Son of a Witch! (The Owl Hous...

By 18quadrider

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A half-human half-witch finds himself must go on a journey to discover just what exactly he is. This quest wi... More

Rising Sun
This Kid Needs Some Friends
First Impressions
The Power that Burns
I Was a Teenage Abomination
Stuck in the Sizzling Drizzle
Bond Stronger Than Blood
Lost in Language
Something Ventured, Someone Framed
Escape of the Palisman
Adventures in the Elements
Dragon Eater
The First Day
Enchanting Grom Fright
A Robin's Song/Agony of a Witch
Young Blood, Old Souls
In Between Day Dream
Prism Break
Graduation/Escaping Expulsion
Devil Fruits and Pocket Monsters
Echoes Of The Past
Keeping Up A-Fear-Ances
To Grandma's House, We Go

Looking for the Answers

881 25 18
By 18quadrider

This chapter takes place in the same as "Witches Before Wizards"

Y/n: "Talking." "Thinking."

Descriptions/Minor Actions


Major Actions

Y/n ran through a burning forest. A voice echoed through the trees as they screamed followed by the roar of a mysterious beast.

Y/n: "Where am I?"

As the fire raged on the roar of the beast grew louder and the cries went silent causing Y/n to jet forward with his flames. 

Y/n saw an open patch where the source of the raws sat and the mortifying sight of a severed basilisk tail hanging from its jaws. 

Y/n slammed into the ground gaining the attention of the monster.

It had pitch-black eyes, and wings, and its fur was a mix of white, grey, and brown. It had a pale white face with fur coming out of its massive pointed ears.

The owl beast leaped at the boy who quickly dodged and retaliated with a right hook to the beast's jaw. The beast's head rockets up as it bared its yellow fangs' making it look as if it were smiling.

Y/n: "Oh you have got to be kidding me."

Y/n heard a voice behind him.

??: "Leave her alone!"

 He was hit in the head and fell to the ground. The beast swung its claw down on the boy. 

Emporers Castle 5:00 AM 

Y/n shot up in his bed his chest and stomach area engulfed in flames he stumbled out of bed and looked into his mirror as his flames died down. He discovered nothing was wrong, and Y/n noticed it was still too early to do anything but trying to go back to sleep would be pointless.

Y/n exited his room and began to walk about the castle. 

Y/n: "I haven't had a nightmare like that since I got my devil fruit."

As the boy walked he noticed another person standing in front of the chambers of the Emporer, it was the Golden Guard.

Y/n: "Oh it's you." 

Golden Guard: "What do you want L/n?"

Y/n: "I told you not to call me the Lap Dog."

The two glared at each other, or at least Y/n did it was difficult to see the guard's eyes through his mask.

Golden Guard: "Are you still upset about the sigil incident?"

Y/n: "You mean the one that nearly killed me? No way I could still be mad at that?"

Golden Guard: "How was I supposed to know you would lose control of your fire form?"

Y/n: "Did you know what would happen if we put a sigil on someone with no normal magic?"

The GG stays silent. 

Y/n walked away, and eventually, he made it to a balcony he often came to just to calm himself. 

Raine: "Just what are you doing up this early?"

Y/n didn't acknowledge them, he just kept his gaze in the direction of Bonesborough. Y/n didn't notice that he had begun to cry or that Raine was right next to him.

Raine: "Y/n?"

Y/n finally realized that Raine was there, and he rapidly began to attempt to dry his tears.

Y/n: "I'm sorry I didn't see you there."

Raine grabbed the boy and gently hugged him causing his tears to flow even harder. Y/n just stood arms down trying to say anything.

Raine: "You don't have to say anything. Especially sorry." 

Y/n calmed himself down and sat down along with the head of the Bard Coven. After a healthy amount of silence, Y/n spoke.

Y/n: "Have you ever not told someone something."

Before he could finish the musician placed a hand on his shoulder.

Raine: "And regretted it later."

Y/n nodded looking back intrigued.

