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By jackssfox

1.1M 19.5K 124K

What if Aaron Warner's sunshine daughter fell for Kenji Kishimoto's grumpy son? - This fanfic takes place alm... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 23

26.1K 389 5.5K
By jackssfox

.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
𝕂𝕒𝕚 𝕂𝕚𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕞𝕠𝕥𝕠

"What do you mean?" I asked Emmaline with a tilt of my head, watching her shrug and cross her arms on the bed next to me.

"What? We've never been on a date."

"Nev— no— yes, we have?" I jerked my head back with a smile, "what do you mean?"

"I mean you never took me out since we started dating."

"That's— alright, that's a big lie because I did take you out," I sat up straight to face her, my eyebrows lowering as I counted on my fingers, "do you not remember the building where we took our first photos as a couple, the bridge afterwards, the bridge again where I got you the locks that you wanted? The amusement park yesterday?"

"Okay, first of all two of those does not even count as you taking me out because the building was my idea—"

"Nope," I shook my head, cutting her off, "it absolutely wasn't. You didn't even remember until I showed you that awful drawing of yours, which by the way, where is it? I want it back."

"You're not getting back, it returned to its original owner, and yes, it was my idea because without my younger self promising that one day this will happen, it wouldn't have happened at all. Second of all and more importantly, the amusement park was for Jett, not me."

"But we hung out too!"

"Exactly, right here. We hung out," she made air quotes with her fingers before dropping her hand again, "it was never a date. You never told me hey, Emmaline, I'm taking you on a date, get ready."

"But isn't hanging out automatically turn into a date when the guy and the girl are together?"

"Of course not," she frowned, "it needs to be addressed as a date. No guy in my books would ever do that."

"Excuse me?" I raised an eyebrow, "you're comparing me to words on paper?"

"I'm not comparing you, I'm just saying my book boyfriends are perfect."

"Your what now?" My body tensed more as I fully turned to face her on the bed, "book what?"

"Boyfriends," she flashed me a smile, but my jaw clenched.

"What do you mean boyfriends? I'm your boyfriend. You can't have another one."

"Yeah, these are my book boyfriends."

"You can't have any type of boyfriends, that's called cheating," I crossed my arms when she chuckled, looking to my right at her bookshelf.

"Don't even think about touching any of these books," she warned, her voice suddenly stern, "I'll seriously break up with you."

"You— are you serious?" I whipped my head back to her, "you're not only cheating on me, but you're willing to leave me for them?"

She just blinked at me with a blank expression, but I shook my head quickly, "alright, let's go out on a date then."

"Alright," she shrugged with the same blank expression, "let's see what you got."

"Do you think I can't do better than these boyfriends in your books?"

"I don't know," she tilted her head, "you don't even know what you're competing against."

"I don't need to know, I know I'll be better."

"I'll be the judge of that, not you."



"What will happen if I'm better?" I tilted my head, scooting closer to her.

"Um, do you expect a reward?" She scoffed again, but her smile softened when I smiled back.

"How about, if the books are better than me, I do whatever you want for one hour?"

"You already do whatever I want, Kai. That's a loosing deal."

"Fair," I nodded, watching her jaw clench when my hands caged her against the headboard, "how about... I read one of your books?"

"Really?" Her eyes lit up, making my smile widen at her dimples appearing when she grinned.

"Yup. But what if I'm better than those ink on dead trees?"

"Firstly, don't call them that again," she lightly smacked my shoulder, but rested her hand there, "secondly, if you win... I'll just be happy."

"Really?" I cocked my head to the side, a smile forming as she just nodded, "deal, sunshine."

Before she could open her mouth again, I lowered my head, brushing our lips together before feeling her hands move up my neck, resting on my jaw to pull me in more. Yesterday, Emmaline had to literally force me out of her room so we can go to my house. I couldn't pry my hands off of her, couldn't stop kissing all over her body, I still wanted more. Even when we were just lying in bed and doing nothing, I still wanted more of whatever she would give me.

"I think you do like me better than your books, sunshine," I whispered against her lips, my hand going to her hips as I kissed down her jaw.

"I think you forgot that you're second on my list of favorite things," she husked out, tilting her head to the side for me to move my mouth towards it, softly brushing my lips against her skin as she lifted her hips to mine, groaning when I pinned her down.

"At least try to make me believe what's coming out of your mouth," I smirked when she gritted her teeth, her eyes going anywhere but mine as her cheeks turned pink, making me kiss her cheek without thinking, nuzzling my nose onto the side of her neck before leaning up again, "what do you say I pick you up at 4 in the afternoon on New Year's Eve?"

"Tomorrow? Already?"


"If you think that's enough time for you to come up with an unforgettable date that would make you win against my books, then alright."

"Alright," I shrugged, and leaned in again, softly kissing her until she kissed me back. I had no idea what I'm going to be doing tomorrow, but I know I'll come up with something she'll never forget. Something she'll always think about, always come back to when she thinks about me. I'll find a way to always be on her mind just like she's invading mine.

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

"Dad, I really don't think that's a good idea," I whispered even though I knew nobody was with us, "we should leave."

"Shut up," he waved a hand before going back to going through Uncle Warner's hung shirts in his closet, "you don't know what's best for you, I do."

"You obviously don't because if we got caught, we're both dead," I hissed and looked behind me to the bedroom door still closed. After I left Emmaline's, my mouth slipped and told Dad about me going on a date with her tomorrow. Somehow, he's convinced that I need to wear something fancy and that my clothes won't do the trick, so he forced me to go through Uncle Warner's clothes to pick— well, steal— something from it while he was working out.

"Don't you want to look presentable in front of your girlfriend?" He finally turned to me, crossing his arm in question.

"Yes, but we can literally go shopping. As simple as that. You know, find clothes that are for me. Dad, I don't think any of these will even fit me, I'm... you know, taller than him."


"No, wait!" Jello's face came muffled from outside, making both Dad and I freeze. No. Nope. Not happening. This is not happening, "let's, uh, I wanna show you something downstairs first!"

"You can do that, but I need to get out of these clothes first, love," Uncle Warner's voice replied softly.

"This is your fault," I whispered and pointed at Dad, "why do you always get yourself in trouble and drag me with you?"

"It's not my fault," Dad retorted, "we wouldn't be in this situation if you weren't going on a date, so technically we're here because of you."

"You— I— I swear to god—"

"Aaron, wait!" Jello snapped again, and I heard a thud against the door as if she's blocking his way by slamming her body to the door.

"What's going on? What are you hiding? Did... Ella, did you accidentally destroy my closet again because you forgot to turn off your powers?"

"...no— yes, yes, that's what happened, I'm really sorry—"

"I said it once, and I'll say it again, liar liar pants on fire, love," he cut her off, "why are you lying though? If destroying my closet is not the case then there is literally nothing worse that could be happening in that room."

