The Lifted ones (Anthro 18+)

By Theweirdone1212

130 5 1

In a post-war setting in 2198, Alex is left with no family or friends. His only companion is a 13-year-old li... More

Chapter 1 - The beginning of hell
Chapter ??? - Please Get Up
Chapter 3 - Caged

Chapter 2 - Good Mo'or

26 1 0
By Theweirdone1212

The long and disheveled street is presented to us, and the darkened sky that the sun hides behind, makes the road seem, depressed. Though it is not unfamiliar to us, we continue to walk along the road we have yet to travel. 

the trees still missing all of their leaves from the change in season, and because most of life has been destroyed. Covered in craters and burn marks, our path is bumpy in terrain. 

We travel for 30 minutes to an hour in silence, listening to anything that might be roaming around, waiting for an opportunity to eat its next meal. A reaper waiting to destroy its enemy.

If anything, reapers are more common than actual wildlife. Considering they were produced in massive factories laid all around the continent. They were meant to kill the enemy by all means necessary. Made with high-grade materials they are hard to destroy. A huge key that put actual people to shame when coming to combat. 

One of the main reasons why I'm always on high alert when going out to hunt or even cover distance to get away from the scouting reapers. All made to kill. 

The war was mostly from the indifferences between people that were lifted, and the ones that were not. Some that were unlifted even sided with them and vice versa. On one side, they deemed the lifted too dangerous and feral to roam around the streets. Some incidents spark this speculation of feral people. Such as a Lifted bird attacked and killed an innocent little girl, thinking on instinct for food. That wasn't the only case, although people tried to defend the bird hatred against the lifted began to spike. 

Retaliating on the incident, a woman shot and killed a lifted lion, and left their body in the middle of the street. It wasn't until the family of the lion came looking for him, only to find his deceased corpse, lying in the middle of the road, blood trailing off like a river. 

Outrage spread throughout the media, politicians were nervous about siding with certain groups on the matter. Corporations even shut out non-lifted and lifted people from their stores. Restaurants denied people from entering if they contained too much fur or if their maw was too long. some groups of nonlifted people were fired from their jobs for not being lifted. Discrimination was at an all-time high after rogue military operators shot up a grocery store, killing everyone that was lifted. Leaving a bloody genocide with traumatized civilians in the building.

It was sickening. Everyone was going feral with the fear of being killed by someone who wanted certain characteristics implemented into their life.  Trust in the government was even worse as they blamed them for planning the hate against the lifted. Some even believed that the government didn't do enough research on this phenomenon which led to the unexpected death of the little girl. 

Soon, it became a battlefield. Civilians were massacred by the hundreds for no reason, only cause of their decision of who they are as human beings. Some politicians gain power from the lifted and others from the non-lifted. We were all divided into groups out of unknown knowledge and fear. 

That's when the production of the reapers began. Rumors spread quickly, a war was about to begin and everyone had a target to their head. 

Micah: "Alex...are you ok?" The cub says walking up next to me.

Alex: "H-huh? oh sorry, what happened" I come to a stop to look around. Looking for anything He might have picked up on. 

Micah:" I don't see anything for another good mile or so if you're asking about that." he says looking in front of us. "I've been calling you for a while to ask you something but you never responded." 

Alex: "Oh, sorry I was just thinking about something and spaced out." I continue walking trying to cover more ground. "What did you want to ask me?"

Micah: "Are there other people like me?" he asks with a soft tone, with a little sadness and doubt.

It takes a while for me to notice that I've stopped walking again, shocked at his question. 


I hoped this day wouldn't have come, at least now. How am I supposed to explain this to a child? Letting him know that there are people like him, but they're dangerous. But then I would be calling him dangerous indirectly. And that would drive his curiosity even further than before. Lying to him would be even worse.

Micah: "Alex?"

I take a deep breath and continue walking. I guess there's no point in avoiding the topic.

Alex: " Well, there is, and there isn't? It's more like, ugh how do I explain this." 

He looks at me with a confused look as he walks up next to me. 

Alex: "It's a little complicated but short answer, yes there is." 

Micah: "How do you know?" he asks, wanting more about before he was born.

Alex: "Well before all this happened, there were a lot of different people like you, and some like me. Some had lighter and darker skin like me, and some were different types of animals like you." I say waving my arms around, trying to remember. 

