The heir

By KuSaKa_019899

67 17 0

"'You definitely don't want to return?', Sarah double-checked. 'Not even dead', Jacob answered scornfully. 'B... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 16

3 1 0
By KuSaKa_019899

"Uhm... You sure?", Sarah asked sceptically while looking at the hole formed in the mountain in front of them, "They are called 'The endless caves' for a reason, aren't they?" "They are", Belle confirmed, "But if one knows the way, they are not endless." "But we won't see our star in there", Nuriel chimed in, "How are supposed to know the way without it?" "Trust me. I got a special something from my parents. It will show us the way", the witch said calmly. "Have you ever tried it before?", Jacob wanted to know. "No. But I trust my parents. Will you guys trust me?" The other three exchanged looks. Sarah was the first one to move. She sighed, shrugged her shoulders and started towards the cave. "I didn't get this far to give up now", the princess said. Looking back over her shoulder, she sent a questioning look towards Jacob and Nuriel. "What's up? You're coming or what?" Nuriel groaned but then flew over. Jacob thought about it for some more seconds, but something in Sarah's casual tone made him forget his worries and he entered after the other two. "Thanks, guys", Belle said behind them.


Nuriel flew up front, constantly letting a little flame flare up in front of them. "I don't like caves", she said. "Me neither", Sarah agreed, "But let's just not think about it too much." They reached their first forking and stopped, turning to Belle. The witch confidently walked up to it, halted and searched through her bag. Then she took out a dried flower and for a short second it seemed even she hesitated. But the next moment she already held it up towards one of the paths unfolding in front of them. Nothing happened. Belle turned to the other path and now no one could believe their eyes. The flower suddenly started to regain fresh colours! "This way it is", Belle nodded satisfied and motioned Nuriel to fly ahead.

Every time they reached another fork, the witch held up the flower and it started to look somewhat alive again. "Were your parents also magic?", Jacob asked Belle a while later. The witch smiled knowingly. "Something like that", she said thoughtfully. "What do you mean by that?", Nuriel asked bewildered, "One either is magical or not, there is no in between." "Oh, there is, I reckon", Belle said casually, "But I'll tell you another time." The fairy sighed. "You surely are a mystery, Miss Witch", she mumbled. A little yelp beside them made them stop. As they looked, they saw Sarah sitting on the floor. She must have stumbled. Jacob chuckled and held out his hand to her. "You're good?", he asked as he helped her up. "Not sure", Sarah admitted. But as soon as she put some weight on her left foot, she hissed sharply. "Okay, no, I am not." With Jacob's help she limped closer to the others and looked at them: "What now?"


"I am so sorry", Sarah said, true empathy in her voice. "I don't want to keep you guys back from leaving these caves." "Oh, shush, princess", Nuriel waved it off, "We entered together, we'll leave together as well." Jacob nodded but if he was being honest, he did want to leave as soon as possible. Belle didn't say anything. She was fully focused on whatever something she was boiling over the fire a few meters away. "Princess?", Nuriel suddenly asked in the upcoming silence. "Yes?" "What will you do once we found Miriel and Lian?" "I honestly don't know. Ask them how I can fix the mess. And then go do it, I reckon."

"Let them fix it." Nuriel, Sarah and Jacob looked up. They hadn't heard Belle coming closer. She kneeled down in front of Sarah and held out a spoon with something liquid on it. "Drink that", she ordered the princess. Well-behavedly, the other one did so. "It'll take some time, but it should help pretty well", the witch explained, "All we have to do is wait." She started to bandage Sarah's ankle with a piece of cloth she had from somewhere deep in her pocket. "What do you mean 'Let them fix it'?", Nuriel asked finally. "I mean it like I said it. I don't think we can fix it. I think they will give us some kind of mission, yes. But we won't be able to do it without them." "Well, obviously, that's why we are searching for them", Jacob shrugged, "They'll return and everything will be fine again." "I don't think...", Belle started out and then shook her head, "Well. We'll see how it'll be. And what everyone will be doing afterwards." Her gaze pierced right through Jacob's heart. As if he didn't know that he would have to await the most trouble after all this. His story wouldn't be done with finding them, Jacob was sure of that. And little did he know how right he was. Yet it would take a different turn than what he had in mind.


Nuriel rubbed her eyes. She must have fallen asleep. As she looked around, she noticed that everyone else had as well. After Sarah's accident a while ago, they had decided to call it a day, not knowing if it wasn't night already anyways. And now Nuriel didn't know if it was morning again. A dim glim from the fireplace spent some light and warmth. The fairy had put some extra kind of magic in it to make it burn especially long. She flew over and renewed it carefully to not wake the others up by a sudden burst of light. And heat.

Jacob was the next to wake up. He trudged over to the fire and sat down next to the fairy. They were silently staring into the fire, waiting for the others to wake up. A sudden drop of water next to them made the fairy flinch. "Stupid caves", she mumbled quietly. "Water is not exactly a fire fairy's best friend, huh?", Jacob gave back. "Water and wet caves, yes. I hate water. It feels like an electric shock if I get in touch with it. Could do without it." Jacob looked at her thoughtfully and then started to search through his bags, revealing a glass shard from it. "Can you form this?", he asked. "Where do you have that from and why have it with you?", Nuriel gave back suspiciously. The other one shrugged. "Standard equipment for thieves. But you could form a little umbrella for yourself if that works." Nuriel looked at him surprised. "For a thief...", she mumbled as she took the shard from Jacob, "You have an extremely good heart." Silently, he watched Nuriel play with fire and glass until a somewhat representable umbrella evolved. "You have talent", Jacob smiled at her. "Thanks. I guess I could start my own little glass art business after we get out of here", Nuriel chuckled, "And you'd be the glass shard supplier." "Better than being a thief", the other one joined into the laughter.

Nuriel tilted her head and looked at him, suddenly serious again. "I don't think you're a good thief. Not because you are too stupid for it. Simply because I think it's not what you were meant to be in the first place. Why don't you actually go and find something fitting for you?" "Like what? Who'd help out a lousy thief?" "I would. Yet that's probably because I know you better now... But still. Wouldn't you want to learn something less... illegal?" "I'd love too. But what?" "You'll figure out, Jacob. One day at a time, one step at a time. That's how life works." It was silent for a bit, then: "Nuriel?" "Yes?" "Thanks." "Not for that."

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