By AndrewGeorge177

22.3K 470 233

bendy, a cartoonish character brought to life because of his dark past back when he was on earth, now in hell... More



2.3K 51 26
By AndrewGeorge177

blitzo with his heavy metal music on as he sings it while driving his van to his personal parking spot with millie,moxxie and
bendy at the back with loona at the front. moxxie is covering his ears from his boss's music with millie pulling down the window
and poking her head out smiling bendy seeing this decides to do the same and pulls his tongue out as he blows wiggles through
the air with a smile on his face.

blitzo drives to inside the parking lot towards his personal parking spot but a pink hearted car drives in it taking it.
blitzo seeing this panics and pushes his brakes and spins the van around stopping it. bendy thrown out the van because
of it and slams into a brick wall near the taking personal parking spot of blitzo and hits the ground.

while blitzo was shouting at the person who took his parking spot bendy got up feeling dizzy as cartoon ducks spin around
his head and walks dizzly around until he falls face first on the ground infront of someone who looks down at the cartoon.
suddenly bendy is picked up with one hand by this person who turns out to be verosika mayday.

VEROSIKA MAYDAY: who might you be? *bendy seeing verosika flusters red and awes at
how beautiful the succubus that's holding him by his back* awe, aren't you adorable. you
looks so cute with your face all flustered and red. *put's bendy on her shoulder and sees blitzo
from his van* blitzo.

BLITZO: i should've known you'd be here, i could smell fish for miles which is odd because i believe the
nearest ocean is *drops out of van* 3 rings down! and got fish stinking hands off my boy!

VEROSIKA MAYDAY: *surprised and looks to bendy who smiles back at her* he's your dad? *bendy nods his head*
he doesn't even look like you, blitzo. i should known you'd be here when i heared the amber alerts.

BLITZO: i adopted him, you whore! i'm surprised they let your fat ass out of rehab. i can see you're still a drunken
whore clutching onto that bielsa juice bottle like it's the last cock in hell!

VEROSIKA MAYDAY: they let me out because i'm still famous and rehab is for sad loser wash ups. *takes a drink
of her bottle* so your sister says hi. *bendy blushes at the tone and how verosika did that feeling a bit flustered*

BLITZO: why are parking here? this is the only parking spot my company has! so take your tampon race car somewhere
else and get your drunken shoulder of my son, look at him! he's all red on his damn face! you're a bad influence on him!

VEROSIKA: *smirks* do you mean, you blitzo? and actually prick, it has my name on it. i'm doing a bit of freelance for
one of the infinitely more successful companies in the building and they wanted to have me come in this week to lead their
team during spring break.

BLITOZ: a week?! no no you are not parking here for a fucking week and taking my son to get STDS!

VEROSIKA MAYDAY: oh please blitzo. do you actually think i would have sex with 10 year old? i have standerds,
besides..*scratches bendy's chin making him silently sigh wiggle his demon tail which he devoloped* he's so cute
and adorable that the girls would love him.

BLITZO: you think you can't take bendy my son from me!?

VEROSIKA MAYDAY: so that's his name, it fits him. *sees blitzo angry and smirks* oh *takes glasses off and puts them away*
you mad blitzo? you gonna run off leaving someone else to pay for the hotel room steal their car and run three ring races..*her and
blitzo argue and stop*

BLITZO: god damn it whore you will not let tha go!

VEROSIKA MAYDAY: *walks past blitzo and gives him the bird with bendy confusingly doing the same
now knowing what it means* choke on a sand paper cock.

BLITZO: hold on! you better move that pussy wagon and put my son down or i'm gonna.... *stops and turns around to face
a hellhound named vortex*

VORTEX: you'll what?

BLITZO: or i'll *looks between vortext and verosika with bendy who waves friendly to vortex* um, i'll call HR.

after blitzo said that the three laugh together and get back to what they were doing, bendy on the other hand was confused
at what blitzo meant by "HR" and gets put down softly by verosika mayday.

VEROSIKA MAYDAY: anyway meet my new hellhound vortex. *walks to the building with vortext* unlike you
he actually does his job well, tata fuck stain. *looks to bendy with a smirky smile* see you later, bendy.

verosika blows bendy a dark pink kiss that get's into contact to his forehead and faints from being all flustered by verosika
and hits the ground on his back as red hearts float around his head while his eyes spin lovingly. heading towards the building
blitzo grabs bendy and slaps him out of it.

