Kakashi X Reader

By OliviaRichards18

114 6 2

Kakashi X Reader story. FanFiction I know there're a ton of them, I just wanted to add more to the pile. I... More

Author's Notes
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Chapter 1

37 2 0
By OliviaRichards18

I'm Y/N L/N, a ninja from the land of Shoshiri. It is a distant land located east of Konoha that uses its ninjas primarily to help its people. It's been decades since there has been a war and all the surrounding nations seem to wanna keep the peace. This has led to more infrastructure developments and the people are generally happy. The technology is more advanced compared to the other regions like the hidden villages. Also, everyone's powers tend to be unique and do not depend on their clans. The main reason is centuries of marrying outside of the clan.

Y/N's Pov

"Father, I've decided to explore the world, gain new experiences in life meet new people, and have an adventure for a while". He's the leader of Shoshiri and a doting father. He eventually agreed after I pestered him for a while.

"Where do you plan on going first"? my father asks.

"Tofune is beautiful this time of the year" I answer after some thought. "What do you think about Konoha? I believe it would be right up your alley in the missions they do. Plus we have friendly relations with them. You can visit Tofune on the way." he suggested.

"I'll think about it" I respond.

"I remember Hokage Hiruzen Sama visited our country a decade ago. He guidance and advice helped me a lot when I started governing this nation" Dad reminisced.

My father insisted on me taking 3 top-tier ninjas along. When I refused, he simply said he was providing them to the leaf village as a gratitude for the Hokage's help years ago. No amount of arguing did me any favor. My special ability allows me to have practically bottomless chakra reserves. I could beat them all at once. I sighed, at least I got to pick my would-be travel buddies.

I head towards the teleporting station that would take me to the western border. Imagine it would be like long distance teleportation justu, but you can just use it by choosing the destination. Beyond that, we'll be on our own. We took some time off to enjoy local food, scenery, and tourist attractions on our way. To my surprise, my companions weren't all that bad. They even teased me by calling me a princess due to me being the leader's daughter. I absolutely hate it. People think my high ranking is due to my status, but in reality, I worked damn hard to be here despite my congenital condition. And the more the chakra, the more effort it takes to control it. I eventually learned to zone out all whispers.

"I'll mark every inn we stayed at with my chakra signature, so it would be easier to journey back home," I said to my fellow travelers.

"Ahh.. thank you Princess" they teased.

I rolled my eyes at them.

After more than a month of traveling, we arrived at the Leaf Village. I was welcomed by the sight of the lush green forest and the huge gates of Konoha. It smells so.. woodsy, I think to myself. We had sent a messenger eagle with the note that we'll be arriving including the official seal of Shoshiri. After the security checks, I freshened up at the hotel and wore the kimono I picked up on the way. It was beautiful and I wanted to try the local tradition.

"Shall we go meet the Hokage, Princess?" one of them asked.

"We should. Now that we're here you guys no longer need to follow me everywhere."

They exchange knowing looks between them.

I have to find a way to get rid of them.

I glare at them and add "I'm sure the Hokage could put you more use than tailing me".

Once we were in the Hokage's office, I was able to convince him to split us up. Each of our abilities will be assessed, we'll be ranked and assigned to teams later on. After that, the 3 of them left with a couple of Anbu.

The Hokage walks up to the balcony and ushers me to follow him.

A mild breeze flows, billowing my long H/C hair that reaches my waist.

"So Princess, how do you feel about the leaf village so far?"

"Uhh.. not you to Hiruzen sama. I'm starting to like the village. It is beautiful and vibrant".

"I haven't had the chance to look around yet", I added.

"How is your father? It's been years since I met him. He stated in his letter you left home seeking an adventure".

"He's doing well. And yes I wanted to try out different things in my life, so decided to move to the leaf village for a while. Though I cannot state how long I'll stay, I can assure you that it will be no less than 2 years." I say confidently.

"I see, I've gone through your files and I can see that you're talented and strong. You also know medical ninjutsu to some extent." He says deep in thought.

"You prefer not to take up leadership. Is there a particular reason?" He asks

"I'm not the brightest in strategizing. I believe my abilities are much suited in acting as a defense, plus due to my limitations due to my illness."

"Ahh.. the rare blood disease. Tsunade will be able to help you with that. We had a similar case a few years ago. She'll be visiting soon."

"Thank you"

"Why don't we take a walk Princess? I'm in a mood for some dangos" he asks.

"Sure Hiruzen sama. Please lead the way"

"Y/N your father's report mentions there has been some rumors that you can mess with people's emotions. Is that one of your powers?"

"It is just some rumors. I do not posses such abilities", I laugh.

He gives me a scrutinizing look and says,

"One thing that your father is sure of is that you feel things more intensely than every one around. You lean more towards a sensory type ninja. You're able to detect suppressed chakra signatures. Along with more intense emotions of your own"

I know the last part of the statement to be true. I had work on my raging emotions that was all over the place. I try to keep them in check during missions. But I just let them take over when I'm free.

I give him a wry smile and say nothing.

"I have someone in mind, who you can partner up with. He's just out of the Anbu and his skills complement yours very well. He's one of the best jonins we have. Learning the chakra harnessing methods used in your country would do him great benefit."

"Ohh I see. I'm sure we can work well a a team once we train together and learn each other's strength and weakness." I say.

"He is very much focused on missions and has a great success rate. But he is a bit of a loner. Maybe being in the Anbu for long has made him more so. I should have relieved him sooner." I stay silent when the Hokage ponders.

"I'm hoping you could get him out of his shell. Help him enjoy life, hangout with friends. There's a lot apart from just going on missions."

"Though I cannot promise any results, I'll see what I can do" I say with a smile.

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