By Daniel538335

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My version of ASHMITH33's story "CHOSEN ONE'S ADVENTURES". More

Chapter 1: The Gathering
Chapter 2: I Choose You [Season 1, Episode 1]
Chapter 3: Pokémon Emergency [Season 1, Episode 2]
Chapter 4: Ash Catches a Pokémon [Season 1, Episode 3]
Chapter 6: Memes 1
Chapter 7: Showdown in Pewter City [Season 1, Episode 5]
Chapter 8:Break 1
Chapter 9:Clefairy and the Moon Stone[Season 1, Episode 6]

Chapter 5: Challenge of the Samurai Boy! [Season 1, Episode 4]

786 20 10
By Daniel538335

Shadow:We are now going to watch Challenge of the Samurai.*Disappears*
Title card: And now Challenge of the Samurai.

[pan over the forest as Misty screams

Misty is shown hugging onto a tree branch]

Ash: What's wrong now?

Misty: I think I see another bug. Gross!

Ash: Maybe it's a...

[Ash jumps up in a cow costume]

Ash: Cow-terpie!

Serena: Wow, you really didn't act like that in Kalos
Ash: Well people grow up when they travel enough
Paul: That was also very stupid as well
Dawn: But you really looked cute in that cow costume Ash!
Lillie: True!
May: Do you still have that?
Ash: No, i don't use this costumes anymore

[Misty falls off the tree and Pikachu trips in shock.]

Misty: Ugh.

[Ash chuckles as he rubs the back of his head]

Misty: That's not funny.

You know I hate bugs and I saw one right over there.

[a weedle is shown waddling forward. Kasumi jumps behind Ash]

Ash: A Weedle!

Sophocles: You was really excited for seeing new pokemons, right?
Ash: Of course, i was still a rookie who was used to see pokemons in the TV
Kiawe: Well, everyone was a rookie sometime
May: Yeah, being a rookie can be very shameful sometimes
Dawn: I agree on that too May, hehe
Ash: There was a plenty of things that i didn't know at that time
Prof. Kukui: That's fine, i also remember my first days, it was very different from now
Cynthia: Everyone remembers the first days
Prof. Oak: Even me!

Pokédex: Weedle, the stinger on this Pokémon's head guarantees that any attacker will get the point right where it hurts.

Ash: A stinger, huh? Now, there's a challenge.

Misty: Why are you so excited about a bug with a stinger? Make it go away!

Ash: You got to be kidding.

You can't possibly expect a great Pokémon trainer like me to let a Weedle escape.

I'm going to catch it.

[Ash pulls out a pokeball before he pauses]

Oh! Oh, yeah, I almost forgot.

You have to weaken a Pokémon before you can capture it.

Let's go, Pikachu.

[Pikachu turns over as it naps]

Paul: Everyone knows that
Ash: I was just starting then i think it's fine to commit some mistakes
Prof. Oak: These things are something that become intuition overtime, i still remember to forgot the basic sometimes
Norman: It also took me a while to get used to these things, but they became habits after a while
Ash: Well, i don't commit these mistakes anymore
May: Even me
Dawn: Me too

[weedle starts to rub onto Misty's leg. Misty runs off]

Misty: Don't just stand there! Catch it!

Ash: Have no fear. Satoshi is here.

Mallow: Why do you have fear of bugs? That weedle is very cute to me! [Confused]
Lillie: To me as well!
Misty: Well, everyone fears something, i fear the bugs! [Said angrily, because her fear maked all sense to her]
Mallow: That don't make sense to me

Ash: Pidgeotto, I choose you!

[pidgeotto appears in a flash of white light]

Ash: Pidgeotto, Gust Attack!

Pidgeotto: Pigeo!

[the weedle is flown back by pidgeottos attack.]

Ash: That's the way to do it!

