to complain.

Thor heard his name be called up

Thor reached out his hand "are you ready to come back out?"

Bill took it


It was the "auction" part of event.

The mostly rich audience had gotten buttons that when clicked would be able to be used as a microphone. Once everyone had gotten one pepper got everyone started

"Thank you again and lets get this started!" Pepper waited for the applause died down "alright the first event with an avenger is the zoom calls"

The auction went by really slow so under the table Bill went on social media to see what people were saying. Die hard avengers fans were already talking about Bills latest show, while others were simply just talking about how he somehow looks good in a pastel suit.

Thankfully it was complementing his looks not thirsting over him. He has had fans like that it was creepy

"Alright now time for the one on one dinner with an avenger. Thats right people only one avenger! We will start the bidding at two hundred-"

"Fifty thousand!"

No one opposed. Even Bill was looking he saw the person that bids the money. He saw a man in his middle ages and a young girl beside him she looked 15.

The girl had the same brown eyes as him the one eye covered behind the pink shade. That was the only thing he noticed before both of there eyes met only for a moment. The girl looked away just as quickly.

It had only been a 140 quarter BPM but it felt very long "who would you like to have a dinner with sir?" Pepper asked

"It is for my daughter she just turned 16 her favourite avenger is the Bill one so could she get a dinner date as a birthday gift?"

Bill looked to the crowd realizing that wow imagine the attention and the money for charity mostly the attention.

"Sure could I get the young lady's name?" Bill was excited this was going to be the first time he hung out with someone his age even if they were 2 years older.

"Her name is Calypso"

The second dinner went to Tony with a businesswoman. This was funny to Bill. Tony had won a business meeting.

The last event was the kid Q&A for this the avengers got to go in one at a time and had to answer the questions on the kids while the press had to sit and watch.

Bills turn was after Natasha. When she came outside she face wasn't scowling so it much be okay.

Before he could go in Natasha stopped him "Your okay right?" she was concerned

"Yah I just needed some time to think to myself" Bill said back

"Okay. Oh by the way I think one of the kids are your age"

Natasha already knew his real age. She probably knew since the beginning. That sneaky spy.

Bill when inside the room to a bunch of kids. By a bunch he meant like 15. Speaking of 15 he was turning 15 next month. The media thinks he's turning 18.

Reminder: tell media I am 15 next week at interview

The youngest kid there was wearing a captain America shirt while the oldest kid in there was someone who looked around his age.

The older boy had darker skin and luscious hair. He also seemed to be a journalist. Maybe he was a school journalist.

Bill got to sit in a bean bag which was much better than the chairs he had to sit on the other two entire panels.

Bill sat up as straight as he could before asking them a question. "So do you guys know who I am?" Bill asks the group of children

"Your an Avenger!" A kid yelled out

"Do you know which one?" Bill asks the kid

Another one interrupts "Your Bill Cypher!"

"Thats right!"

"My mommy told me not to watch your videos unless you have a youtube channel. She said it was to bad. You have a potty mouth."

"If you were asking if I have a youtube no, I do not" Bill was trying to find the question part of some of the questions.

Maybe he will make a kid friendly youtube channel just a not edited version of his Vods. Maybe.

"I have a question for you" the oldest boy stood up from the carpet to walk towards Bill before looking down on him

"Ask away" Bill saw more of his features more clearly.

He had a slight french Canadian accent. He was wearing grey pants and a golden sweatshirt with a white t-shirt underneath.

"How old are you really?" The boy with the golden sweatshirt asked

"Can I get a name mr..." Bill was looking for the name tag on his shirt

"If your looking for the name tag no need my name is Ray Rakoto. I am from AED and I work at for the school paper and I run a blog too."

"Nice to meet you Ray!" Bill knows better than to act out

Ray was looking down. He was quite tall he was 5'8 where Bill was 5'4. Yes he's short so what. Bill stood up from his bean bag to meet his eye to eye kinda.

Bill still had to look up as Ray was 1 and 1/2 heads taller.

"Whats your real age?" Ray bent down to look at Bill at his eye level.

Bill knew exactly what to say. He had told the avengers about his real age. Pepper had taught him what to say in situations like this.

