Shadow Ga Kill! (Akame ga kil...

By Matiplayerspl

57.8K 1.1K 533

Y/n L/n died and was reincarnated in the world of Akame ga kill! With the knowledge of the world and the powe... More

Episode 1: Begining of the shadow.
Episode 2: Kill the Darkness
Episode 3: Kill the Authority
Episode 4: Kill the Grudge
Episode 5: Kill the Imperial Arm Users
Episode 6: Kill the Dream.
Episode 7: Kill the Absolute Justice.
Episode 8: Kill the Three.
Episode 9: I am...
Episode 10: Kill the Battle Fanatic.
Episode 11: Kill the Temptation.
Episode 13: Kill the Newcomers.
Episode 14: Kill the Nuisances.
Episode 15: Kill the Giant Danger Beast.
Episode 16: Kill the Religious Organization
Opening part 2
Episode 17: Kill the Puppets.
Episode 18: Kill the Curse
Episode 19: Rescue mission.
Episode 20: Kill the Fate.
Episode 21: Kill the Carnage.
Episode 22: The begining of the end.
Episode 23: Highest part 1
Episode 24(final): Highest (part 2)
Side Chapter: Y/n's first atomic.

Episode 12: Kill the Mad Scientist.

1.6K 44 20
By Matiplayerspl

(3rd pov)

The scene starts in the middle of night at the base as we can see a room as bunch alcohol there and we can see Leone and Akame on bed as y/n is under them and Leone wakes up as she stands up and puts her clothes on.

Leone: Oh, yeah... We were up all night with y/n's homecoming party and we got so drunk that me and Akame drag him to his room. And after some time we passed out on the spot...

She says leaving the room as it shows y/n who has bags under his eyes.

Y/n: Note to myself NEVER let Akame drink alcohol or she'll become monster, since she was the one who suggest Leone idea to make out with me, as Leone was drunk as well.

He says as it shows image of Akame and Leone dragging y/n to his room. As in present he shivers. As then camera switches outside as Leone comes out.

Leone: I'm still sleepy.

She says as she goes towards water and washes her face but she then spots something in water as her image changes as the knive goes towards her face as the guy comes out of water.

Guy: I did it, Lord Stylish. I took one down!

He says as camera switches to Stylish as the one who hears the minion is a girl with ears like mouse.

Girl: "I'm continuing the mission," so he says, Lord Stylish.

Stylish: Excellent. You indeed have the knight's role. You flew right into the enemy territory. Now attack, Team Stylish, with passion and intensity!

(A/n opening music here or opening chapter)

Episode 12 Kill the Mad Scientist.

Stylish: The troops havs entered the base. And the show begins... I'm getting tingles down my spine.

He says as camera switches to an office as we can see Alpha, Gamma and two members there.

Member: I beg your pardon. But we have guests.

Gamma: It seems the base has been find out.

Alpha: And he send trops here. In any case, Nu. I know you're new and it's late, but treat our guests with proper-

Gamma: Lady Alpha... Please allow me to handle this.

Alpha: What?

Nu: What?

She says as it becomes quiet.

Alpha: In any case, Nu... I know you're new and it's late, but treat our guests with proper-

Gamma: Lady Alpha... Please allow me to handle this.

She says as it becomes quiet again.

Alpha: You?

Gamma: Yes, Lady Alpha. I will teach our visitors a lesson.

Alpha: Really... You two, go with her.

She says as two members were not happy about it.

As now we see her walking through base corridors.

Alpha: Well, I'm sure it will be fine. She is seventeen years old, after all.

Nu: What?

Alpha: What?

Alpha/Nu: What?

They say as camera switches to Lubbock as he is running through corridors with his strings out.

Lubbock: Damn it... All of the sudden, there are a lot of enemies! And so close---

He says as explosion rung as across him someone lands.

Lubbock: They're inside...

Troop: Enemy. Kill.

He says trying to slash Lubbock but he dodges as the strings wrap around troop and his head is twisted.

Lubbock: Crap, I have to meet up with the others.

