The Multiverse Reacts To Y/N

By Darkcooler78

42.7K 373 215

This will be The Series that will watch or React to Y/N: Yugioh GX Highschool dxd Transformers Prime Bakugan... More

The Series That will be involved.
Y/N's Love Interests/Hearm
The Y/N's in there Universe
Y/N Crowler Vs Dr. Crowler
New Universes added to the Reaction (Update)
Lost Y/N - Monochrome Lost Silver
~~New Universe coming to the reactions~~
??? Y/N (New Story coming)
Yourself Y/N: Silly Billy

No Party With Lyrics - Dj Hallyboo Y/N (500 Followers Special)

1.6K 18 15
By Darkcooler78

DarkBill: We have finally back! Sorry for not updating this book I was busy doing some college work and some work on stories that are in this account.

Amity: So what do you have us reacting to toady?

DarkBill: Well I'm glad you asked Amity. Since to celebrate of reaching 500 Followers I decided to do something special.

Stella: and that is...

The Runaway Guys Mario Party funny Montage!

Everyone: Runaway Guys?

DarkBill: Okay... so all of you must know that the three guys that are playing are Y/N's that are in the same universe. And those are...

TOH Y/N - ChuggaaConroy

Amphibia Y/N - ProtonJon


Gravity Falls Y/N - NCS

Luz: Wait... My Y/N!?

Anne / Sasha / Marcy: Hey that's are Y/N!

DarkBill: That's right now let us begin this nice and lovely montage of these guys getting each others necks!

DarkBill: Everyone ready?

Everyone: We ready.

DarkBill: Alright let's begin!

*and when DarkBill started to play the video but then behind the TV sparking then we heard some laughter that switch the video into something different...

Video Name: No Party With Lyrics
Made By Juno Songs

We open to see an Nintendo logo on the top and then see an Hudson logo on the bottom screen.

And then it reveals the game its self...


The characters:
Mario Party!
It's so much fun!
Mario Party!
Fun for everyone!
Let's get this party started todaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa---

And then the screen shows this after that showed up.

Everyone: What happened?

DarkBill: Oh...Well I guess that montage of the runaway guys video doesn't work... but I don't remember the singing being in the video?

Fatal Error: I'll see what's going on with the TV.

DarkBill: Thanks buddy.

Luz: So...what are we going to do now?

Jaden: Well we could play Dule monsters to pass the time.

Galand: Oh maybe we can try one of my Galand games!

Grim: Oh I dose sound interesting!

King: Yes! I demand what the rules of this game you speak of red Demon Knight.

Eda: Oh I don't think so!

Issei: Well since we try to watch a group play Mario Party, how about we play one of the Mario Party games.

Starscream: Hmmm... that dose sound like a good idea.

Knockout: Well the thing is... where do we get one of the Mario games, dose anyone have any of them around?

Everyone: .....

Lili (Succubus) and Sera (The Angel)(DarkBill's mothers)

Lili: Oh I believe I have some Mario Party games around my sons room.

DarkBill: Oh yeah I forgot I got some around my room. Thanks guys.

*Lights out*

Everyone: Gah!

Uzi: Hey! Why is the lights out?

Syrus: Oh please don't tell me its not something scary like the Monochrome insistent.

Sprig: Oh I bet we don't have th--

???: Haw, Haw, Haw!!!

Sprig: Gah! Okay it's like the Monochrome!

???: I don't think there will be a Party on my watch! Because Piracy is no party.

And that the screen started to turn on and it reveals a menu of the rules on this what looks like a mini game.

Rules: Trace your apologies on the Touch Screen before D.J. Hallyboo Y/N attacks!

But beware! He won't go easy on you!

Controls: + Hit Notes

Tips: Beg and pray for forgiveness.

DarkBill: Well I didn't expect that? Well time to start the video.

Everyone (that are scared): No Don't!

--Video Start--

We then opened to see Boyfriend behind bars that has the Nintendo and Hudson logos flying behind him and then we see what looks like a creepy creature with a tip hat that has a scray face on it. This here is...

D.J. Hallyboo Y/N


No Party

D.J. Y/N:
You who stole my game...
Feel the burning shame...

BF: ~~Beeps, baps and bops~~

Welcome to a world
Of trepidation
Clapped in irons,
You face incarceration
Didn't pay a single cent
It's time to play the consequence
Now I'm upset
So pick up that pen 'cause:

BF: Bop bop bop~~
Shy Guys: PIRACY

Syrus: Gah! What was that!?

D.J. Y/N: Is no party!

Shy Guys: PIRACY

Anne: Ah!

D.J. Y/N: Is no party!

Shy Guys: PIRACY

Knockout: WOAH! Okay DarkBill can you please tell us what are those ref things?!

DarkBill: There Shy Guys... but there the Piracy version of the Shy guys.

D.J. Y/N: Is no Party!

Shy Guys: PIRACY

Issei: *girlish screaming*

D.J. Y/N: Is no Party!

