Lost in spells and shadows

By Ehem-MM

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Lady Adelaide Winchester, a direct descendant of Rowena Ravenclaw, begins her education at Hogwarts in 1971... More

Chapter 1: The begining of Everything
Chapter 2: Midnight
Chapter 4: Sorting and feast
Chapter 5: How to make friends and enemies
Chapter 6:Doodles, murders and sherbet lemon
Chapter 7: How to become rivals
Chapter 8: Bullies and fire
Chapter 9: Halloween
Chapter 10: Influences and jinxes
Chapter 11: Christmas with family
Chapter 12: a project with Remus
Chapter 13: returning home
Chapter 14: some of the many summer adventures of Adelaide part 1
Chapter 15: Some of the many summer adventures of Adelaide part 2
Chapter 16: let us start with a bang
Chapter 17: the mystery of moonlight
Chapter 18: The mystery begins
Chapter 19: the burdensome reality
Chapter 20: Mystery solved
Chapter 21: Alice's revenge
Chapter 22: The snow day
Chapter 23: The fears we have
Chapter 24: The days of woes and sorrow
Chapter 25: Where the Hyacinths grow
Chapter 26: The bad start
Chapter 27:How to Ignore your friends
Chapter 28: A gamekeeper's tale
Chapter 29: The quidditch quarrels
Chapter 30: Some tranquility
Chapter 31: Broken words and promises
Chapter 32: Learning how to pretend
Chapter 33: The roaring thunder
Chapter 34: A most unfortunate day
Chapter 35: The scars of grief
Chapter 36: The winds of Spring
Chapter 37: Plannings for a Summer
Chapter 38: Straying paths
Chapter 39: Crushes, Friendships and Ice Cream
Chapter 40: Another Beginning
Chapter 41: The Slug Club
Chapter 42: Animagus, Severus' Suspicion, The Moaning Myrtle
Chapter 43: Dating Drama
Chapter 44: Patronus and Protection
Chapter 45: A Wedding and the Surrounding events
Chapter 46: Confessions and Hogsmeade
Chapter 47: A Dare
Chapter 48: Secrets and kisses
Chapter 49: Echoes of the Past
Chapter 50: The True Nature
Chapter 51: And With That the Summer Begins
Chapter 52: Meeting with the Devil (Voldemort)
Chapter 53: Going Back
Chapter 54: A Night with Animagis
Chapter 55: Love, Bruises and Injuries
Chapter 56: A Study Group and Vulnerability
Chapter 57: The Horrible Prank of Sirius
Chapter 58: Questions and Revelations
Chapter 59: Some Happenings in Holidays
Chapter 60: Another Day
Chapter 61: A Night-Out in the Kitchen
Chapter 62: Break-Ups and Breach of Trusts
Chapter 63: The Calm Before the Storm

Chapter 3: Lily and Severus

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By Ehem-MM

When they went home, for the first time, Victoria had finished packing before they arrived. "Don't flatter yourself, Toria. She had finished 2 minutes before your arrival." Said Elizabeth.
"Still it's an improvement, isn't it?" Victoria said jokingly.

They put their belongings in the car and went to the train station. It was already packed with people. "Now let's go to the platform of 9 and 3/4. " said their father. Elizabeth was the first to push her trolley with Helena sitting on her luggage. Victoria was the second as she practically raced and slammed inside the wall with Edmund laughing on her belongings. "My god! Victoria is such an idiot sometimes." Muttered her mother worriedly. "Now, it's your turn, let's do this." Said her father. Adelaide, closing her eyes, ran towards the wall with her parents by her side. When Adelaide opened her eyes, she saw a big red train with smoke arising from it. They found her siblings sitting on some chairs nearby, talking. As they had cam a bit earlier, it wasn't as crowded as it could get.

"You are still bothered by the fact i read your letter isn't it?" Victoria said.

"Well, i am disappointed by you, but then again i was bothering you." Sighed Elizabeth.

"Well, since it was written by a boy to you and it seemed like a love-letter." Victoria said slyly, smirking as she glanced at their mother sideway.

"My god, Victoria! It was not a love letter!" Elizabeth said while blushing furiously.