BLITZO: *sees bendy snap out of it* ah, good. welcome back to reality son! *walks in the building with moxxie,loona
and bendy* now come on bendy, we have a fucking parking spot to save!

now inside the building as they go in the elevator and go up and enter out.

LOONA: do you think they saw me? fuck i did my make up shitty today!

BLITZO: oh you look perfect loony. like always. *bendy on blitzo's shoulder shapefifts his hand into saying
"you're pretty just the way you look loona, like alice angel, my friend."*

LOONA: alice angel? bendy, there's no way you're friends with an angel. they never
come here..well except for the exterminators. *bumps into someone and sees it's vortex*
oh, woah.

blitzo and bendy with sparkles in their eyes at loona but when they see loona flustered with vortex they both have a
look of shock and horror. soon blitzo quickly steps infront of loona spreading his arms like a protective father with
bendy on top blitzo's head spreading his arms with serious look while looking adorable with loona smiling at it.

BLITZO: hi big man, where's your bitch bag of an employer?

VORTEX: she's in her office. there wasn't any room on the sucking floor so they rented
one here on this one. *bendy's eyes sparkle at having verosika next to them and fall face
first on the floor being all dreamy* are you okay little guy?

BLITZO: oh come on! *picks bendy up and shakes him as he snaps out of it*
there you go bendy, can't believe she in tranced you!

VORTEX: *walks away smiling and pats bendy on the head* sorry man, see you later little
ink guy, try not to faint again, it'll hurt your head.

BLITZO: oh no you don't bitch.

MOXXIE: sir, how about you let me go in and try to reason with her. i don't really listen to what's classified
as pop genre music. so her status to me is name...*bendy grabs moxxie's hand pointing to blitzo who's turned
the sound off in his head* huh, thank bendy. since you've talked to her in your own way, could reason with her?

bendy gives moxxie and thumbs up with a smirk as he walks backwards towards verosika's office with her posse and winks
to blitzo,loona and moxxie telling them he's got this. bendy enters verosika's office and sees her posse along with it and gulps.

bendy turns his gloved hand into saying: hi verosika, my dad wants you give him and his company back his parking spot.
if you could...*nervous smile* please?

VEROSIKA MAYDAY: aww, look how adorable you are. *ruffles bendy's head* but i don't think i
can do that, after all he is my ex.

KIKI: look at his cute little white bowtie. *bendy blushes red embarrassed*
awe, he's all red on his face.

APPLE: it's adorable. do you think i'm pretty, bendy? *bendy nods* oh! *hugs bendy who's now getting
more flustered* i think you deserve a reward for being such a good boy. *peck's bendy on his cheek and
puts him down*

KIKI: me too..*peck's bendy on his other cheek the lipstick on his cheek* there you go little inky boy.

VEROSIKA MAYDAY: *pecks bendy on his forehead as he has hearts in his eyes feeling a little dizzy* for your
limp dick dad, bendy.

bendy exit's verosika's office dizzy as he walks past blitzo and falls on the floor on his face infront of loona who just chuckles
at seeing bendy like this. moxxie felt relieved it wasn't he who went in their and that it was bendy that they went easy on the
guy. blitzo feels a certain anger come up his body.

BLITZO: oh this won't stand! *kicks open door to verosika's office* all right that's it! if you're gonna mess with my
son and love drug him then i challenge you to a fucking..chanllenge! fuck i said that twice.

KIKI: mm, is this imp boy starting a demon duel?

VEROSIKA MAYDAY: i think he is. what's the game then blitzo?

BLITZO: every year you std spreaders go up topside for easy pickings while spring break is a prime time for crime
of all kinds. so i bet you succu-bitches can't fuck as many people as we can off by the end of the day.

verosika and her posse laugh but blitzo stares at them instensly.

VEROSIKA MAYDAY: oh, you're serious, well if that's so, if we win. you'll give us your son for one day
to show him an orgy of us. game on bitch.

BLITZO: he's 10! ...or i think he is.

VEROSIKA: well, you better ask him how old he is, for his sake of course.







now in the I.M.P building in the meeting room with loona,bendy,moxxie and millie seating on seats at the table while
blitzo explains his plan on how they beat his ex verosika mayday on a board with his poorly made drawings of his plane.