Paul: At least you were intelligent enough to use a supereffective move
Ash: Hey! [Said little angry for the insult]
Gary: Although i agree with him, Ashboy [Said in a provocative way]
Prof. Oak: Gary! [Said seriously] Ash was a starter at the time, so it's okay to make some mistakes, but that don't make him dumb!
Dawn: Yeah, i made some mistakes on my first day as well!
Pikachu: Although some of your pokémon choices were not too smart Ash!
Ash: Even you Pikachu? [Said feeling betrayed]
Pikachu: Sorry but it's the truth [Said with a sorrow smile]

[Misty walks away as she rants]

Misty: This whole forest is crawling with slimy, disgusting Pokémon.

I wish they'd all just bug off.

[a sword is drawn from behind a tree].

Delia: What kind of sword was that?! [Said worried about the possible bad man who was in the forest with her son]
Ash: It's fine mom, it wasn't someone bad {Said in a calming way]
Prof. Kukui: But it's still very danger to have someone with a sword like that
Pikachu: That guy was very annoying [Said remembering the samurai]

Samurai: Hi-yah!

[a kid jumps out pointing a sword at Misty]

Samurai: Greetings, oh, shrieking maiden.

Are you by chance the Pokémon trainer who comes from Pallet?

Misty: That guy scared me at the first moment [Said remembering the shock it was seeing that sword pointing to her]
Brock: He can't just walk pointing that sword to others [Said angrily looking that dangerous tool aimed to his little sister figure]
Dawn: Who was that guy anyway? And why he was looking for the Pallet Town trainers? [Confused]
Shadow: To discover that, you need to watch the TV, eyes on the show!

Misty: [whimpers] No, that's not me.

[the boy puts the sword away]

Samurai: Alas. My search continues.

I advise you to refrain from further shrieking while passing through this forest, unless your goal is to attract a horde of Beedrills.

[the boy walks off

Misty falls backwards from shock]

Misty: What a weird kid. I wonder why he'd be looking for a Pokémon trainer from...

Ah, that's Ash!

Serena: What he wanted from you Ash? [Said confused with the boy]
Ash: He just wanted to battle, although I think he exaggerated a lot with that sword
Mallow: Of course, who's swinging a sword like that?

Weedle: Weedle!

[the weedle aims its stinger to the pidgeotto]

Ash: Pidgeotto, watch out for its poison sting!

[pidgeotto dodges the attack]

Ash: Ha, nice work.

[Ash pulls out a pokeball]

Ash: Okay, here we go. Weedle, I've got you now.

[weedle is shown knocked out]

Samurai: Greetings. Am I addressing the Pokémon trainer who comes from Pallet?

Ash: I'm a Pokémon trainer from Pallet, but I'm a little busy.

Samurai: I have found you at last.

Misty: Ash!

[Misty comes running back as the kid aims the sword at Ash.]

Brock: You battled that weedle well Ash [Said looking proudly to his little brother figure
Ash: Thanks, using a supereffective type is very helpful in the first days for catching pokémons
Prof. Oak: It's always recommended to rookie trainers start catching pokémons who have type disadvantage
Prof. Kukui: I agree with Professor Oak

Samurai: Hiyah!

Ash: That sword doesn't scare me. There's no way you're stealing my Pokémon.

Samurai: I am no Pokémon thief.

Misty: Who are you then?

Samurai: I am Samurai. I am also shrewd, fearless and completely invincible in combat.

I have been searching the forest for you.

[samurai puts his sword away]

Ash: What do you want from me?

Samurai: A Pokémon match.

[samurai brings up his pokeball]

Let us see who triumphs.

Pikachu: Pika?

Ash: Oh, no!

I forgot about Weedle. I'll get it.

Poké Ball, go!

[Ash throws the ball only for it to miss and weedle to get away]

Caroline: He really looked like a pokémon thief
Norman:  Agreed, having a sword like that don't make you look like someone good
Kiawe: Although you didn't look scared Ash
Ash: It needs more than a sword to scare me!
Brock: Although you lost your capture because of him
May: Yeah, that's really bad!

Pidgeotto: Pidgeo!

Ash: Pidgeotto, return!

[pidgeotto disappears in a flAsh of red light]

That Weedle only got away because you mixed me up.

Samurai: Don't blame your failure on me. Your Pokémon handling is dim-witted and clumsy.

