The Doctor and The Captain...

By Azkickdipstick

5.7K 683 45

The Captain travels with his lifelong best friend, The Doctor. The First Book follows the ninth Doctor. More

Author's Notes
S1 EP1: Rose Part 2
S1 EP1: Rose Part 3
S1 EP2: The End of the World Part 1
S1 EP2: The End of the World Part 2
S1 EP2: The End of the World Part 3
S1 EP3: The Unquiet Dead Part 1
S1 EP3: The Unquiet Dead Part 2
S1 EP3: The Unquiet Dead Part 3
S1 EP4: Aliens of London Part 1
S1 EP4: Aliens of London Part 2
S1 EP4: Aliens of London Part 3
S1 EP5: World War Three Part 1
S1 EP5: World War Three Part 2
S1 EP 5: World War Three Part 3
S1 EP6: Dalek Part 1
S1 EP6: Dalek Part 2
S1 EP6: Dalek Part 3
S1 EP7: The Long Game Part 1
S1 EP7: The Long Game Part 2
S1 EP7: The Long Game Part 3
S1 EP8: Father's Day Part 1
S1 EP8: Father's Day Part 2
S1 EP8: Father's Day Part 3
S1 EP9: The Empty Child Part 1
S1 EP9: The Empty Child Part 2
S1 EP9: The Empty Child Part 3.
S1 EP10: The Doctor Dances Part 1
S1 EP10: The Doctor Dances Part 2
S1 EP10: The Doctor Dances Part 3
S1 EP11: Boom Town Part 1
S1 EP11: Boom Town Part 2
S1 EP11: Boom Town Part 3
S1 EP12: Bad Wolf Part 1
S1 EP12: Bad Wolf Part 2
S1 EP12: Bad Wolf Part 3
S1 EP13: The Parting of the Ways Part 1
S1 EP13: The Parting of the Ways Part 2
S1 EP13: The Parting of the Ways Part 3
The End?

S1 EP1: Rose Part 1

865 30 10
By Azkickdipstick

Rose wakes up abruptly to the sound of her alarm and rushes to get ready for work. A few moments later she picks up her bag and kisses her mum on the cheek and then grabs her keys "Bye!" Rose says to her mum.

"See you later" her mum replies as Rose rushes out of the apartment.

Rose makes her way to the bus station and hops on, making her way into the bustling heart of London where she gets off and runs to get to Henrik's for her shift. She folds up clothes that some customers had unfolded presumably to see the clothes in their entirety.

Rose makes her way to have lunch with her boyfriend, her boyfriend eating rather strangely in hopes of making her laugh, he then shows her his dance moves which does definitely make her laugh. After almost an hour Rose has to leave to get back to work.


As Rose is leaving with a couple of her co-workers a Security Guard stops her "Oi!" he says holding a plastic bag with money inside it, Rose turns around and begrudgingly grabs the bag and walks back into the shop, she jogs over to a lift and presses the down button. Rose enters the lift and it takes her down to the basement of the shop.

"Wilson? Wilson, I've got the lottery money." she speaks making her way to Wilson's room. "Wilson?" she asks knocking on the door "You there?" she tries the door handle, but the door is locked. "I can't hang about cos they're closing the shop." she talks to the door. "Wilson? Oh, come on." the last part she whispers.


Rose turns around at hearing a loud bang. "Hello?" she makes her way towards the noise. "Hello? Wilson, it's Rose." she makes her way further down the corridor. "Hello? Wi-Wilson?" She stutters a bit trying to hide her fear. She walks up to a door and opens it, the room is dark at first but Rose flips the lights on, showing a room full of boxes and mannequins. "Wilson?!" she shouts making her way deeper into the room. "Wilson?" continuing forward she sees a red door and picks up her pace a bit, as she had just reached the red door the door she previously had left open slams shut. Rose runs towards the door that has just slammed shut and tries to open it but it's somehow locked. "Oh, you're kidding me!" Rose quietly exclaims. 


