Stealing Her Bachelor

De Wrytder

336 195 23

Stealing Her Bachelor is a male-on-male romance, drama, and slice-of-life story. Noe Carter, a 26-year-old co... Mai multe

2 | On Leave
3 | A Gentleman's Haircut
4 | Screening
5 | A Good Entrance
6 | White Blazer

1 | Reality Sets In

117 48 19
De Wrytder

The alarm's piercing ring reverberates through the darkness, shattering the tranquility of the room. I reluctantly open my heavy eyelids, greeted by the blinding glow of a bright white screen. It's another sunrise, another day filled with exhaustion and responsibilities for me.

As I rub my weary eyes, desperately seeking a few more moments of blissful slumber, I reach for my phone and hit the snooze button. The ringing ceases, and the room momentarily plunges into darkness as the screen dims.

Just as I begin to drift back into a peaceful state of rest, an abrupt banging sound echoes through the room. The door swings open, flooding the space with unwelcome light. It's my younger brother, Nick, barging in without a care in the world.

With an impish grin, Nick flicks the light switch, intensifying the brightness in the room. I groan in annoyance, longing for nothing more than a few uninterrupted hours of sleep.

But Nick is relentless in his mission to disrupt my slumber. He proceeds to open all the curtains, allowing the harsh morning sunlight to invade my sanctuary.

Little does Nick know the extent of my fatigue. Each day, I tirelessly work to support my younger brother and aging parents, sacrificing my own rest and well-being. The weight of my responsibilities bears down on me, leaving me perpetually exhausted.

As I struggle to gather my energy and face the day ahead, I can't help but wonder if there will ever be a time when I can truly find solace in the embrace of a peaceful morning where I don't have to go to work every morning. But for now, I must push through the weariness and confront the challenges that await me.

"Turn it off, turn it all off," I mutter groggily, my voice filled with frustration and sleepiness.

"I can't turn off the sunlight, you dumbass," Nick retorts, his laughter filled with mock amusement.

As if his antics weren't enough, Nick lunges forward, shouting right into my ear, "Dude, wake the damn up!"

"Shut the hell up," I snap irritably, struggling to fully awaken from my sleep-induced haze.

"You need to start sleeping earlier, man. That's why mornings always make you such a pussy," Nick taunts, a mischievous glint in his eyes. He swiftly yanks the blankets off me, leaving me curled up in a shivering ball. I respond with a series of mumbled curses and tired groans, my annoyance growing with each passing second.

Defeated by Nick's boisterous antics, I finally muster the energy to sit up, though my grogginess still lingers.

"Just five more minutes wouldn't hurt," I grumble, rubbing the remnants of sleep from my tired eyes while emitting an annoyed groan.

"Don't be such a sissy, time is precious. It's not my fault you stayed up too late, man," Nick mocks, his eyes scanning my messy room.

"I had to work overtime for a promotion, you brat," I murmur irritably, my frustration evident in my voice.

Distracted, Nick glances around and snidely remarks, "Bro, is this how a responsible adult lives?"

I can't help but let out a sarcastic laugh. "Like you know everything, kid?"

A smirk forms on Nick's face. "At least my room isn't a sty, and I have my life headed somewhere."

His words hit a nerve, and I immediately pout, bitter at the fact that Nick is right. The morning has already been dreadful with the lack of sleep, and now I have to confront the hard truths I've been avoiding.

Unlike Nick, I don't have a clear direction in my life. My sole purpose is to provide for our family. As the eldest, it falls upon me to shoulder the responsibility of ensuring our well-being. In doing so, I've had to sacrifice many dreams and neglect my own personal growth. But lately, the strain has left me feeling aimless and trapped.

My dead-end job offers no opportunities for advancement, no matter how much overtime I put in. 

The first year brought me a sense of security—fresh out of college, I quickly landed a job and even received a couple of promotions and bonuses. However, since then, my efforts have gone unnoticed. All I seem to do is juggle finances, neglecting my own aspirations and desires. A heavy sigh escapes my lips as my thoughts continue to swirl. The past five years of relentless overtime and hustling have barely yielded any progress. 

Almost every paycheck goes towards supporting my mom, dad, and saving for Nick's impending college tuition. The future feels uncertain, and the financial burdens loom large.

The weight of responsibility bears down on me, leaving my room in disarray and my own needs neglected. I am constantly focused on providing for my family—my parents' livelihoods and Nick's education depend solely on my efforts. I know that if I want to ease their burdens, I must continue to toil tirelessly.

Nick sighs, observing my vacant stare, and offers a gentle suggestion, "Bro, maybe we can clean up in here next weekend if you take a day off."

I remain silent and motionless, lost in contemplation. Since Nick's 18th birthday last month, he has been staying at my place, preparing to go to college and embark on his own journey towards independence. By then he knows I never take a single day off.

"Hey bro, what's gotten into you?" Nick nudges my shoulder, hoping his playful teasing will lift my somber mood. "You can't start the day like this."

Still, I offer no response. Nick's smile turns mischievous as he says, "Hey, bro, I made your favorite—pancakes, eggs, and bacon..."