"Elizabeth, could you explain now?" Their mother said interested in her daughters' bickering.

"Well, contrary to what Victoria said, the letter was just written by Malfoy. He wanted to see if i was interested in being courted by him and i refused him. It was sent to me in the middle of the summer. Everything is cool now. He was a gentleman and took my refusal very well, unlike some other people."

"Wait! It was Malfoy? Well, why shouldn't i be surprised you are one of the most sought-after ladies in your year and of course since you're the same age he would ask you. But i hate him. How dare he? That egoistic proud little Slytherin. He hates everyone that isn't an arsehole like him!" Victoria's face was fun to watch. She looked alarmed and bewildered. Then her face was changed into anger and betrayal. Helena giggled at Victoria's last sentence while Elizabeth looked most irritated.

"Victoria Jane! Mind your language around your younger siblings." Her mother said and turned to Elizabeth. "Though, she is right. A sacred 28 that is proud of their status as a muggle-hater... ." Her mother's voice disappeared as she glanced worryingly towards her eldest.

"Oh no, mother. I know. You see, i give people chance when they deserve it, he is not as bad as Victoria says it, he is after all chosen as a prefect this year beside Narcissa. He isn't a horrible violent bully like the rest of the Slytherins." Elizabeth explained.

"Then why did you reject him if you speak so highly of him?" Muttered Victoria annoyed by her sister.

"I rejected him because he was still a pompous peacock. He gives a lot of value to wealth and blood-status. He cares too much about appearances, that many of his prejudices are based on that. I could give him a chance but it would go nowhere." Elizabeth glanced at their mother and looked back at Victoria then continued,

"I would have given him a chance if he was willing to change for the better. But, he wouldn't. I want someone who would be willing to change and put their selfish needs away for me, because i would be doing the same thing for them. I want to have someone that loves me more than their own ambitions."

Adelaide was blown away be her sister's words. Elizabeth never said she liked Malfoy back or never said anything of affection towards him. Though it seemed likely, Elizabeth might have felt something for him but refused to act on it because of his love of privilege and power. Their mother looked thoughtful as if she remembered something a long time ago, her eyes looked foggy, but she blinked and squeezed Elizabeth's shoulder.

Their father returned after taking their luggage to the train. "Well, girls, i want you to go on the train it's time. Though first, go and find Heidi a compartment to seat then go and find your friends alright?" "Yes, papa." Elizabeth was first to say goodbye, their parents giving her encouragement for her OWLs and hugging her. Their siblings gave her a tight hug. Then was Victoria, they wished upon her a good year for quidditch (Victoria was a chaser) and told her to watch out for trouble. She ruffled Edmund's hair and choked Helena with her tight hug.

"Adelaide, smile. The feast shall be fun. Listen to your sisters and your professors." Said her father. "Now, we will write you 2 times per week, do not forget to reply to all of our letters. You can write more too if you'd like. We will see you in Christmas." Her mother continued. They pulled her in a tight hug.  Then Adelaide hugged Edmund.

"Lena, i'll be back before you know it. Be good in school. Don't be afraid to talk. Two years from now you'll be coming with us too. Just bear it alright?"

Helena cried and hugged her tight. Helena was very shy, even though Adelaide was an introvert, she wasn't afraid to talk and speak out. She was usually the one to speak up for her sister and she was the one to find 2 nice girls for Helena to be friends with. It must be unimaginable for the Helena to be left alone and Adelaide felt as if she was betraying her.

"Come on, let's go." Said Victoria. She pushed her inside the train. "Well, since the first years are all sniffing and wiping their snot, there are not many of them here, so you'd better be finding an empty compartment." Victoria said.

"Well, this one is a nice one, in the middle of the train, not too close to the ends of it." Elizabeth said. All of them were carrying their pets and had a carryon. " Victoria and i would be joining our friends, but if you felt alone or you didn't like the people who came in the compartment, come sit with one of us." Elizabeth said putting her sister's bag above her head. "Though i will be doing my prefect duties, so when i am doing my round, i will be looking for you and will check on you. All right?"

" yes don't worry. Bye for now." Her sisters hugged her,left and closed the door behind them.

Though the noises could be still heard, it was quiet and peaceful. She took a muggle novel called «Pride and Prejudice » and began reading it while Midnight was sleeping on her lap. The train had begun moving, and she closed her book and looked outside the window. She was amazed by the beauty of her surroundings, she read more of her book and grew tired. She wanted to take another book, on charms specifically but was left stranded as she didn't want to wake her cat up. "What shall we do now?" She thought and found a way. She pulled her wand out. "Accio Bag" her bag came down and she brought it beside her. She giggled and was happy with her achievement. Her first wand-casted spell was a success. She put the novel inside her bag and opened a charms book.

Suddenly the door of her compartment was opened and she looked up. A young girl looking her age was with a boy slightly taller than her who looked the same age as her. The girl has lovely auburn hair that fell to her back. She had beautiful green eyes and had freckles on her nose and wore a clean dress. The boy, in contrast to the girl, was homely-looking had greasy-looking black hair with black eyes. His clothing was ill-fitting and old. Adelaide gave them a questioning look. "Hello?"

"Hi, can my friend and i sit in this compartment please? If it's not full, that is. Some idiots joined us at our old compartment." The girl said looking at her.

"Yes, that is alright." Adelaide replied. They sat inside, closing the door of the compartment.

"My name is Lily Evans. This is my friend from home, Severus Snape. We are first years." The girl said motioning to her and then the boy next to her.

"I am Adelaide Winchester. I am a first year myself. Pleasure to meet you."

When she said that, the boys eyes widened and looked at her and then her pendant.

"No way! You are the true heir to the Ravenclaw too?" Lily looked puzzled by her friend's outburst. Severus explained everything to lily. Adelaide glanced between them. It seems that Lily is a muggle-born since she has Severus explain to her. Adelaide thought to herself.

"Oh that's cool. So i guess you will be in Ravenclaw then?" Said Lily. "Yes, all true heirs are sorted in Ravenclaw. At least i should not be stressed about that." Adelaide joked. Severus cracked a smile at her. "So which house do you want to be sorted in?"

Adelaide asked as she slowly put her book away petting Midnight, who had woken up and was staring intently at her new companions. "Oh, I don't really know. Anything would be fine really." Lily glanced at Severus. "But Severus wants to be in Slytherin."

Adelaide looked at him, he was not a part of the pure-blood clans based on his family name and he was friends with lily, and judging by his appearance he could not be a member of them. Chances were that he might just want to be in Slytherin because of not some muggle-hating agenda. "Oh, and why is that?" Adelaide couldn't help but ask curiously.

"Well, my mother was sorted in Slytherin and it is a place for great wizards." So, he was not a prejudiced person, he was ambitious but alright. So Adelaide only politely replied:
"Anyone can do great things, i am sure." Based on your definition of great, that is. Adelaide thought to herself, worried that the boy had some not-so good ambitions.

"Wow, your kitten is so pretty, she is the darkest shade of black that is possible. What is his name?" Lily asked looking at the cat. "Her name is Midnight. She had been born 2 weeks ago. All of her siblings were as cute as her and all of them had been sold. But no one bought her due to silly superstition. I believe she is very wise." Adelaide replied. "If you want you can pet her." Lily began petting her and Midnight already took a liking to her.

"Lily, may i ask if you're a muggle-born? Judging by Severus' explanation." Lily stiffened and wanted to reply, but Severus beat her to it. "Yes, she is. Is there a problem?"

"No, of course not. I was just curious and wanted to see if i needed to explain things to her and talk more clearly to her, that's all. I am not one of those idiots who put more a great deal of value on themselves due to their «blood»." Adelaide replied shocked by Severus' protectiveness of Lily. So, he is not going to be one of those idiots ,good to know.

Then she turned to Lily, who was petting Midnight; "Lily, i am sure Severus told you this but there is no difference between muggle-borns and the rest of the witches. There were many talented muggle-born witches in history. All that matters that we are all witches and wizards and of course humans at the end of the day." Lily gave her a grateful smile. "Thank you Adelaide."