"well— no, wait!" she didn't get the chance to finish her sentence when the door swung open, and I froze in place before closing my eyes with a sigh, surrendering to the reality I'm going to face right now.

"What... is happening?" Uncle Warner's voice suddenly said behind me, making me slowly turn and face him as his eyes widened looking at Dad then his clothes then at me.

"It's his fault!" I pointed at Dad, seeing Uncle Warner blink twice, his eyes roaming around the closet before he put a hand on Jello's arm, "are you... okay?"

"Kenji," he sighed and closed his eyes before snapping them open towards Dad again, "did you seriously break into my closet? With your son? Who I equally despise?"

"Well, we didn't technically break in," Dad rubbed the back of his neck nervously, "J let us in."

I saw Uncle Warner slowly turn his head to look down at Jello, "why? Why would you do that to me?"

"I'm so sorry," she gave him an apologetic look then smiled, "but they didn't do anything. And it's for a good purpose."

"Which is?"

"Kai's going on a date with Emma, and he's trying to look his best, so that's something right?"

"So you let not one but two Kishimotos into my closet for one of them to go on a date with my daughter and take her God knows where wearing my clothes?"

"No!" I snapped, waiting until he looked at me, "I was very against this horrible idea, I would never want to steal your clothes. I'm sure they won't even fit me."

"What does that supposed to mean?" He narrowed his eyes at me.

"Nothing," I chuckled nervously, "I— it just means that you are the only one fitting for wearing these clothes. Nobody could ever wear it better than you can."

"Dude, chill out," Dad said when Uncle Warner shot me a glare, "we couldn't even find anything, everything here looks the exact same. How many white shirts do you have? I lost count—"

"Get out," Uncle Warner whispered, sliding his hand underneath his coat before extending his arm with a gun, making my eyes widen to the point where I thought were going to explode, taking a step back quickly, feeling Dad freeze in place, "get out before I end both of you and give Nazeera some room to breathe in her house."

"You need to stop pulling that move at ever minor inconvenience— woah," Dad fired back, raising his hands in surrender when Uncle Warner pulled back the slide to load the bullets into the chamber, ready for firing, "calm down! I'm still healing from the last time—"

"Aaron," Jello's stern voice snapped, "put that gun down right now."

"But he— he's in my closet."

"He didn't do anything to it."

"He's in it, that's enough reason for him to vanish from this earth."

"Okay, you're being such a drama queen right—"

"How dare you talk to me like that? Who do you think you are?"

"Your best friend," Dad shrugged before shaking his head once, "no, actually, scratch that. I'm your only friend."

"One more word, and I will have no friends because you'll be six feet under the ground."

"But— wait," a smile drew on Dad's face as he looked at Jello, "did he just admit that I'm a friend?"

"Not the time or the point," Jello and I whispered at the same time before she went on, "I think you should leave now, for your sake and safety."


"Come on," she stressed grabbing him by his forearm and pulling him outside of the closet, murmuring something that sounded like an insult about him being horrible at everything including a simple theft task.

I went to follow them, but Uncle Warner stopped me, pointing the gun towards my head, motioning for me to take a step back until I did, "where are you taking Emma? When are you taking her? What will you be doing? When will you get her back?"

"Um...well, I'm going to pick her up at 4, if you're okay with that obviously. I'm going to bring her back before midnight so that we could all celebrate the New Year's Eve together like every year. And I'm going to take her to a bunch of places, trust me it's going to be fun, she's going to love it, we're not going to do anything, just have fun, promise—"

"Are you going to be safe? Are these places you're taking her safe for you to go? I swear to God if you took your eyes off of her, I'll—"

"Nope," I snapped, "not taking my eyes off of her. I got nothing else to look at anyway. I'll be staring into her soul."

"That's creepy."

"Alright, scratch that then," I formed my mouth into a thin line and looked around with my eyes as the silence stretched, "soo..."

"Do you not have clothes?" He asked flatly after a moment, making my eyes snap back to him, watching as he put his arm down, putting the gun back in his pocket.

"Of course I have clothes," I scoffed, scratching the back of my neck, "I just want to wear something nicer, but it's fine, it's not like I don't own—"

"You don't own anything worthy of her eyes trust me," I frowned at the way he casually said that and opened my mouth, but he cut me off before I could say anything, "and don't ever listen to Kenji again because one day your end will be on my hands. You're walking on thin ice as the days pass, Kai."

"Yup," I swallowed with nod, "noted. Are you... going to let me go now or are you going to lock up and torture me for your own mere pleasure?"

"Depends on if I see a single shirt out of its place or not," he walked inside the closet, his eyes roaming around where Dad was, his fingers brushing against the shirts before turning to me, making me straiten my back without meaning to, "so you live for another day, Kishimoto."

"Thank you?" I lowered my eyebrows as he walked back towards me, "can I leave now?"

"And prepare for your... date?"


"Not dressed like that, I hope," he eyed me up and down, checking my black sweatpants and grey sweater.

"I... well, no. I can look for something, remember that outfit I wore at thanksgiving? Yeah, I can wear that. I have it in a lot of colors."

"You're going to wear the same clothes you wore, like, less than two months ago for your first date?" I blinked at him opening my mouth before closing it again, watching him frown slightly, "are you seriously considering it? Oh my god, I'm going to have a talk with Emma about her taste in men—"

"No!" I widened my eyes, taking a step forward, before groaning in frustration, "look, I— I've never felt like this before, alright? I'm so... nervous? I literally feel like I'm going to trip over with every decision I make about this date. It's not the first time we hung out, I don't know why I'm feeling like this. I just want it to be perfect to the point where I think I'll mess things up at this rate."

I didn't let myself dwell on it, but I noticed I was cracking my fingers nervously right now, my heart rate going faster for some reason. I didn't know if she was really upset about me never telling her directly that our hang outs were like dates to me, or if she was just messing with me, but I didn't want to take chances. I never overthink anything in my life, but that rule takes a full turn when it comes to Emmaline.

"Fine," Uncle Warner pulled me out of my thoughts, "calm down, you're being weird, it's making me uncomfortable. You won't be taking my clothes though, I'll... buy you something."

"Really?" My eyebrows shot up in surprise.

"Not because you're... you. Because I want Emma to have a perfect day with someone acceptable to look at," he simply replied as I nodded slowly to process, "what are you waiting for?"


"Why are you still standing there? Go change while I take a shower so we could go."

"We're going to go... alone?"

"Are you afraid I'll finally free the world and kill you?"

"Well... that part is true but no— I mean, how do you know Emmaline would like what we buy?"

"Are you saying you don't trust my sense in fashion?"

"No," I quickly shook my head, "all I'm saying is that we need a girl's perspective too. I need to be 100% sure, like, totally positive that Emmaline would like this day."