BLITZO: all right shut your assholes! here's how we're gonna do this shit! first we find a fuck ton of clients we portal up.
we have our fun murder time as per usual, we pile all the bodies into a big fucking canoe. we push said canoe into some
water we light it on fire to attract the sharks and eagles shit maybe a goose too fuck it! they come and eat the bodies we win
the bet we rub it in that sloppy bitch's drunken whore ass face! do you have any questions?

bendy raises his hand up and shapeshifts his hand into saying: "i don't know my age, but i think i was made in the

BLITZO: okay, so you won't be scarred for life that's a relieve! anymore questions?

MOXXIE: uh yeah why was that nonsense?

BLITZO: that wasn't a question.

MOXXIE: that wasn't a plan.

BLITZO: i'm sorry but that was a flawless presentation of what we should do mox it's not my fault
you got a smooth little brain upstairs.

MOXXIE: a what now?

BLITZO: i'm calling you slow moxxie god why don't you learn to take criticism you talentless baby dick troll.

MOXXIE: well why don't you take an art class!

BLITZO: why don't you see how expensive they are!

bendy facepalms at this banter and daydreams about verosika in a bubble with a beautiful smile until he shakes his
head wiping the daydream of his.

LOONA: hey is there a way i can come with you guys this time? *bendy raises his brow at loona
feeling something suspicious coming from her*

BLITZO: absolutely not i forbid it! not gonna happen sorry sweetie spring break is no place for young vulnerable
goth girls you know the kind of FREAKS up there who drool all over you.

I.M.P looks at the audiance with dissapointed looks with bendy just folding his arms and shaking his head dissapointedly
at the audiance but soon everyone gets back on track.

LOONA: well i can blend in with humans easy enough just let me tag along.

BLITZO: wait say that again.

LOONA: i can blend in.

MILLIE: do you have a human disguise?

LOONA: yeah, don't you?

the three imps look at eachother with their eyes with a bit awkwardness as bendy innocently
whistles with his hands behind his back.

LOONA: you 4 have been screwing around on earth this whole fucking time without a human

BLITZO: okay new plan! *quickly draws new plan and puts on the board* loona can help lure
the humans to us and we'll take care of the rest okay how about that?

bendy seeing that his adoptive sister has a human disguise meaning she can shapeshift into a human version of herself gets an idea
with a lighbulp above his head and jumps on the table spins on it as he transforms into a human version of himself as blitzo and rest
gasp at bendy human like form to the best of his abilities and powers.

MILLIE: wow bendy! didn't know you could shapeshift your body too!
flawless logic!

MOXXIE: how did you...no demon has shapeshifts their body parts to words but shapeshifting their entire
body like that is insane! but back to the plan at hand, i think your missing the biggest issue sir. isn't it crucial
to have a client who demands enough kills to win this bet? we aren't just going up to massacre.

BLITZO: i got that covered mox. bendy! *takes out piece of paper* make this piece of paper the best flyer you've
evermade before. *bendy salutes blitzo and takes the piece of paper and uses his ink manipulation to create the best
flyer he ever made thanks to his art skills*

timeskip to blitzo putting the flyer bendy made on a light pole.

BLITZO: now we wait.

MOXXIE: i hope bendy's flyer works.

BLITZO: oh, it will already has mox.

mox look of surprise as he sees atleast 20 sinners signing up to get someone killed up in earth. blitzo gives his son
bendy who's in his base form a good old playful ruffle with his head making bendy silently chuckle with blitzo smilling.

blitzo,bendy,loona,moxxie and millie now at the summer break as they hid beneath a beach bridge with bendy blushing
a bit as he sees two hot girls kiss each other and others getting a little handsy and flirty with one another but bendy shakes
his head and remembered what vortex said to him about not fainting and takes his to heart.

BLITZO: now remember we can't be seen all right and loose shots will likely cause a panic. so loona and bendy
can help with leading targets to a better spot to off them. you both got the list loony,bendy.

bendy looks at the list and memorized it as he transforms into his human form.

