By f4iryneoo

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❝ 𝐚 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐝𝐲, 𝐚 𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐭�... More

author's note
twenty one
twenty two
twenty three


1.9K 59 33
By f4iryneoo

" you seriously knew every answer in history and you, amelia during battle brief  was amazing " rhiannon says, acknowledging violet's smarts and amelia pissing off jack once again.

the classes had lunch and were now sparing in the gym, the three girls were watching ridoc and aurelie going against each other.

the gym was spacious with the flooring covered in black mats, one side had first-years, another side had second and third years.

" you're not even going to have to study for tests, are you? "

" i was trained as a scribe and that's how our friendship works. i'm the brains and amelia is the fighter " violet said smiling at her friend who nodded.

amelia couldn't help but look at second and third-years, especially liam who towered over a lot of people. it wasn't just him though as she was also eyeing garrick who was standing with xaden and bodhi.

" stop circling each other like you're dance partners and attack! " professor emetterio orders which snapped amelia out of her thoughts.

" i'm worried about this " violets speaks up, tilting her head up towards the mat.

amelia looks at violet and smiles, " don't worry, if anyone of them so much hurts you i'll put them in the healers ward "

violet laughed a little, she never had a to worry about being bullied as a kid because amelia was always there ready to beat the shit out of anyone who tried. now was not any different and violet knew that amelia could and would do that.

maybe not now, not in a day or two but she will sure as hell make anyone pay for hurting her best friend.

" man, i wish to have a friend like lia " sawyer's arm wrapped around amelia's shoulder.

" don't we all " ridoc yelled from the mat, amelia smiled a little then turned to sawyer. " we'll get there eventually " she said as sawyer smiled at her.

ridoc launches toward aurelie, but she ducks, sweeping her leg and tripping him. he staggers but doesn't go down. he pivots quickly, palming a dagger in his hand.

" no blades today! " professor emetterio bellows from beside the mat. " we're just assessing! "

ridoc mumbles and put his dagger back, just in time to deflect the right hook from aurelie. they keep on fighting until she had to be taken to the healers for almost losing a tooth.

a shriek was heard which made everyone look in the direction it came from, jack had another first-year in a headlock.

jack yanks his arms, his arms still secure around the other man's head.

" that guy is such an ass- " rhiannon starts.

the sickening crack of bones breaking is heard all over the gym, the first-year goes limp in jack's hold. he's dead.

" sweet malek " violet says and jack drops the first-year to the ground.

amelia winced as the dead first-year hit the ground, of course the asshat would kill someone on the first day of sparing.

" what did I say? " jack's instructor shouts as he charges onto the mat. " you broke his damned neck! "

" how was I supposed to know his neck was that weak? " jack argues back.

soon everyone's eyes were turned back to their own fights, rhiannon was fighting against tynan now which she was kicking some serious ass. amelia and violet sent her wide smile as she was able to beat him quickly.

then it was violet and amelia's worst fear, violet was going against imogen who everyone knew hated her and amelia, but mainly violet. amelia was sure that she was going to fight dirty.

" she's fast and strong, but you are smarter. use that to your advantage " amelia whispered to violet before she stepped on the map.

amelia looked over to notice that liam, bodhi, xaden, and garrick were watching imogen and violet. she was hoping that violet could pull through and win, but imogen is a good fighter and would do anything to win against her.

" you bitch " imogen seethes at violet. " your mother murdered my family "

she lunged at violet and swung wildly, but violet quickly sidesteeps which amelia taught her to do when training.

imogen growls a little as she missed violet again, her foot flies at violet's head which she easily avoids. at the last moment, she kicked violet in the chest which sent her backwards.

" you can't use your powers in here, imogen " dain yells.

amelia started to nervously pace, she knew that imogen would try and kill violet which worried her. what if she didn't stop and violet ended up like the dead first-year that jack just killed?

