Just - Theodore Nott

By romanoffstrilogys

351K 5.1K 3.8K

"He's full of shit for doing that to you." He said quietly I sighed and hugged him as we slowly moved to the... More

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200k + reads!!!!

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5.7K 99 52
By romanoffstrilogys

Aliyah's Pov:

A few weeks after, half-term exams had ended. And apparently a specific student had done a bit bad, as Professor McGonagall had told me.

"Since you are in an advanced level in History of Magic, I would like it if you tutored him. Every session will earn 10 points to your house. You will meet him every Friday in the library and reexplain the lesson taught that week, understood?" She explained

"Yes Professor", "Good, now shouldn't you be getting ready for your match against Gryffindor?" she reminded with a raised brow

"Shit!" I yelled as I ran to my locker room, "Language, Ms. Riddle!"

I quickly dressed in my Quidditch uniform, grabbed my broom and sprinted out to the pitch, finding the team already started practicing.

"You're late, Aliyah!" Yelled Marcus. "I know, I'm sorry!" I quickly joined in, flying laps around with the others, Theo catching up to me. "Big game today. You excited?"
"Nervous", he chuckled

"I actually heard from Marcus it's going to rain, so you better dress warm"
"Again? Merlin, the weather's more bipolar than Snape" I joked, which he laughed at.

"Anyways. Win or not, the entire team's going out to Hogsmeade for drinks afterwards. Care to join?" He asked with a smile. I sighed "Can't", "Why not?"
"I need to tutor some student in History of Magic because apparently he's failing, that's what McGonagall said" i rolled my eyes

"Oh? And on a Friday? Must be shit. Do you know who this student is?", "All I know is that he's a seventh year"

"Oi! Riddle, Nott! Enough blabbering, we've got a game to practice for!" Yelled out Marcus once more, we chuckled.

We stood in position, Marcus giving us a small talk before the stands filled up completely.
"Listen here, we destroyed the Ravenclaws, then we can destroy the Gryffindors" he started

"We've got to be fast, agile, strong, and no matter what, we will keep playing. Got it? If you get hurt, we deal with that after. You get tired, you can sleep when the game's over. The Gryffindors are good, but not as good as us. Let's crush them!" the continued

I stayed in front of the hoops, staring down Gryffindor's keeper, Ron Weasley.

"Hello, once again Hogwarts students, and welcome to this year's game of Slytherin versus Gryffindor. Unfortunately, this match being held during a rainy hour" Lee Jordan began, the students in the stands cheering.

As usual, Madame Hooch walked onto the field. "No nasty fighting, and we play fair today."

A whistle was heard and the bludgers were set free, along with the snitch and throwing the quaffle in the air which they all immediately attacked on.

"The quaffle's with Katie Bell, who attempts to give a pass to Angelina Johnson, but it is caught by Slytherin's Theodore Nott!" Lee exclaims

"He passes it to Blaise Zabini, who scores the first goal!", The crowd cheered. "That is ten points to Slytherin"

"The Slytherins have still got the quaffle, until Alicia Spinnet gets it back. Alicia makes a goal attempt that fails with a kick from Slytherin keeper Aliyah Riddle, just as she dodges a bludger sent from Ginny Weasley"

"Ron Weasley blocks the Quaffle in a swift movement. The Gryffindors have it and throw it at the goal, missing it and accidentally hitting Aliyah Riddle in the face!".

Marcus caught the quaffle after it fell and my nose started bleeding. It's fine, it'll have to wait until the game's over.

"Marcus Flint gets it back while seekers Terrence Higgs and Harry Potter chase for the golden snitch, only for a bludger to be sent at Potter from none other than Mattheo Riddle."

I chuckled through the pain, continuing to focus on the game as much as I could

"Time is running out, everyone. Higgs and Potter are head-to-head in catching the snitch, while Theodore Nott uses this distraction to score a strongly hit goal!" The crowd cheered, and I smiled. "Another ten points, making it 190 - 200, yet Gryffindor being ahead"

Shit, just one more point until a tie.

Just then, Ginny hit the bludger towards me, hitting me straight in the stomach. I lost control and balance, groaning in pain as I held my stomach, eyes squeezing shut.

"A bludger is once again thrown at Aliyah Riddle, who unfortunately gets hit, using this to score a goal! Ten points to Gryffindor who is now at 210!"

I groaned in pain and tried to push it aside, just as Angelina attempted at scoring again which I blocked using my head, earning me another injury.

"The quaffle is finally caught back by Blaise Zabini. He passes it for Theodore Nott to score another goal — Just as Terrence Higgs catches the snitch! The Slytherins have won!" Lee Jordan cheered as the crowd did as well.

I immediately flew back to the ground, getting on my knees and whimpering in pain as Theo and Matt immediately rushed over. "Fuck" I groaned out.

Theo helped me up, blood from my nose spreading all over my lips, neck and shirt.
"Come on, I'm taking you to the infirmary" he put an arm over my shoulder as we walked back inside.

We arrived to the infirmary, sitting down on a chair as Madame Pomfrey handed me an ice pack for my nose and another one for my stomach.

We went back to my locker room to shower, and once i finished and dressed up, I saw the hit from the bludger left a big bruise. "Must hurt really badly, yeah?" Theo winced at the sight. "Makes me feel like I want to throw up every time I move" I chuckled lightly, putting on my top and sliding on slippers instead of shoes.

"Well, I'm off. Got some tutoring to do" I hugged Theo "See you".

I arrived at the library with my things and sat down at a table by the window, waiting for the student to appear, who did after 15 minutes, only for it to be — George Weasley??

"Are you here for a tutoring session?" I asked, "Are you a tutor?" He asked back, chuckling and sitting down next to me. "The name's George Weasley, darling" he stuck his hand out to shake. "I know who you are. Twin brother who owns that one prank place" I shook his hand

"That's me" he chuckled, "Aliyah, Aliyah Riddle". He raised a brow "As in, you're Mattheo Riddle's brother, or more likely — You-Know-Who's daughter?"

"Yes, the same girl your sister hit with a bludger", he laughed "Sorry about that, she's a bit aggressive during Quidditch", "I can tell"

"You're not... evil like your father, yeah?", I laughed "Don't worry, I'm nothing like him. Just because I'm his daughter and in Slytherin house doesn't mean I'm bad."

"Well then I'm sorry she'd hit such a pretty girl like you", "Flattery is not going to distract me from the fact you need to study".

He sighed in defeat "Damn it, I thought it'd work", I giggled. "Anyways, you're failing History of Magic, yeah?" I opened my book. "Yeah, yeah" he rolled his eyes sarcastically

"Be serious now" I searched for a page "which chapter?"
"Thirteen" he replied, i tilted my head in confusion "George, we didn't learn chapter thirteen this year". "I know, that's why I said that" he whined. I chuckled, rubbing my temples.

"You do realize you actually need to study or else you fail?". The leaned back in his chair "Yeah — but c'mon! I mean, you just finished winning a Quidditch match, can't we have any fun just tonight?", "This is a study session, not a time to be playing"

He groaned "Merlin, you're no fun, are you?", I scoffed, putting my hand over my heart, pretending sarcastically to be offended "I am fun, just not while studying. You can ask my friends"

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, darling" he winked. "Anyways, we can have fun not during studying time" I giggled. "Mhm" he mocked with a grin on his face.

1346 wc
This chapter is better, it's not bad actually
Weasley friendship?? Continue reading to find out!!

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