Infection- Skits

By pschneider7

420 11 0

This will mostly be a bunch of short stories after the events of Book 2, but I might include different perspe... More

Art Dump
Another Art Dump
Precious Memories- Christmas Special
Feeling Weak
Teeny Lil Addition to Last Chapter
Breaking Point
Art Dump #3

Self Care

22 1 0
By pschneider7

Hello. I am alive.
I'm not sure if I wanna make this canon or a separate universe, but I'll figure that out later.

2 weeks.

It’d been 2 weeks since the lab incident. Since we cured everyone. Since the world finally started to heal. But I wasn’t. Any mention of the infection would cause me to shut down. Any loud noises, even if they were as small as someone dropping a plate or closing a door too hard would lead to me having a panic attack. It was awful.

We were still staying at the Safe Place while things settled down. I found it convenient because we could keep a close watch on the city and make sure everything was going back to the way it was before. But it was exhausting. One day, a kid couldn’t find their parents. Another, a fire hydrant burst and started flooding the street. Within a week, we had nearly 50 “accidents.”

I sat against the door in the bathroom for nearly two hours that night. My face was buried in my knees, which were pulled tight to my chest. A few days ago, I would constantly hear knocks on the door asking if I was okay, but they came to a stop after the others recognized it as a part of a routine for me. I sat in silence, listening to the sound of my ragged breathing and accelerated heartbeat.

My legs were going numb from the way I was sitting, which added on to the current discomfort I was feeling. I pulled myself up to the kitchen counter and stared into the mirror. Was that… me? God, I looked awful. My eyes were bloodshot, my resting face made me look like I was constantly terrified, and two massive black bags hung from my eyes. Not only that, I found it increasingly difficult to take basic care of myself. My hair was a knotted mess, and the ponytail in it would make it even harder to detangle.

Three quiet knocks were heard at the door before someone slowly pushed it open. I hung my head and allowed my bangs to cover my face. “It’s been two hours… Are you okay?” Doggy closed the door behind him and put his hand around my waist.

I shook my head and choked out a cry. “I don’t remember the last time I was ‘okay,’ D.” I drew in a sharp breath and covered my head with my hands before my breathing started to get short. In a panicking tone, I repeatedly whispered, “Stop it…”

He pulled me into a hug immediately and held my head to his chest. “Talk to me. What can I do to help you? Anything at all.” I buried my face into his chest and gently hugged him back. He sighed when my answer was a weak shrug. “Okay, well… at least start with taking care of yourself. Alright?” He ran a hand through my tangled ponytail, his fingers getting caught every two seconds. I pulled away and leaned against the counter with my head hanging.

I opened my mouth to talk but couldn’t think of anything to respond with. Doggy sighed again before rubbing my shoulder. “Alright… sit on the ground, I’ll be right back.” I looked up, confused before he shut the door behind him. Okay, then.

A few minutes later, he hurried through the door with a brush in his hand. I paused, looking between the brush and him before he motioned to the ground. Hesitant, I sat with my back to him before feeling a gentle tug on my hair. Almost immediately, he managed to remove my ponytail, which I was certain would take nearly five minutes to get out.

“Ow!” I yelped, leaning forward.

“Shit, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize how bad that chunk was.” He gently massaged my scalp where the hair had been tugged before I sat up straight again.

“It’s okay. Just remember to work from the bottom up, don’t start at the top.” I heard him hum before running the brush through my hair again.

A couple strokes later, the brush successfully ran through my hair without hitting a single knot. Doggy set it on the counter before helping me stand. “There. Nice and pretty again.” I giggled when he swept a few strands behind my ear before hanging my head again. With a sigh, he gently stroked my cheek with his knuckles before rubbing my shoulder. “What’s up?”

I scratched the back of my neck and cleared my throat. “I'm sorry.” His brow furrowed in confusion. “I'm sorry that you have to see me like this.”

He stayed quiet for a while before shaking his head. “No, Jade, you have nothing to apologize for. Not after what's happened to you..” He dropped his head and reached for my hand, tracing circles in my palm with his thumb. “Don't ever feel that you need to always be strong. It'll hurt you more than it'll help you.” I nodded and rested my forehead against his.

“I know,” I whispered, my voice suddenly dry. I cleared my throat again and rubbed the back of my neck. I was so exhausted to the point that I randomly mumbled something, something that not even I know what I was trying to say.

Doggy laughed quietly before opening the bathroom door. “And off to bed you go. We don't need you speaking in tongues the rest of the night.” I smiled tiredly before following him back to my room. What did I ever do to deserve him?

Thank you for reading! As I said before, I haven't decided if this is canon or not, so yeah.
Love ya, bye!

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