" imogen! " emetterio shouts. " do it again and i'll- "

violet's face smacks against the mat, imogen was holding onto her arm. amelia was still pacing which worried rhiannon, sawyer, and ridoc who were trying to calm her down.

" yield! " imogen yelled.

" no! "

" vi, yield! " rhiannon shouts.

imogen pulled her arm farther and violet cries out as a pop was heard.

" yield, violet! " dain shouted.

" yield! " imogen demanded.

" she yields " emetterio says. " that's enough "

another sound of violet's bone snapping was heard, amelia winced again as dain picked her up to get to the healers. she wanted to go with him but she was the last match which was next.

" what first-year wants go against cadet elsher? " professor emetterio announced to the first years.

" i will " jack said smirking at amelia. she rolled her eyes and emetterio nodded as jack stepped onto the mat.

a couple of jack's friends were paying attention now, they were from his squad mainly. rhiannon, ridoc, sawyer, and a couple more from amelia's squad were watching as the match was starting.

" don't go crying to your boy toys when i beat you, actually that's even if i let you off the mat alive " jack smirked and motioned over to sawyer and ridoc.

" don't go crying like a whiny bitch when i beat you " amelia said smirking.

jack throws the first move which was a punch, amelia dodged it and elbowed him in his right side. he threw a couple of more punches which were going all over the place but she was able to move out of the away.

amelia grabbed jack's arm and flipped him over her body, with him on the ground she had him in the same position that imogen had violet.

he was able to break free and stood up, amelia sweeped her leg and brought jack down again. she this time tried putting him in a headlock but broke free once again, he was good and she would give him that but she wasn't going to give him a win.

they both stood up and jack threw a kick which amelia was unable to dodge and it was to her gut. " you are going to end up like the kid i just killed and then i'll kill sorrengail as well, bitch " jack teased.

she was trying her hardest to fight the pain, but jack knew he weakened her, he brought her down with a leg swipe. he kneeled his entire weight on her stomach and chest which was made it hard for her to breath.

" jack, you asshat. you're going to kill her! " rhiannon yelled loudly, this caught the attention of everyone in the gym.

the second and third-years were watching this time. liam, garrick, and bodhi were worried as amelia was struggling to get from underneath him and even breath.

" he's going to kill her " garrick said.

" she can get out, i know she can " liam said. he didn't know amelia that much but he knew that she wouldn't give jack the chance to kill her.

" yield or die! " jack yelled.

" no! " amelia choked out.

with those words jack put even more pressure on her. " jack, that's enough! " emetterio shouted.

" she's not going to give up, someone needs to step in " bodhi said looking at xaden.

a hint of worry actually appeared in xaden's eyes, but then it was gone after a second. xaden shouldn't care for her at all, she was a general's daughter afterall.

" lia, just yield! " rhiannon shouted. sawyer, ridoc, and aurelie were all shouting for amelia to yield as she was really struggling to breath.

dain ran back into the gym, someone had let him know that jack and amelia were fighting. that's when he saw the horror of his ex trying not to lose consciousness. some of the others were yelling at amelia to yield as well, but dain didn't.

" damn it lia, kick is ass! " dain yelled. he knew amelia was a better fighter than jack and knew that she would also kick his is ass if he told her to yield as well.

amelia heard his yelling and closed her eyes for a moment. i know you can do it. the words that general elsher said to his daughter before she left and the words that her brothers said to her as she was saying bye to them.

she was an elsher, amelia wasn't going to give jack what he wanted which was for her to die or yield. instead she was going to show him why she is an elsher. amelia opened her eyes with determination.

her legs wrapped around jack's free one, the one that he wasn't using to kneel on her. she flipped them both with a fire in her eyes as she was more pissed then ever and put him in an arm bar. her legs were wrapped tight around jack's arm.

