36 hours

By DaviiLikesYou

342 10 2

36 hours is about Kier and Dev accidentally getting themselves into trouble. The two brothers finds themselve... More

Before we start!
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 2

41 1 0
By DaviiLikesYou

Hi! :D

Warning!: swearing, angst, violence, abuse, lack of consent


They were walking full speed towards the building while both thinking about running away. But both brothers knew that Yello and Baablu were watching them.

Now and then they saw a glimpse of the shadows of them.

Kier and Dev stopped in front of a door in an alley. They had seen Baablu point to the entrance. Now they stood there still hesitating. What was behind the door? Should they make a run for it?

Dev slowly pushed the door open. The room was dark. Kier walked in with Dev following behind.

Their heartbeats were fast not knowing what was to come. A wrong move could kill them. They were sure about it.

Lights turned on brightening the room. The room was bigger than they first thought.

Their eyes gazed at the room fast. There wasn't much. They only found pillars holding the ceiling and a door on the opposite side of the room.

A man in a suit. Not Yello but someone else... The man stood in front of the door far away.

Kier heard a low 'click' sound and looked to one side. A figure sat on its knees with a rifle pointing his way. The person had only loaded the gun, Kier tried to calm himself. I might just be Baablu or Yello, he thought. But why point the rifle at them then?

"Come here," the man in the suit said. His voice was powerful and almost demanded them to come. They hurried. Dev hadn't seen the rifle guy yet.

As they came closer the man started walking their way. Kier and Dev stopped a few steps from the man but the man in the suit kept going. He first stopped when he was right in front of them.

"Just gotta make sure you don't have anything on ya," the man said, placing his hands on Kier's hips. Kier tensed at the sudden touch.

The man looked and felt for weapons but didn't find any. He searched Kier all around and did the same to Dev right after.

"Quite sensitive, agent...B44B1U?" The man looked Kier in the eyes. Kier didn't respond as he was too afraid to say something wrong. "I've heard different of you. You should not care a bit." Kier scoffed trying to seem like he didn't care.

"Whatever," Kier looked bored. "Get moving." The man smiled and turned. He led them to the door and opened it for them.

They were met with more visible guards. Rifles, guns, knives. Almost every person had at least two of those weapons. There were about a dozen both men and women. They seemed like they were all scattered around. In the center stood two men. It looked as if they were waiting for them.

"Greetings," one of the men, waiting for them, said. He nodded and gave Kier and Dev a small bow. The brothers did the same not knowing what else to do.

Their hearts sped up. How in the world did they really end up here!? Surrounded by dangerous people.

"Follow us," the man said politely, turning to walk. Kier and Dev hadn't even stopped walking when told to keep going. The man that had led them here hurried up to the two men and whispered something in the man who had spoken's ear.

The polite man nodded and led the brothers to another room. They had walked through doors and hallways. Kier and Dev could barely keep track of how to get out. The man who had checked them left. The other man who hadn't spoken yet kept following.

"We couldn't help but notice that you both seem hungry," the man said, opening a final door leading them to a table. Plates, food, and all the other things you needed were there. Kier and Dev hadn't even noticed their stomachs grumbling because of the tension of not getting caught. "Names? And, oh, please sit." The man seemed friendly, and the two brothers sat beside one another.

"I'm," he was just about to say Dev but stopped himself. "W001."

"Ah, yes. Mr. Yello," the man said, smiling. "Good to see you again." See me again? Dev thought. But I'm not even Yello? Dev was confused. Wha- "Then you must be Mr. Baablu, then?" He looked at Kier. He smiled again. That smile seemed more and more creepy to Kier and Dev.

"Yes, Sir..." Kier tried to show that he didn't know what to call the man. The man didn't take the hint but didn't matter as he said:

"As you both know... I am Boosfer also once known as agent 8005," the man said. Boosfer placed himself in front of them. The other man sat beside Boosfer at first. He then moved to Kier. Then to Dev. He was just all around and nowhere at the same time. They barely noticed him. That was until he sat beside Kier and grabbed his thigh. He tried to shake him off.

"Please, Sir," Kier whispered to him trying to shove him away. He walked away, making Kier breathe out. He saw him sit next to Dev again. Dev must not have seen his hand coming when he out of nowhere kicked the table with his knee. Dev tensed at the pain and looked irritated at the quiet male.

"Is everything okay, Sir?" Boosfer said, looking at Dev. Kier saw Boosfer hide a grin. He knows! This is set up! Kier thought irritated at first but then tried not to grin at it himself.

