The Doctor and The Captain...

By Azkickdipstick

5.4K 681 45

The Captain travels with his lifelong best friend, The Doctor. The First Book follows the ninth Doctor. More

Author's Notes
S1 EP1: Rose Part 1
S1 EP1: Rose Part 2
S1 EP2: The End of the World Part 1
S1 EP2: The End of the World Part 2
S1 EP2: The End of the World Part 3
S1 EP3: The Unquiet Dead Part 1
S1 EP3: The Unquiet Dead Part 2
S1 EP3: The Unquiet Dead Part 3
S1 EP4: Aliens of London Part 1
S1 EP4: Aliens of London Part 2
S1 EP4: Aliens of London Part 3
S1 EP5: World War Three Part 1
S1 EP5: World War Three Part 2
S1 EP 5: World War Three Part 3
S1 EP6: Dalek Part 1
S1 EP6: Dalek Part 2
S1 EP6: Dalek Part 3
S1 EP7: The Long Game Part 1
S1 EP7: The Long Game Part 2
S1 EP7: The Long Game Part 3
S1 EP8: Father's Day Part 1
S1 EP8: Father's Day Part 2
S1 EP8: Father's Day Part 3
S1 EP9: The Empty Child Part 1
S1 EP9: The Empty Child Part 2
S1 EP9: The Empty Child Part 3.
S1 EP10: The Doctor Dances Part 1
S1 EP10: The Doctor Dances Part 2
S1 EP10: The Doctor Dances Part 3
S1 EP11: Boom Town Part 1
S1 EP11: Boom Town Part 2
S1 EP11: Boom Town Part 3
S1 EP12: Bad Wolf Part 1
S1 EP12: Bad Wolf Part 2
S1 EP12: Bad Wolf Part 3
S1 EP13: The Parting of the Ways Part 1
S1 EP13: The Parting of the Ways Part 2
S1 EP13: The Parting of the Ways Part 3
The End?

S1 EP1: Rose Part 3

246 27 3
By Azkickdipstick

"It's gonna follow us." she says bursting through the door.

"The assembled hordes of Genghis Khan couldn't get through that door." the Captain tells her.

"And believe us they've tried. Now, shut up a minute. You see, the arm was too simple, but a head's perfect." the Doctor tells them

"We can use it to trace the signal back to the original source." the Captain finishes as the Doctor uses wires to connect it to the console.

"Right. Where d'you want to start?" the Doctor asks Rose.

"Um... The inside's bigger than the outside." Rose states as the Captain walks to stand next to the Doctor.

"Yes." the Doctor confirms.

"It-it's... alien." Rose says trying to wrack her brain around all of it.

"Yep." the Doctor nods.

"...Are you alien?"

"Yes, we both are... Is that all right?" he continues.


"It's called the TARDIS, this thing. T-A-R-D-I-S, that's Time And Relative Dimension In Space." the man states. Rose covers her mouth as she starts to sob thinking about Mickey.

"That's Okay. Culture shock. Happens to the best of us" the Captain says as he walks over and places a hand on her shoulder but lets go when she starts to speak.

"Did they kill him? Mickey? Did they kill Mickey? Is he dead?" she asks looking between both of the men.

"Oh, I didn't think of that." the Doctor admits.

"He's my boyfriend! You pulled off his head, they copied him, and you didn't even think? And now you're just gonna let him melt" Rose says frustrated at how careless they've been while pointing behind the Doctor.

"Melt?!" the two men exclaim turning and rushing towards the melting plastic. "Aw, no, no, no, NO!" the Doctor shouts.

"What are you doing?" Rose asks.

"Following the signal. It's fading!" the Captain responds as the Tardis starts making noise.

"Wait a minute. No, no, no, no, no, no, NO!" the Doctor shouts concerning the Captain who rushes to see what the problem is. "Almost there, almost there..." he assures.

"Here we go!" the Captain confirms.

"You can't go out there. It's not safe!" Rose shouts as the two men run past her towards the door. She rushes out to see that they've moved.