Another moment of silence is brought, the crunching of our footsteps from the leaves below us sounding like gunshots to me. 

Micah: "Why did everyone leave us? are they still here?"

A cold memory flashes before me for a second, just for a second.

Alex: "I.....I don't know" 

Micah: "I don't remember a time before reapers." a saddened tone, is all I hear.

Alex: "I know, I wish you had a chance to see it at least once bud." I say looking down and pulling out my phone. A picture card is shown through the clear case on the back. 

A picture of Sam and I at a party, hugging each other with our cheeks pushed together. 

I wish I was still there too. 

Micah: "What was mom like?" the cub says looking over the picture. 

I hand him my phone, letting him inspect the details of the photo for the thousandth time. I'm still sore talking about his mother, a strong and happy woman. 

Alex: "She was everything I could've asked for, a best friend. She would've loved you, even after the end of time." I say feeling my eyes well up from the topic. 

As we continue walking, we come up to a huge mall, the building looking grayed out from its bright blue and red colors. 


A few cars are lined in the parking lot, some destroyed and flipped over. Some are even rusted and broken apart for spare parts. The weeds grow through the broken concrete, flourishing after not being restricted from constant cement. Light posts are knocked over, some still standing with crows, perched up at the very top, eyeing us down. 

I take a second to guide us behind a car, furthest from the shopping mall. Digging into my bag I grab some headlamps to strap to our heads. Something to keep us from falling over and taking up one of our hands to hold a flashlight. 

Alex: "Alright, we're about to head in and look for some supplies, do you remember what to do?"

Micah: "Stay close to you at all times, don't touch anything I don't know, and smell for everything." 

Alex: "And if you see a reaper?"

Micah: "Hide and identify what kind it is."

Alex: " And if they find us?" 

Micah: "Shoot them in the head"

Alex: "And if they take me out?" 

He hesitates, not wanting to answer this time. 

Micah: "Why is that a rule, it's stupid." He turns his back to me, crossing his arms.

Alex: "Because I said so. So tell me, what do you do"

Micah: "Well I said It's stupid cause I said so!" He turns around raising a voice at me. 

His growth spurt wasn't the only thing that caught me off guard over the past few days. His anger and temper have also increased as well. Even to a point where he breaks things from irritation. Fortunately, he's never gotten directly angry at me, mostly from external things. But this is different, he's never gotten mad at what I taught him. 

Alex: "Micah stop. This isn't a negotiation" I say with a stern voice getting onto him. 

Reluctantly, he listens. His face turned that of disappointment and annoyance. 

Alex: "Look I know you don't like it, but if it means keeping you safe, then you do what I tell you."

Micah: "I can keep you safe! I'm strong too, at least let me help." 

Alex: "Micah, just do what I say...ok." With a calm voice, I try convincing him to do so.

Micha: "But-"

Alex: "No buts, now what do you do." 

With a defeated sigh he responded with the answer. 

Micah: "Run as fast as I can and don't look back" 

Alex: "Thank you, now come on, we need to get you something to eat." Getting up from our crouching position we head towards the mall with a sprint, making sure no one sees us. 

Getting in, was a hassle I can say. Trying to break down the boarded-up walls we managed to get in...with a loud bang. If reapers didn't know we were here, they know now. 

Turning on our lights we begin to look around for anything we can salvage. Luckily there was some canned food in some restaurants in the dining area. But sadly, not enough for another day. 

Looking for another exit we find a huge area with dead trees uprooted from the ground. The place looks to be filled with grass and dust. Broken glass can be seen from the reflection of the light coming in from the hole in the ceiling. 

A set of escalators is presented to us, mostly likely nonfunctioning since there is no power. 

Before going up I try to look for another option to give us another way of getting down just in case. Relying on one exit is too risky since anything can happen. Much to my expectations, the stairs leading up to the second floor are destroyed. Ultimately it means that if we go up the escalator, we have to go back down on the escalator.

(Huge area in question) 

As we head up the broken escalators and reach the second floor, more broken glass can be seen near the entrances of many stores. Most of them were ransacked by people trying to get something to wear for the winter during the war. We don't go in them since we already know they have been soiled or stolen. 