"Yeah, yeah!" Dev breathed out. You could see him struggle as the man wouldn't let him be. His hand moved up his thigh.

Boosfer gave them some vegetables, meat, and a sauce. They soon hovered over it.

Now and then Dev gave out some small irritated, annoyed, and disturbed grunts at the male. Dev was just trying to enjoy his meal.

"Now let's get to it, shall we?" Boosfer said, looking at the two men eating. Boosfer didn't take any food.

"YeAh," Dev said with a smile but was deeply disturbed by the male. He was almost in Dev's pants by now.

"We all know what it's about," Boosfer said. The brothers wanted to look at each other to see if the other knew what it was about. Both only nodded. "We're talking 30 million." Their mouths almost dropped to the ground. That's two times more than the highest amount they were allowed to go with!

"Nah, 10," Kier said, looking the man in the eyes.



"20 million, not further."

"13 million," Kier said. Boosfer narrowed his eyes.



"No, 18 million, I can't go further."

"15 million, Mr. Boosfer." Kier had his eyes locked with Boosfer's. "We won't go further up."


"No." Kier saw and heard Dev shove the man's hand off of him. Boosfer followed his eyes.

"15 million and two hours," Boosfer said with a confident smile. Two hours? What does he mean by that? The point is: that they got it to 15 million.

"14 and five hours," Kier said, not knowing what they were dealing with. "10 million and 12 hours." Kier crossed his arms.

He could see Boosfer nearly laugh.

"That's a deal!" Boosfer said. They shook hands. "The hours start at 7 pm after you have eaten."

"Dude! Please, get the fuck away from me!" Dev shouted standing up. Boosfer and Kier looked surprised at Dev. Dev realized what he had done and sat down again. He apologized quietly. The man smiled and walked around the table.

"His name is Fanst," Boosfer said calmly. Dev didn't give a shit. Dev had his eyes on Fanst as he walked away. "Don't mind him. It's just his way of saying 'Hi, you look easy'. Dev didn't even know how to feel or say to that.

Fanst was about to sit next to Boosfer when Boosfer waved him away. He ended up walking out of the room.

Boosfer signaled to Kier and Dev to keep eating. They sat in awkward silence as Boosfer just sat, watching them.

Is this them, Boosfer thought. They're pathetic in real life. Papers do really lie, huh? Both are too sensitive to others touching them. They don't seem focused either. They seem to trust me more than they should. I could have poisoned the food and water. They look... confused.

The brothers were not sure how to act. They didn't feel fit to eat right. Boosfer looked like someone who would eat more... fine? admirable? respectable?

Boosfer wore a black suit with a green tie. Both brothers had to admit that Boosfer was probably very popular with the women. Boosfer looked hella fine.

Kier and Dev ended up not eating as much as they were used to. They lost their appetite the way Boosfer looked at them.

"Gentlemen," Boosfer said, and they looked up. "Are you sure you know what 'hours' here mean?" If it's them they should know, Boosfer thought. Kier and Dev nodded without knowing.

They only nodded, Boosfer thought. They don't just nod according to the papers... Are they finished eating? They must be...

"What would you say to give the money now?" Boosfer said. "I know it's originally in two days but..."

"I think we'll stick to the plan, Sir," Dev said. 'Think'? Boosfer thought. Agents don't just 'think' they know! "We'll leave them outside or something." 'or something'? These are not Yello and Baablu, are they? These are not worth all those millions. I can make better use of that money!

Boosfer narrowed his eyes at them. He signaled them to follow him. Let's see what they are made of, Boosfer sinisterly thought as he smiled politely at them. He looked at the clock to see it was 7 pm. Perfect timing.

Kier and Dev followed Boosfer to a door in the corner of the room. The fine man grabbed some keys from his pocket and unlocked the door.

A staircase that led down was revealed. The man switched the light on, and the dull stairs became visible.

"After you," Boosfer said. Kier's gut told him to run. Whatever was down there... his gut told him to stay away from it. There was a smell in the air that made him doubt.

Dev started walking and without noticing Dev grabbed Kier's wrist and brought him with him. Boosfer walked with them.

They heard Boosfer lock the door behind them. Their hearts dropped at the sound. They couldn't get out.

There might be another way out, Dev thought but was soon smacked with reality as he saw the room they walked into. There was no other way out. Not even a place where air could escape. The room smelled awful. It was moist and a hint of blood was stuck in the air. It smelled as if someone had died here.

"What the fuck is this?" Dev said, turning to Boosfer. "Get us the fuck out of here or we're gonna-"

"Yeah, what are you gonna do?" Boosfer smirked while playing with his keys. "If you really are the so-called Baablu and Yello it would be no problem for you to escape... Come at me."