I needed her to like me. She was in love with me, but I needed her to like me more and more everyday. I didn't want to make any type of mistake with her. I didn't want her to be disappointed by something I completely did on my own for her. Maybe I was being ridiculous, or thinking too much or whatever. But I meant it when I said I wanted her to never forget this day.

"Fine," Uncle Warner crossed his arms, "let's bring Jett with us."

"I said a girl not a Jett," I felt a grimace form on my face.

"Last time I checked, Jett was a girl."

"Well, I've been treating her like a boy ever since she was born."

"I don't care, that's your problem. I mean we're not going to take Emma, who is sleeping right now anyway. As much as it pains me, we're also not taking Ella because she needs to keep your father occupied."

"Yeah, he'll die from a heart attack if he knew we're leaving him out."

"Exactly, and lastly we're not taking your mother because I don't like Nazeera. She always has something to say."

"And Jett doesn't?"

"Not to me, she doesn't," he shrugged carelessly.

"Fine, but just so you know, Jett hates me. She'll say no to whatever I want to buy."

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

After insufferable hours with Uncle Warner and his what felt like his twin flame to me yesterday, I finally got a great outfit that both of them really seemed to agree on before we went back home. Today I woke up feeling my stomach twisting for no reason at all, every time I thought about Emmaline, I would feel like my head spinning from bow nervous I felt until right now. I stood in front of her house wearing a black leather jacket on a, surprisingly, another black item, a turtleneck sweater tugged in some black trousers.

Describing it would seem like anyone could wear it, but I don't know how he made it look so... elegant. There were a bunch of sweaters and jackets that looked identical to me, but he somehow saw the difference and according to Jett he has an eye for things normal beings don't see.

I took a deep breath and knocked at the door three times before taking a step back, waiting a few moments before it swung open, showcasing Jello's face as her expression turned confused, "what are you doing?"

"I'm picking up your daughter for a date," I smiled softly, "she said those were the rules."

"O-kay," she chuckled with a shake of her head before higher her voice to call out for Emmaline, "Emma! Kai's here!"

"Coming!" Emmaline's muffled voice came from far away, probably upstairs.

"Hey, Kai," Jello's voice turned soft again, grabbing my attention, "please be careful, alright?"

"Of course," I nodded, burying the feelings of worrisome, "and we'll be here to celebrate the New Year with you, don't worry."

"I'm ready!" Emmaline beamed before Jello could reply, but I still couldn't see her, only heard her faint footsteps thudding down the stairs.

"Don't run," Uncle Warner's voice warned and her footsteps' noises automatically disappeared, "he should wait until you're ready whenever you want to be ready."

"I'm good with that!" I tried to look over Jello's shoulder to where I thought he was in the living room, "Emmaline, if you want to stare at yourself in the mirror for another hour, I'll be waiting."

"No, I'm good, bye Dad!" I blinked and suddenly saw her coming behind Jello, giving her a hug before walking out as the door shut carefully behind her. I had to take back a step to take in what I was witnessing. The black dress she was wearing hugged her body, the skirt portion of the dress was asymmetrical, with one side being ruched and fitted while the other cascades in layered, sheer ruffle in the middle of her thigh. It was classy, simple, but it nearly brought me to my knees. I gazed up a little and saw how her polar star necklace fell on her bare neck, noticing that the long sleeves were off shoulder, showcasing her collar bones. A gold chain on her right shoulder holding a small black bag.

I took a sharp breath before having the strength to take a look at her face, and once I did, I think I lost some more brain cells. This girl got me so messed up. So far gone. The faint gold eyeshadow made her green eyes stick out more than they already did, matching the shade of her makeup with small gold hoops as her now waved hair fell down her back not covering her shoulders. Small strands on both sides were pulled back lightly, probably in a ribbon that matched the black dress. I felt my fingers curl into fists by my side, quickly moving them behind my back to seem more in control knowing I sure was nothing but, going with something that somehow worked in these situations, making her nervous too just like I was.

"I don't think it's a wise choice to wear that dress, sunshine," I joked with a chuckle, I gave the dress a once over, my fingers itching to brush against her, to convince her to somehow go back to to her room with me in her hand. She looked so good, so pretty. I wasn't really telling her what to wear, she could wear whatever she wanted whenever she wanted, I just needed her to know how much it affected me.

"Excuse me?" I saw her frown and look down before shooting me a look, "why not?"

"Because you look pure and innocent and I just want to ruin every ounce of that," I stated as a matter of fact stalking towards her a step, and then another. "Look, something's already taking over me."

"Kai," she huffed out a laugh, putting her hands on her hips as I towered over her, making her blink up at me as I held my breath at how close she was. The scent of her perfume already making my head spin. Get a grip, Kai.

"You better run while you still have the chance," I tilted my head to the side, speaking in a voice I didn't even recognize as my own.

"You don't scare me," she retorted, holding her ground, "besides, are these the kind of manners a gentleman uses on a first date?"

"It's not?"

"Nope," she crossed her arms with a tilt of her head, her hair falling off of her shoulder.

"You look so beautiful," I whispered, not being able to help myself and brushing my fingers against her hair to tuck it behind her ear, seeing her take a sharp breath at the gesture as I smiled, "it's making me nervous."

"You? Nervous?" She chuckled, but I just nodded until her laugh faded, "well, you don't look so bad yourself, you'll definitely grab a lot of attention."

"I only care about grabbing yours," I said and held up my bent arm for her to take.

"You're acting so formal," she said but took my arm as we walked towards the driveway, "it's strange."

"I'm just following your instructions," I shrugged and stopped in front of Dad's car, sensing her hand tightening on my arm.

"Wait... we're taking a car?"

"You hate when the wind ruins your hair whenever you have it done," I slid out of her grip, opening the passenger door for her, "plus, what kind of gentleman would take the girl he loves on a motorcycle for her first official date?"

She looked away but not before I saw the smile forming on her face, her side profile showing her dimple before she looked back at me, "you're gaining points."


"Yup," she nodded as she got into the car before I closed the door for her, rounding the car to get in the driver's seat, "where are we going?"

"It's a surprise, but you'll like every single one of them."

"Every single— there is more than one place?"

"I'm not planning on losing our bet, sunshine."

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

"Are you seeing what I'm seeing?" Emmaline gasped when I put the car to a stop, pointing through the window.

"The only bookstore in the area we're in? The only building with bright lights on even when the sun haven't set yet? Nope, don't see it."

"You're insufferable, you just lost your score," she huffed, but I just let out a laugh that sobered when she tried to open her door, quickly leaning towards her to slam it shut again, hearing her gasp, "what—"

"What do you think you're doing?" She lowered her eyebrows in confusion as I leaned back, "haven't your dad taught you anything? Girl— sit down."

