Pregnant by K3...

By youngboybetter21

44.4K 1.2K 140

Life was good until an unexpected accident happened More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20

Part 21

700 26 2
By youngboybetter21

Jacksonville, Florida
Saturday, February 24th|8:13am (A week later)

I quietly got up out the bed. I stuck my feet in my house shoes and went into the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth.

After i was done i went in the kitchen. I got the pancake mix out, bacon, eggs, cheese, bell peppers, and ham.

Imma make him 2 omelettes cause he love em.

45 minutes later

I grabbed the syrup out the cabinet and poured some on his pancake and put it back.

"Ouu" i said as i leaned on the counter. I rubbed my stomach. "You need to chill your ass out"

I grabbed the plates and went back into our room.

"Yo sexy ass" K3 said as he came out the bathroom.

"Happy birthday babydaddy"

I handed him his plate and sat mines on my nightstand. I sat my pillow up against the headboard.

"Yo back hurting" Kamarian asked.

"Yea but i'm good" i replied as i got in the bed and grabbed my plate.

30 minutes later

"Here go get yo hair cut it's on me" I said as i handed him some money.

"Check you out" he said as he kissed me on the cheek.

He put on his shoes and grabbed his keys and guns.

"I love you" he said as he walked over to me and kissed me.

"I love you too Kamarian" i replied. "Be safe" i added.

"Always" he said as he walked out the room. I followed behind him and locked the door behind him.

I called Azure. After the 4th ring she answered. "Wassup"

"Come on and bring the stuff, he just left" i said.

"Okay i'm otw right now" she replied. "Alright" i said and then hung up.

I sat my phone down and rushed to the guest bathroom. "Damn nigga must be sitting on my bladder" i said as i used the restroom.

10 minutes later

I unlocked the door to let Az in. "I'm glad yall in this boujee ass condo...cause i would've had to make bout 6 trips if i ain't have this cart" she said making me laugh.

I went to my room and went in the closet and got the balloons. I walked back in the living room. Somebody knocked on the door. I looked through the peephole and then opened it.

"You just in time" i said as i handed him the balloons.

"Damn you can't say hey first" Trey said while laughing.

"Hey now get to work" i said as i closed the door.

Me and Azure set the bags and shoes up cute.

When we were done doing that Azure helped Trey blow up the balloons.

"Omg his ass doing too much" i said as i rubbed my stomach.

"That mf finna come" Trey said while laughing.

"Uhn Uhn he still got a few days" i replied.

20 minutes later

I took a picture of the lil set up. "Thank yall i love yall" I said as i gave both of them a hug.

"You know we got you forever Maria" Azure replied.

"Is everything ready for his party" i asked.

"Yea we got all that under control" Trey responded.

"Okay good"

We just sat down and talked and waited for Kamarian to get back.

20 minutes later

He unlocked the door and walked in. "Wtf" he said as he walked over to the sofa.

"Who told you to get all this" He asked while looking at me.

"Kamarian it's yo birthday you deserve it"

He walked over to me and gave me a long hug. "Thank you Samaria, i really love you a lot"

"I love you too" i replied.

"Wassup K3, happy birthday nigga" Trey said as he dapped him up.

"Happy birthday" Azure said.

"Preciate it" he replied.

"We'll see yall later" Azure said as her and Trey got up and left.

Kamarian started opening up the bags to see what all he had.

3 hours later

He pulled up to the building. "You went all out for me didn't it" K3 asked as he looked over at me.

"Of course" i replied as i grabbed his face.

We got out the car and i walked in first. "He coming" i said so they could record.

Kamarian walked in and his mouth dropped. I already know he wasn't expecting me to go all out.

I sat my ass down cause i was out of breath and my back was killing me. Kamarian walked around to everybody speaking.

Azure got up and rushed out the door. "Tf" i said as i got up and walked out the door.

I looked to the right and she was over there crying.

"Bestie what's wrong wit you" i asked

Trey walked out and came over there with us too.

"Bleek cheating on me bruh"

"Wtf how you know" Trey asked.

She showed us messages between him and the girl and a video of them fucking. My mouth dropped.

I gave her a hug. "He ain't deserve you" i said as i wiped her ass.

"Azure you beautiful, took care of that nigga, and loved him..and for him to cheat he ain't worth it" Trey said looking at Azure.

I nodded my head and agreed with him.

"You good or you wanna go home" I asked.

"Imma stay" she replied as she got her self together.