Sophocles: He made you lost your capture and he still blame you? [Said in a disgust tone]
Lillie: Sophocles is right, he made you lost your capture! It his fault! [Said angry with the samurai]
May: He should at least take the blame for that!
Ash: It's fine, i didn't miss that weedle anyway

Ash: What do you know about Pokémon?

I bet I could beat you in a Pokémon match blindfolded.

Samurai: There is one way to find out.

Pikachu: Pikachu.

Ash: Pidgeotto, do your stuff.

Dawn: I don't think it's a good ideia send pidgeotto to this battle, he is tired from the last battle with the weedle [Said worried with the pokémon]
Serena: Although i don't like his attitude, you were also acting very arrogant there Ash, that's not good! You should not underestimate your opponents and let your pokémon rest!
Prof. Kukui: She's right Ash, your pokémon can't battle if they are tired
Ash: I've learned my lessons already okay? Don't need to remember me all the times! [Said a little annoyed with all his friends criticizing him]
[pidgeotto appears tired]

Ash: Uh-oh.

Misty: Ash, don't you know you have to let your Pokémon rest once in a while?

Ash: Well, I...

Samurai: Only a novice goes into battle with a pooped-out Pokémon.

Your blunder will cost you dearly.

Pinsir, assume battle mode!

Brock: Despite pidgeotto being tired, it doesn't make a good ideia sent a bug type pokémon [Said disapproving the samurai choice]
Prof. Oak: That's true, but even not being a good ideia, i don't think pidgeotto can do much being so tired [Said analyzing the flying type state]
Max: So is kinda equalized pidgeotto is tired but he still have the type advantage
Prof. Kukui: Something like that [Said agreeding with Max]

Ash: Whoa, he's got a Pinsir.

Pokédex: Pinsir, this fearsome Pokémon uses its powerful claws to put the squeeze on its opponents.

Ash: That Pinsir looks pretty tough but Pidgeotto can beat it.

Pidgeotto: Pidgeo!

Ash: Pidgeotto, Sand Attack!

[the attack is ineffective]

Samurai: That's child's play! Pinsir, tackle it!

[the pinsir hits dead on knowing pidgeotto out]

Pidgeotto: Pidgeo...

Samurai: Your Pokémon is beaten.

Ash: Oh, no. Pidgeotto, return!

Max: Okay, that was really fast, i didn't know that pidgeotto being tired was going to be so disadvantageous [Said surprised with how quickly pidgeotto were defeated]
Prof. Oak: I was right, pidgeotto couldn't do much after all
Lillie: But it's sad to see pidgeotto go down so easily [Said sad with the defeat of the flying type

Samurai: Novice. Are you ready to surrender?

Ash: No way. I'm just warming up.

Metapod, I choose you now!

Samurai: Watch and weep as Pinsir crushes your Metapod in half.

Ash: No.

[we are shown as pinsir crushes metapod into two]

Brock: Sent a metapod isn't really a great ideia, but it could work if you do very well
Prof. Oak: Brock's right, every pokémon are useful if you know how to use them
Ash: I've learned this in the old way [Remembering how metapod beat pinsir

Ash: Those claws!

Misty: Ash?

Ash: Call off Metapod. Not even a bug deserves this.

Samurai: This match is already won.

Ash: Metapod, harden now!

[metapod lights up green as pinsir tries to crush it. Eventually breaking the claws off]

Pikachu: Pikachu!

Misty: It worked.

So now who's the novice?

Samurai: Pinsir, return! Clever, quite clever. Poké Ball, go!

[a metapod appears]

Ash: Metapod?

Samurai: Metapod, harden like his.

Ash: Maximum hardness, Metapod.

[they stand in a standoff. time is shown to pass by quickly]

Ash: More power, Metapod. Samurai's is weakening.