Before she could open her mouth, I opened and closed my door behind me, rounding the car to open hers as she rolled her eyes, "you're very dramatic."

"I'm not taking chances to lose this bet, habibti," I held my palm up for her to take and closed the door behind her, "and— wait, what are you doing?!"

She gripped my hand tighter and quickened her pace, basically running towards the bookstore and letting out a giggle as she pushed the door open, taking me with her before dropping my hand and lightly clapping her hands with to make no sound, "oh my god, this is so pretty. Are we going to read here? Are you buying me a book?"

"No, I'm not buying a book," I scoffed with a roll of my eyes, watching her frown, her hands slowly dropping with a disappointed face that made me smile more, putting my hands in my pockets and leaning down until our faces were inches apart and whispering, "I'm buying you a lot of books."

"Really?" Her eyes widened and lit up, a grin forming again, "oh my god, how many?"

"That depends, how fast can you run?"

"What do you mean?" She gave me a confused look with a tilt of her head.

"I mean that we need to be somewhere else before sunset, which means we're on a short timeline now. I'll get you any book you put in this bag," I grabbed one of the bags next to the door, "within the timespan of one minute."

"Only one minute?"


"But—" she looked around, "there are so many things in here. What if I don't find what I want in time?"

"That's the rules, take it or leave it," I held the bag up towards her, waiting until she let out a breath and snatched it from me, "okay so— what are you doing?"

She bent down, taking off one heal before the other, putting them aside next to one of the bookshelves. I looked around seeing there was not a lot of people around then looked back at her standing straight, throwing my words back at me, "I'm not taking any chances to lose this challenge, habibi."

I blinked at her calling me by that nickname before letting out a low chuckle and shaking my head, taking with the laughter still in my voice, "alright, ready?"


"3... 2... go!" I watched as she stormed between two bookshelves, quickly grabbing another back next to me and walking towards the direction she went in, my eyes following what her fingers brushed against before she put three books in the bag at one time and walking again, I took the two books she touched but didn't take, putting them in my own bag before following her.

I did the same thing every time I watched her struggle if she should pick the book or not, if she didn't have time to really process putting the book in the bag with the others or not. I was careful in order for her not to notice me, but she already seemed in her own world, shutting off everything else around her.

"Time's up, sunshine," I said after hiding my bag behind one of the bookshelves, just as she was going to grab another one, her bag already seeming so heavy that her arm was pulled down with it.

"But..." she looked at me then at the book then the bag then back at me with her eyebrows lowering, "can I get that one too?"

"I think you got enough," I shook my head, walking to her and taking the book out of her hand, putting it back on the shelf and taking the bag out of her hand, "damn, did you get the whole store?"

"It's not even that much," she shrugged, "but seriously stop, I want that book too."

"Rules are rules, Emmaline," I grabbed her hand and walked us to the cashier, "you still didn't even read all the books you have at home."


I shook my head and put the bag on the counter, taking out the books for the woman to tell me the price as Emmaline went to find her shoes, coming back when I already paid and handed her the three small bags full with books she chose, "can you wait for me in the car? I have to use the bathroom real quick."

"Okay," she smiled and took the car keys from me, turning to head out. I waited until she was out of sight and went to take the book she didn't have time to put with the others before going to find the bag I hid, going back to the cashier.

"Weren't you just here?" The woman shot me a confused look.

"Yup," I looked towards the door to make sure Emmaline was in the car then back in front of me, "it's our first date, I'm trying to make an impression."

"Mhm," the woman smiled and grabbed the books, "well, I think she already likes you."


"Yeah, when you were giving me the first bag of books she wasn't even looking at them, she kept staring at you."

I felt a smile draw on my face before I could control it and looked down, the idea of Emmaline liking me the same way I like her made me somehow feel even prouder of myself for some reason. The idea of her thinking about me all the time, staring at me like she physically has to remove herself from the room to stop it, being nervous around me, being happy. She may have thought it wasn't a big deal when she said that if I win she'd just be happy, but I really wanted to win. Her being happy because of me is all I could ask for.

"What took you so long?" Emmaline asked from the car, rolling down the window when she saw me walking towards the car with a bag in my hand, her eyes dropping to it, "what's that?"

"Your books."

"But... my books are right here," she pointed to the backseat, and I opened the door to put the bag with the others too, rounding the car to get in the driver's seat.

"Oh right, my bad," I started the engine, "the rest of your books."

"Huh?" She looked back, leaning to snatch the bag before sitting straight again as I drove slowly for the bag not to fall from her lap. Waiting what felt like 5 seconds before I heard an audible gasp, "oh my god? You did not."

"You bet I did," I smiled, taking a u-turn, "on a scale from one to ten, how happy are you?"

"Like really happy," she giggled then fell quiet for a moment, "God, I love you."

"Damn, I got an I love you from the first date? On the first destination? Emmaline, I fear that I'm winning this challenge going on between us."

"No, that was me breaking the character to normal us," she retorted with a flat voice this time, "the day is still young, you can mess up anytime."

"Yeah, I don't think so," my hand automatically went to hers, linking our finger together while my other hand stayed on the steering wheel, my eyes on the road even when I felt her eyes pinned on me, making me clench my jaw at how my heart thudded against my chest when she squeezed my hand more, resting both of our hands on her lap as I brushed my thumb against her knuckles.

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

"Woah, what is this place?" Emmaline asked, looking around the area. There were food and drink carts, and trucks, lining the place. The outdoor benches, scattered around offered a peaceful spot to rest. The air was filled with the scent of food and drink, as people talked and laughed around us. I saw a few yellow caution tapes scattered across the ground, probably ripped from somewhere, making me tighten my hold on Emmaline's hand.

"Remember what you once said about wanting to try a local place that only made tacos?"

"Are you serious?" I saw her jaw drop, looking around to find the truck I was talking about, "how did you know about this? Our parents never take us to places like this, or even let us go since, you know, it's dangerous or whatever."

"I know, but I saw this place when I went to get us the locks, the store I got them from is actually very close, also the bridge is over there, look," I pointed with my hand that wasn't holding hers to the small bridge over the river, "it would take about 5 minutes walk, what do you say we get tacos and drinks and have them over there to watch the sunset?"

"Yes, obviously," she smiled so hard that her dimples stuck out, "only problem is that I may finish my sandwich before we get there."

"You'll still have the drink then," I shrugged and walked towards the tacos cart, seeing a long queue and looking back at Emmaline, my eyes gazing at her heals then to one empty bench near the cart, "hey, want to wait for me there? There's still a long way to go."

"Okay, that's fine," she smiled and let go of my hand, and brushing against someone to get out of the queue, watching her take a seat at the bench, resting her chin on her hands as she took in the place around her.

"Hey," a man behind me said, my eyes snapping to him, "the line moved."