But then the troop head twists more as he looks at Lubbock as he then tries to slash him. As camera switches to Stylish.

Girl: One down.

Stylish: My enhanced soliders are rugged and durable. You can't treat them like normal humans.

Just then girl reacts as she hears something.

Stylish: What's the matter?

Girl: They seem to be durable, as well.

She says as camera switches to Lubbock as he has his strings as his armor around his chest.

Lubbock: Here's another way to use strings. And...

He says as the solider rushes at Lubbock he creates spear from the strings.

Lubbock: Tie them together, and see what you can do!

He says as he throws the spear and impales the solider killing him.

Solider: What ingenuity...

Lubbock: I'm a book-lender. There's a ton of info on using strings in the shop's manga selection.

Just then another explosion happen behind Lubbock.

Lubbock: Here they come...

He says but this time it's not one but many of them.

Lubbock: again... M-My apologies... I don't deal well with groups...

He says as he runs away from them.

Lubbock: They're fast!

Just then Akame with Sheele and Bulat jumps across solider.

Akame: Get behind us.

Lubbock: Akame! Bulat! Sheele!

He says as the solider get closer they slash through them all leaving nothing but blood.

Lubbock: I'd expect no less.

Just then someone appears.

Lubbock: A new one!

Guy: My compliments, though we are enemies.

Akame: He's strong.

Toby: My name is Toby. I request a duel with Akame!

He says as he rush at her but then the sound of footsteps rung as he stops and sees Gamma there.

Gamma: Welcome to our base. I am Gamma. And i'm here to welcome you.

Toby: Welcome me, we'll see about that.

he says rushing at Gamma as he appears behind her.

Toby: If you don't want to die, then be a good girl and say goodnight!

He says as he attacks her but.

Gamma: That hurts!

Toby: Y-you... Huh?

He says as gamma backs away from him.

Gamma: Ugh! In these situations, you start with a powerful frontal attack and then just play it by ear! Don't you know that?

Toby: Huh?

Gamma: This is the trouble with intruders!

She says as a slime sword appears in her hand.

Toby: That black Imperial Arms... It can't be!

He thinks as gamma rushes at him but he dodges it.

Toby: She's fast! But...

Gamma: Take that and that and that and that and that!

Toby: That's all she is. She's fast, but she's a total amateur!

He thinks as then her sword start glowing blue.

Gamma: And that! That footwork, you're using blades as they're your imperial Arms and inside your body you have more weapons, aren't you?

Toby: What? In just a few seconds she find out about my trump card?

Gamma: Now that I know that, I can easily counter it!

She says as she starts attacking again.

Gamma: Take that and that and that!

Toby: She should be able to predict my every move now, but her approach is still exactly the same! She is an amateur!

He thinks as he dodges the attacks and rushes at Gamma as he attacks her with blade but.

Gamma: That hurts!

The result was the the same as previous one except now the blade was destroyed as Toby backs away.

Toby: I was absolutely sure that was a direct hit! So why? What in the blue blazes is going on?!

Gamma: You are a skilled warrior to land a hit on me! Very well. I grant you the honor of facing my full fury for that!

She says as she slashes with the energy that explodes as Toby backs.

Toby: Damn it. What is with all that excessive energy?! And that battle cry!

Gamma: Hear what my great lord and master thought me.

She says as camera switches to past as we can see younger y/n sitting on a box.

Y/n: Yeah, lemme think... For you, Gamma your stats are ridiculously high, so to starts with...

He says as camera switches back to present as Gamma rushes at Toby.

Gamma: "Jam a lot of magical energy into it and hack away!"

She says trying to slash him but he dodges.

Gamma: "And when you slash, make sure to look intimidating!" Take that and-

But she didn't saw rumble as she trips.

Gamma: Gah!

And misses him and creates a giant hole in the wall as Lubbock, Akame, Sheele and Bulat facepalm camera switches to Alpha.

As camera then switches back.

Toby: Huh?