The brothers looked at one another. Were they going to fight this guy? "Bring me to the floor or trap me with the knife," Boosfer said as he tossed a knife to them. Kier picked the knife slowly up. "Come at me," Boosfer echoed. Should they tell Boosfer the truth? No, if they did, they would probably die. But he will find out no matter what, they thought. They couldn't fight. They had no idea how to!

"Baablu," Boosfer said and Kier looked up. He does react to the name, Boosfer thought. They locked eyes. Try and kill me, Boosfer thought.

"This is a trap," Kier said and tossed the knife back to Boosfer. "This is one of your sick tricks." Boosfer couldn't help but smile. "Let's get on with what we're here for." Kier only guessed. It was a shot in the fog. He could only guess what to say, and where to shoot.

"You are absolutely right, Mr. Baablu," Boosfer said. "But that won't save you."

"What-" Kier and Dev said in sync before Boosfer quickly reached Kier with a fist in the stomach.

Kier bent over covering himself. Dev struck and would have hit Boosfer if the man hadn't blocked it. Dev got a clenched fist right in his ribcage. Dev fell to his knees trying to cover a hit against his head.

"You are not them. Where are they?" Boosfer yelled as the two men didn't fight back. They would have... according to the papers, they should be great fighters!

The door slammed open.

"That's right! I'm right here!" Yello yelled as he had just kicked in the door. "I am agent YelloW001 and my man down there is agent Baablu! I was a bit late and needed someone that could pretend to be me. That guy in the blue jacket and red tie is one of our friends and not an agent. He just took my place for a short moment. I am here now! The real Yello," Yello said walking down the stairs.

Yello walked up close to Boosfer. The tension raised even more than it already had.

Boosfer did a front kick, but Yello blocked it and almost made Boosfer lose his balance.

"We are not here to fight, Sir," Yello declared.

"The hours have already started, Mr. Yello," Boosfer said. Yello looked at the two brothers. What have they done? Yello thought. They don't know what it is... shit, we should have warned them-

"But now that this fake Yello isn't actually Yello then therefore you'll take his place," Boosfer said to Yello with a frown. "But according to our policy and rules this situation means that all of you shall go through the hours," Boosfer said slowly. "The traitor always comes along." Boosfer looked at Dev.

Yello cursed under his breath. Boosfer was right and there was nothing they could do. Dozens of guards are waiting for them if they try to escape.

Please just say they got it under 15 million, Yello begged as he slowly sat on his knees.

"How many hours?" Yello asked and looked up at Boosfer while stretching his arms out.

"12 hours," Boosfer let out with a wicked smirk. He found a rope on a table next to them and soon Yello's hands were tied together.

Boosfer did the same to Kier and Dev. The brothers were confused.

"Yello, what's going on?" Dev asked for Kier and himself. Kier couldn't ask as he was still 'Baablu'. "What does 'hours' mean here?"

Boosfer brought Yello up to stand and pushed him slightly further into the room.

"One hour means one hour of torture," Yello said with a hint of sorrow. "12 hours... 12 hours of torture." Kier and Dev's hearts sank. "They can do whatever they want with you, and you have no right to say no to them."

"That's right, agent," Boosfer said and grabbed Yello's arms. A hook hung from the ceiling and soon Yello had his arms in the air. The ropes on his hands were stuck on the hook. "You miss one little detail... The hours are for only one person. Multiply the hours by the number of people and you get all your hours together." That would mean 36 hours in total, all of them thought with fear.

Yello stood in a vulnerable position. His whole body was revealed. He couldn't move or escape. He could barely stand because it was only the tip of his feet that touched the concrete floor.

Boosfer smiled as he did the same to Kier. Boosfer then reached for Dev. Dev stepped back to dodge but it was for nothing as Boosfer quickly grabbed him.

"You just earned the right to be first," Boosfer said and slammed Dev down on the cold concrete.

"No, let him go!" Kier couldn't shut his mouth. His voice sounded angry but when he realized who had the advantage here Kier whimpered. Boosfer straightened himself and punched Kier in the stomach.

"You'll be the second," Boosfer said with a smirk to Kier. "Don't worry it won't take long." He turned to Dev. Dev had tried to sit but found the pain too much to get fully up. "Pathetic," Boosfer said as he kicked Dev hard in the side. Dev fell to the side and groaned.

"Fuck that hurt," Dev mumbled, face in the cold concrete.

