Potters return - Completed

By graciebear2014

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Hello people
Her outfits
Her powers and what she looks like using them
Her tiltes
Her pets
Act one
Chapter one
Chapter two
Act two summer
The trial
Andromeda rescue
Act three
Chapter one
Act three
Act four
Act whatever - Final
Two - The end


61 1 0
By graciebear2014

It had been a month since the fight I was alone today. The basklis remained quiet during the month my birthday was approching
i shake my head as I head outside since I had a free period the autumn air circles around me as I walked to the targets on the course I let my magic swirl around me but not enough to seem powerful to any students who see me I let my mind relax as I ready my bow.. "hogwarts moving targets With boxes please" I whisper to the castle the targets start moving obstacles appearing with them
I ready my bow and then a hand claps on my shoulder I spun around punching and shooting before I froze
i realised the professors were out of class and I had just shot at them thankfully it missed..
"holy Merlin I'm so sorry professors I was focused on trying to get everything together for my dueling club.. Shit I was meant to tell u! damn it I'm such a idiot!" I growled
flitwick said "U are hosting a dueling club?"
"yes actually the students came to me in first year after the horrible lessons that took place they found me out here shooting some targets I was gonna talk to u about hosting next year Since I don't think the 5th years would appreciate being taught by a 2nd year.." I blush red realising I was rambling and Minnie Said "u want us to all sign?"
I nodded handing them the papers I prepared
"I may talk to some other people about this knowing my aunts and uncles would love to join." I chuckle softly my eyes showing a tinge of sadness but I hid it as they signed the papers I sighed softly
"thank u professors I will inform the students.. I wonder if Phoenix could come.." I mutter softly
"I will inform the students and u all are welcome to come I think I can manage hosting this but it'd be best for a professor or two To come.. but I beg Please do not send lockheart because I will blast his fraud ass away." Mcgongall said "I should scold u for ur lanague but we all know he's a fraud.." my eyes lit up
"That's what I can do! Mcgongall can I borrow ur office!" She nods shocked as I pull them along fast as we reach the office I enter fast and quickly say "Amelia Bones Auror office!" Throwing the floo powder in to make a fire call I pop my head into it "hey Amelia I'm sorry to bother u but I found him! We need u and some Aurors preferably Tonks team  over here as soon as possible" with a nod from her I exit the fireplace
"com on connect gold trio two" I spoke clearly as my friends faces appear Susan said "what's up?"
"The sky" I chuckle rolling my eyes
"we figured it out we need u all up to lock hearts office Wands too." They see my serious expression and the professors and nod at me "com disconnect." The faces fade and I wait for the aurors ignoring the questions from my professors. The aurors floo in and I sigh in relief
"now we got problems.." I muttered angrily
"Shall we go?"
amelia spoke "u are sure about this? Surely he wouldn't attack with the school guarded?" I roll my eyes "the wards are weak. The headmaster knows this but does nothing. To be honest I'm not here to talk about him I need this guy gone." Amelia hesitated
"now we got bad blood.." I mutter again
"let's go quick.." I say knowing he would try n escape I bolt forward the aurors and professors follow me
I hear my com connecting to Neville and he spoke "We need backup!" I pale
"on my way!" I whistle sharply
I run again singing "we are certain to fall.. we are running.. pointing to the sky. We are billions of hearts.." I sang smoothly pushing past students
"what about us! What about all the times u had the answers?"
"what about us? What about the happy ever afters? What about all the plans that ended in disaster"
i backflip over a crowd "What about trust.. we are problems.. that want to be solved." I pull my wand out
"children need to be loved.."
"Villians That came when u called.."
"U sold us. what about us? What about the times u had the answer? What about the broken ever afters?"
"as we stop infront of the office I enter slamming the door open  I see the girls tied Neville stuck
I felt my magic flare..
"no regrets.. we taken different paths.." mind- Come on don't let me down
"When u on ur knees I will call for u.. and if I was dying on my knees u would be the one to rescue me.."
i point my wand at Lockheart
"I got u brother," I whisper sadly
"yeah we don't share the blood"
a voice whispered out "we living different life's.."
I cheered mentally
"KNIGHTS ATTACK" I gave the order smoothly my mind in battle mode. The knights.. my best friends stand beside me
"u are out numbered. Surrender and u will live another day."
lance said "good to see u eve"
"u too lance." I say keeping my wand