"Sorry," I whispered and took a step forward, but looked back again, keeping an eye on her until my turn came. I ordered for both of us and waited some good minutes before the two sandwiches were ready. Taking them and thanking the man, I turned around but my movement halted before I could fully go to where Emmaline was sitting, seeing her looking up from her seat at... Davis?

I took few steps forward when she talked, making me stop again before any of them could see me, "no, Davis, we're not going to talk about it tomorrow, I have nothing more to say to you."

"I know, but—"

"Oh my god," she groaned, "why are we even having this useless conversation? You harassed me and my boyfriend, I told you to leave us alone but you didn't, so I had to let you leave us alone. I have no problem doing it again, so I'm asking you politely leave me alone, you're ruining my day."

The protectiveness instinct in me tamed down, I was suddenly in no rush to go there and teach Davis a lesson. This is what I begged Emmaline to do because I knew she could. I told her how some people don't deserve her kindness or respect.

"Alright," Davis nodded before he leaned in a little, Emmaline not even wavering a fraction from her seat, her eyes shooting daggers at him as his next words came out, "I was trying to fix whatever my friends did, but you're being arrogant about it. Let me remind you again that Kai is the one who threw the first punch. We didn't touch him or do anything other than say a few words—"

"That's not true," she gritted out, and I saw her hands fist on the wood surface, "Miles tried to touch my face and when I tried to get Kai to calm down he shoved me into a wall. He pushed me. So technically, Kai didn't throw the first punch. Every action has a reaction, Davis. It's basic knowledge."

"Well, my reaction was to apologize to you—"

"No," she jerked her head back, "your reaction was to just stand there and watch with a smile on your face. I don't even know why you're apologizing, but fine. You apologized, can you leave me alone now? I have more important things to do than waste my energy on you."

I didn't even focus on what Davis said next because of how my attention was drawn to Emmaline until she quickly shot up from her seat, groaning before saying, "you weren't even worth the calories I just burned talking to you. You—"

"Hey," I cut her off when I saw some people turn their heads to them, knowing we really shouldn't be drawing attention to us in a local area where anyone could literally be anyone. Both their head whipped to me, Emmaline huffing out a deep breath she seamed to be holding, "let's leave."

"Yeah, okay," she whispered taking a few steps towards me and grabbing a sandwich from my hand before looking at Davis with a smile, "it was nice meeting you, Davis. I don't want to do it again."

She grabbed my hand and rounded Davis, moving towards the direction of another truck for drinks. It had no queue so I got her a smoothie as she asked, and I got myself hot coffee, mainly for her to drink because I know she'll need a warm drink after hers. I didn't even like hot drinks that much, but she didn't need to know that.

"Why are you being so quiet?" I asked as we got closer to the bridge. She didn't take a bite from her sandwich yet, only sipping from her drink as we walked.

"Nothing," she shrugged, "just thinking."

"About Davis?" I asked softly when we reached the bridge, the sun already setting against the pure water, "where did he even come from? What did he say to you?"

"He just appeared out of nowhere, said he saw me and decided to apologize for what happened at school the other day. I told him I don't want to talk about it, he insisted and said that I don't look in the mood right now, so maybe he'll talk to me later and that..."

She kept going on the rest of the conversation that I already overheard, but I didn't cut her off, putting my coffee on the surface of the railing and taking the tomatoes out of my sandwich to put them in the sandwich in her hand. I didn't understand the addiction she had to tomatoes specifically on tacos but whatever. Honestly, I don't have the same adoration for tomatoes, but I absolutely loved them on tacos, she also didn't need to know that, I told her I didn't like them anyway.

"I'm sorry I reacted the way I did that day," I whispered as she took a bite of her sandwich after being quiet for a minute, "I'm not sorry I did it, but I'm sorry that you didn't like it, and you're having trouble because of it."

She blinked at me as she chew, so I went on, "you were right. We should be careful. Not only because of people who don't like us, but because some people are just scared. Some people don't know what's coming, they may be with or against us in one second. So I'm sorry, I should have thought about what I was doing."

"Yeah, you should have," she sighed after a moment before smiling, "but I get it, I don't think I can really be mad at you for it."


"Yeah," she nodded and took another sip, closing her eyes with a slight shiver for a moment before putting the cup on the railing. I slid my untouched drink to her as she thanked me and took a sip of it too before continuing, "I understand why you did it because I almost did too. When Davis was about to shove you away, I literally twisted his arm without even realizing what I'm doing. He didn't even touch you, and I still felt so angry with him that I can't even have a 5 minute conversation with him."

I nodded slowly, processing her speech. I once said I loved how protective she would get over me when Zade or Jett would annoy me even when she knew they were joking, I found it adorable. This took adorable to a whole other level. She lost her cool because of me, no, not because of me, for me. Even when I knew I would never let her put herself in danger for my sake, knowing that she's willing do to so, hearing it in her voice admitting it sent warmth into my heart, stroke right through it.

A smile crossed my face, and I leaned down quickly, feeling her gasp against my face when it was an inch away from hers, going to touch my lips with hers when she leaned back, putting a hand on my chest to slightly push me away, "what are you doing?"

"What do you mean?" I blinked at her in confusion.

"You shouldn't do that, these are not the rules of a first date. You can't just kiss the girl you're with out of the blue without making sure that she a) likes the date b) and most importantly, likes you."

"Are you being for real right now?"

"Yup," she nodded and folded the paper her sandwich was in, tossing it in a trash can next to us, "you just lost a point."

"Oh my god," I groaned and took the final bite of my sandwich before doing the same thing Emmaline did, seeing her quiet again, fiddling with the hems of her sleeves, making me sigh in annoyance. She was still thinking about what happened, about Davis and what he said, what she said to him. Maybe she was also thinking about the entire situation we're in, I don't know. But I didn't want her to be upset or bothered, so I went with what mostly worked, bringing up my dad's side in me on how to make people feel better, "okay, I think you should lose points too."

"Huh?" She blinked rapidly, looking back up at me, "what? Why?"

"Do you think what you're doing is acceptable. It's offensive to me," I crossed my arms dramatically, "how can you be on a date with someone and still think about another man, young lady?"

"What?" She scoffed after a moment of silence.

"You should stop thinking about that boy and focus all your attention on me," I lesned down with my arms still crossed, "you're hurting my ego."

She rolled her eyes with a shake of her head, smacking my shoulder once but laughing anyway, looking over the railing to the sun already down, the sky darkening. We needed to start moving to get to the next place I had in mind, but I wanted to make sure she was totally okay before doing so. My eyes gazing over the black ribbon in her hair, an idea coming to mind.

"I like it when you wear these," I spoke lowly, my fingers tugging lightly on the silk material, seeing her cheeks go a light shade of pink before I tugged harder, letting the knot loose, the two strands of her hair falling with the movement.