Rose turns around and slowly starts walking away from the locked door. "Is that someone mucking about?" She apprehensively starts walking closer to where the sound had come from. "Who is it?" Rose asks walking past multiple mannequins still holding the plastic bag filled with money. Rose suddenly turns around looking about the room when a mannequin starts walking towards her with more and more mannequins starting to move around. "Ok. You got me. Very funny." Rose says walking backwards. "Right, I've got the joke! Whose idea was this? Is it Derek's? Is it?" She continues but this time with slightly more panic in her voice. "Derek, is this you?" she notices the mannequins behind are now also moving towards her, she changes direction and walks backwards until she walks in to a corner.

Just as the mannequins raise their arm the Captain takes hold of Rose's hand "Run!" he says as he turns and pulls her along with him. They run through a door and down a corridor with the mannequins in pursuit. They burst through another set of doors and end up in a room that the Doctor is in. "Doctor, Run!" and with that the three of them run into a lift and just as the doors start closing one of the mannequins manages to put it's arm through, the Doctor and the Captain struggle to pull its arm off but eventually they manage to pull it off and the door fully closes.

"You pulled his arm off!" Rose exclaims.

"Yeah, plastic." the Doctor chucks the arm towards the girl.

"Very clever, nice trick. Who are they, Students? Is this a student thing?" at the girls words the Doctor looks towards the Captain, who just shrugs.

"Why would they be students?" he continues.

"I don't know!" Rose shrugs.

"Well, you said it. Why students?" the Captain interrupts.

Rose turns her attention on the younger looking man "Cos... to get that many people dressed up and being silly has to be students."

The Doctor turns to look at her "That makes sense. Well done." He says sarcastically and turns back round to look at the lift door.

"Thanks." Rose replies not hearing the tone in his voice.

The Captain then turns round "They're not students." he smiles softly.

"Well, whoever they are. When Wilson finds them, he'll call the police." She replies.

"Who's Wilson?" the Captain asks.

"Chief electrician." she responds.

"Wilson's dead." the Doctor says not turning fully towards the blonde girl. The lift door opens and the two men leave, leaving the girl looking at them in shock.

"That's just not funny. That's sick!" she says following them and leaving the lift. 

The Doctor interrupts her by moving her out of the way "Hold on, mind your eyes." he says turning his attention towards the lift controls using his sonic screwdriver to mess with the controls making it spark.

"I've had enough of this. Oh. Who are you, then? Who's that lot down there...?" The Captain pushes her along to follow the Doctor. "I said WHO are they?"

"They're living plastic creatures." The Captain responds.

"They're being controlled by a relay device from the roof, which would be a great big problem. IF I didn't have this. So We're gonna go upstairs and blow it up." The Doctor continues and shows Rose the bomb the two Time Lords had created prior to this meet up.

"We might well die, but don't worry about us! You go home. Go and have your lovely beans on toast... Oh and don't tell anyone about this. If you do, you'll get them killed. I'm The Captain" he finishes and closes a door and leaves Rose to go home.

A second later the Doctor opens the door "I'm The Doctor, what's your name?"


"Nice to meet you, Rose. Run for you life!" he says waving the bomb. Rose takes the warnings and runs across the street to get away from her work, when there's an explosion on the top two floors of the building. Rose carries on running and as she does she runs past an old blue police box. 


When she gets home she puts the news on, sitting down on the couch opposite the telly.

"Central London has been closed off as police investigate the fire" states the news reporter as they show scenes of the fire.

"I know, it's on the telly! It's everywhere, she's lucky to be alive." Jackie talks on the phone whilst handing her daughter a cup of tea. "Honestly, it's aged her. Skin like an old bible. Walking in now you'd think I was her daughter. Oh, and here's himself."

"I've been phoning! You could have been dead!" Mickey exclaims concerned for her. "It's on the news and everything! I can't believe it your shop went up." he kneels down and hugs her.