[pan by Misty and Pikachu chilling on lawn chairs drinking from iced beverages]

Prof. Kukui: It was intelligent to use harden to destroy pinsir claws [Agreed with Ash's ideia]
Prof. Oak: With broken claws pinsir can't do much
Brock: His claws are one of his strongest points [Confirmed Prof. Oak info]
Misty: It was also evident that he only had  them, he literally switched his pokémon because the claws were broken [Said a little disappointed]

Samurai: Harder, you're the stronger Metapod.

[jessie and james are shown walking through the forest underneath a tank, with meowth lounging on the top]

Serena: What team rocket is doing there? [Said annoyed that they followed Ash since the beginning of his journey]
Misty: These guys don't give up ever! [Said angry with team rocket persistence]
Jessie: Of course we don't give up, team rocket never gives up! [Said angry with the dweebs]
Meowth: We gonna get Pikachu someday [Said and James agreed with his companions]

James: I'm tired.

Jessie: James, stop whining.

James: But, Jessie, what's the point of dragging

this tank around?

Jessie: To protect us from Beedrills.

Ever been stung by one? It hurts.

Meowth: Hey, down there, quit chattering. Get a move on.

Jessie: What are you doing up there?

James: Why don't you come help us?

Meowth: Wish I could but I'm riding lookout.

Jessie: Well, look out for this.

[meowth is knocked off and has to run to catch up]

Meowth: Ah! Hey, wait a second. Come back! Meowth!

[cut back to the stand off as nothing happens]

Ash: A little more.

Samurai: Metapod, full power.

Misty: We could be stuck in this forest for the rest of our lives.

Boys can be so stubborn.

[the two boys fall over in exhaustion]

Ash: Don't give up!

Misty: You two are more hardheaded than your Metapods.

Misty: what's the point on having that tank, if your legs are exposed like that?
James: I guess she's right Jessie, that wasn't a good ideia after all [Said agreeing with Misty opinion]
Dawn: Besides that the tank was made on cardboard, that won't protect you two from the beedril anyway [Said appointing that fact]
Gary: Also that Metapod battle was very boring, what's the point on make each of them reach the top of their defenses if none of them will attack?
Prof. Oak: You're right Gary, that don't make sense after all [Said agreeing with his grandson opinion]
Misty: Although it was funny to see you two trying something stupid like that [Said funny making everyone laugh]

[a buzzing sound starts]

Misty: Huh?

What's that noise?

Samurai: A Beedrill swarm approaches.

Our match must end. Metapod, return

[beedrills are shown quickly approaching]

Ash: Beedrill swarm.

Pokédex: Beedrill, this Pokémon is an evolved form of Weedle, following its Kakuna stage. Its sting is highly poisonous.

Samurai: The Weedle that got away from you has informed the rest of its kind.

Good day.

[a beedrill swoops down and scoops up metapod]

Ash: Metapod, return now!

[the pokeball misses before metapod disappears into the forest]

Oh, no, it got away.

Prof. Oak: A beedril swarm is never a good thing [Said worried with the situation]
Prof. Kukui: He shouldn't battle if he knows that have a beedril swarm near [Said a little angry with the boy stupidity]
Delia: Ash you weren't stung right [Said worried with her son]
Ash: No mom, i got fine
Norman: I also hope the metapods turned out well too [Said worried with the pokémons]
Ash: They got well [Said nervous about what is going to get see next]

[a beedrill swoops down to Ash before Pikachu jumps up and shocks the both]

Pikachu: Pikachu!

[Misty grabs onto Ash]

Misty: Come on. Let's move it.

Ash: But Metapod...

Serena:Run Ash!
Mallow:How will you be able to save Metapod if you can't save yourself?

Misty: They're gaining on us.

[the three dive behind some bushes. The beedrills fly past]

Samurai: A whole hive of Kakunas.

Pokédex: Kakuna, a transitional stage between Weedle and Beedrill.

Kakunas remain inactive until they evolve into deadly Beedrills and hatch.

Ash: Hey, over there. It's Metapod!

Prof. Oak: It's good to see that metapod is fine, but having a hive of kakunas nearby it's not a good thing, you three need to hide and a find a way to get metapod back
Serena: You have to hide Ash, you can't save Metapod if you got stung by all these beedrils! [Said worried with the boy]
Prof. Kukui: How unlucky do they have to be to have all these kakunas evolving right now?! [Said worried with all the situation]
Ash: Everyone calm down, it's gonna be fine! Everything was fine in the end!