"Hey— what?" She frowned, going to take it back from me, but I held my arm up out of her reach even when she got on her tiptoes, "seriously?"

"It's payback for you having your mind full of someone else, sunshine."

"Someone— oh my god," she chuckled trying to snatch the ribbon from my hand, jumping once before her foot tripped on something and letting out a gasp. My hand quickly acted on their own, sliding behind her back and pulling her flush against me as my back hit the railing, her hands gripping onto my shoulders to steady herself before she looked up at me, and I could swear I struggled to breath for a second.

She was so close now, her body flushed against mine as my fingers curled on the fabric of her dress on her back, I could feel her chest going up and down in surprise even when I didn't prey my eyes off of hers. It was like I was held captive when her green eyes stared into mine, making me feel like I'm trapped in some moment, not able to escape it, like she was the one with the key to lock the door I was trapped behind.

"Emmaline," I whispered, my jaw clenching for a moment as I shot a quick glance around us seeing we were the only ones on the bridge since the sunset was over before looking back to her, seeing her lips parted as her eyes roamed all over my face before locking on my eyes again, my heart hammering against my chest at the sight, "are you sure I can't kiss—"

I was cut off by her grabbing my collar to pull me down, her lips slamming into mine, making my eyebrows shoot up in surprise before relaxing, blth my hands now pulling her closer by her lower back, tilting my head a little to deepen the kiss as she sighed against my mouth. Her hands moved to my neck, her thumbs brushing against my jaw while she kissed me back.

I don't know what happened, but suddenly she was the one taking the lead while my mind went into a drunken state, melting in her arms. She kissed me like she was actually fighting to hold herself back because we're in public, like she didn't want to let go so she could breath, like I was the only thing she could see or think of right now.

"Is that what's supposed to happen on first dates?" I whispered against her lips, resting my forehead on hers.

"I really like you," she swallowed, leaning back slightly so we could look each other in the eye, "I think we should go out on more dates."

"Yeah?" I brushed my thumb on her lips, wiping her messed up lipstick hearing her breath catch, "why do you really like me?"

"Well, you're handsome for starters," she smiled, her fingers doing the same for my lips, probably having her lipstick on them too before she leaned back more, her dimples showing, "so I'm willing to ignore the fact that you're a thief."

"A thief?"

"Yes," she frowned before one of her hands went behind her back, her fingers brushing against my knuckles before she snatched the silk ribbon tangled between my fingers, showing it to me, "thief."

"Hey, that's mine," I shook my head and went to take it when she snapped again.

"What do you mean yours? It's mine."

"Prove it," I said flatly.

"What?" She blinked.

"It was in my hand right now, you took it, you're the thief."

"Oh my god," her jaw slightly dropped, "are you gaslighting me right now?"

"Of course not, me? I'd never play mind games with you."

"Liar. That's part of the gaslighting— wait," she huffed a laugh and tried to pull her hand away when I went to snatch the ribbon again, "fine, I'll give it to you."


"Yup, but under one condition."

"I think that's pretty bold coming from a thief but— sorry, go on," I said when she gave me a look.

"Here," she grabbed my hand that was on her jaw, holding my index finger before wrapping the silk material around it, making me lower my eyebrows in confusion before she tied it into a small ribbon, grinning and looking up, "adorable."

"Absolutely not," I shook my head, still staring at my hand, "I'm not wearing that."

"Yes you are, that's the only way I'm letting you keep it. In fact, you are keeping it, I decided. It matches your outfit too."

"Oh, so that's a final decision?" I raised an eyebrow, and she nodded with a smile, making me frown, "it's ridiculous."

"I don't care," she linked her fingers in mine, "now where else are we going?"

"I can't tell you, but we don't have to take the car, we just head over this bridge then take a small walk, and we'll be there."

"How much is a small walk?" She asked, and I saw her looking at her heals.

"Do they hurt?"

"Not really, but— what are you doing?" I leaned down, taking off my shoes, before my hands wrapping around one of her ankles, pulling her leg up to take off her shoes.

"Just take my shoes," I shrugged and took off her heal, putting my shoes in front of her to wear, but she didn't move, "what?"

"What about you?"

"It's okay, it's not a long walk," I motioned to my shoe until she sighed and put one on before the other then I grabbed her heals and leaned up again, taking her hand by the one that wasn't holding her shoes, "better?"

"Mhm," she leaned her head against my shoulder as we walked then gasped, making me look at her pointing towards the railing, "look, these are our locks."

I chuckled when she tightened her hold on my hand in excitement as she brushed her other one against the locks, kissing the top of her head before letting go of her hand to wrap my arm around her shoulders, pulling her to me while we walked. I know what I did today was so simple, just book thrifting and getting junk food to watch the sunset, but I knew this is what made Emmaline happy. I just wished it was working, that I managed to take her worries away even for just today.

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

"Kai, what is this?" Emmaline let out when we stepped into the huge green space, with couples scattered all over on picnic blankets.

"This is... something you called your new dream," I smirked watching her eyebrows lower as she looked around then back at me with the same confusion on her face, "come on, Dad made us worship this thing."

She looked around again as we walked, looking down at two couple before she stilled in place when we passed them, slamming a hand to her mouth and looking back at me, letting her hand down as a grin spread, "no."


"Oh my god," she whispered before jumping slightly, "this is so cool. How did you know about that— oh my god, your dad is going to be so mad, I love it! I'm going to live my lantern dream?"

"Sure, if that's what it's called," I laughed when she let out a squeal in excitement, looking around before tugging on my hand, "when is it happening?"

"In like... five minutes," I knew about this place when I went to get her the lock too, and I found myself asking for details about it in case I took Emmaline here one day. People come here, buy the lanterns and let them up at a specific hour, "come on, let's go buy it."

I was the one who suggested, but she literally took my hand and ran towards the booth people were buying the lanterns from, ranting the entire queue about how she loves this movie and that doing this has been on her to do list for more years than I could imagine like I didn't grow up with her talking about her to do list all the time.

When it was our turn, I took out my wallet to pay, giving the man the money when Emmaline snatched the walled out of my hand, putting a hand on her chest, "oh my god, is that— you have my picture in your wallet?"

"Our picture," I corrected, taking my wallet back and having a glance at our polaroid kissing when we went to the construction building, "and just because my dad acted like a teenage girl every time he saw it on my dresser, it gave me a headache."

"Mhm, sure," she nodded as the guy handed me the lantern with a small lighter to when we have to float it, thanking him and walking away, "how did you know about this place? How does this even exist? Do everyone know about this movie?"

"I don't know," I shrugged, "maybe the person who organized it does, I mean this place is far from the place we were in, so I doubt anyone here is against the government. I think that's why nobody gave us weird glances or paused to figure out if we looked familiar or not."

