Newfound family

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(A sound that's) sweet or musical; pleasant to hear.
"the music was mellifluous and smooth"

Sometime after the battle of New York the avengers decided to move in together of course at stark tower which is now renamed Avengers tower

Bill had little to no use of anything sure he had bought a house but it was never a home. All Bill had to pack was his bed sheets and clothes.

While he was looking though his closet he found a blue teddy bear and the rest of the stuffed animals he had and hid deep inside his closet

Bill looked at the blue teddy bear and decided to pack that one but donate the rest

He packed the teddy bears he was going to donate in a box as he picked up the blue teddy bear

He then grabbed his suit case and put on his bag and then got on a public transportation bus and started to sit down as it made its was to stark tower

Bill pulled down his top hat as much as he could in case anyone recognizes him but then again he stood out like a sore thumb.

He was wearing a dress shirt brown pants with a knitted yellow vest, that he knitted himself and it looks pretty good and who wears a top hat anymore anyway.

Bill sat down on the bus. He didn't know why he was on the bus when he could teleport out directly he just felt as if he needed to get on the bus.

Bill pulled out his phone and put the box of stuffed bears down before watching a show. The show was named "the Wizarding Adventure of Nora"

This show had a 58% on rotten tomatoes but still managed to make new episodes every month.

This show was not bad in Bills opinion but he was biased because this was his childhood show.


The in the flash back Nora was in a tavern eating some food "why would he need to eat the show states that he doesn't need food" they were eating food until a child character comes up and they talk to the child who apparently had a similar childhood to the character

The main character then talks about how to get over it before the child leaves the flash back ends and the child now a man then becomes an aid to the hero

"What a joke they just put that there with no explanation other then just because!" Bill mumbled to himself "they don't even have similar childhoods at all!" Bill went to twitter on his alt account witch was a TWAOF (the Wizerding Adventures of Nora) fan account to vent his anger while his anger was not present on his face he was absolutely furious

William esquire the third 🎩

This episode has been a complete disaster Nora has a completely different childhood to Kiddo (the child character) the only similarity is that Nora and Kiddo was unwanted by the parents. Other than that there was absolutely no foreshadowing to the character or a single mention. Fight me if you want but I absolutely hate Kiddo for those two reasons


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Bro is taking the children's show to seriously 😂
10 replies

Kiddo is my favourite character and I hope you got to hell
40 replies


A little boy with unkept brown hair and dirty blue and red clothing then came up to Bill and sat next to him

I am Not Okay.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora