Little Bird

By lulu12250013

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Nicole 'Dove' Bradshaw has wanted to be a pilot for as long as she could remember like her Uncles Iceman and... More

Top Gun
Character Bio


197 2 0
By lulu12250013

A/N Hey guys! With this part of the story, I have it switching back and forth between Nic and Bob's PoV's. 

So when the writing is in normal text like this it will be Nic's PoV

When the writing is like this it is Bob's PoV.

It will probably be like this for the next few parts so you can see more of the story and get the inner thoughts of both characters. 

Maverick's voice comes through the radio,

"Dagger one, upland ready on catapult one."

"Dagger spare standing by."

"Dagger four, up and ready."

"Dagger three, up and ready."

There is a moment of silence before Rooster can be heard. "Dagger two, up and ready."

The comms officer's voice then goes through, "Support assets airborne. Strike package ready. Standing by for launch decision."

Cyclone looks over at Warlock before turning back forward, "Send them."

There is a moment of silence before the comms officer calls out each jet taking off.

"Dagger one away...Dagger two away...Dagger three away... Dagger four away."

I watch as all my loved ones take off away from the safety of the deck and into danger. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and thought, Here goes nothing.

As we take off from the deck my thoughts go to Nic, She just watched her father figure, brother, best friends and boyfriend take off on a mission that we all could possibly not return from.

Maverick's voice cuts me out of my thoughts, "Comanche, Dagger one. Standby check-in."

"Comanche 11, set. Picture clean. Recommended dagger continue."

"Copy. Daggers descending below radar."

All of the jets then descend to right above the water, and continue towards the canyon. There is a short pause before Maverick speaks again.

"Here we go. Enemy territory up ahead. Feet dry 60 seconds. Comanche, Picture."

"Comanche, picture clean. The decision is yours."

"Copy." There is another short pause before Mavericks voice comes through again. "Dagger attack."

Hondo's voice cuts through the quiet announcing the Tomahawk has been sent. Warlock looks my way then towards Cyclone, "No turning back now."

Hondo looks back at me, checking in on how I'm doing. I give him a weak smile and shake my hands down by my side, trying to release some of the nervous energy. Maverick's voice then cuts back through.

Maverick calls the pilot's attention, "Daggers, assume attack formation." Phoenix lowers our jet and pulls behind Mav, and Rooster behind us, so that we can enter the canyon in a single file.

"Daggers set. Proceeding to target. 2 minutes and 30 seconds in 3...2...1... Mark."

Phoenix the calls in "Mark." and Rooster and Payback after her. Maverick comes back over the comms again.

"Going in. First SAM sight overhead."

I pull my eyes up towards the mountaintop watching the SAM for any kind of movement or signal we are on radar, but there is no movement. Letting out a sigh I tell Phoenix we are in the clear.

"Looks like we're clear on radar Mav."

"Let's not take it for granted." He responds.

Fanboy calls out, "More Sam's 3 O'clock high."

"We got 2 minutes to target." I remind everyone, making sure I do what I can to guid this mission safely.

"Copy, we are a few seconds behind, Rooster. We gotta move." Payback calls back.

The comms officer turns and speaks directly to Warlock and Cyclone, " 30 seconds to Tomahawk impact on enemy airstrip."

There is a moment of quiet in the command room before one of the officers speaks, "Dagger, Comanche, we are picking up two bandits. Single group, two contacts."

Hondo turns and looks at Cyclone with wide eyes.

"Where the hell did they come from?" Cyclone asks Warlock.

"Long range patrol?" Warlock guesses.

I lock eyes with Hando as Maverick's voice comes through the comms again.

"Comanche, What is their heading?"

"Bull's-eye 090, 50, tacked southeast."

"They're heading away from us. They don't know we're here." Rooster chimes in.

I take in a shaky breath as Maverick comes over the comms, "The second those Tomahawks hit the airbase, those bandits are going to move to defend the target. We have to get there before they do." There is a short pause before Mav continues. "Increase speed."

Phoenix lets out a breath before calling back, "We got you Mav. Don't wait for me."

I take another deep breath and bring all my focus towards the job ahead, trying not to let fear of not making it back get in.

My eyes are down, looking at the floor as the conversation between the jets drops. All that can be heard is breathing for a short moment before the comms officer speaks up again.

"Sir, Dagger two and Four are behind schedule. Time to target, one minute and 15 seconds."

This causes my head to snap up, looking at the screen where the canyon map shows the jets. The space between Phoenix and Rooster is getting bigger and bigger.

Another officer speaks up, "Tomahawk impact in 3..2..Impact. Enemy runway is destroyed."

"Well they know we're coming now." Cyclone deadpans.