Prof. Oak: The last thing you should do is speak loudly and call their attention
Serena: Who cares about that?! They should run from these beedrils! [Said very worried with the boy she had a crush]
Brock: At least they got in the log cabin without any injuries
May: That guy had the great ideia to battle someone with a beedril swarm close and still puts the blame on Ash?! [Said angry with the samurai]
Prof. Kukui: He should know when it's his fault {Said angry and disapproving the samurai attitude]
Delia: My son almost got hurt and he still blames him, that's very wrong!

Ash: Take back that "novice" crack.

Samurai: I do take it back. Because not even a novice would abandon his own Pokémon as you did.

Prof. Oak: Even though your attitude is terrible, you shouldn't be mad about being called a novice Ash, everyone was a novice sometime, that's not something to get mad! [He said scolding the boy]
Dawn: Also Ash didn't abandon his pokémon, i'm sure he will get him back! [Said angry with the samurai audacity to say that Ash abandoned his pokémon]
May: Of course he will, Ash isn't the type who abandon his pokémon like that!
Brock: Totally agreed with you two [Said agreeing with the girls]

Ash: I tried to save Metapod

Delia: You really tried, and i'm proud of that, despite being dangerous [Said giving her son a proud smile]
Ash: Thanks mom [Smiled back at her]
Prof. Kukui: You love your pokémons Ash, that the most important part of being a trainer!
Brock: In fact!

Pikachu looks at Ash sadly]

Pikachu: Chu.

Samurai: Your Metapod will pay for its trainer's inexperience.

The other trainers from Pallet would never have been so irresponsible.

Ash: Other trainers from Pallet?

Have you fought Pokémon matches against Gary and the others?

Samurai: Ah. There were three spectacular matches, each more challenging than the last.

[a charmander is shown blasting fire at pinsir]

Those trainers really knew how to raise Pokémon.

[a metapod is shown fighting against a squirtle]

Even though I was defeated all three times,

[a bulbasaur is shown throwing a pinsir away]

I was inspired to redouble my own training.

I have been eagerly preparing for that day

when finally I would beat the next Pokémon trainer from Pallet.

Misty: So that's why you've been waiting around here for Satoshi to show up.

Samurai: Compared to those other three, novice here is a joke.

[night falls and everyone is asleep, except for Satoshi]

Ash: Metapod.

May: He's still blaming you [Said angrily for that]
Prof. Oak: So he did battle the other trainers from Pallet too? That explains why he was looking for Ash
Gary: Now that you said, i kinda remember him now, it was very easy to beat him, even his pinsir wasn't strong
Lillie: Who was the other two trainers? [Said curious]
Prof. Oak: I don't remeber now, they gave up after the indigo league

[day comes and Ash is army crawling through a hoard of beedrills and kahunas

Meowth comes and kicks Ash down]

Delia: Ash crawl through that hoard is very dangerous! [Said worried]
Brock: Really Meowth?! You will get in the way right now?! [Said angry with the cat pokémon]
Meowth: That brat was deserving that for the pokémon center!

Meowth: Meowth!

Do you know what Meowth's favorite game is?

[meowth is flung off of Satoshi]

Ash: Ugh, get off!

[meowth scratches Satoshi's face]

Meowth: Scratch and sniffle.

Pikachu: I should give you a thundershock for that [Said angry with the cat hurting his best friend]
Ash's Lucario:  And i should give you an Aura Sphere too! [Also angry with his trainer being hurt by that cat]
Meowth: You guys can't hurt me here [Said mocking them and after that looked at Shadow] They can't right? [Said this nervous]

James: Guess who.

Jessie: Prepare for trouble.

James: Make it double.

Jessie: To protect the world from devastation.

James: To unite all peoples within our nation.

Jessie: To denounce the--

Ash: No, not again, not now!