"We lost the signal. We got so close." the Doctor says pacing around the Captain. Rose leaves the Tardis closing the door.

"We've moved. Does it fly?" Rose asks confused.

"It disappears there and reappears here. You wouldn't understand" the Captain explains leaning against a stone fence looking off towards the river Thames.

"But if we're... somewhere else, what about that headless thing's still on the loose." she says pointing her thumb behind her towards the Tardis.

"Melted with the head. Are you gonna witter on all night?" the Doctor says walking around the blue box.

"I'll have to tell his mother." Rose says solemnly. This makes the Doctor turn around with a confused look on his face to look at the girl. Noticing this the Captain lightly shakes his head and carries on looking out towards the River. "Mickey. I'll have to tell his mother he's dead, and you just went and forgot him. Again!" Rose tells him with her frustration building. "You were right. You are alien." Rose says turning around and walking closer towards the younger looking man.

"Look, if I did forget some kid called Mickey." the Doctor tries to justify getting cut off by Rose

"Yeah, he's not a kid!"

"...It's because I'm trying to save every stupid ape blundering about on this planet, all right?" he raises his voice.

"All right?!"

"Yes, it is!"

"If you are an alien, why do you sound like you're from the north?" Rose asks.

"Lots of planets have a north!" the Doctor replies crossing his arms.

"...What's a police public call box?"

"It's a telephone box, from the 1950s. It's a disguise." the Captain says as he turns around to look at the box.

This earns a smirk and a slight chuckle from Rose "Okay. And, this, this living plastic, what's it got against us?" she asks taking a step closer to the Captain.

"Nothing. It loves you. You've got a good planet, lots of smoke and oil, plenty of toxins and dioxins, perfect. Just what the Nestene Consciousness needs. Its food stock was destroyed in the war, all its protein planets rotted. So. Earth. Dinner." the Captain goes on to say whilst walking towards the Tardis.

"Any way of stopping it?" Rose asks concerned.

"Antiplastic." the Doctor says revealing a tube of blue liquid.


"Antiplastic!" the Captain responds.

"But first, we've got to find it." the Doctor says looking about. "How can you hide something that big in a city this small?" he says walking away from the two still standing next to the Tardis.

"Hold on. Hide what?" Rose asks.

"A transmitter." the Captain says next to her.

"The Consciousness is controlling every single piece of plastic, so it needs a transmitter to boost the signal." the Doctor says turning around and walking up to Rose.

"What does it look like?"

"Like a transmitter!" the Doctor replies.

"Round and massive - somewhere slap bang in the middle of London." the Captain tells Rose as the three walk past a pillar.

"A huge, metal, circular structure, like a dish, like a wheel, radial, close to where we're standing, it must be completely invisible." the Doctor carries on from where the Captain left off.

"What?" the two men ask as Rose looks behind them and nods in the direction, they turn around "What?" the Doctor asks turning back around not noticing the London Eye in the background.

"Doctor, look." the Captain tells him. He turns around again

"What is it? What?" he asks turning around for the last time realising whats been behind them the entire time. "Oh... Fantastic!" the Doctor says as both him and the Captain run off, Rose following behind. They run across the bridge Rose's hand in the Doctor's.

"Think. Plastic all over the world. Everywhere, every artificial thing waiting to come alive. The shop window dummies, the phones, the wires, the cables." the Doctor tells her.

"The breast implants." Rose adds.

"Breast implants? Behave. Still, we've found the transmitter. The consciousness must be somewhere underneath." the Captain says and as he finishes the sentence Rose rushes off to a set of stairs that lead down to the river bed.

"What 'bout down here?" Rose asks grabbing the attention of the two men who rush off to her side and look down at where she's looking.