I turn my head towards Warlock, the fear evident on my face. He reaches a hand out and pats my arm, trying his best to reassure me, but it does little as I feel my heart start to race faster and my breathing become shallow.

"Bandits are switching course to defend the target." Comanche calls over the comms.

"Rooster, where are you?" Maverick asks

Shortly after Maverick finishes, Payback speaks up, "Come on Rooster. Bandits are inbound,we gotta make up time now. Let's turn and burn!"

I look down to see where Rooster is and see he has fallen behind quite a bit, and I let out a small curse.

"Heads up Phoenix." My head pops up at this, and I look up seeing us turn completely sideways to go through an arch of a bridge, "Woah!" I call out, causing Phoenix to let out a small laugh.

The Comms officer turns towards Cyclone with a worried face. "Sir, two bandits are two minutes from target. Daggers are one minute to target."

The air in the room gets thicker, and I find it harder and harder to breath.

"Come on, Rooster, move it or lose it." Hondo says under his voice. I give his shoulder a slight shove, letting him know I heard him. He turns his head my way before giving me a sheepish smile.

I roll my eyes and turn my focus back to the screen where I see Rooster and the boys fall more and more behind. 

Rooster is falling more and more behind and I can't help but think about Nic back on the carrier.

Is she watching this all happen?

Does she have anyone there to tell her we will all be alright?

Fanboy's voice cuts through my thoughts bringing me back.

"Guys! We're falling behind. We really gotta move!"

Payback chimes in soon after, "If we don't increase our speed, right now, those bandits are gonna be waiting for us when we reach the target."

There is a pause over the comms before Rooster whispers.

"Talk to me dad."

"Talk to me dad."

That one sentence puts everyone in the command room into silence. Hondo turns his head slightly, as if to make sure I'm ok without me noticing...

I definitely noticed.

I'm in a sort of shock. Rooster is not one to normally bring up our father. To hear him say something like that during a mission no one is sure will succeed is like a hot brand to my heart.

The silence is cut when Maverick is heard over the comms again.

"Come on kid, you can do it. Don't think just do."

There is another small moment of quiet before Payback can be heard again, "Jesus Rooster, not that fast."

"Alright, let's go." Roosters voice chirps.

Fanboy is heard then, sounding a little winded. "Damn, Rooster. Take it easy!"

I let out a small laugh as I focus on the two jets on the screen closing the distance between them and the two ahead. The comms officer turns towards Cyclone again, 'Dagger two is reengaging."

Cyclone lets out a deep breath, "Good. Now hit your target and come home."

Looking over the my controls I hear Mav's voice in my ear, "Thirty seconds to target. Check your laser Bob."

I run my checks quickly and find everything up and running.

"Air-to-ground check complete. Laser code verified, 1688. Laser is a go."

"Good job Bob." Mav responds. "Phoenix stand by for pop-up strike." he continued.

"Dagger three in position." Phoenix verifies.

"Popping in 3..2..1."

The weight on my chest increases and Phoenix pulls us up along the side of the mountain behind Maverick. We are turned over and flying down into the valley soon after.

"Get me eyes on that target Bob." Maverick chides.

"Dagger three, stand by Mav." I call back, trying to get the laser to focus on the target ahead.

"Come on, Bob. Come on." Maverick responds, with an impatient edge.

"Stand by." I call just long enough until the laser focuses and lands on the target. "I've got it. Captured." I call back sending it to Mav's jet.

"Target acquired. Bombs away."

Our jet is then pulled up to a steep climb to avoid the other mountain side. As I fight from blacking out I keep an eye on the target to make sure we made contact.

I watch the bomb makes perfect landing and yell as the opening explodes. "We've got impact! Check, direct hit! Direct hit!"

Miracle number one: Check.

Cyclone looks towards me as Rooster and Payback make their clime towards the target.

I turn back and hold my breath sending a prayer to any kind of god that will listen.

"Dagger two, status." Maverick calls as our jets still fight the high G climb out.

"Almost there, Mav. Almost there. Where's my laser Fanboy?" Rooster calls back.

Fanboy calls back with worry clear in his tone. "Rooster, there is something wrong with the laser. Shit! Dead-eye, Dead-eye!"

Shit! This cannot be happening right now. I try and think through what could be wrong with the laser and how they could fix it before Rooster's voice cuts through again.

"Come on guys. We are running out of time. Get it on line."

"I'm trying"

"Come on Fanboy."

"Nearly there. Nearly there!"

Payback chimes in to the chaos, "Come on, Fanboy. Got it online."

Rooster lets out a deep breath before responding, "There's no time. I'm dropping blind."

"Rooster, I got this!" Fanboy calls back eagerly.

"No time. Pull up!" Rooster commands.

"Wait!" Payback tries.

"Bombs away! Bombs away!" Rooster calls, not listening to Payback.