Brock: Thats really not the time for that, didn't you guys see the kakuna hive nearby? [Said unbelieving]
James: We were confid

Jessie: Never interrupt the Team Rocket motto.

Ash: But the Beedrill--

Jessie: Ahem.

To denounce the evils of truth and love.

James: To extend our reach to the stars above.

Jessie: Jessie.

James: James.

Ash: Keep it down before you wake up the Beedrills.

Jessie: Team Rocket!

Blast off at the speed of light!

James: Surrender now or prepare to fight!

Meowth: Meowth! That's right!

[bombs go off waking the beedrills]

Jessie: Little boy, why don't you give us your Pikachu?

There's no use trying to resist us, so be smart and hand over the Pokémon.

Dawn: Anyone gets irritated when they hear this annoying motto more than once [Said annoyed since even in Sinnoh team rocket used a motto, it was different, but still used every time they appeared]
Jessie: Our motto is not annoying, it's cool!
Prof. Oak: But it's not cool use him to attract a entire beedril swarm to a kid [Said seriously]
May: Anyway didn't you see that Pikachu wasn't with Ash that time?
James: We though that he was in the pokéball
Ash: Pikachu was never in the pokéball, i thought that you already learned that

Ash: I don't have Pikachu with me and even if I did, I'd never let you take it.

[Ash runs towards the beedrills]

both: Come back here.

Ash: If I make it past the Beedrills, maybe they'll dive-bomb Team Rocket.

[Ash dive past the beedrills making team rocket shout in surprise]

Jessie: The tank will surely come in handy now.

James: It was worth the struggle dragging it here.

[james grabs the tank only for a bunch of weedles to already be eating most of it]

Both: What?

Meowth: Meowth! They're eating the tank!

James: Well, we made it from paper to reduce the weight.

Jessie: Who knew?

Prof. Oak: Insects eat paper, i thought you know that [Said with a blank face]
James: Well, we learned it in the hard way
Dawn: I hope you did! [Said angry with team rocket getting in Ash's way in a moment like that]

Meowth: Numskulls!

[team rocket runs from the beedrills]

[Ash catches up to metapod and tries to get it into the pokeball]

Ash: So there you are.

Here, into the Poké Ball, Metapod.

[metapod refuses]

Metapod: Metapod, Metapod.

Satoshi: Metapod?

[buzzing continues as more beedrills approach]

Ash: Huh?

Let's go.

[Ash scoops up metapod and runs]

I didn't abandon you, Metapod.

I just got sidetracked.

It was all Samura's fault. Argh!

Ash trips making metapod roll away]

Ash: No, it wasn't Samurai's fault.

It was my fault.

If I was a better Pokémon trainer, I'd stop making all these excuses.

From now on, I swear I'll never run away and leave my friends behind again.

No more excuses.


May: It was samurai fault as well, he knew about the beedril swarm and still challenged you to battle
Brock: But at least you finally understood that you should accept your mistakes as well [Said happy that Ash finally understood that making excuses don't make you a better trainer]
Serena: And you still follow this promise as well [Said with a comforting smile]
Ash: Yeah, i guess i do

[a beedrill tries to attack Ash]

Misty: Ash!

Samurai: Watch out for the twineedle attack!

Pikachu: Pikachu!

May: At least he came to help you
Brock: You should be careful Misty, but i'm also proud that you faced you bug fear to help Ash [Said with a proud smile to her little sister figure]
Misty: Well someone needed to take care of that idiot [Said with a funny smile]
Ash: Hey!

[metapod attacks the beedrill, breaking its stinger]

Max: Wow, metapod was very brave by attacking that beedril
Brock: I think that know Ash accepted his mistakes, he forgave him by letting him get captured [Said with a smile]
Prof. Oak: Of course, pokémons reward well good trainers, and the first step to become a good trainer is accept your own mistakes [Said remembering his first day being a bit arrogant, but improving a lot when started accepting his own mistakes]

Ash: Metapod!

[the beedrill flies off]

Ash: Are you hurt?

