Delusion (Saiki Kusuo × Omnis...

By Gilthur

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After reading the omniscient reader's viewpoint of manhwa to chapter 50, Shun Kaido found himself transmigrat... More

Chapter 1: Kaidou Shun
Chapter 2: Displacement
Chapter 3: Assessment
Chapter 4: Normalcy
Chapter 5: A Different Scene (1)
Chapter 7: Cabin 3907
Chapter 8: Kim Namwoon (1)
Chapter 9: Kim Namwoon (2)
Chapter 10: Kim Namwoon (3)
Chapter 11: Disciples
Chapter 12: Kindness and New Constellations

Chapter 6: A Different Scene (2)

401 51 1
By Gilthur

Chapter 6: A Different Scene (2)

       After the nameless extra's question, most of the people near Lee Hyungsung look around him with doubt and fear in their eyes.

' With some words, he turned around the situation.. '

Kim Dokja thought inside his mind.

The man wasn't still finished with his words. Pointing with accusation, the man declared.

" You are a murderer who bloodied his hands red. Are you intending to protect the old hag or you are just intending to kill her for yourself? "

With more words and questions from the man, the more doubt that flashes from the people. Finally, Kim Dokja decided to take action when the opportunity arose.

Smoke entered the cabin and he took the insect catcher from the kid while leaving one insect in his hand. After that, he pushed the man out in front of the old lady.

When the smoke cleared, the man glared at Kim Dokja.

" What the hell?! "

Staring coldly and calmly at the man, Kim Dokja says.

" Sir, stop self-projecting. "

At Dokja's words, the man glared at the reader.

" What did you say?! "

Kim Dokja activated his skill Personal Skill at the man, unfortunately, he was given a surprise.

[ This Person's character profile cannot be browsed using character profile ]

[ This character doesn't have a registered character profile ]

The nameless extra in front of him wasn't an extra at all. He was a real person. Looking around, Dokja activated his skills around some of the people inside. Just like the man he received the same message from them.

' They are real.. '

Would he be able to do it?

However, he needs to do this to survive.

Taking a breath, the turmoil in Kim Dokja's eyes disappeared replaced by calm.

" Everyone, please calm down. What if I told you that there's a way to overcome this situation without gambling our lives? "

The people look at Dokja with hope, fear, and doubt in their eyes. Bringing an insect from the tank to his hand, the reader continued.

" It is said, that we have to kill one or more living organisms. "

After he said those words, he crushed the insect in his hands. He receives the message of gaining the reward.

A flash of understanding went to everyone's eyes. With Everyone hurtling towards Dokja desperately, Kim Dokja has thrown the insect catcher on the opposite of the Cabin. Away from the old lady, Lee Hyungsung, and the man.

Kim Dokja is surprised that the man didn't give chase to the insects like the rest of the people. He was also surprised that Lee Hyungsung was remaining to stand in front of the old lady as a shield.

The man coldly glances at the people scrambling at the insects desperately before turning his gaze to Kim Dokja.

Letting out a sigh, he grinned cynically.

" Ha! You have given those sheep false hope. Those insects are limited. Not everyone would survive. It was cruel of you. What's your name? "

" Kim Dokja. "

" I see. "

Still smiling, glancing behind Lee Hyungsung, the man asked.

" Hey, old lady! You're weak and you have lived your life long. Do you still want to survive? Don't you want to give your way to the younger generations? You only have a few years left. Do you want to live? "

Lee Hyungsung frowned at the man's words while the old lady didn't respond. Continuing, the man says.

" Earlier, that monster said that we are living a privileged life. "

Letting out a cynical laugh, he continued.

" What a joke! What an ignorant monster. It says that nothing is free in this world. It is indeed the truth. Money and power... That's how the world works. And every action has consequences.  "

The man took out a scalpel from his pocket. Lee Hyungsung and Kim Dokja glance warily at the man. Smiling, the man glances at Kim Dokja.

" Thank you for clearing my head a little, Kim Dokja. You are indeed correct that I am self-projecting. "

Glancing outside the window, the man bitterly smiled before glancing at Lee Hyungsung.

" Like this soldier, I am a hypocrite. An upright model of society. Admired by the people that I know but someone who bloodied his hands. What a joke. Playing a god. Weighing lives on who deserves to live and who doesn't. A willing slave to the higher-ups. As a doctor, I shall not harm. Everyone deserves to live equally. However, everyone around me told me to prioritize rich people. I am a horrible doctor and with this new reality, I can't keep doing my job anymore. It's not like there was any job for me to do anyway, I am fired. "

Twirling the scalpel in his hand, the man muttered.

