Begin Again

By kingofmyheart19

19.9K 941 51

You're 33 and an unexpected widow. You're at the park with your three year old when she runs over with a new... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16

Chapter 15

1.2K 64 5
By kingofmyheart19

Alex POV - Valentine's Day 2024

I smile as I pack my bag up from training and stand up.

"Whats got you all smiley?" I look up and see Naomi.

"Mack planned a Valentine's Day surprise." I say.

She smiles, "Ooh, that's exciting."

I nod, "Yep. So I want to go home, get ready and then head to her place."

She starts walking with me, "Have you guys talked about moving in together?"

I shake my head, "No. I mean, I totally would, but she hasn't said I love you to me yet, when I have, so I'm being patient."

She nods, "That makes sense."

I nod, "Yeah, but I'm excited for tonight."

She smiles and gets to her car, "Well, have fun. But don't have too much fun."

I smile and shake my head, getting into my car.

My phone starts ringing and I smile, "Hi, babe!"

"Hey, Lex! How was your day?"

I smile, "Fine. I'm sore though."


"Yeah, might need a massage later."

"Mmmmm. I think that can be arranged." She says.

I shake my head and chuckle.

"You'll be over in a bit?" She asks.

I nod to myself, "Yeah, I already dropped Charlie at Serv's."

"Cool. Ry is at my mom's, see you soon."

I smile, "Yeah, I love you."


"Bye, Lex."

The phone disconnects and I can't help but feel bummed about Mack not saying that she loves me.

I pull into my driveway and walk inside, quickly getting ready.

I check my fit and then head back out the door, driving towards Mack's place.

I pull up to her house and sigh, getting out and heading towards her door.

I see an envelope taped to it.


I smile and open it.

Alex, Lex, Babe, Honey,

Every other weird pet name that I've ever called you.

These past nine months....i can't even describe what they've meant to me, for me.

After I lost Ally, I never thought that I could be happy again, that I could love someone so deeply again.

But, here I am.

You've changed my life. You've changed everything for me. Brought the light back into my life.

You're my world, you, Charlie, and Riley.

I love you.

I know that I've been holding back. I've been scared. But I realized that I could never be scared with you by my side.

This is the part where you dump out the envelope.

My eyes widen because I didn't even notice something was in the envelope.

My eyes widen further when I see that it's a key.

I focus back on the letter.

Okay, now that you've realized that there's something in the envelope.

Alexandra Patricia Morgan, will you (and Charlie too), move in with me, Riley, and Max (you'll still have to continue to share part of the bed with him.)

I laugh and go to open the door.

"Is that a yes?" I hear and spin around.

There, I see Mack standing with her hands stuffed into her jacket pockets.

I squeal and wrap my arms around her.

I pull back and press my lips against hers, slipping my tongue into her mouth.

She moans and I smile into the kiss.

"Does that answer your question?" I ask.

"I mean, you kissed me like that when I didn't ask you to move in with me, so not really?"

I chuckle and shake my head.

"It's a yes, babe." I whisper.

She smiles and nods, "I love you."

I smile widely, "I love hearing you say that and I love you too."

She leans in and presses her lips against mine.

"Massage before or after dinner?" She whispers as she pulls back.

"Hmmm. Definitely before." As I snake my hands up her sides.

"Let's go, then." She says and grabs my hand.

She pauses at the door and starts searching her pockets.

"Need your key, babe." She says.

I chuckle, "I love you."

"I love you more."

Mack POV - April 2024

I yawn when I open my eyes.

I immediately see brunette hair and snuggle my nose into it, taking a deep breath.

I wrap my arms tighter and start scratching Alex's stomach lightly.

She starts to move and I smile, "Morning, honey."

She groans, "More sleep."

I chuckle, "Okay, but I wanted to-"


I turn and see Riley standing there, bedhead and all, but her pants are wet.

Tears well up in her eyes, "Mommy, I'm sorry! I promise that I went last night before bed. I promise!"

Alex rolls over and sits up, looking at Riley.

I stretch and stand up, "It's okay, Riley. I believe you. I'm not mad."

"Alex, you're not mad either?"

She stands up and walks over, throwing a sweatshirt on and grabbing her glasses.

"I'm not mad, Riley. We just have to clean you up."

She nods and wipes her face, "I'm trying to be better."

"It's okay." I say and grab her hand.

"I'll change her bedding." Alex says and I smile.

"Thanks, babe."

I pull Riley to hers and Charlie's bathroom, "Okay, monkey, bath time."

As I'm washing her, Riley looks at me, "Mommy?"

"Yeah, baby?"

"Would momma be mad if I called someone else, momma?" She asks quietly.

My eyes widen.

I let out a breath and sigh, "Never, baby. Momma would never be mad at you. Ever."

She nods, "I want to call Alex, mama, but spelled different."

I smile and nod, "I think Alex would like that, bub."

She smiles.

We finish up and the door opens, "Here, some new clothes."

I smile.

"Thank you, mama!" Riley squeals from the bathtub.

I smile and turn to see Alex's face.

Her eyes are wide, but a smile breaks out on her face, "You're welcome, Riley."

She turns and walks out of the bathroom.

Riley smiles at me, "I think that it made her happy."

I smile and kiss her head, "I think that you are right."