the professors point their wand at lockheart
he says "I will never surrender!"
"Knights left professors right. Aurors with knights."
lancelot said "just like old times huh?"
"yes lance I missed yall too"
"expelliamus! BOMBARDA!" I fire wandlessly easily knocking the Professor out I untie Neville and the girls
"Goddam. Are u guys ok? He didn't try anything did he?"
gwaine said "hey Merlyn! U have any Beer?"
"gwaine I'm 12 years old.." he raises a brow I sighed
I pass the beer to him and I smile at him
"god it's good to have u guys back... knights dismissed.." I whisper to lance "meet at the bar? It's still open ofc I can't drink but I can shift" he nods discreetly at me before saluting and he spoke clear "knights move out!" The knights hug me before leaving
nevile said "did he just call u merlyn or am I dreaming?"
"shit. sorry guys.." I whisper softly and sigh "oblivate" I remove the memories of the knights I didn't want anyone to know.. I knew snape had mind barriers and would probably come to talk to me
i send the Aurors away gently and then I head to the great hall since it was now dinner time
i locked my mind away as I enter the great hall my phone rang
i answer and a voice said shakily "I took him back"
"The devil doesn't bargain! It's useless. Don't try this. U knew this. It's abusive. He lied! Like before I can see u sure u can change him but I know u won't!"
"he will only break ur heart again! No the devil doesn't bargain. I'm not one to lecture talk one down. But I want what's best. I know u don't want to let go. I know u can't change him! The devil doesn't bargain. It isn't worth it darl I don't mean to meddle but the devil doesn't bargain. No no. The devil doesn't bargain. I know u think he would change. But I knew He wouldn't! The devil doesn't bargain! It isn't worth it mom! He will only break ur heart again. The devil doesn't bargain." I snap at her
"I'm calling Andy to get u away from him. no mom I'm not letting u enter that again! Yes I know I'm at school But I will fucking fly over to new York if I have to!" I snarled
"than' u. Still calling Andy tho. Haha yes love u too mama"
I hang up and call Andy "Andy get ur ass to my mother she took Gabe back!" With Andy cursing I hang up
I hesitated seeing the glances of the students
i sigh then froze as I hear hissing..
I rolled my eyes "excuse me I need to go fight a 69 foot snake." Draco snaps out of it and said "A SNAKE. WHAT"
"dray it's a bloody basklisti!" He paled and said "U ARENT GOING ARE U CRAZY?"
"hunny I'm a potter it's in my blood!" I called as I magically changed my outfit to battle robes
i pull my sword out and play with it flipping it up and then catching it.. Susan Hannah Neville stood up and said in unison "we are coming with u."
"no I can't ask that of u.." they glare at me and I chuckle
"damn.. alright"
snape flitwick sprout and Minnie stood up and say "we are too."
a voice said "I sure hope u haven't forgotten about us my darlin" I froze
"hun?" I asked him as the shadow reveals him
"oh my god I missed u so much" I hug him
he says "we missed u too. U ready?"
"yeah it's just like old times yeah? Fighting for our life to protect the school.." he rolls his eyes
"alright let's go."
ron said "why are u all going? Why can't me and Evangeline go?" I roll my eyes "they coming with me because they are my friends-" as he goes to intrupt "no U stay quiet u lion. I put up with u because ur brothers and sisters are my allies. But I am not a friend of urs. U will address me as potter miss potter Or u will regret it! Now excuse me well I go protect this dumb school again!"
I walked calmly away and the professors and my friends follow Dumbledore seemingly staying quiet
as we get there I push my friends away "I'm prepared to sacrifice my life I'd gladly do it twice." I say wandlessly casting a Freezing spell on them all as I enter the chamber
i hissed "lights." The lights flash and I frown at the state of the chamber "Salazar slytherin great of the founders of hogwarts. Speak to me" I hissed and I see ivy come out the large snake hisses "good evening mistress"
"hello ivy do u wish for me to clean this place up for u?" She nods at me and she slithers back as I wandlessly cast cleaning charms I clean the books up and make her a den then add a large lake since they were mainly water snakes
"there u go all better" I hissed at her and she hissed back "Thank u so much mistress! U are a true heir of Salazar."
I pat the snake looking at her without being petrified since I was a heir I wouldn't be petified
"thank u young one now I must be going the charms will be wearing off" I chuckle weakly
she nods and says "come visit soon mistress!"
"will do" I called back and I exit the chamber I close the door and then see the professors glaring at me
I raise a brow "I'm alive ARENT I?" I snapped at them
I shake my head mind- I need to relax."
"no one bother me. The twins know where to find me."

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