I can't breathe. I move my focus towards the comms officer waiting on baited breath for the result of Rooster's blind drop.

"Bulls-eye! Bulls-eye! Bulls-eye!" She yells, standing and turning towards Cyclone who lets out a sigh of relief.

We all train our eyes back to the screen as Warlock speaks up.

"Miracle number two."

But it's Cyclone' s response brings everyone to silence, "Now they're in coffin corner."

Once we break the high G climb I let out a breath as Maverick's voice cuts through the comms.

"We aren't out of this yet. Here it comes!" Radar starts going off in our Jet.

"Radar warnings, Smoke in the air! Phoenix break right!" Maverick calls.

"Emergency jettison. Dagger three defending." Phoenix response.

Our radar warning chimes again, "Here comes another one!" I warn Mav as a nearby SAM locks on his location.

"Dagger one defending." He calls as his jet breaks left to avoid the missel.

"Rooster, Status!"

There is a short grunt heard before Rooster speaks, "Oh my god. Smoke in th air! Smoke in the air."

The next few moments are all warnings being thrown out as we all try to stay alive.

"Break right Payback!"

"Oh my god, here they come!"

"SAM on your six Rooster!"

"Deploying countermeasures. Negative contact."

"Dagger one defending."

"Talk to me Bob." Phoenix chimes through the chaos.

"Break right Phoenix, Break right!" I called. I turn my head to see a missile heading right for Maverick's jet. "Mav, nine O'clock, nine o'clock!"

"Rooster two more on your six!"

"Dagger two defending."

"Payback SAM on your nose!"

"Dagger four defending"

"Rooster, tally, seven o'clock!"

"Talk to me Bob!"

"On our six!"

All of their voices are cutting in over each other, calling out warnings. I can hardly keep up with everything until one voice pulls all my attention towards my brother's jet.

"Shit I'm out of flares!"

No. This cannot be happening.

Maverick's voice cuts in, "Rooster, evade, evade!"

"I can't shake them! They're on me! They're on me!" Rooster yells out.

My breathing has quickened as I stand her on the carrier, unable to help my other brother get away from the danger he currently is facing.

But my world comes to a stop when I hear his voice again. "Mav! Mav, No!"

Phoenix voice is the one that carries the news of what's happened, "Dagger one is hit! I repeat, Dagger One is hit! Maverick is down!"

My heart drops. "No!" I call out as a sob breaks through me.

"Dagger one status!" Rooster's voice calls. "Anyone see him? Does anyone see him? Dagger one, come in!" His voice becomes more frantic with each word.

"I didn't see a chute." Payback calls sadly.

"We have to circle back." Rooster chirps.

"Comanche. Bandits inbound. Single group, hot. Recommend daggers flow south. One minute to intercept."

I am frozen to my spot as Cyclone gives the orders. "Get them back to the carrier. Now."

The command is given through the comms and Roosters voice calls back, clearly upset, "But what about Maverick?"

Cyclone's words are harsh and commanding, "Tell him there is nothing he can do for Maverick. Not in a goddamn F-18."

Hangman's voice is loud in the silent room, "Dagger spare requesting permission to launch and fly air cover."

Cyclone gives a shake of his head in response and the comms officer relays the message. "Negative spare."

Warlock tires, "Launch search and rescue."

"Cyclone shakes his head again, "Negative. Not with bandits in the air."

Hondo stands, "But Sir, Maverick is still out there."

Cyclone snaps his head towards Hondo, "We are not losing anyone else today! Get them home. Now."

The room is quiet again as my head starts spinning. I try to shake my arms to get the tingling feeling to dissipate. Thoughts and memories with Uncle Pete running through my head one by one.

My tears start running faster down my face as it begins to sink in that I may never see the only father figure i had left, ever again.

"Dagger you are not to engage. Repeat, do not engage." There is a pause, the comms officer tries again. "Dagger two return to the carrier. Acknowledge."

The tension in the jet is clear when Phoenix tries to talk to Rooster. "Rooster, those bandits are closing, we can't go back."

I let out a deep breath, knowing Nic will be listening to the words I say next but also knowing that Rooster needs to hear them, "He's gone, Rooster. Maverick is gone."

There is a long moment of silence before Phoenix's panicked voice can be heard, "Rooster, No!"

The comms officer starts to fidget with her screen, "Dagger two get back to the carrier. Dagger Two is hit. I repeat, Dagger two is hit."

With that, my world begins to crumble. I am stuck in a room on a ship helpless, as I watch the little electronic jet representing my older brother disappear.


A/N To say I shed some tears writing this part is an understatement. Even though I knew it was coming, it still hurts. 

I have a fixed laptop so the next part should be coming soon, and there might be a surprise for you :D 

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