Raine: "Every day I think today will be the day I go to her and tell her how I fell."

Y/n: "But you never do."

Raine: "Because you're scared of being hurt."

Y/n: "Or worse hurting her."

The two of them look out toward the rising sun as they both process what just happened. Soon Y/n was called into Lilith's office so he had to say goodbye to Raine for now.

Y/n: "Thank you, Raine. Her card isn't gone completely so she is still alive. I will find you Vee if it's the last thing I do!"

Kikimora: "Why are you smiling like that?"

Y/n: "None of your business shorty."

Kiki growled in response but Y/n just kept walking.

Y/n meets up with Lilith and the two discuss the plan for the day.

Lilith: "I have had you excused from school today since you are needed in this investigation."

Y/n internally cheered but remained expressionless on the outside.

Y/n: "What are we investigating exactly?"

Lilith: "At the moment I don't know but Wrath asked for you to be there." 

Y/n was shocked by that reveal millions of thoughts began to race through his head.

Y/n: "After we investigate?"

Lilith: "I will send out the necessary amount of scouts to retrieve any escaped convicts."

Y/n: "You meat the people Wrath deemed to "weird" for society?" 

Lilith: "Is he doing that again?"

Lilith's eyes rolled as her voice filled with annoyance. 

Lilith and Y/n make their way to the front entrance of the castle before departing on Lilith's staff. The two sat in silence during the flight Y/n put a location into his scroll before putting it away.

The Conformatorium 8:00 AM

 The two witches land and quickly make their way to the warden's office.

Wrath: "Ah yes head witch. Thank you for coming and bringing him along with you."

Y/n: "Good to see you to Wrath."

The two glare at each other before Lilith clears her throat gaining their attention.

Lilith: "What is it you needed us here for?"

Wrath: "The Owl Lady broke in here to steal back a crown the creature that lives with found important."

Y/n: "Why not throw it in that barrier that only full humans can walk through? Even I can't go through it."

Y/n was leaning back in a chair completely uninterested in the conversation.

Wrath: "I did, but she."

He paused for a moment before dropping a massive bombshell of a reveal. 

Wrath: "She was accompanied by a human girl."

Y/n fell backward out of his chair before practically jumping on the warden's desk. 

Y/n: "A WHAT?!"

Wrath: "A human girl with brown hair, eyes, and a tan skin tone wearing a purple and white cat hoodie, she was the one who convinced Eda to free the prisoners, and then she threw a firework in my mouth."

Wrath whispered the last part and on any other day, Y/n would have called him out on it. But today was different he was over the moon excited, and he whipped his head around to look at Lilith.

Lilith: "Yes Y/n you can go look for this human girl."

Y/n was gone before she could finish the sentence. He glared towards Bonesborough as massive flames burnt behind him. 

Bonesborough 9:00 AM

He landed in the center of town and ran in the direction of where Eda usually sold her human products. 

Y/n: "This is gonna take a while."

Bonesborough 11:00 AM

As he ran through the streets he came to a screeching halt almost slamming directly into both of the green-haired twins.

Edric: "Woah! What's with the rush hotshot?"

Emira: "Yeah you look like you've been running for a long time."

Y/n: "I have been."

His breaths were rapid and shallow he wasn't out of breath just amped to get going.

Y/n was about to excuse himself when Amity appeared.

Amity: "Hello Y/n." 

Y/n: "Hey Amity."

Amity: "So about." 

Y/n: "If it's about training with Lilith I don't care, good job getting it I have stuff I need to get done."

Y/n booked it away from the Blights who just looked at each other befuddled.

Edric: "I'd say that went well." 

Amity: "Shut up Ed."

Y/ continued his search for The Owl Lady and the human for most of the day. He sat down against a random building trying to catch his breath and clear his mind. He closed his eyes and took several deep breaths before an unfamiliar voice spoke out.

Bonesborough 5:00 PM

???: "Young man are you alright."

Y/n opened his eyes and saw an old man with white hair that stretched farther than his shoulders. He also had a massive scar over his left eye and left hand.