LOONA: got it. *transforms into her human disguise*

BLITZO: oh loony look at you, you look downright awful i am so proud. now fetch!

bendy and loona see their targets as both walk towards them. bendy tries to walk his charm a he flirts with two girls making them blush
as he leads them into an alley to make out only for them to be killed and winces a bit. loona and bendy keep on luring their targets but each
time blitzo and gang do, bendy gets sudden flashbacks in a pov stand point as he sees people who look like employees getting ripped apart
and crushed by two long monsterious arm with a gloved cartoon hand as it roars in anger and pain.

bendy steps back withthe flashbacks over clearly terrified at what he saw and wonders if that he did all that. millie sees this and
walks over to the human disguised cartoon concerned for bendy.

MILLIE: you okay bendy? look terrified, what happened? *bendy looks away from millie rubbing his arm* bendy, i can't
help you if you don't let me understand. *bendy looks back to millie and shapeshifts his hand saying; "when you guys were
killing the targets, i got another flashback, this creature had long monsterious arms and it ripped apart and crushed these
humans who looked like employees."*

bendy looks down at his shaking hand wondering if he was that long arm monsterious creature that killed those people. millie
puts hand on bendy's gently and smiles up at him.

MILLIE: bendy, if you think you were that long armed thing, thn you're wrong. i've known as far as i can tell and if there's one
thing i know is that you ain't no monster. but we gotta talk about those flashbacks with the others one day bendy, is that okay?
*bendy smiles again and nods slolwy* good.

BLITZO: that's nine kills in the bag! i'd like to see that whaley snatch orgasm that many...

verosika with a big performance stage with her silhouette being seen on stage as she makes a massive audiance of people.

VEROSIKA MAYDAY: alright, spring breakers! y'all ready *reveals human form*to get
fucked up and make some bitchn' bad choices?! *crowd cheers* this is you're final call,
all aboard.

the stage screens say "fuck you blitzo" with blitzo growling in anger with foam coming out his mouth as verosika since her
song with bendy amazed at her musical talents and sees the crowd start making out with eachother with verosika's posse
joining in th fun with their human disguises thanks to their sexual inducement as succubuses. bendy blushes at all the
sexual stuff happening and widens his eyes looking down at his long boner.

bendy covers it with his hand looking at the readers with the 4th wall embarrassed and suddenly get's grabbed by
a hot chick and kisses him as he kisses back and joins the crowd as he starts making out with a the hot chick as she
moans in pleasure.

BLITZO: bendy! god dammit! that bitch started her goadish mating call! now she's gonan win with all these sex maniacs and
my 1920s year old son! we gotta pick things up, guys! see on the list looney?

LOONA: huh? yeah *sees vortex in human disguise bodyguarding the stage* i think so.

BLITZO: good! *brings out axe*

HUMAN: oh whoa what are you, a leprechaun?

BLITZO: oh yeah pretty cool huh? *swings axe down on human's head* but you sure shit ain't going to tell
nobody. alright next one loony come on *tries looking for loona and panics* wha-- wha-- where's my baby?!

MILLIE: look!

blitzo sees loona heading over to vortex and has an angered glare as she walks to him and checks if she looks alright but
bendy and two hot chicks fall down as they make out and loona looks down surprised to see his adoptive brother making out
with them as he looks up at her eyes widened as two hot chicks continue kissing and sucking his bare chest and nipples. loona
shakes her head walking over them wanting to forget he say that image from her head while bendy continued making out.

bendy never thought we wouls be doing this as he's having the best time of his life doing this and continues making out with the
two hot chicks he's making out with and fondles their breasts and then suck on them as they moan in ectasy and pleasure. this goes
on for few more minutes till suddenly a massive catfish monster rises from the water and roars.

soon after that everyone begins to panic as verosika pushes her glasses up with a "oh shit" look on her face along with
her posse. the monster terrorizes the beach and kicks through the beach bridge sending it's large debree toward verosika
and her posse as they close their eyes from being crushed. bendy getting up as the two hot chicks stopped what they were
and run away in panic.

bendy looks to see the catfish monster and sees that the beach bridge massive debree is coming flying towards verosika and her
posse, seeing them in danger bendy knew he had to do something and runs towards them, transforming back to his true form and
unknowingly transforms into some kind of demon form of his and leaps up superhuman high infront of verosika and her posse looking
shocked at seeing bendy like that as bendy catches the large debree with ease and throws it away in the ocean with a small roar.

bendy turns towards verosika and her posse amazed and shocked to see the cartoon bendy do that as they see bendy his demon
form with bendy looking at his hands surprised at what he didn't know he could do.