Boosfer grabbed him by the neck and lifted him. Boosfer then took a knife hidden in his boot and placed the blade onto Dev's skin next to his ear.

"Boosfer!" Yello begged. "He has done nothing! Let Baablu go too. Let me have 36 hours and let the other two go."

Boosfer paused as the puzzle solved itself. He then turned to Kier, letting Dev sink to the ground.

"You are not Baablu are you? You have fooled me, haven't you?" Boosfer said looking first at Kier and then the rest of them. "The plan went wrong and that's the only reason you showed up." Boosfer looked at Yello. "...You were actually willing to sacrifice them? Civilians?" Boosfer said surprised.

"That is wrong!" Yello said. "The guy beside me is Baablu. And everything is going as planned-"

"You seemed shocked when you first heard about the hours-"

"That was according to the plan!"

"You don't have to shout," Boosfer said calmly and shoved Yello's feet off of the ground which sent a strong pain through Yello's shoulders.

"Frick!" Yello whispered beneath his breath as he tried to hold himself up. Boosfer laughed saying how he now recognized him.

"Look me in the eyes and tell me that this person," Boosfer pointed at Kier. "isn't Baablu."

Boosfer's eyes tried to catch Yello's. Yello didn't answer as he knew Boosfer would know if he lied. Their eyes met.

Silence was another option when it came to communication. The body language could be hard, but Yello would say he's pretty good at showing the right posture.

His eyes told Boosfer that he wasn't playing around and that he meant what he said.

But could Baablu do the same, Boosfer thought and turned to Kier.

"Baaabluuu," Boosfer said and clapped Kier two times hard on his face. He brought the knife to Kier's throat. Boosfer's gaze was calm but in a way that scared Kier.

Fear was painted all over Kier. Boosfer could easily see it. Kier was pale and looked as if he would pass out. Sweat slowly fell down his face. Kier had no breathing, keeping himself as silent as possible.

"Mr. Baablu, are you really who you and Yello say you are?" Boosfer had Kier's gaze locked with his. His voice was awfully calm when he said: "I am going to kill your friends here and you after if you aren't."

Kier's lips were trembling when he breathed in. The same when he tried speaking.



"I am B-Baablu," Kier said, fearing the knife would slice his throat open.

"You know what, Mr. Baablu?" Boosfer said, playing with the knife on Kier's tendons. Kier wanted nothing else than that the knife wouldn't be on his throat. He wanted to be back at the restaurant and order normal food. Pizza, burger, whatever, he only wanted to turn back time. An hour or two. Please! He begged. "I don't believe you."

Kier looked at Boosfer in disbelief. He could only imagine what was going to happen now.

"Baablu! Get your thoughts together!" Yello shouted to Kier. "He's playing with you! He is not going to kill any of us. Tell him you are Baablu. Tell him!"

"I-I am Baablu!" Kier said. "I am agent B44B1U! I am sent on a mission about our future... We already have a deal! Now... go on!" Kier's voice had more and more force to it for each word he said. It almost sounded real.

Boosfer breathed annoyed out. He moved the blade under Kier's shirt where his throat was. He grabbed the fabric and cut it all the way down.

"Say that again," Boosfer said as the fabric scattered. Boosfer tore Kier's jacket and shirt off of Kier. The only thing that was maintained was the tie. Damn, Boosfer secretly thought looking at the half-naked man, he looks good. He grabbed the tie and janked Kier's head down. "Look me in the eyes and say it." Boosfer's patience was short and didn't wait for an answer until he followed an idea of his.

He let go of Kier's tie. He quickly found Dev on the ground and lifted him to his feet.

"You seem like you know each other," Boosfer said and looked at the two brothers. "From the way you shouted at me to make me stop." He looked at Kier. Kier's eyes met with Dev's.

"What's your real name?" Boosfer softly asked Dev but shook him roughly. Dev looked at Yello to ask if he could tell him. Yello nodded and Dev didn't hesitate to answer Boosfer.

"My name is Dev."

"Dev? What kind of name is that?" Boosfer said, wondering if he heard him right. Dave? David? Maybe something else? "Doesn't matter. Now... I know that your friend here..." he looked at Kier then back to Dev. "Is not Baablu even though all of you say so." He looked at Kier and Yello. "So, what is his real name, Dev?"

"Listen, Boosfer," Yello said with an angry tone. "It's Baablu!"

"Shut up!" Boosfer growled. "I know you are lying!"

"Dev, he is playing with you-argh...!" Yello started but stopped as all air had left his lunges in the impact of Boosfer's fist.

Yello wanted to bend over to cover another attack, but he couldn't. The second hit was worse than the first.