"Looks good to me." the Doctor smiles. The three people head straight to a hatch and the Doctor opens it, revealing a red glow and smoke leaving the hole. The Doctor is the first person to climb down the ladder, followed by the Captain and then Rose. The three walk past chains that are hanging from the ceiling towards a door, which the Doctor opens. They walk down some stairs and stop "The Nestene Consciousness. That's it, inside the vat, a living plastic creature." the Doctor tells Rose.

"Well then, tip in your antiplastic and let's go." Rose says.

"Woah, hold on. We're not here to kill it. We've got to give it a chance." the Captain responds. With that the Doctor starts walking down a set of stairs to get closer to the Nestene Consciousness.

"I seek audience with the Nestene Consciousness under peaceful contract according to Convention 15 of the Shadow Proclamation." the Doctor calls out towards the vat. "Thank you. If we might have permission to approach." the Doctor says with the Captain standing right beside him.

Rose spots Mickey hiding behind a crate as she makes her way towards the two men "Oh, my god." she runs off towards her boyfriend, followed by the Captain and the Doctor. "Mickey! It's me! It's Okay. It's all right." she says racing toward the man.

"Shhh. That thing, down there... The liquid, Rose it can talk!" the pitch in his voice raised from being scared.

"Oh, you're stinking!" she says. "Doctor, Captain they kept him alive!"

"Yeah, that was always a possibility - keep him alive to maintain the copy." the Doctor responds to Rose's dismay.

"You knew that and never said?!"

"Can we keep domestics outside, thank you!" the Doctor looks towards the two before heading further down to the Captain who'd already made his way down to the vat. Rose walks over to a ledge to get a better view of what's about to happen.

"Am I addressing the Consciousness? Thank you." the Captain looks over a ledge down towards the molten plastic.

"If I might observe, you infiltrated this civilisation by means of warped, shunt technology." the Doctor says.

"So, may we suggest, with the greatest respect, that you shunt off?!" the Captain tells the Consciousness. "Oh, don't give me that! It's an invasion, plain and simple. Don't talk about constitutional rights." he carries on, the Consciousness growing angrier by the second. "I AM TALKING!" the Captain shouts eventually shaking his head.

"This planet is just starting. These stupid, little people have just learnt how to walk. But they're capable of so much more. I'm asking you, on their behalf. Please, just go." the Doctor speaks.

"Doctor!" Rose shouts as two mannequins approach each of the men, restraining them. One of the mannequins pull out the antiplastic tube and the Consciousness screams.

"That was just insurance! I wasn't gonna use it." the Doctor says.

"We were not attacking you. We're here to help. We're not your enemy, I swear, we're not." the Captain shouts struggling in the grip of the mannequins.

"What d'you mean?" the Doctor asks. "No! Oh, honestly, no.." the Doctor says turning to look up seeing the Tardis, Captain, Rose and Mickey following his gaze. "Yes, that's our ship." he says, the Consciousness replying to him.

"That's not true! We should know, we were there. We fought in the war. It wasn't our fault." the Captain says.

"We couldn't save your world. We couldn't save any of them." the Doctor continues.

"What's it doing?" Rose asks from above.

"It's the Tardis. The Nestene's identified it as superior technology. It's terrified!" the Captain starts.

"It's going to the final phase! It's starting the invasion... Get out, Rose! Just leg it! Now!" the Doctor cuts him off.

Rose pulls out her phone while Mickey raises to his feet "Mum?" Rose asks over the phone.

"Oh, there you are. I was gonna phone. You CAN get compensation, I said so. I've got this document thing off the police. Don't thank me!" her mum responds.

"Where are you, mum?" Rose asks.

"I'm in town." she replies.

"Look, go! Just go home right now." Rose shouts down the phone.

"Darling, you're breaking up. Listen, I'm just gonna do a bit of late night shopping. I'll see you later, ta-ra." she says hanging up the phone.

"Mum? Mum?" Rose asks with no reply.

A bright beam emits from the vat "It's the activation signal! It's transmitting." the Captain shouts.

"It's the end of the world." Rose says looking up.

In Town

"There's no point in a spreadsheet if you spend summer money in winter." Clive says to his wife and kid, as the mannequins start moving.