Gamma: Well played, my good sir. Acting as though you were only evading my attack while using the lay of the land to set a clever trap. I'd expect nothing less of imperial Arms user.

Toby: Your nose is bleeding. Uh, anyway, I don't want anything more to do with this woman- I mean! Apparently, this woman is too much for me to handle. Then i shall be tactical retreat!

Gamma: Don't worry, from now on, I will show you my full strength!

She says lighting the sword again.

Toby: Please make it stop...

He thinks as he sees the hole and tries to run away.

Toby: Damn it all!

Gamma: You won't get away from me! Taaake tha-- Gah!

As explosion rungs camera switches again to Alpha.

As it switches back and Night Raid members are shocked about how Gamma fights.

Gamma: That was my secret techinique: the Self Sacrifice Spinning Wheel.

Akame/Bulat/Lubbock/Sheele: Your nose is bleeding.

As they say that camera switches outside as we can see Tatsumi in armor as he lands across few soliders as he punches all of them killing them as someone approaches him.

Kakusan: There you are. Hey, armored guy... Seems you're up against me, Kakusan.

He says as he pulls out a flute as Tatsumi's eyes widen.

Tatsumi: That Imperial Arms.

Kakusan: Like it? It's Imperial Arms: Scream. It's my happy little Imperial Arms.

He says as he starts playing but Tatsumi just rushes at him with sword as he tries to slash him. Kakusan blocks his sword with his arm as he becomes bigger by playing on flute as he then punches Tatsumi and send him flying.

Kakusan: So much for your siff armor. Poor thing. This Imperial Arms buffs me so much that armor means nothing to me!

He says as camera switches to Stylish.

Girl: As predicted, he's effective against Incursio.

Stylish: With Kakusan is just as planned. It's all about finding a good match.

Girl: But we've lost quite a few foot soliders and Toby. There's too much noise to hear well, but the damage seems serious.

Stylish: What a tragic loss... Not. I have plenty of soliders. They're all pathetic criminals who thought they'd made a contract with me for lighter punishment. They're really lab rats until the day they die.

He says as camera switches back to Tatsumi fight as he rushes at Kakusan. As Kakusan sends him flying again.

Kakusan: You want to die that much? I'll rip you apart.

Mine: You seen to be struggling.

She says as she is behind Kakusan.

Kakusan: Huh?

Mine: Sloppy, as always.

Tatsumi: Mine...

Kakusan: Those wimps couldn't even buy time. Now one of them's managed to regroup.

Mine: Let's get this over with. Just seeing you pisses me off.

Kakusan: Get this over with? Think before you speak... Your base was found, you've been infiltrated, and now you're under a frontal assault.

Mine: Exactly my point.

Kakusan: Enough big talk!

He says as he rushes at Mine as she aims at him.

Kakusan: Fool, my modified body even stopped incursio. I can take a gun head-on.

He thinks as Mine preaperes shoot and fires a really powerful one.

Kakusan: Hold it!

He thinks as his body disegrated.

Mine: I'm better when I'm in a pinch. You underestimate me.

She says as camera switches back to Stylish.

Girl: Kakusan is down. We've also lost a lot of foot soliders.

Stylish: Oh, dear. I misscalculated. Well, in that case...

Just then the girl hear something.

Girl: Something is coming from the sky!

Stylish: Eh?

He says as behind them in sky a giant manta danger Beast flyes towards base.

Stylish: A Danger Beast, air manta!

Guy: There's someone on top. Th-That's... Ex-General Najenda! There appear to be two more!

Stylish: How stylish! They tamed a Danger Beast, and they're riding it. This isn't the time to get excited!

He says as camera switches to Najenda.

Najenda: Headquarters' divination Imperial Arms is impressive as always. III fortune from our base's direction. Spot on. Good thing I came back right away. Time to unveil the new members.

She says as camera switches back to Stylish.

Stylish: You caught me off-guard, but this is convenient. I'll make all of you my test subjects with my secret weapons!

He says as camera switches to Mine and Tatsumi as they're looking at the beast.

Tatsumi: What is that? A new enemy?

Mine: Hold on.

She says as she looks through the scope and sees Najenda with two new recruits.

Mine: it's the boss! We have backup!

Tatsumi: Nice timing! And no fair!

Mine: Why?

Tatsumi: She gets to show up on that badass thing... I want one, too!

Mine: Huh? I've been thinking this for a while but your taste is messed-up.

She says but they don't know that the guy who attacked leone is hidding in the bushes.

Guy: Pretty, pretty girl...

He says pulling out knive as he rushes at her from behind.

Guy: You're wide open behind!

He tries to kill Mine but he is kicked in face by Leone who is transformed.

Leone: Now you've done it! You threw a knife at me out of nowhere. I was knocked out for a while!

She says as she pickes him up and starts chocking him.

Guy: I can't breathe... Help.

Leone: I like suprise attacks, but I dislike being attacked by suprise. Looks lime you've been strengthened. Don't go thinking that means you can die easily.

She says as meawhile Tatsumi and Mine are sweardroping. As camera switches back and rhe guy smiles as he pulls out a blade in his shoe as he tries to stab Leone in face but she catches the blade with her teeths.

Guy: Th-This little... That's what she did last time...?

He says as angered Leone shoves him into the ground killing him.

Leone: That suprise attack got me good... Oh, crap, I took him out in a single blow.

Tatsumi: S-Sis... Are you okay?

Leone: I got caught off-guard earlier, but when I'm transformed, I can heal faster. This is nothing.

She says as the rest joins them.

Bulat: Is everyone all right?

Tatsumi: Yeah.

Sheele: Everyone's here now.

Just then more of soliders appears as they surround them.

Tatsumi: There's still more?

Lubbock: But this is the last of the ones setting off the strings.

Leone: I don't smell anyone else nearby, either.

Tatsumi: Okay, now that we're all here, let's finish them off!

Just then everyone except for Tatsumi falls to the ground.

Tatsumi: Akame? What's wrong, guys?

Mine: M-My body... Won't move.

Tatsumi: This is like that time on the ship. Hypnosis?

Bulat: No, this is poison...

He says as camera switches to Stylish as he is on cliff.

Guy: Effective on everyone except Incursio, Lord Stylish.

Stylish: Hehehe. Secret Weapon #1: my stylishly prepared paralyzing poison.

Nose guy: Doesn't that mean our allies are in trouble, too?

Girl: They've been given an antidote.

Nose guy: Seriously? Amazing, Lord Stylish! Wow!

Stylish: I didn't want to use a new drug on such good test subjects... The drugs are also precious. They took forever to make. But what could I do? Our men were getting destroyed!

Guy: Amazing, Lord Stylish.

Girl: So kind.

Nose guy: And it's unscented, so it's kind to me, too!

He says as camera switches back to Night Raid as they can barely stand but just then.

Y/n: Well done, my best allies.

he says as the sound of cutting flesh was heard as night raid looks arround they see that on the trees are Shadow garden members as y/n puts his sword up.

Y/n: We are Shadow Garden.

Shadow Garden: We lurk in the shadows. We hunt the shadows.

With the signal shadow Garden members attack as they kill the soliders easily. As camera switches to Stylish.

Stylish: What the hell is going on. Who steps dares to kill my soliders.

He says as camera switches back as the battle is almost over as another group of soliders rushes someone lands and between the soliders.

Leone: He's on our side, right?

Najeda: Now, Help Shadow Garden eliminate those enemies before you, Susanoo.

Susanoo: Understood.

He says as blades come out of his weapon as they also starts spinning as he rushes at soliders he drills through them. As behind him one was about to attack him but he is slashed by y/n as both Susanoo and y/n nod to each other. As a few soliders jump towards them as Susanoo slashes in one way while y/n in other as they kill every solider.

Tatsumi: D-Damn...

As then camera switches to Stylish.

Guy: There's a new one who is also decimating our men!

Girl: Impossible... The poison should work on all living things.

