Not Another Office Romance

By pink3rt_n

36 2 0

This is the story of two high school sweethearts that had gone through a bad, nasty break up. In an interesti... More

Chapter 2 - Wilson
Chapter 3 - Kora
Chapter 4 - Wilson
Chapter 5 - Kora
Chapter 6 - Wilson
Chapter 7 - Kora
Chapter 8 - Wilson
Chapter 9 - Kora
Chapter 10 - When they first met...
Chapter 11 - Wil
Chapter 12 - Kora
Chapter 13 - Wil
Chapter 14 - When they first kissed
Chapter 15 - Kora
Chapter 16 - Wil
Chapter 17 - Kora
Chapter 18 - Wil
Chapter 19 - Kora
Chapter 20 - Wil
Chapter 21 - Kora
Chapter 22 - Kora

Chapter 1 - Kora

11 0 0
By pink3rt_n


I didn't react to the iced coffee seeping into my satin work blouse. My favorite work blouse.The teenager who had just spilled widened her eyes larger than humanly possible. I didn't need to make her day even worse. She looked like a dog about to be beaten. "No, really, it's alright. Don't sweat."

She stepped back shakily and I forced a calming smile which helped her straighten up. "Will you make her another please?" I asked the barista by the bar — Carmen. She was the only one who made my drink perfectly. I never even got coffee in the mornings unless she was in line.

She nodded and I gave one more glance at the poor girl before I picked up my coffee and left. Despite this being my busiest day — supposed to be filled with interviewing my new assistant...that I don't want.

That's didn't stop God's ridiculous sense of humor when a bus careened past me. Joining the coffee, a wave of yesterday's rain splashed from a puddle in front of me, covering the entire lower half of my body, some even sputtering in my recently dyed hair. I wasn't fond of how old I looked with the blunt bangs. I didn't care much for them, but I'm not focusing on that too much while black mud painted my attire.

Not only that—it didn't end there.

Of course...OF COURSE my phone and coffee fell somewhere in the mud.My sunglasses nearly fell too, I pushed them up as I spun around looking for somewhere nearby with a phone. I could run home and change quickly, but I need to at least call work and let them know, or else Thomas will have my head. He would do it without me, but I know I'll hate whoever he chooses.

I saw someone walk across the sidewalk, I didn't see much of his face in the sun.
"Do you have a phone I could borrow? Please?"

My hands slapped together in a prayer and I trailed the man a few steps behind.

He was holding his phone, walking towards the bus that had just obliterated the little dignity I had left for the day. He scrunched his face and glanced at me up and down. He tried to keep walking but I cautiously placed my hand up. "Please, this is obviously not my best day, I just need to make one call."

He ducked out of my view and then sprinted ahead to get on the bus. I clenched back the urge to flip him off. Even worse, he looked like my ex, which would have caused me to cuss him out, but I had to run to a phone. So I returned to Carmen for a call and a coffee.

One phone call and a clean up later, I added red lipstick to make myself a little more confident on the outside. Didn't help, but I didn't hate it. Thomas was only a little understanding after I promised him I'd interview every single person who stayed for the interview.

I stormed in with my stupid thin heeled shoes that I only wear for fancy work events. They hurt like hell but I made it.
"Gen, is Thomas ready? I told him I'd be here like 5 minutes ago." Gen's cute long blonde hair laid perfectly in front of her and her too-white teeth flashed at me. "You're totally fine, he was actually a few minutes late too."
"Thank goodness." I turned slightly and saw several people sitting around the black coffee table at the other side of the room.

"Is this everyone?"
She nodded, her tiny childlike face cutely squeezing together. I scanned the group of 7-8 people over my shoulder, trying not to look too obvious.
"Do you want resumes now? I have them—"
"No, no that's fine, I'll hear enough." I scanned once more and my entire body froze at the look of the man from an hour ago, who didn't let me borrow his phone. I was right... he did look like my ex.
He didn't just look like him...he is—-

My ex.