Many people thought that because  Adelaide was rich or was pure-blood she would be a mean and hateful person, but that was not like Adelaide at all. Her parents told her to always treat everyone kindly until they proved themselves unworthy of her kindness. They told her to be extra kind to muggle-borns in school, since they have more difficulty to adjust to their new surroundings.

"I am a half-blood myself." Blurted Severus shamefully.

"Well, that's nice to know." Adelaide said with a laugh and all of them began laughing. Though he was shameful of his blood-status. Perhaps it's because he doesn't want to be judged? Especially if he wants to be in Slytherin?

Before she could ask more questions, the compartment door was opened. Elizabeth was standing there smiling kindly at Adelaide. She curiously looked at the other two.

"Well, Heidi, i was checking on you as i said." Lily and Severus were staring at them. "Sorry, i forgot to introduce you, Lily, Severus, this is my eldest sister Elizabeth. Lizzie, these are Lily and Severus. They are first years like me." Adelaide said hurriedly. "Hello." Lily and Severus said at once gazing at her sister. "Nice to meet you." Elizabeth gave them a warm smile.

Then turned to Adelaide. "You already know most of my and Victoria's friends but since you seem alright we'll introduce you later to them. Victoria was already boasting about your brains. I'll see you later." She hugged Adelaide and quickly went away.

When Adelaide looked back there was a look of envy in Lily's eyes, but was quickly changed into shock. "Your sister is so pretty! And you looked the same. Oh my god!" Lily screamed. Severus nodded his head.

"You know since you look the same, you are already pretty, don't get me wrong but it seems you'll be gorgeous when you grow up." Lily said looking excited by the prospect.

Adelaide barked a laughter. She forget that whenever strangers looked at her sisters especially Elizabeth, they would be awed by their great beauty. And at times it was quite amusing watching them fawn over them. Victoria was irritated but Elizabeth was calm about it.

"You said eldest sister, do you have more sibling?" Asked Severus curiously. "Well, yes. There is Elizabeth that you met. She is in fifth year, has her OWLs this year. She has been sorted into Ravenclaw and is a prefect. Then there is Victoria, in forth year she is a chaser in quidditch," she glanced at Lily who seemed to know what quidditch was so Adelaide moved on, " she is in Gryffindor, then there is me, who is going to be sorted in Ravenclaw and then there is Helena, who is two years younger and there is my only brother who is 5 years younger than me." She was out of breath when she finished.
"The youngest two are going to a muggle school you see. Before coming to Hogwarts my parents send us to normal schools." She quickly explained.

Both of them were amazed by her descriptions. Lily said:" oh so you know science, math and all those kind of things?" "Yes." "That's cool." Severus said with a smile.

"Do you have any siblings you two?" Adelaide asked.

"No, i am an only child." Severus said solemnly. "Well, at least you're not going to fight over silly stuff." Adelaide said.

"What about you Lily?"

"I have one older sister by 2 years." Lily said, a sadness creeping in her voice. "She called me a freak ever since we found out i was a witch. I mean we found a letter, she had written to  the headmaster because she wanted to come with us, but she was refused." So that explains the look of envy in her eyes when Elizabeth left. She wants a sister who would understand and take care of her. A sister who's supportive and loves her back. "Hey, i mean, this must be a lot for her. She needs to accept a great deal of things on order to accept your new reality. Give her some space. It would be all right. Many muggles are troubled when they find out about the magical side of their loved ones." Lily looked up with tears in her eyes. "I mean, all siblings fight, today there was some bickering over a boy, last week was about the last piece of a cake. But in the end we are family." Adelaide said taking lily's hands.

"You are reading the third year charms's book?" Severus looked at the book that Adelaide had on her bag. "Yes, well, i borrowed it from Victoria. She wasn't going to review it so.. ." Severus looked impressed at her.

They talked about their hobbies and how those two met each other. They talked about magic, muggles, their goals and others.

"We need to wear our robes we are getting close to school." Adelaide said looking out of the window. It was already dark. She could see a lot of light coming out of a big castle. She put Midnight in her box, closed her bag. They all put their robes on and were waiting impatiently for the train to stop.

God, please make my school days easy and fun.

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