The Whispering Phoenix

By CatyaFrost

121 28 35

(Book was originally called Nowhere and that explains the current cover, working on getting a different cover... More

Introduction (Please Read)
Chapter 1: The Hunter's Cabin
Chapter 2: Sixteen

Chapter 3: Tainted Blood

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By CatyaFrost

If I'm being honest
I've always been a renegade
You say I'm lawless
Cause I question
The things that you say
Quiet quiet
You're gonna start a riot
Back down for nothing
Don't forget I'm here to stay
- Outlaw by Neoni

"What the heck is THAT!"

Camillo shouted, pointing at the now lit fireplace.

"It's a...Fireplace."

Archer muttered. He wasn't really paying attention to the fireplace. He was more focused on his hand. The smallish scratch on his hand was growing to a large gash as more and more blood spilled out onto the wood.


He said nervously. Moonglade quickly took charge.

"Camillo! Snap out of it! Archer needs help."

Moonglade ripped off a piece of her shirt and grabbed Archer's wrist. She wrapped it around his bleeding hand and tied it.

"There, that should do it...For now...Hopefully."

"Thank you."

Archer mumbled. Camillo narrowed his eyes.

"Look at the floor."

All three of them looked at the wooden floor and the blood splatters on it. The blood seemed to be moving and growing, forming some sort of shape. Camillo gagged.

"Okay...That is really gross. Why is it growing? WHY is it moving and growing?"

Moonglade leaned forward to get a better look.

"It's spelling out a word. T...A...I...N...T...E...D. Okay, it's saying tainted. And...B...L...O...O...D. Tainted Blood."

"I knew it."

Camillo said.

"I knew this place was haunted. I mean look at it, creepy blood letters on the floor!"

Archer's voice raised when Camillo's did.

"Cam, stop freaking out! It's my blood on the ground, not yours!"

"Oooooohhhhhhhh my gosh!"

Camillo started to breathe heavily, his hands grabbed at his curly brown hair.

"We have to go!"

Camillo shouted and ran towards the open space where the door used to be. Suddenly the door lifted off the ground and slammed into the doorway, blocking the werewolf's entrance. Camillo stood still, his backed turned away from his friends. He slowly turned around.

"Well, time for plan B-"

He yelped as the blood suddenly caught on fire, burning the letters into the ground. The fire did not spread, it seemed to only be able to reach the blood trail. Archer heard footsteps but when he turned towards the sound, they vanished. The fire eventually faded away, leaving behind scorches.

'Press your hand to the letters, Tainted Blood'

A deep voice rang out. Archer felt flames licking at his arms but he quickly looked down, he saw nothing.

"Did you guys hear that?"

Moonglade raised an eyebrow.

"Hear what?"

"That voice-"

Archer saw his friends just staring at him, dumbfounded. Suddenly a hand rested on his shoulder and the shapeshifter found himself unable to turn around. Moonglade and Camillo's eyes widened as they backed up. The smell of smoke filled the room. He felt magic surrounding them. It felt ancient and powerful.

Just as quickly as it appeared, the hand left. Camillo shuddered.

"Woah...Did you feel that wave of magic?

Moonglade nodded.

"It seems there is something magical in here with us."

"Well, I figured that was obvious because you know...The door slammed in my face."

Archer had blocked out his friend's voices and moved to the letter as if in a trance. He leaned down and pressed his hand against it. The floor moved with a creaking sound. Slowly it shifted to form a staircase leading underneath the cabin and into what looked like a secret tunnel. Archer felt the magical presence go down there. He felt its gentle pull, like it was beckoning him forward and into the unknown. Suddenly Camillo's voice interrupted his trance.

"Are we just going to go down there? That's a pretty stupid move if you ask me. We don't know what is in there. This is a creepy and probably cursed old cabin. I think it's safe to say that we should not go down into its depths."

The presence suddenly went zipping up the stairs. Archer could sense it was angry. He didn't understand how he knew it, he could just feel it. It angrily threw open the door. It slammed and fell off its hinges. The three watched it crash onto the steps. A step broke which caused the door to slid into the hole a bit.

There was silence. And then Archer spoke up.

"I think you hurt his feelings."

"His? HIS? Oh, so we know it's a he now?!"

Camillo sounded hysterical. He was about to step outside when he noticed the other two were not following him.

"Are you guys seriously considering going down there?"

The shapeshifter and the elf looked at each other. There was an unspoken agreement between them. Both felt strongly that they should see what the spirit-like entity was trying to show them. Archer sent Camillo a small smile which caused the werewolf to sigh.

"Fine! I guess I'm coming with you two."

Archer clapped him on the shoulder as Camillo walked past. He took a deep breath and led the way downstairs. Archer came in second and Moonglade took up the rear. The spirit glowed a bright orange so it illuminated the passageway. The stairs were old and broken. It was not easy to get as the three had to keep avoiding random holes in the stairs.

Once they got to the bottom, they entered a hallway. It was mostly dark. They couldn't see more than a few inches in front of them. They kept following the light down the long dark hallway. They soon reached the end of it. There was a wall in front of them. It was made of the same wood from the cabin. There was a big black mark that covered most of it. It was almost like it had been touched by fire.

Archer reached out his hand and touched it. The pressure of his hand caused some of it to flake off and leave a little pile on the floor. The mark lit up and started to change shape. It turned into a door seemingly made out of ash. Then it swung open.

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