Stylish: It might be an imperial Arms we don't know about yet. Same with those in black. Well, we won't need any more test subjects.

He says as he pushes the button as every solider blows up.

Stylish: My custom-made human bombs! That settles that!

He says as camera switches back to the field as it turns out no one from Shadow Garden is injured and Susanoo who has no arm and a hole in stomach just regenerates it.

Mine: it's... No way.

Guy: That assistant... An organism-based Imperial Arms! A human Imperial Arms!

Just then Susanoo spots Mine as he walks towards her.

(Stop music)

Mine: Wha-What do you want?

She says as Susanoo just fixes her hair.

Susanoo: There.

Mine: What?

As then camera switches to Najenda.

Najenda: A good place to observe Akame in that position, and upwind of the poison's dispersal. If there's someone coordinating this, they must be somewhere around there.

She thinks as she pulls out binoculars and she then spots Stylish.

Najenda: Bingo. Susanoo, enemies on the Southeast ledge. Don't let them escape!

Susanoo: Understood.

Y/n: You won't mind if i go with you?

Susanoo: Sure.

He says as camera switches to Stylish.

Girl: We've been found out!

Stylish: It can't be helped. Let's be safe and get out of here!

He says as he starts running.

Stylish: The poison doesn't work on organism types! I must destroy the core, or deal with the handler.

He thinks but he and his group lose balance because manta flyed above them creating a strong wind.

Stylish: He won't just let us go, will he?

As then from manta both y/n and Susanoo lands in their way.

Guy: Fear not, Lord Stylish.

Nose guy: In Shogi, we'd be the gold and silver pieces. We will protect you.

Stylish: No way. You don't stand a chance. You're just scouts. You can't defeat them. In that case, I'll have to do this!

He says as he pulls something out and injects it.

Stylish: Secret Weapon #2: danger type! It's the only choice!

Guy: Lord... Stylish?

He says as Stylish tranforms into danger beast.

Stylish: Here it comes! This is the ultimate in stylishness! I become a danger Beast myself, and destroy all of you!

Nose guy: Beautiful...

Guy: You're amazing, Lord Stylish.

They say but then Stylish grabs both of them.

Stylish: You are my precious nourishment!

He say as from his stomach a giant mouth appears.

Stylish: Let's become one!

He says eating them as camera shows girl with Giant ears as she doesn't want to die she tries to run away. But Stylish grabs her and as she was about to be eaten.

As the hand is cut the girl falls to the ground as she then looks at y/n who from fingers strings come out.

Y/n: Susanoo take the girl. By the look on her face she doesn't want to stay here, but don't kill her.

Susanoo: Understood.

He says as he picks the girl leaving y/n and Stylish as he heals the giants arm and finishes tranfomation.

Stylish: I'm not big enough. I'm not close enough to the ultimate Imperial Arms... To go higher, I have to get even bigger! For that, I will have you, too!

He says as he tries to hit y/n but he Dodges it and flyes around him.

Y/n: Come on try harder.

He says as he dodges his attack again.

Y/n: You singed my bangs. With stuff like this, you want to start by hitting hard, then just go with the flow. Didn't you learn that in school?

Stylish: Stop mocking me!

He says as then he feels that he can't move as his giant is surrounded in stings.

Stylish: What the...

Y/n: You may be big, but the skies are under my control. Savage beast, let the truth be carved into your soul!

He says as camera switches to Tatsumi.

Tatsumi: Crap, I need to go, too.

He tries to go but is stoped by Bulat.

Bulat: Don't worry, look it's already over.

He says as he looks he sees as y/n kills stylish.

As in final moments before he burns away. He has his final thoughts.

Stylish: There... There were still so many human experiments I wanted to do... Wh-Why do I have such bad luck?

He says as he burns away with giant body.

As camera shows everyone who look at battle smile as the last new member tooks off her hood and looks at y/n.

As y/n just stands looking at distance.

Y/n: Well, no more experiments for you.

He says as camera turns black.

Y/n: Next time: Kill the Newcomers.

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