VEROSIKA MAYDAY: holy shit, bendy?! *bendy nods* how did you do that? *bendy shrugs
and bendy looks at the catfish monster wreaking havoc on the beach* i'm so fucked.

bendy looks to what verosika's looking at and sees the catfish monster take a drunk moxxie into it's mouth as
millie goes after the catfish monster as it falls into the water. bendy grins and stretches his arms to grab onto the
stage and slingshot himself on top the catfish monster as millie saved her husband and throws him and the tongue
to blitzo.

millie looks up seeing bendy who forms his hand into a large blade and stabs it down on the catfish's head as it roars, millie
goes inside and starts slashing from the inside with bendy piercing through it's head and inside the monster's body as the two
double team and slash through the catfish monster's upper body in half with blood splurting out as it roars a final time, hitting
the ocean with a thud.

bendy jumps out of the catfish monster making a superhuman leap and lands on the beach holding millie bridal style and
puts her down as blitzo with looks at bendy with an amazed and shocked look.

BLITZO: holy shit bendy! you didn't tell me you could do that and way to show off mills! i'm
so proud of you bendy! *bendy smiles at that rubs his head a bit feeling a sense of pride*

MILLIE: is mox okay?

BLITZO: oh yeah, *drops drunk moxxie* he's fine. *walks to bendy and checks on him* well, you don't
have any bruises or injuries. so that's a good sign! and look at you, you're more tall then i am! *hugs bendy
who hugs back* i'm fucking proud of you big guy.

MOXXIE: *millie hugs him* this is funny. i'm sooooo drinky.

millie laughs and hugs her husband more as blitzo stops hugging bendy and pats him on the head as bendy bends down

BLITZO: okay this is too wholesome for my liking.


BLITZO: oh perfect, *turns to verosika and her posse* that must be the whores.


BLITZO: oh well that-- *eyes widened surprised* ...wait what?! is this.. some kind of
fucking trick or something?

VEROSIKA MAYDAY: it isn't, bendy saved me and my sluts back on the stage from being crushed.
if it weren't for him..me and my posse would all be dead, here...on earth. *looks to bendy with flirty
smirk* me and my sluts owe you big time inky.~

bendy blushes and rubs the back of his head. bendy takes out verosika's flask from his chest and throws it over to
her as she catches it surprised bendy could store it in his body and sees it's clean.

VEROSIKA MAYDAY: oh, thanks kid. *looks to blitzo* let's both forget this happened and i'll give you...
*groans annoyed* your parking spot back. ONLY because we owe your son! got it prick.

BLITZO: *smirks* sure, whore. come on guys let's get out of here and enjoy OUR parking spot!


VORTEX: well, guess it's time to bounce but hey if you're ever down to party i'll give you a ring sometime.

LOONA: really? i mean, yeah yeah.

VORTEX: yeah my girlfriend throws a ton of crazy hound parties, i think your brother would enjoy
them, if he wants to of course.

LOONA: nice... i'll ask bendy if he wants to join one, can't wait for my first one.

VORTEX: *finger guns and walks to verosika* let's get you some friends, girl.

seeing that loona's upset, bendy walks over to her and pat's her on the shoulder and smiles down at her with concern
loona smiles back, alway liking that bendy will cheer her up when he sees her like that. bendy picks loona up and puts
her around his shoulders as he walks back to blitzo and the rest with a portal down that leads to their parking spot.

BLITZO: awwww! look at you two bonding together! well let's get back to park our fat fucking car in
our fat fucking space!

millie,moxxie,blitzo and loona go through the portal with blitzo jumping up to give verosika double birds. bendy was last
before he looks over to see verosika, her posse and vortex surrounded by the police with a police helicopter targeted on them.
bendy seeing that they're in trouble decides to help them out their situation.

bendy extends his gloved hand arm and smacks the helicopter with his strength as it crashed down exploding. bendy jumps
high infront of verosika and the rest and stomps his foot down sending a wave of ink at the police force blinding them as they
fall over and get knocked over by their cars and try to get the ink off them.

bendy looks to verosika and the rest looking surprised bendy would help them as he winks at them smilling and jumps into
the portal as it closes behind him.

VEROSIKA MAYDAY: well sluts, guess we got saved. let's get the fuck outta this dump!


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