"Maybe," she sighed, her eyes wandering around with a small smile on her face before a breeze picked up, seeing her blowing on her hand to send some warmth.

"Can you hold this," I handed her the lantern, sliding my jacket down my arms before swinging it over her shoulders, taking the lantern back from her.

"Thanks," she said softly. We chatted for about three minutes before they called that it's time, watching her clap when I lighted the candle before she stopped me, opening her purse and getting a... marker? "Let's decorate it first."

She drew a few stars all over it before writing in the middle written in the stars and leaned back, smiling to herself as she checked her artwork.

"Oh my god," she whispered when we floated it, watching as it blended with the many other ones, "I feel like I'm Rapunzel right now, it's so cool! And isn't it amazing how we both have green eyes too? It's— wait."

"What?" I finally looked down at her, seeing her wondering expression.

"We kind of look alike, am I... the lost princess?" She dramatically gasped as I gave her a look.

"You don't have blonde hair though."

"That's the point! Maybe they cut my hair when I was young! Oh my god, did Aaron Warner kidnap me when I was little?" She widened her eyes, putting a hand on her temple and looked down, "I need a moment to think about this."


"I like him though, he seems like a good man, maybe I should just stay with him," she nodded to herself before looking back at me.

"Warner? A good man?" I raised an eyebrow.


"What if he's actually your father though? I mean he has blonde hair."

"Hmm, wait! I can cut a part of his hair and see what happens then."

"Yeah, the last time someone cut your dad's hair it didn't end well for him... it ended with a gun to his head. He's still traumatized, talks about it all the time."

She laughed and looked up again, but I kept staring at her. At my jacket on her shoulders as she held into it to keep it from sliding down. She looked so pretty. Felt so peaceful to be around, even when she was just being in a silly mood. I loved having nonsense conversations with her just as much as I lover having real ones.

"Thank you," she looked back at me, taking a step forward and wrapping her arms around my shoulders as mine went to her lower back, "this was really fun."

"Did I win the deal?"

"Mhm," she pulled me down for a quick kiss before leaning back, "I love you so much, you know?"

"I know," I shrugged watching her frown when I didn't continue before I huffed a laugh, "I'm in love with you too."

"Hey, I—"

"You look so pretty," I found myself saying without meaning to, her eyes lighting up at the sudden complement, "pretty like those lanterns."

"I look like the lanterns?" She gave me a look but smiled anyway.

"You look as pretty as them," I clarified, "those lanterns shine in the sky the same way your smile lights up the place around you. You flash those dimples and suddenly I'm grinning like an idiot, you smile, and there's a matching one on your dad's face, your mum's, my parents. Everyone around you. That's why I call you sunshine, sunshine."

Her expression gave away nothing as she stared at me before she blinked and her pupils expanded, a grin forming as she pulled me down, taking my mouth with hers as I tightened my hold around her. I loved feeling her in my arms in moments like this, calm and peaceful. Like there is only us with nobody else in the world.

I meant what I said. I look at her as if she's the sun. Not in the way that I squint at her, or that it makes me uncomfortable to look directly at her. More in the way that I bask in her warm, glowing kindness. You know how the sun brings out the glow in your eyes? Yeah. Every time I looked at her, my eyes had this glint that only happened with her, because I felt so safe with her.

"You look so pretty too," she whispered against my lips, her fingers playing with the ends of my hair on the back of my neck.

"Pretty like what?"

"Like your words," she tilted her head, "I love the way you talk. I love the way you talk about me."

"It's the only right way to talk about you, habibti," I cubbed the side of her face with one hand, rubbing my thumb over her jaw, "I feel like these words will never end, you know why?"


"Because I have a feeling that, over the course of our lives together, I will re-fall in love with you as many times as there are stars in the sky," I let out through one breath, "I've been doing it since we were no more than children, and I'll keep doing it forever."

"I promise, I'll keep loving you forever too," she let out softly, one of her hands going to my wrist as I held her face, "until every star in the galaxy dies, you'll have me."

I pulled her face in, resting my lips on her forehead before kissing it softly then pulling her into a hug, my arms wrapping around her back as hers tightened around my neck. I don't know how long we stayed there, but I didn't really care. This felt so good, so safe. I wasn't really thinking of anything or wanting to do anything other than hold her. I just wanted to hold her in my arms like this. Tell her she's always safe with me, always the exception for spending all her time with me if she wanted.

"Hey, I have something to show you," I whispered and leaned back, watching her blink at me before I pulled a small box out of my pocket, "close your eyes."


"Just close them," I repeated until she let out a breath and shut them, opening the lid to get out the ring I bought her at the amusement park, taking her hand and sliding the ring down her ring finger.

"Are you proposing to me?" She suddenly said, making me still in place, my fingers still on the ring.

"What?" I chuckled nervously, my mind going blank.

"Because I really love you, but I don't think you'll survive the night with that decision, and I'm kind of still 17 you know? You're moving too fast if you're doing so—"

"I'm not proposing to you, Emmaline," I cut her off, staring at her still closed eyes as she let out a relieved breath, but I lowered my eyebrows, "wait, what do you mean moving too fast? I literally know you since you were born."

"You know what I mean—"

"You know, I'll marry you one day right?"


"Like, we are getting married, not today, but one day. Right?"

"Right. Calm down, I think your dad and my mum already have the wedding planned, you're good. We're no match against their wills and demands."

"Okay," I let out an exhale, shoving down the nervousness I felt, "now open your eyes."

Once she did, her eyes were already looking at her hand before they widened, holding her hand up to see the ring clearly, "oh my god! That's— that's the ring— how did you...?"

"I saw you eyeing it," I shrugged, "do you like it?"

"Kai," she sighed and shook her head.


She scoffed and opened her bag, getting out a matching box to what I had, opening the lid to show me a ring larger than the one on her finger with an identical star shaped hole in the middle to the one on her ring, "these were promise rings, but I forgot to take enough money with me, so I couldn't buy both. But since you've been giving me a lot of stuff, I figured I'd do the same. I know you don't really wear rings like Zade, but you do sometimes, so this won't bother you, right?"

"Nothing you can do would bother me."

"You could have simply said no but okay," she rolled her eyes and motioned for me to give her my hand until I did, watching her put the ring on my ring finger too.

"Are you proposing to me?" I arched an eyebrow, earning an annoyed look from her.

"Stop that."

"Okay," I smiled, admiring the ring before pulling Emmaline in again by her waist, "thank you. I like it."

"Of course," she nodded, "now, take your shoes back because I feel bad for your white socks and show me around this place more."

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

"We're here!" Emmaline waved a hand as we ran to our backyard, seeing everyone gathered there. James and Zade talking with Aurora while Jett gave Atlas a disturbed look as he ate a grape, trying not to look her way as they sat in the patio. They probably invited Aurora and Atlas to not make them spend the day alone, "sorry, there was a lot of traffic."