" It was ingrained in our instincts to survive and avoid dangers. It was the same for the animals. Triggering the flight or fight instinct of everyone. We are just all animals. Doing everything to survive even in a 'peaceful' society. "
The man sighed.

" However, I am tired of conforming to this cruel society and being thrown into another with a new set of rules. Mr. Soldier, how about instead of killing the old lady, kill me yourself? "

The man handed Lee Hyungsung the scalpel.

" Here, it would be another blood in your hands. But what's the difference? You are a perfect soldier for this country. Surely, you can do it? "

The man handed the scalpel to Lee Hyungsung. However, different from the man's expectations, he throws away the scalpel and doesn't do anything to it.

" Why? "

Instead, Lee Hyungsung took out something from his pocket.

Dokja and the man's eyes were surprised when they saw Lee Hyungsung take out an alcohol disinfectant spray and start spraying around the train.

Seeing Lee Hyungsung's actions, the man started laughing. After spraying for a bit and confirming that he finished the scenario, Lee Hyungsung crouched and offered the old lady the spray. However, the old lady rejected it.

" The man is right... I have already lived a long and fulfilling life. If God wills it, it is time for me to go. My husband must be already waiting for me. I don't want him to make him wait longer.  "

Eventually, the time runs out. The old lady and the man died along with the people who didn't manage to catch the insects and kill them.

Kim Dokja realizes that not everyone has the will to adapt and survive in this world.

While watching Lee Hyungsung holding the alcohol disinfectant spray while looking regretfully at the dead people. The Dokkaebi appeared and it was now time for the survivors to choose their sponsors.

To Dokja's surprise, there were a total of 24 sponsors. Eventually, after the others have chosen a sponsor constellation and not him choosing one, they introduce themselves to each other and give them a wake-up call.

Seeing the Cabin 3707 doors next to them showing signs of activity and knowing the person inside it, Kim Dokja ushered the others to go out and run fast before the next scenario could start. Thanks to Lee Hyungsung's abilities granted to him by his constellation sponsor, they managed to get out of one of the not-broken cabin 3807 doors before Yoo Joonghyuk arrived and decided to kill the Dokja and the other unnecessary characters.

Later the dokkaebi appeared again and a new scenario started.

[ The Second Scenario has arrived ]

[ <Sub Scenario - Escape>

  Category: Sub
  Difficulty: E
  Clear Conditions: Get across the collapsed bridge and enter Oksu Station
Time Limit: 20 mins
Reward: 200 coins

Penalty for Failure: ?????.        ]

While they were running a monster appeared and broke the bridge. Lee Hyungsung and the kid managed to cross successfully. However, he, Yoo Sangah, and Han Myungoh are still on the other side.

Fortunately, due to Yoo Sangah's constellation intervention, they had a solution to cross the bridge. A transparent bridge appeared connecting the two broken bridges. Unfortunately, the Dokkaebi increased the difficulty and the dead people became zombies.

The most unfortunate and annoying thing is that to cross the transparent bridge, the people that can cross are even numbers. The annoying thing was that Han Myungoh decided to leave him alone while carrying Yoo Sangah with her.

Kim Dokja was left to deal with the zombies alone and the protagonist.

However, when the protagonist arrived there was a certain someone with him. The descriptions of the character that he tried to find earlier fit perfectly with the person walking beside Yoo Joonghyuk quietly. Kim Namwoon's face and clothes show traces of blood.

[ You have used the skill Character Profile ]

[ <Character Profile>

Name: Kim Namwoon
Age: 18
Supporting Constellation: Trickster

Personal Attribute: Chuunibyou (General)
* ------------------------ *

Personal Skills:

< Delusion Lv.20 >
< Modified Human Lv.2>
< Flexibility Lv. 5>
< Regeneration Lv. 3>


< Unseal: Jet Black Wings Lv.1 >
< Dark Reunion Lv.1>

Overall Stats:

< Stamina Lv.1 > <Strength Lv.1> <Agility Lv.1> <Mana Lv.12>

General Evaluation:

A teenage Chuunibyou who continues to live his life in delusion. It's best not to get involved with him and the unseen forces revolving around him. The constellation who selected Kim Namwoon has used deception to make Kim Namwoon choose the constellation. ]

Kim Namwoon's skill and constellation are different from the novel.

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