" yield jackass ! " amelia growled and tightened her legs even more.

jack let out a whine and that's when he caved. " i yield ! "

rhiannon, sawyer, ridoc, and aurelie shouted when he said those words. " cadet elsher wins! " professor emetterio yelled.

amelia stayed on the mat for a while as her squad ran up to her to cheer her win with her, " damn girl. you can't die, can you? " ridoc said patting her head.

amelia laughed, " no i can't " she said as dain smiled from the side.


it was night time now, amelia had gone to the healers ward to check on violet who was mended. she was on her way towards liam's bedroom because he asked to meet her him when she was done with violet.

amelia knocked on his bedroom door and it opened after a second, " hey, baby lion " liam said smiling.

she raised her eyebrows at the nickname. " why that nickname? what happened to first-year? " amelia smiled as he opened the door wide enough for her to walk into his room.

" because you're cute like a baby and feisty like a lion, therefore baby lion. and first-year is still a nickname "

amelia laughed as she walked in, his bedroom was simple and neat which a bookshelf in the right corner with a couple of books. his bed was big enough for two people but then again it had to be because liam is tall. then amelia wondered why she was in his room at night.

" why am i here? " she asked.

" the fight with jack earlier, next time please yield. you almost gave garrick, bodhi, and i a heart attack " liam said as amelia smiled at him.

" you three were worried about me? " amelia stepped closer to him.

he nodded and stepped closer to her, " of course, we can't have the princess dying on us can we? "

she moved back from him and messed with her shirt a little, the fabric was bothering her and liam noticed. " do you want to change? you can borrow one of my shirts " he said as amelia nodded.

he went to dresser and pulled out a black shirt, it was going to be at least 3x bigger on her. " thank you " she said taking it from his hand and he turned around for her to change.

" also i wanted to tell you that xaden asked me to protect you " liam said as amelia was changing.

" why me? "

liam smiled to himself, " because of jack, you pissing him off more and more is putting a target on your back by him and his friends "

" but why does xaden care? "

" that i don't know, but he kind of does "

amelia was done changing and tapped liam's shoulder to turn back around. he did and smiled down at her. " i wanted to ask you if we could be friends, it would make my job of protecting you a lot easier "

she laughed and nodded, " friends it is "

" you can sit on my bed, that's if you'd like "

liam was more nervous than ever, he had a lot of girls in his room but none like amelia. she nodded and took a seat on his bed while he sat next to her.

" in a couple of minutes i have to be somewhere, but fill free to wait here if you'd like " liam said.

she looked out his window and saw that it was getting dark which meant her curfew was coming up, " i don't think i can, i have curfew "

liam honestly didn't want her to leave, what amelia didn't know was bodhi, garrick, and liam were all wanting to have her attention. being here with her just put him before bodhi and garrick.

" i'll be back before curfew " he said as she nodded and smiled.

for a couple of minutes, liam and amelia was were talking about their childhoods and stupid shit they did when they were younger. especially the time when amelia and violet pulled a prank on violet's older brother.

time went by so fast that liam was late to whatever he was doing, " crap. i'm late " he said.

liam pulled off his shirt which made amelia cover her eyes, " oh gosh, liam! " she shouted as he laughed at her cuteness.

" relax sweet pea, i'm sure you've seen a shirtless guy before "

amelia buried her face in his pillow as he was getting a new shirt. " yeah, my ex and brothers. that's it " she mumbled into his pillow.

he finally got a shirt on and laughed again, her cuteness was honestly making him melt. " i'm done " amelia uncovered her face and put the pillow down.

" i'm going to leave, i should be back in a few minutes. you can wait here or roam around but make sure you cover my shirt up. we can't have people talk then it really will put a target on your back "

amelia nodded at liam's words, he smiled at her before opening his bedroom door. " bye, baby lion " she had said bye to him before he walked out. she sat on his bed a couple of minutes then decided she was going to see rhiannon.



i'm having trouble deciding who amelia should end up with, liam, bodhi, or garrick. someone please help me.

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