"Im 17, I will soon turn 18 in a few months" Bill kept his voice calm and steady

"Well I don't believe you" Ray shot back he had a deep professional tone of voice. (Damn he would be a good reporter)

"You shouldn't believe everything see on the internet"

"Well I heard you are voted the best hero of the year by tumblr. How do you feel about this?"

"Really? Well this is a huge achievement and compliment and I really-"

This got Bill to ramble on and on about himself. Ray wrote the things down on note pad.

Ray was annoyed. Why had he have to have been here. Why did he have to listen to this arrogant loudmouth hero.

Why did he survive.

The next question Ray would admit the next question was a bit personal and much when he looked back on that day but right now he didn't care.

Ray interrupts Bill.

"Why are you so self obsessed with yourself?"

"E-excuse me?" Bill stammers

"I think I do know why. Its because deep down inside you hate YOURSELF and EVERYONE around you!"

Ray knew he was yelling at someone who could destroy him with the flick of his fingers. He didn't care.

Bill had to stay calm. The security guards are not approaching Ray had stayed in the children bound line and not touched Bill.

Stay calm

"OH MY GOD Your So Arrogant!"


"You Heroes are just a bunch of NARCISSISTIC assholes that get to Much credit"

Stay calm.

"Why Were you Even Born"

Bill lunged at Ray. He didn't mean to, he was so fed up with everything he didn't even realize until it was too late.

Bill tackled Ray to the floor. The press took photos. Phones went up. Pictures were snapped.

"Oh My God I'm So Sorry!" Bills voice was at a higher pitch than before. He really was sorry.

Ray thought when Bill stood up from the beanbag he fully expected to die right then and there.

But there he was on the floor with Bill on top of him. Their faces were close together. Ray still hated this guy.

Bill stood up as soon as he landed. Ray's face was red from embarrassment in his actions hopefully no one will notice how red his face was.

Bill reached out his hand for Ray to take.

Ray looked up to see Bill got off of him. When he tried getting up he saw a hand. The sunlight seemed to glimmer drawing out his eyes.

Bill in his smooth voice told Ray "Do you need help up?"

Phones went up.

Ray didn't notice this at all.

He hated this guy so much.

So he did the logical answer he punched Bill one of earths greatest heroes and he got knocked back into the bean bag.

Bill doesn't know why the dude punching him caught him so off guard it just did. He got pushed back to the bean bag.

Bill grabbed both of Ray's wrist in a swift movement. He pushed them both off so that he would be on top and held him down with one hand as Ray was kicking around with his legs.

Presses cameras were clicking phones were too. Security finally decided to do something and ran towards them both.

Bill looked in Ray's black eyes one last time before they took him away. Good riddance.

Bill turned to the crowd of people and the children were just enjoying the show.

"Fudge" Bill mumbled to himself.

A video camera caught that too.

Article by: @Not_ChatGPT;)

No title added

In a surprising turn of events, 18-year-old figure Bill Cyher found himself involved in a physical altercation with a 15-year-old individual identified as Ray Rakoto earlier today. The scuffle, described as a fistfight, ensued between Cyher and the younger individual, causing a commotion among onlookers. Though the incident was not broadcasted live, witnesses managed to capture snippets of the altercation on video, adding fuel to the unfolding narrative.

(Click here for video)

The footage, now circulating online, provides a glimpse into the brief yet tense exchange between the two parties, sparking discussion and speculation within the community. Despite the disruptive nature of the altercation, security personnel swiftly intervened to diffuse the situation, preventing further escalation.

In response to the incident, the Advanced Education for the Distraught extended a formal apology to Cyher and his supporters, acknowledging the regrettable nature of the altercation. Remarkably, Cyher opted for a conciliatory approach, expressing a desire to move past the incident with a message of "forgive and forget."

As the fallout from the scuffle continues to unfold, the community remains vigilant, pondering the underlying factors that precipitated the confrontation and its potential implications moving forward. Stay tuned for updates as the story develops.


Poki22: I see the start of a enemies to lovers
____10 replies____

Gamer223: bud forgot the title 💀

My name is Bill Cypher and today was a terrible day.

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