2 hours later

Ace walked in with some of his homeboys. I walked over to them.

"Oh hn yall so late" i said while laughing.

"That's our fault law" Ace said as he gave me a hug.

"Let me go holla at my lil brother" Ace said as he walked over to K3.

15 minutes later

Az made K3 close his eyes while Trey brought me the last gift. I got the Jewelry out the bag.

"Oh shit" A lot of people said making me laugh.

"You gave me a ring so you know i gotta ice you out" I said as i put the chain around his neck.

"I can open my eyes now" K3 asked.


I put the watch on his wrist and then the bracelet.

"Open em" i said.

He looked at his wrist and then looked at the chain. He picked me up bridal style and kissed me.

"You showed yo ass" he said making everybody laugh.

They turned on the music and everybody started dancing.

Kamarian put me down and i walked over to the seat.

Water ran down my legs. "The baby coming" i yelled.

My mama, K3 mama, Trey, Azure, Ace, and Kamarian ran over to me.

They walked me out the door and help me get in the car.

"We gone meet yall there" My mama said as they ran to they car.

"Trey go get the baby bag from the crib" K3 said as he winked and got in the car.

"I'll go wit em" Ace said and K3 nodded.

"You good K3 said as he grabbed my hand and backed up"

I kept breathing in and out cause these contractions wasn't bullshitting.

6 minutes later

The whole car ride Kamarian kept asking me was i good.

We pulled up to the hospital.

"I'll be right back" K3 said as he got out the car and ran in the hospital to get a wheelchair.

I laughed to myself watching him panic. "Ouu" i said as i grabbed the door handle.

Kamarian opened the door. "Come on"

"Kamarian i can't move this shit hurt" i whined.

"Ight imma just pick you up" he said as he unbuckled my seatbelt.

He picked me up. I took deep breaths. He put me in the wheelchair. "Damn heavy ass" K3 said as he closed the door.

"Got damn you was speeding wasn't it" Azure said as she walked up.

"We here ain't it" K3 said.

"Ah-hem" i said as i mugged both of them.

"Park my car" K3 said as he handed Azure his keys.

Kamarian pushed me into the hospital and took me to the front desk.

"She finna have my baby" K3 said making me laugh.

The lady called the nurse to come down. They came down there in like 10 seconds.

"Ms.Thomas you're a few days early" my doctor said as he started pushing the wheelchair.

Kamarian held my hand as the doctor rolled me down the hall.

We got in the room. "The nurse is gonna bring you your gown to change" the doctor said as he walked out.

No less than 15 seconds the nurse knocked on the door. "Come in" K3 said and she walked in. walked in and gave me my gown. "I'll assist you" she said as she helped me stand up.

"You can't watch her undress" K3 said as he looked at that lady.

She let out a laughed and turned her back.

She laughing his crazy ass so serious

Kamarian unzipped my dress. "Bae sit down" he said.

I sat down on the bed and he pulled the dress off.

I put my arms through the gown and Kamarian buttoned it.

These contractions ain't bullshitting!!!

"Okay we good" i said as i layed back.

"Okay" she said while laughing. She hooked the iv up and checked to make sure everything is good.

Somebody knocked on the door. "Come in" Kamarian said.

My mama and K3 mama walked in.

"You alright" My mama asked as she put her purse down.

"Mhm" i replied.

"I'm ready to get this shit over with" i said while taking deep breaths

"You're 6cm dilated, it won't be long" the nurse said. I nodded my head.

I yawned and started right back taking deep breaths.

5 hours later

"You sure you wanna do a natural birth" my mama i asked.

I nodded my head while panting. Kamarian kissed my hand.

"Get off me" i said as i snatched away.

"Crazy ass" he mumbled.

I mugged him.

"Ms.Thomas you're fully dilated, we're gonna prepare you for birth" the nurse said as the other nurse ran out the room to get the doctor as the other nurse prepared everything.

The doctor and 2 other nurses came in. The doctor put his gloves on and rolled the stool over to the end of the bed.

Kamarian looked at the doctor then looked back at me. I mugged him cause he better not say shit.

"Okay are all three of y'all staying in here" one of the nurses asked.

"Yes ma'am" K3 mama replied.

"Okay, Ms.Thomas we're gone help you put your legs up"

"Mhm" i replied.

"Ouuu" i said as my legs moved.

"She okay" Kamarian asked.

"Yes sir everything is okay" the doctor replied.

Kamarian turned on the vhs camera and started recording.