"Oh my god! I thought they were dummies! I nearly had a heart attack." his wife responds placing a hand over her heart as Clive looks around noticing all the mannequins have started moving. The mannequins break through the window of the shop.

"It's true. Everything I've read. All those stories, it's all true." Clive says as a mannequin stops in front of him, it turns to look at him and it's hand opens and blasts the man, with his family looking on in horror.


"Get out, Rose! Just get out! RUN!" the Captain pleads, both the two men still struggling in the grip of the mannequins.

"The stairs have gone." Rose acknowledges as she pulls Mickey the opposite direction of where the stairs had just been, running towards the Tardis. "Oh, I haven't got the key.." Rose complains.

"We're gonna die!" Mickey stresses. Rose and Mickey huddle up outside the Tardis, Rose looking for an escape. The two men still struggling look up towards Rose. Rose slowly stands up "Leave them!" Mickey shouts clinging on to Rose's leg. Rose starts running towards an axe, clearly with an idea "There's nothing you can do!" Mickey shouts.

"I've got no A-levels, no job. No future. But I'll tell you what I have got." she says slamming the axe in to an old hook that's holding some chains. "Jericho Street Junior School Under-7s gymnastic team. I got Bronze!" she says holding onto the chain. She runs and jumps aiming for the mannequin holding the antiplastic, causing enough chaos to let the Doctor flip the mannequin holding him into the vat and allowing the Captain to wriggle free and push the one holding him into the vat.

Rose swings back "Rose!" the Doctor says catching her.

"Now we're in trouble!" the Captain says looking down at the vat. The three start running as explosions can be heard, stopping the Consciousness broadcasting the signal. The three run up to where Mickey and the Tardis are. The Doctor quickly unlocks the box and all four of them entering it. Taking them back outside in London. Mickey rushes out of the Tardis followed by Rose who rings her mum.

"Rose, Rose don't go out of the house! It's not safe. There are these things, they were shooting and they..." her mum explains Rose letting out a little chuckle before hanging up the phone.

"Fat lot of good you were!" Rose jogs over to her boyfriend to help him off the floor. He looks over towards the box where the Doctor and Captain are standing.

"Nestene Consciousness?" the Doctor asks

"Easy!" the Captain responds both men smiling.

"You were useless there! You'd be dead if it wasn't for me." Rose says proudly pointing at herself.

"Yes, we would... Thank you. Right, then! We'll be off" the Doctor responds as the Captain heads inside patting the shoulder of the Doctor. "Unless... er.. I dunno. You could come with us. This box isn't just a London hopper, you know. It goes anywhere in the universe. Free of charge."

"Don't! They're aliens, they're a thing." Mickey points towards the box.

"He's not invited." the Doctor nods. "What d'you think?" he asks. "You could... stay here. Fill your life with work and food and sleep, or you could go... anywhere."

"Is it always this dangerous?" Rose asks leaving the Doctor silent.

"Yeah!" the Captain shouts from inside the Tardis, leading Mickey to hug Rose.

"Yeah... I can't." Rose says wrapping an arm around Mickey. "I've erm... I've got to go and find my mum and someone's got to look after this stupid lump. So..."

"Okay. See you around." the Doctor says walking back into the Tardis and closing the door. Rose and Mickey stand there watching the box disappear.

"Come on, let's go." Rose says helping Mickey stand up both of them walk away. Rose looks back to where the box used to stand. When the familiar noise of the Tardis can be heard as it fades back, causing the two to turn around and look at it.

The door opens and the Captain says "By the way, did we mention it also travels in time?" he smiles and walks back in to the Tardis leaving the door open knowing that usually convinces people to join them.

"Thanks." Rose says looking at Mickey.

"Thanks for what?"

"Exactly." Rose says giving the man a kiss on his cheek before jogging towards the Tardis with a big smile on her face.

And that's the first episode complete, I hope you enjoyed it and it was understandable :)

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