By ArkieEmerson

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In the silent world of a reserved boy, a cheerful, famous girl shone like an unreachable star. His unspoken l... More

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By ArkieEmerson

A/N:Thank you for those people who decided to read my story,I am so thankful.I hope you don't get tired of reading my story.Anyways,Enjoy!🤗



On a beautiful morning, as the sun was just beginning to peek over the horizon, Clyde woke up. He stretched his arms, yawned, and looked out of his window. The sky was painted with hues of orange and pink, and the air was filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers. He could hear the distant chirping of the birds, a melody that always brought a smile to his face.

Just as he was soaking in the tranquility of the morning, he heard his mother, Emillia, calling out to him from downstairs. "Clyde, breakfast is ready!" she said. The aroma of freshly cooked pancakes and brewed coffee wafted up to his room, making his stomach rumble in anticipation.

He quickly got dressed and rushed downstairs, where he found his mother in the kitchen, her face glowing with warmth. "Good morning, Clyde," she greeted him, placing a plate of pancakes in front of him. He returned her greeting with a smile, his heart filled with gratitude for the simple yet beautiful life they had.

As he was enjoying his breakfast, Emillia asked him, "So, what are your plans for today, Clyde?" He thought for a moment, then replied, "I think I'll go for a walk in the park, maybe do some sketching. The morning is too beautiful to waste indoors." Emillia nodded, her eyes sparkling with pride. She knew her son cherished these moments of peace and tranquility, and she was glad he was making the most of it.

And so, Clyde spent his day just as he had planned.

(Time-7:48 in the morning)

On a serene Saturday morning, Clyde, the quiet boy from the small town in Oakville,decided to spend his day at the park. The park was his sanctuary, a place where he could enjoy the beauty of nature in silence.

The morning sun was casting a golden glow on the dew-kissed grass, and the air was filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers. Clyde sat on a bench, his sketchbook in his lap, his eyes taking in the picturesque scene before him.

As he was sketching a particularly beautiful tree, he felt a sense of peace wash over him. The chirping of the birds, the rustling of the leaves, the gentle breeze brushing against his face - everything was perfect. He was so engrossed in his sketching that he didn't notice his phone vibrating in his pocket.

Suddenly, he heard the familiar ringtone of his phone. He pulled it out and saw a message notification on the screen. His heart skipped a beat when he saw the name - it was Ivy, his crush. Ivy was a girl in his class, known for her bright smile and kind heart. Clyde had always admired her from afar, but he was too shy to express his feelings.

The message was about their school project. Ivy had written, "Hey Clyde, I hope you're enjoying your weekend. I was wondering if we could discuss our project today? Let me know when you're free.You can come here in my house anytime you want!" Clyde's heart fluttered at the thought of spending time with Ivy. He quickly typed a reply, "Hi Ivy, I'm free this afternoon.See you later"

As he sent the message, he felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. But he knew that no matter what, he would cherish this day - the beautiful morning, the peaceful park, and the unexpected message from Ivy. It was indeed a perfect Saturday morning for Clyde.


On a sunny afternoon, Clyde decided to head to Ivy's house for their project.As he walked down the familiar streets,his heart pounded with a mix of excitement and nervousness.

As he was lost in his thoughts, he didn't notice a figure coming towards him. Suddenly, he bumped into someone. He quickly stepped back, apologizing profusely. As he looked up, he saw a girl with brown hair and brown eyes. She had an emotionless face, her eyes devoid of any expression.
"Sorry, I didn't see you," Clyde said, his voice barely above a whisper. The girl simply nodded, her face still emotionless. There was something about her that intrigued Clyde. He had never seen her before, and her emotionless demeanor was a stark contrast to the lively and cheerful people he was used to seeing in his town.
After a moment of awkward silence, the girl walked away, leaving Clyde standing there, puzzled. He shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts, and continued on his way to Ivy's house.

As he walked, he couldn't help but think about the girl with the brown hair and brown eyes. He wondered who she was and why she seemed so emotionless. But he knew he had a task at hand - the project with Ivy. He decided to focus on that for now, promising himself that he would try to find out more about the mysterious girl later.

And so, Clyde continued his journey, his mind filled with thoughts of Ivy, their project, and the mysterious girl he had bumped into. It was an afternoon that he would remember for a long time.

After a walk filled with anticipation and unexpected encounters, Clyde, the quiet boy, finally arrived at Ivy's house. Ivy, the popular girl in school, lived in a beautiful house surrounded by a lush garden. As he stood at the entrance, he took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart.