"Honestly, I'm fine. Don't make a fuss!" Rose shrugs him off.

"But what happened?"

"I don't know."

"Well, what caused it?"

"I wasn't in the shop. I was outside, I didn't see anything." she says putting a magazine on the coffee table.

Jackie enters the room "It's Debbie on the end. She knows a man on the Mirror, 500 quid for an interview."

"Oh, that's brilliant, give it here." Rose motions for her mum to pass her the phone, when she receives it she hangs up and places the phone on the coffee table.

"You've got to find some way to make money. Your job's kaput, and I'm not bailing you out." Jackie says and picks up the phone when it starts ringing. "Bev, she's alive! I've told her, sue for compensation. She was within seconds of death." Rose just sinks further into the couch.

"What you drinking tea? Nah, nah, nah that's no good!" he says taking Rose's cup of tea off of her. "You need something stronger."

"I'm alright." Rose says as Mickey grabs her hand to pull her off the couch.

"You deserve a proper drink. We're going down to the pub. You and me, my treat." he tells her.

"Is there a match on?" Rose smirks knowingly.

"No, no... I'm just thinking about you." he sits back down next to her.

"There's a match on, ain't there?" she continues smirking.

"Well, that's not the point. But we COULD catch the last five minutes." he tries to convince her.

"Go on, then. I'm fine, really, go. Get rid of that." she motions towards the mannequin arm on the chair opposite where she is sat. With a smirk on his face he looks at Rose motioning for a kiss, which she leans up for and he then pushes her back down on the couch. They both start laughing as he gets up to leave Rose trips him and he gathers the plastic arm.

"Bye-bye." he waves the arm.


"Aaaggghhh!" he fakes getting choked by the hand, he then leaves.

Time Skip

Rose's alarm goes off at 7:30am. Rose gets ready to get up when her mother tells her "There's no point in getting up, sweetheart. You've got no job to go to." and with that Rose falls back on to her bed.


Rose is sitting at the dining table. "There's Finch's. You could try them. They've always got jobs." Jackie says bringing her cup of tea to the table and sits down next to Rose.

"Oh, great, the butcher's." Rose responds sarcastically.

"Well, it might do you good. That shop was giving you airs and graces. And I'm not joking about compensation, you've had genuine shock and trauma. Arianna got 2,000 quid off the council, just cos the old man behind the desk said she looked Greek! I know she is Greek, but that's not the point. It was a valid claim." she leaves her daughter and goes in to her bedroom. When there's a noise coming from the front door.

"Mum, you're such a liar! I said to nail the cat-flap. We'll get strays!" Rose says walking to investigate the cat-flap.

"I did it weeks back." Jackie claims.

"Na... you thought about it." she says kneeling down and picking up a nail from the floor when something makes the cat-flap open, making Rose jump back a little bit.

Rose gets down on both knees and peers through the cat-flap. Only to see the Doctor and the Captain looking back at her. She quickly jumps up and unlocks the door. "What are you doing here?" the Captain asks the blonde girl.

"I live here." she responds.

"Well, what do you do that for?" the Doctor adds.

"Cos I do!" Rose replies. "I'm only at home, cos someone blew up my job!"

The two men pull out their screwdrivers "We must have got the wrong signal." the Captain says.

The Doctor knocks on her head "You're not plastic, are you? Nope, bonehead. Bye then."

They turn to leave when Rose pulls them both inside "Nope, you two inside, right now."

"Who is it?" her mum asks from her bedroom.

"It's about last night. Their part of the inquiry. Give us 10 minutes." Rose says leaning against the door frame.

"She deserves compensation!" Jackie says as the two men walk in to the door way of the bedroom.

"Oh, we're talking millions." the Doctor says looking to where Rose had just walked to.

"I'm... I'm in my dressing gown." Jackie mentions as the Doctor looks her over, the Captain leaves making his way to the living room not wanting to get drawn in to this.

