The heir

By KuSaKa_019899

67 17 0

"'You definitely don't want to return?', Sarah double-checked. 'Not even dead', Jacob answered scornfully. 'B... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 6

1 0 0
By KuSaKa_019899

Belle was right about one thing, that's what Sarah knew for sure: She didn't really have a better option than this. Nuriel was surprisingly obedient around the witch and seemingly trusted her. And something about Belle made Sarah gain trust in her as well though she couldn't really name it. But could she really break with the stories she had heard so often as a child? What if Miriel and Lian really were the bad guys in all this? Would Sarah get from one problem to the next? Could she really trust Belle? Or even Nuriel? What if everyone was out to get her? With a heavy sigh, she let her head sink down on her hands and closed her eyes. She was tired, so tired.


As she opened the eyes again, the room around her had vanished. She was floating in the air and just as she was about to panic, a person emerged in front of her. A woman whose age could not be defined. Next to her stepped a man of similar looks. Miriel and Lian. Sarah realized before even taking in the full situation. They looked so different than what she had seen in the pictures as a child. They were... glorious. And no matter how much she tried, she couldn't find a better word to describe them.

They just looked at her, a warm smile on their faces before Miriel said something. Her voice sounded like honey, like the wind blowing through the leaves or water running down a stream. "I know you are scared", she said, "But we can't decide for you." "Why should I trust you?", Sarah gave back. "Sometimes you just have to trust others", the woman answered, "Even if the results of it can only be seen later." "What if I go?" "Then we will make this world a better place. Together. "And what if I don't?" "Then everything will stay the way it is."

"How should I even decide something this important when I can't even tell who to trust?", Sarah sighed hopelessly. "What you have to understand", Lian now spoke up, "Is that people are different from what they may seem at first, different from what you heard or might expect." His voice reminded the princess of thunder and lighting, of bees buzzing around busily and snowflakes covering the earth in white. "What do you mean?", she asked. "A person doing something bad doesn't mean they are solely bad", Miriel answered, "What's important to understand that, is their motivation behind it. There is no such thing as solely good or bad people in this world. And people can change." "Just as your ancestor decided to abandon us, everyone has to decide whom to listen to, every day new", Lian added, "Sometimes they mess up and listen to the wrong voice. That can happen. But as long as they try to listen to the right voice, they are on a good way." "And don't be fooled: If a person changes, it is their motivation that changes first", Miriel smiled, "Just ask someone why they do what they do and you will start to see clearer."

Lian took the woman's hand and nodded to her. "We have to go soon, Sarah", Miriel said sadly, "But know that we hereby pledge our alliance to you, your Majesty." The princess watched shocked as the other two bowed elegantly and then turned to walk away. "No, wait, I still have so many questions!", she exclaimed but they didn't look back. "Hey! Miriel! Lian! I order you to stay!", she screamed. She had so many things she needed to talk about! How dare they just go like that?


Sarah jolted up and looked around confused. Then she understood. It was a dream. It all had been a dream. But how did it feel so real? She snapped out of her daze as she heard someone banging on the front door. She saw Belle hurrying outside of another room. "Oh, you're awake again, princess", she smiled as she passed by. Nuriel sat on a windowsill a bit away and let her feet dangle over it, seemingly thoughtful. Belle opened the door. "Oh", was all she said. Confused, Sarah turned to the door only to widen her eyes in shock. Staring back at her with the same surprised face she had, was a well-known person. Belle nodded satisfied. "I waited for you", she said and stepped aside, "Come on in, Jacob."

Nuriel jolted up, so did Sarah. "Don't let him come near us!", the fairy shouted angrily, flying over to Sarah while the princess inspected the young man closely. Something about him seemed different. "I-I'm sorry, I...", he stuttered. "What? You what? Spit it out, you traitor!", Nuriel growled. "I... I didn't know you were here", he shrugged. Nuriel squinted her eyes and was about to answer as Belle's clear voice drew everyone's attention. "No one will fight in my house. Let's first sit down. I think it's time to explain some more things." "Let me first", Jacob shyly spoke up and lowered his head, only glancing at Sarah and Nuriel, "First I have to say my dearest apologies to those two. I made a huge mistake and I know that. I shouldn't have done it. It was probably the stupidest thing I have ever done." "You don't say", Nuriel scoffed. Surprisingly enough, it was Sarah who made some space on the bench she had been sitting on. "Sit down, Jacob. Tell us why you did it", she simply said.


"And all I could think of was running towards your horse, princess. Solely on my own they would have gotten a hold of me surely. And it didn't even try to shake me off." After Jacob ended, Nuriel's death stare had softened and Sarah thoughtfully chewed her lower lip. Belle watched them somewhat amused. "I am sorry for hearing about your parents", Sarah then mumbled, "I know what it is like to be treated wrongly by someone who's supposed to be family." Jacob shrugged. "I just really thought I could finally earn their respect when I manage to capture you. Even before you escaped, they treated me as indifferently as they always had", he answered. Nuriel cleared her throat. "Uhm so... After I burned down your ruin of a house – What are you thinking of doing?", she asked. He shrugged again. "Well, my first instinct was to come here. After all, Belle is the only other person I know and who actually seems to want to help me." The witch nodded affirmingly. "You definitely don't want to return?", Sarah double-checked. "Not even dead", Jacob answered scornfully. "But you also can't run around freely around here because the guards are after you?", she went on. He nodded. "It's decided then", the princess sighed, "You'll come with us to search for Miriel and Lian."

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