"Where have you been?" Mum snapped, looking between the two of us, "how could you get home this late? I thought something happened."

"Nothing happened, Mum," I replied, taking a breath, "we just got caught up and didn't notice our phones, and as Emmaline said, traffic."

It wasn't mainly the traffic's fault, after I showed Emmaline around the place, we got caught up in conversations, then headed to a nearby restaurant because Emmaline felt hungry again, then by the time we noticed it was 30 minutes until midnight, until the New Year, it was too late to answer any calls but run to the car and speed off till we got here.

"Still, you should have just told us you're okay," Jello scolded and crossed her arms, "and you didn't tell us you were going to be home this late."

"On New Year's Eve," Dad chimed in, "how dare you almost miss it?"

"We didn't miss it," Emmaline smiled, "we're here now."

"Sometimes, I really don't know why I'm keeping you alive and well," Uncle Warner threatened, "don't you know basic manners? How can you get her home this late?"

"Okay, everybody calm down," Emmaline raised her palms up, "can we fight about this later? We have less than 10 minutes for the New Year. Truce. Truce for just a few minutes, alright? Then we can start—"

"Oh my god," Dad's voice interrupted, and I looked at him as his eyes widened, staring at Emmaline with a mortified expression, "J, are you seeing what I'm seeing?"

"I'm trying to process it," Jello blinked at Emmaline before looking at me, at my hand, oh no.

"Did you guys get engaged?" Out of everyone, Mum was the one to snap, making me slam my palm to my forehead.

"What?" Emmaline's voice along with Uncle Warner and Adam and Alia and... you get the point. Everyone in earshot.

"You— you— her— excuse me?" Uncle Warner went on, and I looked up to him pointed at Emmaline before pointing at me, going back and forth, was he... speechless?

"Dad, calm down," Emmaline took a step towards him, holding his arm, "take a breath—"

"What is this?" He looked at the ring on her left hand, "this is not yours. I know your things, this is not yours. He gave this to you? And you took it? You—"

"Can we calm down a little?" Emmaline asked with a disturbed smile, "we didn't get engaged. This is just a promise ring."

"A promise what?"

"A promise ring. It just means that we're willing to always be there for each other. That's it. Can we take a breath and relax now?" She explained and I swear I saw the color return to Uncle Warner's face again, seeing him close his eyes and let out a breath, "it's just a ring like the one you and Kenji are wearing right now."

"Never say that to me again," he said in a strict voice, "I'm wearing this against my will."

"Alright, whatever you say," Emmaline smiled and patted his shoulder.

"I'm so disappointed in you," Dad's voice grabbed my attention, "why are you like this? This was your chance, dude. You could have put a ring on it, and then we were all going to be a big happy family."

"Okay, this dream of you wanting to be related to Warner is getting out of hand, Kenji," Naz crossed her arms, "What's going on with you two? You're more excited about being a part of his family than when you proposed to me—"

"That's not true—"

"You got him a ring."

"It was—"

"Guys!" Jett called out, running towards us with the rest after her, "1 minute left! Cut whatever this is out and for the love of God, act sane for once. I feel like with every year you grow younger not older. You're embarrassing us in front of," she shot a glance at Atlas and rolled her eyes, "a strange man."

"I'm not a strange man," he fired back, but she waved a hand at him, giving Emmaline a hug and saying something I didn't hear that made her let out a laugh before walking up to me.

"What are the chances of you surviving if I gave you a New Year's kiss in Dad's presence?"

"Absolutely none," I replied without hesitation, "zero chances. I'd be the first person to die this year."

She chuckled and looked back at Jello who was already looking at us before she mouthed 'do it' with a smile and grabbing Uncle Warner's hand turning his back to us as she talked to him, distracting him before Zade and James started the countdown from 5.

Once the number zero came out of their mouth, Emmaline pulled me down, giving me a quick kiss, but I looked up seeing Uncle Warner kissing Jello too and quickly pulled Emmaline back in, giving her another kiss, a longer one this time. It was different than any other time I kissed her. This felt like purely a promise I was giving her. A promise that I'll never let this die, never let her go. Every day of every year, I'll be there for her. I wanted her to know all that without me saying it.

And I think she did. I know she did. She understood me without me having to explain anything to her.

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

"My head is pounding," Emmaline groaned, resting her head on my shoulder as we sat in the patio. After we celebrated the new year, Uncle Adam and Aunt Alia left along with Zade and Jett, Atlas and Aurora headed back to the base while James stayed at our house. We changed into our pajamas but didn't feel like going to bed so we told them we're going to get some air then get back inside.

"Do you want to sleep?" I muttered against her hair as she rested her back on my chest, playing with my hand on her lap.

"No," she sighed before her body tensed, dropping my hand and turning to face me, "did I tell you that I finished the book you bought me on thanksgiving?"

"No," I smiled when her eyes lit up and clapped her hands once, "did you like it?"

"I loved it," she gasped, "I mean, I cried, but that's when you know this book is good."

"You cried?" I raised my eyebrows, my chest tightening at the sight of her crying.

"Yeah, but it's fine," she waved a hand, "It was like a roller coaster of emotions. I laughed at a page and cried at the next one and so on and so on, but that's not the point. The point was the ending!"

"How did it end?"

"Okay, so you know that they—" her gaze flicked over my shoulder for a second making her smile drop, quickly looking back at me. I saw how the light somehow faded... fear taking place instead.

"What's wrong?" I straightened up, holding onto her arm as she blinked and smiled again.

"Kai," she kept the smile up even when her voice lowered an octave, "don't look behind you, and don't act weird."

"Okay," I could hear my heart beating in my ears, my breath holding as she struggled to keep the happy expression up.

"When we went to the motel after the lake party, there was this... man, staring at you. I thought it was okay, but still strange."


"This man," she swallowed, holding onto my hand, squeezed, "he's standing at the end of the backyard right now. Staring at us."


FINALLY finished this chapter. As I said I was at the hospital and obviously so exhausted and in pain so I couldn't write, but I finally got it done omll. I mean it's not much, just a silly goofy chapter because my brain is not functioning well rn lmaoo, but I hope you enjoyed it.

Anyway, people who called Kai toxic the last chapter, yall broke my heart cuz I beg your pardon? A guy saying to the girl "you're mine" after telling her that he's hers not once, but twice is not toxic. And let me remind you that if you take a moment to reflect on the last paragraph in chapter 6 you'll find that this is exactly what Emmaline wanted to hear him say. Thank you🤭😘

Anyway, look at this cute thing I made!! They're so cute.

And I tried to post this on tiktok but it won't let me so here.
This is a sneak peek on how Kemmaline's aesthetic in See Me is going to feel and look like rn.

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