"Yes, you are." The doctor looks around as the woman makes her way closer to him.

"There's a strange man in my bedroom." her eyes focused on the man, fidgeting with her dressing gown.

"Yes, there is." he responds.

"...Well, anything could happen." she shrugs flirtatiously.

"No." the doctor smiles quickly leaving the awkward situation.

"Don't mind the mess. D'you want a coffee?" Rose said clearing the couch that The Captain was already sitting on.

"Might as well, thanks, just milk." the Doctor answers.

"Got any tea?" the Captain asks.

"We should go to the police." Rose says from the kitchen, putting the kettle on while The Doctor flips through a magazine.

"That won't last. He's gay and she's an alien." This gains the attention of the Captain who stands up and grabs the magazine out of the Doctors hand.

"I'm not blaming you, even if it was some sort of joke.." Rose continues.

While the Doctor flips through a book "Hmmm sad ending." the Captain puts the magazine down and wanders about the living room investigating.

"It said on the news they found a body."

The Captain picks up a letter "Rose Tyler." And puts it back down on the table, he then walks over to a mirror as the Doctor joins him.

"Ah, could've been worse. Look at the ears!" the Doctor says.

"Speak for yourself, I look splendid!" the Captain says fixing his tie.

"All the same, he was nice. He was a nice bloke. Anyway, if we are gonna go to the police, I wanna know what I'm saying. I want you to explain everything." Rose continues to make the hot drinks.

"Maybe not." the Doctor says smiling at the ground which is now covered in cards. When a sound can be heard "What's that then?"

"Have you got a cat?" the Captain asks moving towards where the sound came from to investigate. The two men are now kneeling on the couch looking down the back of it.

"No. We did have, but we just get strays. They come in off the estate." Rose explains as the mannequins hand starts choking the Doctor.

The Captain is trying to help him get it off, but the man won't keep still. Rose walks in to the living room with two cups in hand, to see the two men struggling to remove the hand from the Doctors neck.

"I told Mickey to chuck that out. You're all the same. Give men a plastic hand... Anyway, I don't even know your names. Doctor what? Captain who?" Just after she asks that question the two men manage to get it free and as its flying through the air towards Rose it grabs hold of her face.

The Captain quickly rushes over to Rose as the Doctor tries to find his sonic screwdriver. He tries to pull the hand off of the girls face, when he pulls a little too hard and they both crash down on to the glass coffee table. After falling Rose tries to stand up but seems to have been pushed backwards on to the couch still struggling with the hand on her face.

The Captain picks himself up off the floor and makes his way over to Rose. He grabs hold of the arm and tries to pull it off again.

"Ah ha! Found ya!" the Doctor says as he pulls out his screwdriver rushing over to the girl. After hearing the rushing Doctor the Captain takes a seat on the couch next to Rose. The Doctor manages to get the hand off of Rose's face and uses the screwdriver to stop the arm. "It's all right, I've stopped it. There you go. See... armless!" the Doctor jokes only getting a slight chuckle from the Captain.

"D'ya think?!" Rose says hitting the arm against the Doctors arm.

"Ow" the Doctor complains rubbing his arm as the Captain reaches over and takes the arm from Rose. The two men quickly leave the apartment with Rose in hot pursuit.

"Hold on a minute, you can't just go swanning off?" Rose complains.

"Yes we can." the Doctor responds.

"This is us, swanning off. See ya!" the Captain adds.

"But that arm was moving, it tried to kill me!" Rose says.

"10/10 for observation" the Captain tells her.

"You can't just walk away! That's not fair. You've got to tell me what's going on." she says.

"No, we don't." the Doctor returns. Continuing down the stairs, eventually leaving the estate.

"All right then, I'll go to the police. I'll tell everyone. And you said if I did that, I'd get people killed, so, your choice. Tell me or I'll start talking."

The Captain can't help but let out a little chuckle "Is that supposed to sound tough?" he asks.