He rang the doorbell, and after a moment, the door opened. There stood Ivy, her bright smile lighting up her face. "Hey Clyde, come on in," she greeted him, her voice as warm as the afternoon sun. Clyde returned her greeting with a shy smile and stepped inside.

They settled down in Ivy's spacious living room, their books and notes spread out on the coffee table. As they started working on their project, Clyde couldn't help but steal glances at Ivy. He admired her intelligence and the way she explained her ideas with such clarity. He felt lucky to be working with her.

Despite his initial nervousness, Clyde found himself enjoying the afternoon. They worked well together, their ideas blending seamlessly. They took short breaks in between, during which they chatted about their interests and shared a few laughs. Ivy's easy-going nature made Clyde feel comfortable, and he found himself opening up to her.

As the afternoon turned into evening, they finally finished their project. They both looked at their work with satisfaction, proud of what they had accomplished together. "We make a good team, Clyde," Ivy said, her eyes sparkling with excitement. Clyde nodded, a smile playing on his lips. "Yes, we do," he replied, his heart filled with happiness.

That afternoon, Clyde not only got to spend time with his crush but also made a beautiful memory. He realized that Ivy was not just a popular girl but also a kind and intelligent person(Or so he thought).

After a memorable afternoon spent at Ivy's house,Clyde finally decided to head home. They had finished their project, and it was already getting dark. As he stepped outside, he was greeted by the cool evening breeze and the soft glow of the streetlights.

Clyde started his walk home, his mind filled with the events of the day. The project with Ivy, their conversations, her warm smile - everything played in his mind like a beautiful movie. He felt a sense of contentment, a feeling he hadn't experienced in a long time.

As he walked down the familiar streets, he noticed how peaceful the town was at night. The houses were bathed in the soft glow of the moonlight, and the only sounds he could hear were the occasional hooting of an owl and the rustling of the leaves. It was a stark contrast to the hustle and bustle of the day, and Clyde found it incredibly calming.

Halfway through his journey, he passed by the park where he loved to sketch. He paused for a moment, looking at the empty benches and the silent trees. He remembered the morning, how he had enjoyed the tranquility of the park, and the unexpected message from Ivy. He also remembered the mysterious girl with the brown hair and brown eyes. He wondered if he would ever see her again.

As he resumed his walk, he felt a sense of gratitude. He was grateful for the day, for the project with Ivy, and for the peaceful walk home. He realized that it was these simple moments that made life beautiful.
Finally, he reached his home. As he opened the door, he was greeted by the familiar scent of his house and the warm smile of his mother, Emillia. "Welcome back,honey"she greeted him.Clyde smiled at her, his heart filled with happiness.

As the night settled in, Clyde, the quiet boy, found himself enjoying the peacefulness that came with the darkness.

The stars twinkled in the sky, casting a gentle glow over the town. He decided to spend the evening at home, savoring a quiet dinner with his mother, Emillia.

Clyde and Emillia sat at the dining table, the aroma of a home-cooked meal filling the air. The table was adorned with their favorite dishes, prepared with love and care. They began their meal, savoring each bite and exchanging smiles.

"So, Clyde, how was your day?" Emillia asked, her eyes filled with genuine interest. Clyde took a moment to gather his thoughts before replying, "It was a good day, Mom. I went to Ivy's house to work on our project, and it turned out really well. We had a great time together."

Emillia listened attentively, her warm gaze encouraging Clyde to share more. "That's wonderful, dear. I'm glad the project went smoothly. Ivy seems like a nice girl," she replied, her voice filled with motherly affection.

Clyde nodded, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "Yes, she is. We worked well together, and I enjoyed getting to know her better. It was a memorable day."
Emillia shared details of her own day, talking about her work, the neighbors, and the small happenings in their town. Clyde listened intently, appreciating the familiar stories and the comfort of his mother's voice.

As they finished their meal, they continued their conversation, chatting about various topics. They laughed, shared anecdotes, and enjoyed each other's company. The night felt warm and cozy, a moment of connection between a quiet boy and his caring mother.

As the evening drew to a close, Clyde and Emillia cleared the table together, their actions synchronized as if they were dancing to an invisible rhythm. They exchanged a knowing look, a silent understanding of the bond they shared.

Clyde realized that even in the quiet moments, there was beauty and joy to be found. The night had brought him not only a sense of peace but also the warmth of his mother's love. And as they bid each other goodnight going to each other's perspective rooms,Clyde couldn't help but feel grateful for the simple yet meaningful moments they shared.


A/N:Did you enjoy reading?I hope so.Please give me your thoughts about my story,Thank you!🤗


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