[metapod starts to shine bright]

Serena: That fast?! It evolved the day before [Said surprised with how quickly metapod evolved
Prof. Oak: Well bug types evolve much faster than other types, Cartepie and Weedle being the fastest
Prof. Kukui: Some bugs evolves faster than others [Said confirming what Professor Oak said]

Ash:Are you okay, Metapod?

Pikachu: Pika, pika.

[a butterfree appears in metapods place]

Lillie: How cute! [Said amazed with the butterfree beauty]
Mallow: I think i wan't one too
Serena: I think a butterfree would help me a lot in the contests [Said thinking how the butterfree beauty would her]

Ash: Butterfree.

[it squeals as it flies above Ash]

Misty: Oh, it's so beautiful.

Pikachu: Pika.

Pokédex: Butterfree, one week after Caterpie evolves into Metapod, it again evolves into Butterfree.

[butterfree flies around Ash squealing happily

beedrills start to emerge]

Misty: Here come the other Beedrills.

[butterfree squeals and flies in front of Ash ready for a fight]

Brock: It looks like he really liked you Ash
Ash: Yeah, we become best friends after that swarm! [Said with a nostalgic tone remembering his first capture]
Brock: I know that [Said remembering how Ash let butterfree start a family instead keeping him, he put his pokémon happiness before his own desires]
May: I just hope that butterfree can beat that swarm
Prof. Oak: He can, with the right move he can! [Said remembering how versatile the butterfrees were]

Ash: Butterfree.

[butterfree squalls at Ash]

Ash: Yeah. Okay!

Butterfree, knock them out with your Sleep Powder!

[butterfree flies high above sparkling

the beedrills start to fall out the sky knocked out]

Ash: Yay! You put all of them to sleep!

Butterfree, you're the best!

Heh, hooray!

Lillie: Of course, sleep powder! [Said happy with how the beedrills started falling on the ground]
Prof. Oak: Just like i said, he only needed the right move
Prof. Kukui: All pokémons are useful, you only need know how to use them properly!

[Ash cheers on butterfree as it flutters around him squealing]

Samurai: You were able to handle your Butterfree so well just after it evolved.

Most impressive.

Pikachu: Pikachu.

[samurai shows the two to a trail]

Samurai: This trail will lead you to Pewter City.

Ash: That's great. But before we leave you, Samurai, we still have to finish our match.

Samurai: Compared with you, my friend, I am the novice.

But I will keep perfecting my technique and one day, we will meet again.

Ash: I'm sure it will be a most spectacular match.

Samurai: That is guaranteed.

Misty: Just promise not to match Metapod versus Metapod again.

Pikachu: Pikachu.

[Pikachu nods crossing its arms]

Ash: Until then, Samurai.

Misty: See you!

Pikachu: Pikachu.

Samurai: Farewell.

Dawn: It seems he was a good guy after all
Brock: He also understood that he still have so much to learn [Said happy for the samurai]
Ash: I still need to battle him, we never finished our match after all
Misty: Yeah, you really should meet him agree

Narrator: With Team Rocket thwarted for now, Ash and his friends leave the Viridian Forest and set their sights on Pewter City.

[it fades to black before opening back up on a tree with a bunch of kahuna.

Jessie, james, and meowth are shown hanging from the tree in big kahuna costumes]

Dawn: Ha! It looks like team rocket paid the price for interrupting you!
May: Yeah they really deserved! [Her and the other kids started laughing at the team rocket expenses]
Prof. Oak: That really stupid you know that right? [Said in a disbelief face which all adults had]
Norman: Very stupid

James: Do you have any more bright ideas?

Jessie: Well, unlike you, at least I have ideas.

Meowth: Yeah, and they're all bad.

Jessie: Who asked you?

[the kahunas and beedrills wake up]

James: Uh-oh!

Jessie: Oh, no!

Team Rocket: Oh! Ow! Ow! Ow!

Ash: They really deserved that! [Said still laughing]
Jessie: I still wan't to know how my ideas are bad! [Said looking angry at Meowth
Shadow:Okay I now have some special things to show you.

...End Of Chapter 5...

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