"Gen!" I whipped back at her, whispering as aggressively as possible. She nearly jumped out of her chair at my look. I never once raised my voice at her angrily, and this was the closest thing to it.
"Do you have someone named Wilson in the stack?" My hands gripped the counter top, trying to not look off in front of potential employees.
She scrambled the pile. "Stay cool. Stay cool." I relaxed my whisper.She dug through the pile and pulled out a single paper, only half filled out. I grabbed it like my life depended on it. Top of the page read,

Lucas Wilson.

Every curse word I could imagine ran through my mind. Gen picked up and quickly asked if I was fine. I mouth the words and turn the page over to her, not bothering to rest of the page. That's. My. Ex. Her eyes widened more than I'd ever seen them do before.
What? She mouthed back.

I repeated, even slower. Her jaw dropped and all I whispered back was "What do I do?"
She shook her head. I don't think I've ever once asked her for advice, but she's asked me on a weekly basis. How I wished the roles were reversed.

She shrugged and I forced myself to take a breath. Actually...this was a golden opportunity. I couldn't screw it up. "This is my time to shine. I'm a boss. He's not. This is my chance to get all the revenge I've dreamed about."
She sat uncomfortably and I broke. "What?" My eyelids sagged.
"Well..." Her sweet voice began. I waited, tapping my finger. "You could be the bigger person instead, show him how great you are after he left. Get your revenge by being yourself."
I huffed. "Maybe...."

But she didn't understand. He broke my heart beyond comprehension. His parents said I was too poor to be with him and he complied. That and one hundred other reasons. We were everything to each other and he simply bailed, overnight. I hadn't heard from him since.... well, now.

And he's looking for work? Maybe I shouldn't be cruel, maybe his family's fortune blew up and he's so broke he needs any job to stay alive — but that would be too good to be true.


I set down his resume and sneakily smirked at her.
"Here's what you're going to do..."


I straightened myself up as much as possible, confidently and devilishly. I brushed my bangs over my face—there's no way he'd recognize me, I looked nothing like I did in high school, especially with this ridiculous hair. Just to be safe, I kept my sunglasses on. Hopefully he forgot all about begger-me from an hour ago.

I strutted over to the other interviewees and sat next to Wilson who sat on his own, analyzing his watch and shaking his leg. The crowd took turns glancing at me. I was overdressed compared to the rest of them, but kept my glance at Gen. She winked at me. She was against it, but I knew she'd enjoy a little acting gig. I glanced over at him, his eyes already on me.

I smiled and a pleased eyebrow jerked up.

"Hi." He quietly spoke.

I smiled wider. "Hello."

Then I grabbed my purse, pretending to look for something. "Shoot..." I acted my heart out.

"I'm sorry..." I placed my hand over my chest affectionately. "Could I please borrow your phone?" He smiled slightly. "Just for a quick minute." My finger pointed up.

"Sure. Anything." He flirted and I could have clawed his eyes out right then and there. Typical whore.

He handed me his phone and I pretended to dial a number, but I put in mine.

Of course he didn't have it saved. Prick had forgotten all about me.

Not for long.

"Miss?" Gen spoke to me. "Yes?" I pretended to wonder.

"Come with me." "Oh? Alright." I handed him back his phone. "Thanks so much, you're really too kind." I spoke higher to hide my voice slightly, although I'm sure he still wouldn't have recognized me as myself.

He grabbed my hand and then the phone. "It's no problem." He smiled how he used to when he caught me doing something sneaky and he was extremely pleased to call me on my crap.

"I'll see you after your interview?" I whispered as flirtatiously as I could.

He nodded slightly and I walked off, shaking my hips widely with each step before Gen and I were behind the closed door.

"Nice!" We high five and a confused Thomas waited for me at the conference table in the room next to the cubicles.
Thomas and I spoke with the two other interviewers assisting us for a few minutes, exchanging pleasantries, bringing me into full work-mode. The first two interviewees were duds. They were new grads completely over their heads. Though we liked hiring freshies out of college, having no work experience at all reads major silver-spoon-up-thine-arse vibe. We were a semi-well establish publishing firm, so I truly thought more go-getters would find us, but I also couldn't lie, the pay wasn't perfect, which brings a lot of kids who don't need the money wanting to work somewhere 'fun'.

This job was fun...but it was a lot of work. It consumed most of my time and an assistant would be even more so.