"Sort of." she says.

"Doesn't work" the Doctor tells her.

"Who are you?" Rose asks not for the first time.

"Told you, the Doctor and he's the Captain." he says earning a nod from the other man.

"Yeah, but Doctor what?"

"Just the Doctor and Captain." he responds.

"The Doctor?"

"Hello!" he waves at Rose, as they carry on walking the Captain by the Doctor's side with Rose trailing behind slightly.

"Is that supposed to sound impressive?" Rose asks.

"Sort of" the Captain responds.

"Come on then, you can tell me. I've seen enough." she says with a slight skip in her step allowing her to walk stride in stride with the two men. "Are you the police?"

"No! We were just passing through. We're a long way from home..." the Captain responds.

"But what have I done wrong? How come those plastic things keep coming after me." Rose asks worriedly.

"Oh, suddenly the entire world revolves around you. You were just an accident. You got in the way, that's all." he tells her.

"It tried to kill me!" she adds.

"It was after us, not you! Last night in the shop we were there, you blundered in, almost ruined the whole thing!" the doctor responds.

"This morning we were tracking it down, it was tracking us down. The only reason it fixed on you, cos you'd met us." the Captain said raising the arm.

"So, what you're saying is the entire world revolves around you two?" she says falling behind the two men slightly.

"Sort of, yeah." he says.

"You're full of it!" she smiles not believing the two men.

"Sort of, yeah." the Doctor responds.

"But, all this plastic stuff, who else knows about it?" she asks the two men.

"No-one." he answers.

"What, you're on your own? The two of you?" she asks.

"Well, Captain makes good company, but who else is there? I mean, you lot, all you do is eat chips, go to bed and watch telly while all the time underneath you, there's a war going on." he tells her.

"Okay. Start from the beginning." she says grabbing the mannequins arm off of the Captain, still walking. "I mean, if we're going with the living plastic, and I don't even believe that, but if we do, how did you kill it?" Rose asks them.

"The thing controlling it projects life into the arm. We cut off the signal, dead." the Doctor tells her.

"So, radio control?" she asks.

"Thought control." the Captain says. "You all right?" he adds looking over to her.

"Yeah. So... who's controlling it, then?" she asks thinking about it.

"Long story." the Doctor tells her.

"What's it all for? I mean shop window dummies, what's that about? Is someone trying to take over Britain's shops?" she asks making herself and the two men chuckle.

"No!" the Doctor said still laughing slightly.

"Well, no!" she laughs.

"It's not a price war." he chuckles.

"They want to overthrow the human race and destroy you." says the Captain in a serious tone. "Do you believe us?"

"No." Rose answers not giggling anymore.

"But you're still listening." the Doctor says looking at her.

"Really, though, Doctor... Captain... Tell me. Who are you?" Rose stops walking as the two men carry on walking only turning around when she asks the question.

The Doctor contemplates how he's going to answer her "Do you know like we were saying? About the Earth revolving?" he walks towards her with the Captain watching on "It's like when you're a kid. The first time they tell you the world's turning and you just quite can't believe it cos it looks like everything's standing still... We can feel it." He motions to himself and the Captain, and he takes Rose's hand  "The turn of the Earth. The ground beneath our feet is spinning at 1,000 miles an hour. And the entire planet is hurtling around the sun at 67,000 miles an hour. And we can feel it, we're falling through Space, you and us. Clinging to the skin of this tiny little world, and if we let go..." he lets go of her hand. "That's who we are. Now forget us, Rose Tyler." He says grabbing the mannequins arm from her. "Go home." he says. The two men walk away, leaving Rose watching them, questioning everything. Rose leaves not seeing the two men enter the old blue police box.

As a gust of wind blows she turns around and a strange noise can be heard, Rose's eyes look everywhere with her deciding to run back to where she had watched the men walk away. As she arrives the police box that was once there has disappeared.


And that's the first part!
I hope you enjoyed it :)

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