"It's bout 9 something right now and you're finally ready to come" he said as he talked to the camera. "Both of yo grandmas over there" he said as he turned the camera and they waved. I couldn't do nothing but smile cause i can tell he so happy.

"Your beautiful mama right here" he said as he turned the camera to me. I blocked my face.

"Ouuuu" i yelled.

"Yea he's coming, we're going to need you to start pushing for us" one nurse said. "You might to grab on to the bed or someone's hand" the other nurse added.

Kamarian gave me his other hand as he continued recording.

"Ready" the doctor asked.

"Mhmmm" i responded.

"Give us a big push on three"

"1..2..3-uhhhhhhhhhhhh" i said as i squeezed k3 hand and pushed.

I took some deep breaths. "Another one"

I pushed again.

35 minutes later

At this point i'm sweating and tired asf.

"1...2...3" i gave another push.

"That was a good one mama we see the head" The doctor said.

K3 started back recording. "You almost here li 3" he said.

"Let's try one big push" the doctor said. "We're ready when you are" he added.

I took a deep breath and pushed. I started panting.

"Almost mama"

"1...2...3" And i gave a big push.

"You did it baby" my mama said as she rubbed my hand.

I laid my head back and started breathing deep.

They did everything they had to do.

"Would you like to hold him now or after the bath" the nurse asked.

"Now please" i said.

She gently handed him to me.

I just admired him as he cried. I looked over at K3 and i seen tears falling from his eyes.

"This really our son Maria" he said as he kissed me on my forehead and held Ja'noah's little hand which made him stop crying.

"Does one of you want to cut the umbilical cord or would you like us to do" the nurse asked.

"I want to" Kamarian said.

The nurse grabbed the scissors and showed K3 where to cut at.

"You sure" he asked.

"Yes sir" she replied while laughing a little.

He did it with a big ole smile on his face.

"Do you want us to wash him up now so everyone could hold em"

"Yea that's fine" i said as i slowly handed him off.

"You did so good darling" K3 mama said as she grabbed my hand and squeezed it a lil.

As they washed him he started back crying. They weighed em and all that other stuff.

"7 pounds and 12 ounces" one nurse called out.

"Dad could you type his name for the birth certificate" one of the nurses asked.

K3 walked over there and typed his name. "I'm going to go print this and i'll be right back" she said as she walked out the room.

"So who wants him first" the nurse asked as she laughed.

Kamarian walked over to the nurse. She carefully handed Ja'noah off to him. Kamarian slowly paced around as he talked to him. His mama recorded him on the camera.

After about 5 minutes the nurse brought the birth certificate back.

"Dad would you like to sign it" the nurse asked.

"Yes ma'am" K3 responded as he passed Ja'noah to my mama.

He took the pen and signed it.

"Me and my first son got the same birthday, that's crazy" K3 said as he put the pen down.

"Bae go get Ace nem"

He nodded his head.

"He look just like Kamarian" my mama said as she passed the baby to K3 mama.

"Uhn uhn he look like Samaria" she said.

"Yepp i think he look like me too" i co-signed. My mama smacked her lips.

The door opened back up.

"Awwww where my tt monkey" Azure said as she went straight to him.

"Tt monkey" Ace questioned.

"Don't even say nothing" i said as i shook my head.

She got Ja'noah from Kamarian's mama.

1 hour later

Everybody had left and it was just me, Kamarian, and our baby.

"Why yo doctor had to be a man" Kamarian asked making me look up at him.

"It's the fact that i knew you was thinking that" i said making us laugh.

Ja'noah started smiling.

"Awwww" i said as i kissed his hand.

I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in" I said.

The nurse walked in.

"Are you done feeding him" she asked.

"Yes ma'am"

"Okay i need to get this little guy to nicu so you can shower and get some rest" she said.


I gave him a hug and Kamarian kissed his hand and then i handed him to her.

"If you need anything feel free to buzz us" she said as she grabbed the empty bottle and walked out the room.

"Come on so we can shower" K3 said.

30 minutes later

Me and Kamarian laid in the bed together.

"This brings back memories of when you were in the hospital" i said as i laid on his chest.

"Damn we done really been through a lot these last couple months" Kamarian said.

"But i wouldn't want to do it wit no one else" he added.

We locked hands.

"You tired stop tryna fight yo sleep" K3 said making me laugh a lil.

"Okay goodnight baby daddy"

"Goodnight Samaria" he said as we gave eachother a kiss.

She finally done had the baby!!

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