D.J. Y/N: Illegitimately obtained,
You're a criminal, criminal,
Now you'll feel the pain
Punishment is equal measure
To ill-gotten pleasure
Illegal treasure!

BF: ~~Beeps and bops~~

Marcy: Okay... Bill can you tell us who this creepy guy is?

DarkBill: That there, Ladies and Gentlemen that is D.J. Hallyboo Y/N the Anti-Piracy Spirit.

Everyone: Wait That's Y/N?

DarkBill: Yes. This one here was ones a young kid that loves Mario Party games including the DS version. But one day he then saw so many people Steeling the DS games for fun and that leads the young boy to his death and that he hunts down the bad people for Steeling Nintendo related games and trapped there souls in the games for there crimes.

Lilith: So he's like the executioner type revengeful spirit then?

DarkBill: Yep.

D.J. Y/N: Oh, Piracy, it's a crime!
It's no party!
Now you'll do your time!

BF: ~~Beeps and Bops~~

D.J. Y/N: Grab your stylus, do-si-do
In the blood, you shall soon atone
You played with fire,
Neared the sun
For stolen fun
Burn your wings
And hear you sing
Amidst suffering!

BF: ~~Baps and Bops~~

D.J. Y/N: Chaos is order
Fear is the law
You stole this software
For a quick guffaw

BF: ~Beeps~

D.J. Y/N: Going up and down
On the Cherry-Go-Round

BF: ~~Bops and Baps~~

D.J. Y/N: Bold to assume
You won't be found!
BF: ~~Beeps and Boops~~

BF: ~~Regretfully Beeps and Bops~~

N: Oh poor kid...

Asia: I believe he is sorry of what he has done to pirate this game now.

Sarah: Oh I don't believe this Y/N doesn't care of what the players say~

--Screen turns black--
And it's back!!!

BF: ~Beeps~

D.J. Y/N: Naughty kids like you
Who love to steal!
Pull the curtain back, attack,
You'll be the shy guy's meal!
Feel the crushing guilt!

*4 Walls breaking behind the TV with Y/N Holding the Screen*

Everyone: WTF!!!

Y/N's Hat: Still here, haven't learned your lesson?
You will see
Just how Nintendo deals with piracy!
Your fate is tagged with the pirate flag
Because you're nothing but a scurvy scalawag!
Thought you could do what you want
Because a pirate is free?
Well, Now you're trapped in a rap
With anti-piracy!
You better put your sins before your heart
Because this is where your sentence starts!

D.J. Y/N: Trapped within a world Of trepidation
Clapped in irons, You face incarceration
Didn't pay a single cent,
It's time to play the consequence!
Now I'm upset,
So pick up that pen, 'cause...

BF: ~~the final Beeps and baps~~
Shy Guys: PIRACY

Chazz: Gah! Can this guys stop appearing out of nowhere please!

D.J. Y/N: Is no party!

Shy Guys: PIRACY

Uzi: Okay where's my sick-as-hell rail gun!

D.J. Y/N: Is no party!

Shy Guys: PIRACY

Megatron: Grrr these thing are Started to get on my nerves!

D.J. Y/N: Is no Party!

Shy Guys: PIRACY

Uzi: I got you! You ugly red beings!!!

*she shots her Rail gun at the Shy Guys leaving an explosion*

D.J. Y/N: Is no party!
Let the show begin!



DarkBill: Ugh... Okay... Uzi next time... I'm taking that gun off you after this chapter is done.

Uzi: :(

D.J. Y/N: Wow that was great! But now... I'm here to find a criminal that is around this room?

DarkBill: Wait... criminal?

Rod: Oh You mean that wired look rabbit guy behind one of those empty seats?

*Everyone them turned there heads to see a purple costume rabbit*

Nabit: Eek!


*Nabit then started to run away but was then being pulled by something that soon reveals a Nintendo DS taking him inside of the little device*

D.J. Y/N: Looks like you didn't learn your lesson you little Sh--!

*And that Y/N thrown the DS in the floor breaking it into pieces and that leads him stomping the Nintendo device making it more broken*

D.J. Y/N: And that's that~ thanks to you kid.

Rod: No problem.

DarkBill: Well anyway. Now that you are here. I believe some people will like to know why are you here and why did you choose this design of this... new you?

D.J. Y/N: Well my friend... there are some questions that ate better left unanswered... now who said something about UNO?

Rias: Wait nobody said anything about UNO?

D.J. Y/N: Wait really?

DarkBill: Well we could play it since you are here. But maybe change your appearance into something more little normal.

D.J. Y/N: Sure I could do that!

*Cool Anime Transformation*

Y/N: Okay now... let's play some UNO!

Some people: YEAH!!!

*We then seen DarkBill appearing behind the curtains with a sharp smile*

DarkBill: Well that happened... anyway I hope everyone enjoyed this Special... but don't you think that was it. Because we got one more 500 Follower Special coming up and this one is gotta be good see you all later with...









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