Reality begins to set in as I hear the mention of pancakes, eggs, and bacon. I stir and turn to Nick, slowly rising from my slumber at the irresistible promise of a delicious breakfast. Nick grins proudly, seeing me follow him to the table.

I sit down as Nick plates the mouthwatering meal he promised. As soon as the plate hits the table, I dig in, savoring each bite with a newfound sense of contentment. The taste of the food, coupled with the warmth of family, momentarily provides respite from the burdens of my daily life.

"I know, I know—my cooking is the best," Nick chuckled, witnessing my transformation from an earlier blank expression to now a contented eater.

I can't say I entirely agree, but it is undeniably helpful. Ever since Nick came to stay at my place, my meals have vastly improved. It's not so bad having him around to cook since I never seem to have enough time for myself.

He's a good kid, though he needs to tone down the arrogance and shed the prideful brattiness. Nevertheless, I can't deny that I don't want him to leave, considering how much he helps around the house.

No more rushing for quick coffee runs in the mornings or buying food late at night—I suppose this is an improvement.

"Why the long face earlier?" Nick inquired with curiosity, a teasing smile playing on his face as he speared a forkful of pancakes.

I hesitated, unsure of what to say, as I continued to eat my leftover eggs and bacon.

"You should relax, bro—look, there it is again," he teased, while genuinely expressing concern, as I visibly stressed over the impending return to work.

"I'm just a little stressed out, all this overtime isn't worth it, that's all," I tried to dismiss his concern, attempting to divert the conversation away from myself.

"You sure that's all?" he pressed, genuine care evident on his face. I analyze him but found no sign of jest.

I almost spoke but hesitated, swallowing instead.

"Now's the perfect time to be a sissy brother, I'm here to listen," he said with a mischievous grin that I wished I could wipe off his face.

I sighed reluctantly. "I'm just not in the best place right now. Mom and Dad expect so much..." My words trailed off as I finished the last morsel of bacon.

"Cut yourself some slack—you look worn out," Nick quipped, though his observation wasn't far off.

I closed my eyes briefly before standing up with my plate. "I need to leave for work. I'll clean up," I said as I rose from the table.

"Wait, seriously, bro," he swiftly intervened, snatching the plate from my hand. "Look, I have a surprise to tell you after work," he informed me with a wide grin that I couldn't decipher as mischievous or genuinely excited.

"Huh, what is it?" I stared directly at Nick, expecting an immediate answer fueled by my insatiable curiosity. 

"I said after work," he reiterated, moving quickly to the sink, with me following closely behind, "I'll take care of these, and don't you have to leave for work?" he said, effectively changing the subject and temporarily dismissing my curiosity.

I glanced at the wall clock, realizing with a start that I was running late. I hurriedly made my way to my room to get ready, with that brat of a Nick laughing and trailing after me.

I let out a weary sigh, my hand tightly gripping the swaying metal rail as the subway car jostles back and forth. The morning has already drained me of energy, and I can feel the weariness settle in my bones. With a slight tug, I attempt to loosen my tie and straighten my stiff blazer, hoping to find some semblance of comfort amidst the chaos.

As the metal doors glide open, a tidal wave of people pours out alongside me, while another surge rushes in to claim their spots. Stepping out of my familiar station, I find myself immersed in a concrete jungle of towering skyscrapers, illuminated by flashing screens and a symphony of honking car horns. The city's pulse beats with an energy that still both exhilarates and overwhelms me every morning, even now.

I navigate through the bustling crowds, inhaling the smoky air tinged with a musty scent, and absorbing the cacophony of sounds that surround me. Yet, amidst the usual rush hours, my thoughts gravitate towards Nick's words—the promise of a surprise. I am not one accustomed to surprises, but the curiosity kills me, intensifying my anticipation for tonight.

As I walk my way through the masses, I ponder over the possibilities of what Nick could have in store. Could it be that my parents are planning a visit? The mere thought sends a surge of excitement through me, intermingled with a touch of anxiety. 

If that is the case, everything must be perfect—down to the minutest detail. I struggle to entertain any alternative scenarios, as my mind incessantly loops back to the involvement of my parents.

With a sigh, I allow myself to delve deeper into the realm of speculation, contemplating whether to embrace excitement or surrender to worry. Regardless of the outcome, I find solace in the anticipation that this surprise holds. It has been far too long since I last had a reason to eagerly anticipate something. 

The sliding glass doors part, granted me entry into one of the city's tallest skyscrapers. With a sense of urgency, I roll up my shirt sleeve to check the time on my watch, then briskly navigate through the corridors. The walls surrounding me are adorned with endless shades of white, their shiny surfaces reflecting the artificial glow of fluorescent lights.

I sigh once more entering the elevator and moving me upwards, gravity exerting its pull. As the doors slide open, I quicken my pace, pacing through a labyrinth of cubicles and offices. The air is heavy with the scent of fresh ink and the faint hum of printers fills the space. Each step brings me closer to the damn surprise that awaits after work.