However, one of the stores seems to be intact. At least what's left of the mannequins, some having profanity written on them with red spray paint. It's discolored but still red. 

"Fuck war" it reads, spreading over the chest of the Mannequin. 

Micah: "F-Fuck ware?" The cub whispers trying to read the words. 

Alex:" Hey! Don't say that word. That's bad." looking at him I try to scold him for the sudden use of the word. 

Micah: " Ware?"

Alex: "No not that one, and it says war." 

Micah: "Fuck?" 

Alex: "Micah" I tap him on the shoulder hinting at my annoyance. 

Micah: "Sorry geez, I'll stop.... what does it mean?" 

Alex: "It's a bad word, only grown-ups can say it." 

Continuing, I decided to look into the back storage of the store, looking for any clothes we could use that weren't destroyed. 

After looking through a heavy box that was hidden, written with the words XL I'm able to find a plastic-wrapped sweater. The word "Cool dude" is Written on the upper right, almost as small as an index card. 

It's a huge sweater so there's a chance it will fit him. Looking at the rest of the navy blue sweater, I stuff it into my bag, maybe I can use this as a birthday gift for him. Something to keep him going.

Most of the clothes inside of the box can't be worn by us. Mostly cause they are too small or too baggy which can get snagged on anything. Too bright can cause us to be spotted easily and some are just too thin to even consider wearing for warmth. 

After a few failed attempts at finding anything useful, I decided to head out of the store, making as little noise as possible. 

Alex: "Ok I think that's all we can find, let's-" I cut my whisper as Micah hurries next to me, getting behind me. The cub whispers to me quickly trying not to make any more noise.

Micah: "I smell something," The cub says with a shaky voice. 

My heart drops from the statement, something is here. Without a thought, I quickly crouch down behind one of the registers for cover and instruct Micah to pull his gun out. Following him I pull out one of the shotguns we salvaged from one of the reapers not too long ago. 

The weapons they wield are just enough to destroy them, which range from snipers, AR's, pistols, and SMG's. The only downside is that they are way too powerful for someone normal to handle. 

Which unfortunately includes me. Without bracing for a shot it practically gets launched out of my hands from the recoil. Shooting it also makes a good amount of sound, one shot is required minimum if I want to escape without a problem. It all boils down to how close I can get, where I shoot, and If I can hit my shot. 

This is all different for Micah, as he wields a regular pistol I also salvaged from the same Reaper. Less recoil but it can still get the job done without a hunch. While he seems more suited for the gun I have, I don't think his current aim is best for this. 

Alex: "Gun?" I ask looking at the bear. He pulls out his pistol from his back pocket, cocking the gun. He looks back at me with a nod, signaling that he is ready.

Alex: "Remember what I taught you ok." Another nod from the bear lets me get up from behind the counter, looking for anything. 

Alex: " Can you hear or smell anything else" 

Micah: "I-I smell one reaper. B-but they're not too close."

Alex: "OK...good" 

slowly walking around the counter I maneuver around the broken glass scattered around the floor, not wanting to make any alarms that we are here. Walking out of the store once again, I look left and right at the hallways. To our right, the corridor is blocked off by multiple self-made barricades. Probably from a group of survivors trying to make a wall of some sort. 

The only option is going back down the escalators to our left, which would leave us wide open. 

Fucking Bitch.

Out of options, I guide us to the open area of the mall, back where the escalators are. Coming from our direction, we are on the opposite side of the escalator. Our only way for us to get there is if we run around to the other side. Cautiously I look around before I feel a tug on my bag, finding Micah holding onto me. 

Micah: " It's close. Down there" He points ahead of us. 

Please don't be waiting there on the bottom floor.

Slowly getting closer to the edge of the floor, peaking over onto the first floor. Finally getting the answer I didn't want

If karma was a real person, they would've slapped me across the face. The dark metallic robot is walking around the 1st floor, most likely looking out for any more survivors. 

I'm hit with confusion as the form looks way too different to be a scouting reaper. No guns, no weapons, Nothing... 

I've never seen a reaper patrol without a weapon before, which makes my fear increase at the abnormality. Normally I'd know what they'd do from how they are built and what they wield, but this catches me off guard. 

The robot does look slender and weaker than the other ones, but I'm not taking any chances. From where we are now It'll be hard to use my gun to destroy it. 