Y/n: "Yeah just a little tired is all, Mr?"

Dell: "My name is Dell. Now why might you be so tired?"

Y/n stood up and dusted himself off.

Y/n: "I've been looking for someone all day and I just can't find them anywhere."

Dell: "Why might you be looking for them?"

Y/n: "I can't just say "Oh I'm looking for the Owl Lady and a human she is working with because I think it might be my shapeshifting snake best friend disguised as a human. Wait a minute."

Y/n: "My friend ran away from a bad situation at home and has been missing for a few days. She has brown hair and eyes, tan skin, and was wearing a purple cat hoodie. I just want to know if she is okay or not."

Dell gazed at the boy sympathetically.

Dell: "I saw someone who fit the description head out past the city limits a few hours ago."

Dell points out toward the nearby forest.

Y/n: "Thank you, sir. I need to get going." 

Dell: "You do not need to thank me, young man. Now be on your way."

Y/n ran in the direction where Dell pointed as soon as he was out of earshot Dell felt a hand on his shoulder, it was his wife Gwendolyn.

Gwendolyn: "Who was that Honey?"

Dell: "I didn't catch his name, but I can tell he's a good kid."

Forest 5:30 PM

Y/n had been running for thirty minutes before he lay down on the ground and gazed up into the sky.

Y/n: "Where are you human?"

As if on cue the Owl Lady, the human, and a strange black-furred creature flew past on Eda's staff. 

Y/n immediately got up and started to run again. After around ten minutes Y/n had had enough.

Y/n: "Man screw this."

Y/n stuck his hands behind him and burst into the sky leaving a crater behind him. 

Y/n flew straight up before redirecting himself to follow the group. The human turned around and noticed the massive fireball coming towards them.

Luz: "EDA!"

The witch turned her head to look behind her and saw what Luz was so frightened by.

Eda: "What in Titan's name is he doing?"

Eda commanded her staff to fly faster, and as it sped up so did Y/n. They flew for several minutes before they landed in front of The Owl House.

Eda: "Go home kid whatever it is that's got you so, like you are I didn't do anything

The small creature spoke to as it stuck out of Eda's hair. 

King: "Yeah leave us alone."

Y/n walks forward leaving a trail of fire with each footstep. He pointed at Luz who leaned over and whispered to her mentor. 

Luz: "Eda who is that?"

Eda: "That Luz is the Fire Fist Ace the pirates' bane otherwise known as."

Y/n spoke interrupting the old woman.

Y/n: "Portgas D. Y/n wielder of the flame flame fruit and the only current user of haki."

Eda: "I was getting to that."

She grumbled under her breath as the boy approached Luz with an outstretched hand his hat covering his eyes and ears.

Y/n: "What might your name be?"

Luz hesitantly returns the handshake before speaking once more.

Luz: "I'm Luz Noceda, I can't do magic yet but I am learning!"

Y/n could almost feel her excitement at meeting another friendly witch. 

Luz: "So you mentioned a fruit and hockey? What does the fruit and an ice sport have to do with magical witches?"

Y/n laughed before he removed his hat revealing his circular ears and black irises. 

Luz gasped and stared at the boy.

Luz: "You but, You human ears fire magic eyes sports, HOW?!"

Y/n at this point was doubled over laughing clutching his stomach and all.

Y/n: "I'm only half human around 16 years ago a human man found his way to the Isles, and then I happened."

Luz: "So there are two humans on the."

Y/n: "No he is dead. He was a witch hunter trying to make a successor that could use a special type of haki to help destroy the witches. He failed several times and died when he tried to take me from my mother."

Luz looked at the boy horrified by the tale just told, Eda did the same she had no idea this was his origin.

Y/n: "But hey it's not all bad. I get a new type of magic that only I can do."

 Y/n coated his arm in a metal substance. Luz was about to react but Y/n's irises turned red.

Y/n: "Your next line will be "That awesome!"."

Luz: "That awso. WHAT? How did you do that?"