I get her dressed, "Hey. Run downstairs and let Max out back, okay? I'll be right down."

She smiles and takes off and I head for mine and Alex's bedroom.

I push the door open and see Alex on the bed.

She looks up, "Hey."

I walk closer and sit next to her, grabbing her hand, "Hi. You okay?"

She sniffles and laughs, "I'm great. Really. I don't know why that made me so emotional. I love Riley just like I love Charlie."

I kiss her head, "I know that you do. She asked me if Ally would be mad if she called you momma, but you know, spelled differently."

She chuckles.

"I said that she wouldn't. And I'm telling you that she wouldn't. She'd be grateful to you for stepping in for her."

She nods, "I'll be here for as long as you'll have me."

I smile and stand up.

"Mommies! I'm hungry!" Riley calls from downstairs.

I lean in and press my lips against Alex's, "I love you."

"I love you too." She says.

"Let's go get Riley some breakfast and then go get Charlie from your asshole ex-husband." I say.

She chuckles, "Ugh, he is an ass."

I nod and grab her hand.

We head downstairs and my eyes widen when I see Max's food bin dumped out, him frantically eating his kibble.

I look at Riley, "I tried to feed Max, it tipped over, but he's still eating, mommy."

I rub my forehead and Alex walks past me, "He sure is, here, Max, bowl."

Alex scoops some food into his bowl and takes him to the other room.

'This crazy life.'

Alex POV - two months later

"Momma!" Charlie calls when I pick her up from the summer camp that her preschool offers.

I scoop her up, "Hi, baby!"

"Can we go get Riley?" She asks.

I nod, "Yup! Because Mack has to work late."

"You mean mommy?" She quirks her eyebrow.

My eyes widen.

"You want to call her that?" I ask her.

She nods, "Riley said she calls you mama and then her mommy has always been her mommy.
So it just makes sense momma."

I smile, "Yeah, I guess it does."

"Bye, Charlie!" Her teacher says.

I grab her things and start walking out, but I see the director of the preschool.

"Hey Ms. Morgan, hi Charlie!"

I smile, "Hi Becca, I actually have a question."


"Is there any chance for a spot in Charlie's class for fall?"

She smiles, "Actually, I think so. You have someone in mind?"

I nod, "Yeah, my girlfriend's daughter. She's a good kid."

She smiles, "Well, have her sign up online."

I nod, "Thanks."

We get into the car, heading out and shortly arrive at Riley's school.

I get Charlie out and we head inside.

"I want my mommy!" My eyes widen because I know that cry.

Charlie bolts and I quickly chase her until she gets to Riley.

"Hey, what's going on?" I ask.

"Mama!" Riley cries and latches into me.

"Hey babe, what's wrong?" I ask.

Charlie pulls on my shirt and I scoop her up too.

"Hi, Riley here is a little upset about something that someone said."

I stare at her and look at Riley who is wiping her eyes.

"You want to talk it out, Ry? Or can your teacher tell me?"

She points at her teacher, "Okay."

I look at her teacher who sighs, "They were doing an activity where they draw pictures of their family doing something fun this summer. Riley drew you and her mom then Charlie too."

I nod.

"Then she drew someone in the sky. Another girl made fun of her for having two mommies then said her third mom was in hell."

My eyes widen, "What?"

She sighs and nods, "I'm so sorry. I spoke to the other girl's mom. She was not too apologetic."

I shake my head, "I'll let Mack know."

I turn and press a kiss to both Charlie and Riley's heads.

We get to the car and I set Charlie in the car then buckle Riley in.

She's sniffling and looking at the floor.

"Hey Ry?"

She looks at me, "It is not okay, what that girl said. And I promise you that your momma is in heaven."

She nods, "Okay."

"It's okay, Ry. We can play when we get home." Charlie says.

I walk over and buckle her in then hop in the driver's seat.

I make the drive home and we head inside.

My phone buzzes.

Mack🥰: hey, how was pick up?

I sigh.

Me: Something happened today at Riley's school. We can talk about it when you get home tonight. I love you.

I watch as the dots pop up.

Mack🥰: is everything okay?

Me: she's okay, just a peer said something to her. It upset her.

Mack🥰: I love you too btw. Ah, okay. Yeah, let's talk when I get home.

Me: have fun with conferences

Mack🥰: not possible. Conferences are hell, babe.

I chuckle and shake my head.

I walk into the kitchen and start preparing dinner.

Charlie and Riley come to the table and start coloring.

I bring their plates to the table and they both start inhaling their food.

Riley stops, "Mama?"

I smile, "Yeah babe, what's up?"

"Can we go see my other momma this weekend?" She asks.

I soften, "Definitely. We can go get some flowers too."

"Some pink and purple ones?"

I nod, "Absolutely."

"We can get her blue ones too! That's my favorite color!" Charlie says.

Riley looks at her, "She liked all of the flowers."

I smile, "That's what mommy says."

She gets up and runs to the living room. I'm about to go find her when she comes back with a book.

She sits down and opens it up, "This is me and momma."

I smile at the photo that Mack has shown me before.

"Wow, she's pretty!" Charlie says.

I smile.

I take a picture of Riley showing Charlie pictures and send it to Mack.

Me: Riley is showing the book of her and Ally to Charlie. It's the cutest thing. I love you, see you soon.

'My little family.'

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