Pulling out my pistol I prop my gun up on one of the intact railings, trying to get one perfect shot in. I need to make as little noise as possible.

One shot, One kill.

Alex: "Get back a bit Micah"

I aim the iron sight directly at its head, waiting for it to stop at its usual pace. 

Alex: "Come on you piece of shit" I utter under my breath, waiting patiently for it to stop.

Just as it does, I pull the trigger.....

The next few moments are filled with the loud bang from the weapon, its projectile flying across the air as it whistles faintly. Almost in slow motion, I can see the bullet itself getting sent towards the robot's head.

The bullet reaches its target until...

A light blue wall can be seen defending the robot from the bullet. Causing it to stop in its tracks and fall onto the floor with a small cling.

Much to my surprise it doesn't go down. The bullet never hit. It never got destroyed. 

Not a second after the bullet hits what I think was an invisible wall, it spots me. Before I even think to react a red alarm can be seen popping up from its head shining its crimson light, shining its color over the whole room. A loud blaring is heard, one that could also be heard from outside from the intensity of the noise. 

Its gaze retracts as it runs off, presumably to alert another reaper of some sort.

My fight or flight mode kicks in as I grab onto a distraught Micah, snapping out of his thoughts. 

Alex: "RUN!" 

Getting up we run toward the other side where the escalator is, my adrenaline carrying me as quickly as it can. 

As we reached the middle of the escalator, footsteps could be heard running in our direction at a quick pace. They must be coming from behind the escalator, if we get down now, we'd have to fight them. 

Millions of thoughts flood into my mind, thinking about what the best course of action would be. Thinking on my feet, there's only one that comes to the front of my mind. 

I need to buy Micah time for him to escape. I need to distract them,

Getting to the bottom of the steps onto the first floor. I finally made my decision. 

Two large figures could be seen at the end of the hallway, blue lights coming from their suit as they approached us. Quickly ducking behind another mountain of rubble I grab Micah's attention. 

Alex:" Micah Listen to me" I Look him in the eyes, the same amber eyes, instead filled with fear. "I'll buy you some time, in the meantime I'll distract them you hear me!" 

Micah:" W-what! NO" 

Before he gets to protest two voices can be heard in the middle of the area. 

Figure 1: "You see where they went!?" 

Figure 2: "Goddammit they were just here. That's what the computer said." 

Figure 1: " We need to find them, Don't. Let. Them. Escape." 

Figure 2: "You got it!"

Looking over at them, making sure they don't see me. The larger figure looks around the room with light coming from his helmet. Two bumps came from the top of its head, where its ears would be. The second figure doesn't look to be as tall as the first one, but still damn tall in comparison to me. 

Alex: "When I say go. you run, got it!" I say in a hurried whisper. The final decision being made "I promise I'll be right behind you" 

Micah: "I-I don't want to" He starts to tear up, his anxiety growing.

I pull him into a tight embrace calming him down. He hugs me back tightly not wanting to let go.

Alex: "Take my bag, and Run as far as you can, I'll find you once I'm out."  Releasing from his grip I pull out my makeshift rope dart. Its blade being a bayonet I sharpened and tied it to a rope. 

I mostly used it to climb up anything too steep for us to walk through but this is the only thing I feel like will work against them. 

Micah: "You promise" 

Alex: "I promise." I  get one last look at the two figures looking around, the larger one getting close to us. "Ready"

The bear turns to another direct, waiting for my command. 

Alex: "Go" 

The cub runs away from the rubble, bolting to the corridor that houses the exit not too far from here. The sudden movement gets the Larger figures' attention. Running towards the rubble where I'm at he calls out to the smaller figure.

Figure 1: "He's Getting awa-" 

Before the larger figure gets to finish their sentence I stand up and aim my shotgun towards them, almost pointing blank to its chest.

A loud bang can be heard from my weapon, which leads to what was supposed to be a lethal blow to the reaper. End up knocking the figure back a few feet where he was running. 

Figure 2: "CAPTAIN," The smaller one says, running toward their direction. only coming to a halt from their commands.

Figure 1: "I'm FINE! Get the other one, I'll deal with this one." A masculine rage can be heard from the distraught enemy. 

Shocked I turn to the smaller figure getting ready to chase after Micah. I can't let them get to him.