Y/n then released a massive wave of conqueror's haki instantly knocking Eda and King unconscious.

Y/n: 'Those were the there types of haki Armament, Observation, and Conquerors. You saw the metal on my arms right?"

Luz: "Of course, I did how could anyone miss that."

Y/n: "So she is a human, cool but also dang it where are you, Vee?"

Y/n: "No one else my entire life has been able to see my armament haki. Which makes sense it is a perfect counter to witch magic."

Luz: "Wait so you trained to be a witch hunter?!"

Y/n: "What? No, I learned how to use haki out of spite toward my old man, and since my Devil fruit doesn't let me use normal magic."

Luz: "So you being part human doesn't affect your magic at all?"

Y/n shrugs not knowing the answer to that question himself, since he got the mera-mera powers before his regular magic developed.

Luz: "So how does the fruit work other than letting you make loads of fire?"

Y/n then decided that rather than explain he would demonstrate, he picked up a handful of rocks and handed them to Luz.

Y/n: "Alright now I want you to chuck these as hard as you can directly at my chest."

Luz: "Why?"

Y/n: "To show you what else my fruit does."

Y/n backs up as Luz looks reluctantly at the stones then back to Y/n who held both thumbs up. Luz chucked the rock threw Y/n who stood with a smile and a few holes in his chest and one accidentally through his face.

Y/n: "My fruit allows me to go intangible by turning into fire, as long as I can react I should never be hit."

Luz's mind flooded with questions she passed back and forth trying to think of what to ask but one question just stayed at the forefront of her mind.

Luz: "Can you teach me haki?"

Y/n: "No."

Luz stared at the boy shocked.

Luz: "Why not?"

Y/n: "I hated learning how to do this myself. Do you think I would teach someone else who can't do magic at all? Sorry for sounding harsh but this stuff dies with me."

Luz nods saddened but understanding that she would not get to learn that skill set.

Y/n: "Sorry to leave on such short notice but I half to leave."

Luz: "Wait why did that haki blast not work on me?"

Y/n: "Cause I didn't want it to."

Luz: "Oh man that makes it even cooler. Wait. Can I get one of those fruits?"

Y/n: "That's gonna be another no. The last reported devil fruit is the one I ate, and again since you can't do magic all you would do is eat the worst-tasting thing ever and lose or should I say 'Luz' your ability to swim."

Luz chuckled at the joke before she heard the sounds of the others waking up she turned around to check on them. Y/n took this opportunity to throw himself off the nearby cliff face scaring the daylights out of Luz. She rushed over to the cliff only to find Y/n riding Striker, his ship that he sent there at the start of the day, away waving back as he did.

As Y/n approached the castle Y/n felt the engine powered by his flames begin to die. His ship stopped moving a mile or so away from the castle, he simply stuck his hands behind him and propelled himself home.

Emporer's Castle 8:00 PM

Y/n entered the castle expecting to be bombarded with questions about where he was and why was he back so late but they never came. Y/n not taking this moment for granted sped to his room, he pulled out his scroll and messaged someone on Penstagram.

(SpadeCD2 = Y/n)

SpadeCD2: "Hey the ship broke today. Can I bring it in for repairs tomorrow?

Alabomdor_1: ...

Alabomdor_1: ...

Alabomdor_1: "Yes."

SpadeCD2: "Cool I'll have it in first thing tomorrow."

Y/n then receives a text from another account

EM_IRA: "Where were u todau?"

EM_IRA: "Today*"

SpadeCD2: "Doing Emporer's coven stuff. BTW I'm going to wing by tomorrow to drop off my ship."

EM_IRA: "Cool see you then."

SpadeCD2: "Night Em." 

EM_IRA: "Night hothead."

Y/n turned off his scroll and snickered at the joke before slowly drifting to sleep.

(Can anyone guess why Y/n's penstagram name is SpadeCD2? If you can then let everyone who can't know.)

(Also Happy Late Birthday to Prtgas D. Ace he was born January 1st and a late Happy New Year to all of you reading.)

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