Reaching my desk, I logged into my computer as usual, scanning through emails and tasks. The clicking of keyboards surrounded me until a particular email caught my attention—one I had been dreading to see.

"Mr. Kennedy would like to see you at his office at your earliest convenience."

I straightened my tie and blazer, hoping to project a sense of professionalism as I headed to Mr. Kennedy's office almost immediately after receiving the email.

My heart raced, and I felt a flutter in my stomach.

Taking a deep breath outside his office, I entered upon hearing him invite me in. "You wanted to see me, Mr. Kennedy?" I said, looking forward.

Kennedy got straight to the point. "Mr. Carter, I have been impressed with your work ethic. A new project is coming up that only the most dedicated can handle. It will involve long hours and high levels of stress, but it will also offer the promotion you have rightfully earned."

"Please, do sit down," Kennedy gestured for me to take a seat, and I eagerly settled into his sleek office chair.

Nerves and opportunity swirled within me as he explained the high-stakes role. Finally, a chance to prove myself after five years of putting in my dues.

Kennedy continued, "This restructuring will be intense. I am entrusting you to lead the marketing framework team. Can I count on your commitment and skills to deliver success?"

His gaze dared me to accept the massive responsibility. I knew that the rewards would justify any struggle if I emerged triumphant.

"I accept this challenge, sir. Restructuring the marketing department will require my unwavering commitment and skills. You have my word—I will see it through to completion, no matter the obstacles."

Kennedy offered a small nod, seeming pleased by my resolve. "Very well, Mr. Carter. The team is yours to lead as of Monday. Do not make me regret placing my faith in you."

His expectations weighed heavily on me. However, I also felt a surge of confidence knowing that I had earned such a significant responsibility. If anyone could rise to the demands, it was me.

"Thank you for this opportunity, Mr. Kennedy." I gave a firm handshake, already formulating plans with fresh determination. After five years of paying my dues, the time had come to prove myself at last.

Mr. Kennedy dismissed me with a pleased expression, clearly anticipating great things to come. I strode from his office with squared shoulders.

Finally, all the burdens from the past five years of constant hustle were lifted, though now replaced with a major new project. I lifted my head confidently, contemplating strategies that would require long hours of overtime.

For the first time, I decided to take a taxi home, feeling that I deserved it after five years of hard work. Before long, I realized I had dozed off in the back seat, not even noticing that I had arrived home. I paid the taxi driver a hefty fare and a bonus as a token of my gratitude.

Dragging myself to the front door of my apartment, I felt more sluggish and tired than usual after countless cups of coffee and the adrenaline rush from the possibility of a promotion. With my last bit of energy, I hurried up the stairs, knocking on our door a few times before Nick finally answered.

In an exhausted haze, I push past him, my body weighed down by weariness. Too tired to comprehend his words, my sole focus is to reach the solace of my bed.

Yet, Nick stands firmly in my way, an immovable obstacle. I attempt to navigate around him, shifting left and right, but my efforts are in vain.

In a voice laced with weariness, I utter, "Nick, for God's sake, I don't have time for this."

Undeterred, I dismiss him with a push, my tired frame colliding with his shoulder. However, Nick grasps my shoulders firmly, refusing to let me pass, his expression filled with concern. He guides me towards the couch, redirecting my exhausted steps. "This is precisely why you need to slow down," he asserts, his voice filled with genuine worry.

With grogginess seeping into my words, I retort, "Slow down for what?" My mind battles against the urge to rush to my room, seeking the comfort of my bed. Nevertheless, Nick persists, blocking my path once more.

"Stop overworking yourself! If you continue at this relentless pace, you'll exhaust yourself to the point of collapse," he insists, his grip on my shoulders tightening as he looks at me with a seriousness that cannot be ignored.

"I'm fine, I just need some sleep," I retort, swatting away Nick's persistent hands. However, he remains insistent, firmly keeping me seated on the couch.

"Bro, just hear me out. Today is going to be the last day you ever feel like this, I promise," he proudly declares.

"Last day of what?!" I snap, my irritation and confusion intertwining with my overwhelming exhaustion. Suddenly, I catch a glimpse of Nick's fucking mischievous grin, and a sense of foreboding washes over me.

"Oh God, this is your fucking surprise..." I sigh, momentarily recalling the morning and bracing myself for whatever outlandish idea he has concocted.

"You got that right. Relax, bro—I've got something special for you." Nick thrusts a set of paperwork into my hands, but my fatigued mind struggles to process its contents.

"What the hell is this, Nick? Just a bunch of papers?" I dismissively mutter, my exhaustion seeping into my words.

"It's a contract, you dumbass!" he replies, his grin widening even further.

"A contract for what...?" I inquire, my tone and expression shifting from confusion to a curious blend of intrigue and bewilderment. A contract? Could this possibly be related to a new business venture?

"For a dating reality show, bro!" Nick declares triumphantly, as if he has just unveiled the greatest surprise of all time.

"Oh, for fuck sake!" I exclaim, a mixture of exasperation and disbelief resonating in my voice.



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