Pulling out my rope dart I run after the figure, throwing the bayonet around them. With the momentum of my throw, I'm able to wrap them In the rope, allowing me to stop them in their tracks. Pulling the rope, I plant my foot down onto it, which does take a lot of my strength since they seem to have more power than me. Successful, the smaller figure falls back from the sudden force, letting out a feminine grunt from them. It struggles trying to get back up.

I'm bewildered about why they would have such categorized voices. Maybe to lure people and kill them? It doesn't matter, I have them put down for a second, Now I just need to

The world seems to spin as an unknown force slams me onto the ground with a loud thud. Pain shooting from the top of my head and back. The air in my lungs escaped my chest, leaving me with no air. It takes me a second to register that I have been tackled by the larger brute. Grabbing my hands and holding them up above my head. 

I try my hardest to hold onto the rope not letting the other one go, the tension of the rope digging into my fingers. The brute reaches for something on his waist and pulls out a long blade. With one swing he cuts it setting its partner free. 

Figure 1: "Fucking non-lifted, You're messing with the wrong one" Its deep voice echoes into my mind as he pulls out a black rod, and presses a button. Electrical sparks fly out of two prongs. My eyes are dark back onto the helmet. A mold of a long muzzle and ears resemble that of a lifted one. 

Figure 1: "Goodnight-" 

Before the reaper gets to press the rod onto my chest, they are sent flying behind me. Crashing noises from glass could be heard from the distance, along with another shouting pain. 

???: "GET OFF OF HIM" 

A roar is heard from above me as I'm enveloped in darkness. Thick fur standing over me, blocking their view from me. 

It's Micah. 

Figure 2: "A-a LIFTED, We hit jackpot captain" The female voice chuckles

Captain: "Just GET THEM"

Figure 2: "Whatever you say!" Getting out a longer rod from their pocket they point it at Micah. "C'mon little rascal!" Taunting him

Micah: " I'LL DESTROY YOU"  Rage taking over the bear, He charges at them eyes, fixated on them with an undying flame. Hackles raised, the fur bristling up trying to look bigger. 

Alex:" M-Micah r-no!" Trying to deter Micah, my breath still hasn't gotten back after having it knocked out. 

It doesn't reach him to my dismay. 

Time slows again, Micah reaching out with his claws ready to kill. The female dodges his attack, moving to the side and stabbing him with the rod.

Small erratic movements come from the bear as he convulses from the shock. I can't stop but watch as I realize I failed. 

I failed to protect him

I failed to keep my promise

I failed

I'm sorry 

I'm so sorry Sam, I failed

Watching as Micah's body falls limp onto the floor, no longer moving. 

Gaining my strength, I stand back up trying to get to him, away from them. 

Alex: "MICAH-!" Charging at them I'm tackled once again, this time, with hands on my neck.

It's the same large brute, looming over me as they hold me down. 

Captain: "Oh no, not again you fuck." He says before looking down at me, his black helmet reflecting me on his head. Pulling out his blade he raises it, readying his oncoming strike.

They pause...

Captain: "What!?" He responds to someone or something. "why do we....alright alright" 

Another pause.

Captain: "This better be worth it" he stops and presses the side of his helmet.

Captain: " Looks like plans changed, You'll be coming with us," He says pulling out the same rod that was used on Micah. 

Sparks Fly from the rod, an impending doom I can't avoid.

Turning to my left, I see the bear get lifted and holstered over the other figure's shoulder. His tongue hanging out of his maw, eyes closed, a body devoid of consciousness. 

Alex: "N-no, l-leave him alone...p-please" Reaching out to him, he is carried away into the corridor.

Alex: "Mi...cah"

The Brute hesitates for a moment, just a moment, before touching the taser to my chest. 

Everything goes dark

Small glimpses of me being carried

Pain subsiding from my head and chest

and then


Authors Note:

I had fun doing this update, but I have more to update for this story. Updates will be bigger than the other one that I am working on (Blaidd's story) since it had more of a planned structure I have to write out. 

 Who knows what might happen to Micah and Alex next.

I hope this story is good enough for you guys to read, if not let me know by giving me some feedback on this story. 

I also plan to add more images to help imagine where they are since I've seen other people do that.

I hope you all enjoyed this update!

See you all in the next one!

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