Chapter 2

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Hi! :D

Warning!: swearing, angst, violence, abuse, lack of consent


They were walking full speed towards the building while both thinking about running away. But both brothers knew that Yello and Baablu were watching them.

Now and then they saw a glimpse of the shadows of them.

Kier and Dev stopped in front of a door in an alley. They had seen Baablu point to the entrance. Now they stood there still hesitating. What was behind the door? Should they make a run for it?

Dev slowly pushed the door open. The room was dark. Kier walked in with Dev following behind.

Their heartbeats were fast not knowing what was to come. A wrong move could kill them. They were sure about it.

Lights turned on brightening the room. The room was bigger than they first thought.

Their eyes gazed at the room fast. There wasn't much. They only found pillars holding the ceiling and a door on the opposite side of the room.

A man in a suit. Not Yello but someone else... The man stood in front of the door far away.

Kier heard a low 'click' sound and looked to one side. A figure sat on its knees with a rifle pointing his way. The person had only loaded the gun, Kier tried to calm himself. I might just be Baablu or Yello, he thought. But why point the rifle at them then?

"Come here," the man in the suit said. His voice was powerful and almost demanded them to come. They hurried. Dev hadn't seen the rifle guy yet.

As they came closer the man started walking their way. Kier and Dev stopped a few steps from the man but the man in the suit kept going. He first stopped when he was right in front of them.

"Just gotta make sure you don't have anything on ya," the man said, placing his hands on Kier's hips. Kier tensed at the sudden touch.

The man looked and felt for weapons but didn't find any. He searched Kier all around and did the same to Dev right after.

"Quite sensitive, agent...B44B1U?" The man looked Kier in the eyes. Kier didn't respond as he was too afraid to say something wrong. "I've heard different of you. You should not care a bit." Kier scoffed trying to seem like he didn't care.

"Whatever," Kier looked bored. "Get moving." The man smiled and turned. He led them to the door and opened it for them.

They were met with more visible guards. Rifles, guns, knives. Almost every person had at least two of those weapons. There were about a dozen both men and women. They seemed like they were all scattered around. In the center stood two men. It looked as if they were waiting for them.

"Greetings," one of the men, waiting for them, said. He nodded and gave Kier and Dev a small bow. The brothers did the same not knowing what else to do.

Their hearts sped up. How in the world did they really end up here!? Surrounded by dangerous people.

"Follow us," the man said politely, turning to walk. Kier and Dev hadn't even stopped walking when told to keep going. The man that had led them here hurried up to the two men and whispered something in the man who had spoken's ear.

The polite man nodded and led the brothers to another room. They had walked through doors and hallways. Kier and Dev could barely keep track of how to get out. The man who had checked them left. The other man who hadn't spoken yet kept following.

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