I couldn't stop thinking about Wilson. Why on earth would he be here? I tried to be present during the interview, but each pause brought back memories of him, of us. I made myself focus on the bad, the lies, anger, hate. Not about his smile, laugh, and lips.

Not. At. All. Forget those hazel eyes and all their dreaminess—


Finally, he was next. I sat straight in my seat and actually got butterflies in my stomach. I was so excited to embarrass him, I haven't looked forward to something so much in so long!

Gen opened the door and brought him in. He shook hands with each one of us until he got to me. He squinted, confused, but he played it off cool. He was always good at that. He was so cool. I loved breaking down that exterior and softening him—humbling him.

"Mr. Wilson." I said in my regular tone.

I could see the confusion in his face. He was discerning where he knew me from.

Bastard still didn't recognize me.

"Tell us about your little resume. What's that all about?"

Thomas eyed me but I ignored it, looking only as Wilson just waiting... waiting for the moment he'd recognize me.

He stuttered, then spoke to the other guys.

I crossed my arms and licked my teeth how I used to when I was angry at him, holding back all the derogatory terms that flooded my head.

I grabbed the hair tie I had hidden under my blazer. I always sported a ponytail in high school, no matter what. I never wanted to do anything else.

I slowly gathered all my hair while and spoke then tugged on the sides to loosen it. Then I leaned back against my chair, crossed my arms and waited for him to look into my eyes. He did, and I winked at him.

He froze.

There. It. Was.

I knew that would do it.

His eyes widened and I couldn't hold back my pleased smile.

His jaw dropped and for a second we were the only ones in the room— in the building.

I could have screamed at him right then and there, but I would be the one to keep my cool. I have the power... he's nothing right now— completely at my mercy.

I crossed my legs and have never felt more dominant.

I could die happy.

He clenched his jaw then cleared his throat, sitting back, clearly collecting his thoughts.

He opened his mouth and gave them the most beautiful speech that would have won me over if I didn't know him...maybe. Of course, he won them over.

And that was why everyone always loved him. He'd always had a way with words, that was never the issue, he could convince anyone to do anything. An artist that painted with words and I hated it. I hated how good he was at it. He was always better than me at so many things. His charm just lights up a room. He always outshined me and I always let him. It was when the light dimmed and we'd be alone that I saw his true self, we were both ourselves and private. We were able to be more quiet and honest about the things that really mattered. I knew I'd miss that — being myself with someone.

But I wouldn't start my pity party just yet—not when I'm on this side of the table, which means I have the power. Whatever fancy words he wanted to say he could, but I would be the ultimate deciding factor.

He stood up and shook the hands of each of us, ending off with me.

I smiled, so he knew how unaffected I was by him when he tightly gripped my hand and dug those hazel brown eyes into me I hadn't faltered. I hate those beautiful eyes. Don't forget that.

"Thanks again." He whispered.

"It's no problem." I mocked his earlier expression.

He left and two others interviewed after him. One was quite impressive, another recent grad, but good experience. She's totally over qualified. I'll email her with other job options that aren't so below her skillset.

"These three were my favorite." Thomas pushed the me. The other two simply nodded and let it pass to me.

"I think he's the obvious choice." I pulled out Wilson's lame resume.

"You guys seemed to know each other?" Thomas pointed out.

"Barely— a few classes together in high school—acquaintance's really."

I waved him off.

"However, I do remember what a hard worker he was." He worked very hard to cheat through every single class without getting caught.

Plus, if I get Thomas to hire him for me, he'd quit in 2 weeks tops then Thomas would forget about getting me anyone else for the year, at least. The amount of work it took to train a new assistant wasn't really worth the hassle, but I'd do what I could to drive him crazy and get him to leave. He'd get some experience and I'd get my office space back. Win-win. Which was way more than he deserved.

"I'll call him—see if he'll start tomorrow." They trusted me enough to not question me and went along with it. I asked Gen to cancel the rest of the interviews this week and texted Wilson. I just wish I could have seen the look on his face when he saw my contact name.

Be here 7 am tomorrow — 10 min early or I'm off to the next person.Bitch.

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