Boosfer didn't stop at only two hits, no, he kept going. Yello was slowly turning into a punching bag.

Dev was free and even though it hurt he jumped at Boosfer. He pushed him hard to a side that led Boosfer to fall. Dev grabbed a screwdriver on the table where the rope had been. Other tools for torture were there too. Some of them... hadn't he even seen before.

Dev hovered over Boosfer. He struck the screwdriver down. Boosfer was on his back and could quickly dodge it with his hands. Boosfer slapped the tool away like it was a fly.

Dev who had never fought before lost balance for a short moment. It was enough for Boosfer to take the upper hand. He planted a hand on Dev's ribs and pushed him off of him.

Boosfer quickly sneaked on top of Dev and stood like he was about to propose. He had one knee on the floor and the other in the air above Dev.

Boosfer grabbed Dev's throat with his left hand while he got ready to hit Dev in the face with the right.

Dev grabbed Boosfer's right wrist and tried to roll over. It didn't work to get away, but at least the fist rammed the ground instead of him. Boosfer groaned at the pain. The rough concrete beside Dev's face had a bit of blood from Boosfer's devastated and thin skin on his knuckles.

"Shit," both cursed under their breath. That was close, Dev thought. That hurt, Boosfer thought and tightened his grip on Dev's throat.

Boosfer placed both his thumbs on Dev. He pressed down making no air enter Dev's lunges.

"Frick this!" Yello muttered and pushed with the tip of his feet down on the concrete to make him swing. He only touched the ground to gain more momentum. When he had enough, he parted his legs swinging them over Boosfer. He barely reached him but as his feet hugged Boosfer's throat he pulled Boosfer towards him.

Yello lost his grip on his torturer but quickly gained it again. This time it was Yello's legs that held Boosfer in place.

"Dev! Get him!" Yello commanded. It would only be seconds before Boosfer was free again. Dev coughed and breathed in fast. He groaned loudly before he clenched his fists and got up.

He smacked Boosfer across his face. Yello had lost his grip again in the impact. Boosfer was on the ground feeling a bit dizzy.

Dev grabbed Boosfer's hands to hold them down. Boosfer tried kicking Dev off. It would have worked if Dev hadn't sat down with a knee in Boosfer's ribs.

Dev's body weight was just enough for Boosfer not to handle. He couldn't get away.

"Yello, what do I do!?" Dev shouted looking into Boosfer's eyes.

"Knock him out!"

"I can't!" Dev said as he felt Boosfer being a lot stronger than him. Boosfer would get away if he let go of one of his hands.

Yello started swinging again. He was gaining momentum but for what? Dev thought as they were not in Yello's reach.

When having enough speed Yello reached for a table with wheels on. He could touch it but he couldn't grab it with his feet.

Yello wanted Dev to help him reach. Dev can't get that far before being slaughtered by Boosfer, Yello thought.

He tried gaining speed again in another attempt. This time he got a hold of it. The table rolled back with him.

Dev was finally getting where Yello was going.

"Hurry!" Dev said to Yello. Boosfer had got one hand free and used it to try and pull Dev down.

"I'm trying!" Yello planted his feet on the table made of steel. He shoved all kinds of tools down from it. Tools for torture.

He carefully stood up on the table. He unhooked himself and jumped down.

"Just hold him for a bit longer, Dev," Yello said, trying to get the rope off of himself. First, he tried barehanded but quickly moved to the tools he had just pushed to the floor.

"Yello!" Dev screamed. "YELLO!" Yello looked behind him to where they lay. He found them both struggling and soon Dev was pushed off and was getting beaten up.

"Frick meeee!" Yello whispered in a higher pitch and tried violently to get the rope off.

Just as the rope fell to the ground Boosfer stood up. Boosfer didn't hesitate to attack. Boosfer kicked Yello in the face. Yello would have fallen if the table hadn't stopped it. Boosfer kicked again but this time Yello punched the kick away.

He's flexible, Yello thought as Boosfer only aimed for his upper body. To get your feet that high up is not a thing all can do.

Yello blocked multiple strikes, but Boosfer was fast and also hit several of his kicks.

As the two agents fought, Dev slowly got up. He had been gone for a few seconds. Kier looked terrified back and forth between his brother and the agents.

I can lift Kier off of the hook while the others are distracted fighting one another, Dev thought. C'mon Dev, I can do this.

He tried to ignore the pain and stepped towards his half-naked brother.

Both brothers' hearts stopped as they heard a big thud. Yello had fallen to the ground unconscious.

Words: 4378

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